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Thanks to the progress made in materials research and to the introduction of innovative manufacturing technologies, a wide range of sound-absorbing elements are currently available to adjust the acoustic features of an environment. Nowadays, performance is only one of the required specifications, together with environmental compatibility, longevity, and affordable cost. This book collects the most recent advances in the broad-spectrum characterization of sound-absorbing materials used in civil, industrial, and tertiary applications, by means of experimental, numerical, or theoretical studies.
hollow perforated spherical structure with extended tubes --- low frequency sound absorption --- melamine foam --- wideband sound absorber --- speech clarity --- bass ratio --- sound absorption --- reverberation time --- acoustics --- aerogels --- modeling --- fiber --- porous materials --- acoustic measurements --- sound absorption coefficient --- cement-based materials --- building materials --- pervious concrete --- acoustic concrete --- household end-of-life materials --- building retrofitting --- sound insulation --- vulnerable houses --- circular economy --- egg-box --- cardboard --- textile waste --- reuse --- shunted loudspeaker --- optimal sound absorption --- fully exhaustive method --- steel industry by-products --- sound reduction index --- granular materials --- inverse method --- cross laminated timber --- impact noise --- rubber ball --- sustainable --- timber --- perforated plate --- stepwise apertures --- low frequency --- membranes --- measurement method --- transmission loss --- simulations --- experiment --- scattering effect --- diffusion coefficient --- reflecting panels --- QRD --- ISO 17497 --- n/a
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Thanks to the progress made in materials research and to the introduction of innovative manufacturing technologies, a wide range of sound-absorbing elements are currently available to adjust the acoustic features of an environment. Nowadays, performance is only one of the required specifications, together with environmental compatibility, longevity, and affordable cost. This book collects the most recent advances in the broad-spectrum characterization of sound-absorbing materials used in civil, industrial, and tertiary applications, by means of experimental, numerical, or theoretical studies.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- hollow perforated spherical structure with extended tubes --- low frequency sound absorption --- melamine foam --- wideband sound absorber --- speech clarity --- bass ratio --- sound absorption --- reverberation time --- acoustics --- aerogels --- modeling --- fiber --- porous materials --- acoustic measurements --- sound absorption coefficient --- cement-based materials --- building materials --- pervious concrete --- acoustic concrete --- household end-of-life materials --- building retrofitting --- sound insulation --- vulnerable houses --- circular economy --- egg-box --- cardboard --- textile waste --- reuse --- shunted loudspeaker --- optimal sound absorption --- fully exhaustive method --- steel industry by-products --- sound reduction index --- granular materials --- inverse method --- cross laminated timber --- impact noise --- rubber ball --- sustainable --- timber --- perforated plate --- stepwise apertures --- low frequency --- membranes --- measurement method --- transmission loss --- simulations --- experiment --- scattering effect --- diffusion coefficient --- reflecting panels --- QRD --- ISO 17497
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Deze gecombineerde ontwerp- en onderzoeksthesis stelt een architecturaal akoestisch onderzoek voor naar een conferentie die plaatsvindt in het Belfort van Brugge. De uitdaging was om de haalbaarheid te onderzoeken van een event waar meerdere sprekers simultaan presenteren, aangevuld door ontwerp en implementatie van een architecturaal omkeerbare interventie die de organisatie mogelijk maakt. De opzet gaat uit van zes gelijktijdige sessies binnen eenzelfde ruimte, die U-vormig is en is ingeschreven als UNESCO-site voor Werelderfgoed. De akoestische aspecten zijn van primair belang in de studie, gecomplementeerd met overwegingen die uitgaan naar architecturale en logistieke aspecten zoals authenticiteit, compatibiliteit, flexibiliteit en functionaliteit. Impuls-respons metingen werden uitgevoerd in situ ter bepaling van de ruimte-akoestische parameters, waarin T20 aangewend wordt als input voor de kalibratie van een 3D SketchUp model in een ruimte-akoestisch simulatieprogramma (ODEON 15). Het model werd nauwkeurig opgesteld, waarin aan de verschillende materialen absorptie- en verstrooiingscoefficiënten zijn toegekend in octaafbanden tussen 63 en 8000 Hz. Een serie van potentiële interventies werd geconcipieerd, gebaseerd op een set van parameters, waarin de ruimtelijke kenmerken zijn geïntegreerd samen met organisatorische overwegingen. Hieruit werd een vergelijkend ontwerpend onderzoek opgezet. De voornaamste variabelen in de studie zijn het aantal sprekers en de grootte van het publiek en hun relatieve positie in de zaal, samen met een serie van architecturale en akoestische interventies, die de verschillende sessies opdelen met behulp van gordijnen en panelen. 