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Literature review of defensive medicine - What is the situation in Belgium?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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Defensive medicine is a deviation of sound medical practice due to the liability fear among physicians. This topic has received more attention in recent decades. Literature indicates that defensive medicine can appear in two different forms: positive and negative defensive medicine. Further, it appears that in Belgium research about defensive medicine is rare. Therefore, this thesis provides a literature review about the controversies about defensive medicine. This consists of discussion about the origin of defensive medicine, the cost, the cause, the consequences and other determinants. This will form a basis for further future research about defensive medicine in Belgium. Finally, an overview of what is known about the situation in Belgium is discussed and a suggesting for further research in Belgium is given.


Executive Compensation and Pay-For-Luck: A study of existing theories and a motivational extension
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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Standard agency theory predicts that executives should only be evaluated on and rewarded for measures of performance that are under their control. However, empirical studies show significant deviations from these theoretical predictions in real-life executive compensation. This thesis explains the theoretical mechanisms behind this so-called ‘pay-for-luck’, and gives a comprehensive overview of the most important explanations for this phenomenon and their empirical support. Next to that, a novel theory aiming to explain the observed deviations from standard agency predictions is developed. This theory uses psychological arguments to explain why pay-forluck might in fact be efficient because of its impact on the manager’s motivation.


Assortative mating and income inequality: an application to Belgian households
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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Previous research highlights the importance if increasing assortative mating and its effect on income inequality. This thesis aims to study the relationship between educational assortative mating and income inequality in Belgium based on the MEqIn dataset. Using contingency tables, Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients, I find that there is indeed an tendency towards positive assortative mating. Two samples are used: one including and one excluding income from self-employment. I find that the when self-employment income is excluded, the income distribution seems to be more equal. Moreover, there seems to be more income inequality in Belgian households as they are now than if matching were completely random. Educational assortative mating can explain at maximum 0.0373 (0.0490) of the Gini coefficient for this specific subsample of the population. This study adds to the general consensus among researchers that assortative mating does have an effect on income inequality.


Personality traits and the probability of marriage: a gender comparison

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This master’s thesis investigates the effect of the “Big Five” personality traits on the probability of marriage, compared for men and women. The empirical analysis is based on probit regressions applied on data from the Belgian MEqIn survey database. The results are linked to two models that are introduced, which are based on joint household consumption and joint production, respectively. We found that agreeableness has a significant negative effect on marriage probability for both genders, suggesting that marriage probability is associated with similar personality profiles for men and women. Therefore, we conclude that joint consumption is the main source for marital surplus. We present additional evidence by analyzing the corresponding personality profiles of spouses. A husband’s Agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience are all significantly correlated with the corresponding personality traits from the wife, again indicating that personality traits have similar effects for spouses.


Collective labor supply with observable sharing rule
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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The aim of this thesis is to observe how household resources are distributed within the household in Belgium by recovering the so-called sharing rule, which has been created taking into account both personal expenditure and leisure. According to MEQIN data, in a model with household production, women seem to enjoy the 49% of household resources in Belgium. Firstly, the economic and non-economic determinants of the sharing rule are regressed and discussed, finding that education, number of children, religiousness, age and wages matter in the distribution of household resources; then the parameters of the labor supply in a collective framework are recovered. Therefore, the derivatives of the sharing rule obtained in this thesis through direct observation are compared to the derivatives of the sharing rule obtained up to a constant in Chiappori, Fortin, Lacroix (2002), finding similar results. Finally, under the assumption that individual utility can be represented by a Cobb-Douglas function, leisure preferences for males and females are compared and discussed.


Subsidizing the Arts and Culture: Rationale behind support and empirical results for Flanders
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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In the aftermath of recent crises in Europe and subsequent austerity imposed by European governments, questions concerning subsidies for the arts and culture sector become more and more relevant. Given some evidence on positive willingness to pay of respondents in different countries, a study regarding public attitude towards support for ‘Het Toneelhuis’ (a theatre in Antwerp) is conducted. Using a parametric analysis, the effect of different individual-specific characteristics on respondents’ willingness to pay is examined. Findings of this analysis show that respondents have a positive valuation towards the theatre, though the results of this study have to be interpreted with caution.


The Sharing Rule Result: A New Perspective on Belgian Households
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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The thesis focuses on the mechanism of the sharing rule, which is a part of the collective household model. A novel calculation method is employed that consists of three main components, mainly wage, leisure and private consumption. The general collective model is explained and examined, after which the own method is divulged and