32 alternatieven werden in totaal geanalyseerd en geëvalueerd op basis van hun akoestische performantie als spraakverstaanbaarheid voor het publiek. De spraakverstaanbaarheid werd bepaald door middel van de STI, beïnvloed door de gesimuleerde Lp van de bedoelde spreker als signaal, de Lp van de andere spreker(s) als ruis en de zaalkarakteristieken. De alternatieven omvatten twee tot vier simultane sprekers, die ofwel in een rug-aan-rug of tegenovergestelde opstelling zijn geplaatst in de langsrichting van de ruimte, ofwel dwars naast elkaar in de korte richting, samen met verschillende visuele en akoestisch absorptieve of reflecterende scheidingen die de ruimte opdelen. Een subjective psychoakoestische studie is bovendien uitgevoerd door middel van auralisaties. Een luisterervaring van een bepaald ontwerp levert een meer toegankelijke interpretatie van de performantie dan de objectieve STI, inclusief psychologische effecten die een rol spelen in het comfort van de luisteraar. Een online enquête werd opgesteld om de subjectieve performantie de evalueren, waarin deelnemers werden bevraagd naar hun luistervoorkeur in een paarsgewijze vergelijking met een 'geen voorkeur'-optie. Zowel de theoretische als de psychoakoestische analyse vertoonden interessante trends naar spraakverstaanbaarheid en adviezen gericht aan het conferentiepanel. De hoge correlatie tussen de resultaten van beide benaderingen bevestigde de significantie en toepasbaarheid van de twee analyses. Bovendien werd de JND in STI geverifieerd met de online luistertest, zelfs met het gebruik van ongecontroleerde apparatuur. De meest beduidende aspecten bleken de afstand tussen de sessies en de installatie van een interventie zo dicht mogelijk bij de geluidsbron in een dubbele rug-aan-rug configuratie te zijn.
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Abstract In office spaces, current standards about daylight provision and design methodologies fail to respond to the end users’ needs and preferences. This research thesis presents an analysis of three existing office spaces by focussing on feedback of the employees. To achieve this, the concept of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is introduced. The research consists of objective on-site assessments of the selected office spaces. These assessments focus on the daylight provision and include other IEQ influencing aspects as well. Parallel to this, a survey is distributed towards the employees in order to obtain feedback from their subjective satisfaction towards daylight provision in their working environment. The comparison of both parts of the research reveals that there is a simultaneous displeasure towards either too much or a shortage of daylight in the analyzed office spaces. This implies that there is an unresponded gap in terms of satisfaction towards daylight provision. Furthermore, experiencing too much daylight is related to glare concerns induced by daylight, artificial lighting and reflections on shiny surfaces rather than exaggerated illuminances. In the case of experiencing a shortage of daylight, the research shows that this is also not always related to an illuminance shortage but to a bad distribution of daylight causing high contrast areas in the office space. To conclude, the research reveals that personal control over automated shading blinds and other comfort influencing factors like temperature is very important to employees. In practice this ability is rarely used, but the psychological belief that they can individualize their working environment in terms of daylight provision is highly noticeable within this research. Although it is very difficult to rationalize the design of daylight provision in office buildings due to its complexity, this research project demonstrates that it is possible to conduct a POE with a limited amount of time and both financial and technical resources. This is valuable for smaller scale design and construction projects that aim to include occupants feedback in their development process.
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Samenvatting In kantoorruimtes beantwoorden de huidige normen over daglichtvoorziening en ontwerpmethodologieën niet aan de behoeften en voorkeuren van de eindgebruikers. Deze thesis presenteert een analyse van drie bestaande kantoorruimtes door te focussen op de feedback van de werknemers. Om dit te bereiken wordt het concept van Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) geïntroduceerd. Het onderzoek bestaat enerzijds uit een objectieve, on-site analyse van de geselecteerde kantoorruimten. Deze beoordelingen richten zich op de daglichtvoorziening en omvatten ook andere IEQ beïnvloedende aspecten. Parallel hieraan wordt een enquête verspreid onder de werknemers om feedback te krijgen over hun subjectieve tevredenheid over de daglichtvoorziening in hun werkomgeving. De vergelijking van beide delen van het onderzoek toont aan dat er tegelijkertijd een ontevredenheid is over ofwel een teveel ofwel een tekort aan daglicht in de geanalyseerde kantoorruimtes. Dit impliceert dat er een onbeantwoorde kloof is in termen van tevredenheid over daglichtvoorziening. Bovendien houdt het ervaren van te veel daglicht eerder verband met verblindingsproblemen ten gevolge van daglicht, kunstlicht en reflecties op glanzende oppervlakken dan met overdreven verlichtingssterkten. Het onderzoek toont aan dat een tekort aan daglicht niet altijd te maken heeft met een te zwakke verlichtingssterkte, maar met een slechte verdeling van het daglicht, waardoor contrastrijke zones in de kantoorruimte ontstaan. Concluderend blijkt uit het onderzoek dat persoonlijke controle over automatische zonwering en andere comfort beïnvloedende factoren zoals temperatuur erg belangrijk is voor werknemers. In de praktijk wordt van deze mogelijkheid zelden gebruik gemaakt, maar de psychologische overtuiging dat zij hun werkomgeving kunnen individualiseren op het vlak van daglichtvoorziening is in dit onderzoek goed merkbaar. Hoewel het zeer moeilijk is om het ontwerp van daglichtvoorzieningen in kantoorgebouwen te rationaliseren vanwege de complexiteit ervan, toont dit onderzoeksproject aan dat het mogelijk is om een POE uit te voeren met een beperkte hoeveelheid tijd en zowel financiële als technische middelen. Dit is waardevol voor kleinschalige ontwerp- en bouwprojecten die feedback van gebruikers in hun ontwikkelingsproces willen opnemen.
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For classrooms or atria in schools, acoustic comfort plays a vital role in not only the students’ health, but also their speech intelligibility needs. According to Bradley and Sato (2008), a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of up to 20 dB is recommended for speech intelligibility. However, a common practice, confirmed by a study in 41 schools (Sato and Bradley, 2008), is that the SNR during teaching is usually around 11 dB (background noise sound pressure level ca. 49 dB). Moreover, considerable attention has been paid to acoustic comfort in educational spaces due to the newly emerging covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 is a highly transmittable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), resulting in a dramatic loss of human life worldwide (Shereen et al. 2020). In recent experimental work by Asadi et al. (2020), they concluded that both aerosol and fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is plausible, since the virus can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to several days. To reduce aerosol transmission to the utmost degree, many authorities demand the wearing of a face mask. However, it can be difficult to understand speech when the talker is wearing a mask, especially for listeners with hearing loss that partially rely on lip-reading to compensate for reverberation and noise (Chodosh et al., 2020; Tucci, 2020). Some governments also suggest moving classes to larger gathering halls, like atria, in order to increase the distance between people. Speech intelligibility in classrooms and atria has become even more important in this context. In recent years, buildings with ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) foils have attracted attention due to their excellent material properties, good architectural performance, and structural behavior compared to glass structures. (Hu et al, 2017). It has the potential to affect larger spaces positively, such as atria in schools. Based on the context above, this thesis aims to investigate how masks can influence the speech intelligibility of teachers in a small classroom, big classroom, and an atrium with both a glass and ETFE roofing, by comparing their T30, D50, U50 and STI in acoustically untreated and treated conditions. Previous work has shown that different types of masks can affect the sound and the speech signal to various degrees, depending on the talker and the level of background noise (C. Toscano and M. Toscano, 2020). Based on this premise, we have simulated 3 types of masks for every model with 3 different levels of background noise in order to find out how the speech intelligibility of the teacher is affected by the different masks under the different levels of background noise. It is worth noting that we focus specifically on teachers talking one-sided to pupils and not interactive learning.
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In this master’s thesis, the acoustic quality of long multi-level atria covered with transparent materials is assessed. A parametric simulation study was carried out with a variety of variables such as the shape of the roof, the presence of balconies, the outline of the plan, and the skylight material. With the latter, the effect of ETFE cushions on the room acoustics is evaluated. In total 124 number of halls were compared in terms of different room acoustic parameters (EDT, T15, T30, D50). The parameters were simulated with the Odeon software and the relationship between the variants and the acoustic parameters was analyzed compared. General recommendations for a better acoustic in these spaces were extracted from this comparison. Finally, the observed influential factors were applied on an existing project (Lloyd passage, Bremen, Germany) to test their effectiveness. By providing a list of recommendations for a large number of different designs, designers can more easily make wise decisions in the early design stages of a project and avoid remediation in later stages of the project.
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The combination of historical research, the reconstruction of a 3D hall geometry and use of a modern Acoustic simulation tool is a combination that is relatively new when it comes to cross disciplinary research. The initial outset of the thesis was to combine historical and acoustical research to determine the soundscape of the great hall of the palace of Binche by simulating an auralisation (an audio file that makes it possible for the listener to hear how a music piece would have sounded in a specific room, with its own specific dimensions and acoustical properties). Three big questions arose from the historical research: What impact does the material of the floor have on the acoustical properties of the room? And what about the presence or absence of a crowd? Do the festive tapestries, hung on the wall during festivities, have a small or big impact? Where would the musicians have been seated during their performance? After simulating multiple cases, which had a variation in materiality, the presence of absence or the crowd and tapestries and a variation between 4 scenarios of musician placement, the results showed that the variating materiality of the floor, regardless of the fact that its surface area was quite large, did not have the most impact on the acoustical properties of the great hall. The addition of the crowd or hanging up the tapestries had, in both cases with variating floor materiality, a significant effect in terms of reverberation time, speech intelligibility, sound pressure level, … Based on these results, it could be concluded that, since the audible difference between the different cases was significant as well, the question can be asked whether hanging the tapestries or not was a questions that was asked before each event, depending on which vision the organizers had when planning it. The fact is that the results, after being compared to the modern acoustical standard for a music hall and conference hall, show that the case that best suits the proposed prerequisites is not always the same. It is true that when talking about personal preferences for a dryer room for both speaking and performing a piece of music, the case where people are present and the tapestries are hanging up on the wall, is preferred. It could also be concluded that, when the musicians would have been split into two groups, playing on top of the galleries on either side of the great hall, the resulting sound would not be clear enough. The distance would also make it quite hard for the musicians to perform the music piece with precision. The results of this thesis can form a base to start with new researches questions, such as focusing on the variation of the number of people or the question when, for which event, the tapestries would be hung up on the wall.
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The objective of this thesis was to “reconstruct” the historical soundscape of the baroque church: the church of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola, located in Rome, Italy. After a historical research of the church, a virtual model was created. The impact of different configurations on the speech intelligibility of Jesuit preachers was investigated. Using state-of-the-art geometrical acoustics simulation software, the acoustics of the church were simulated. The virtual model was calibrated using impulse response measurements performed in different parts of the church. This calibrated model was consequently used to check the influence of a pulpit and the possible addition of a dome to the church. The speech intelligibility of these different configurations was assessed using modern parameters such as C50, D50 and STI. Auralisations were performed to subjectively test this hypothesis with different configurations.
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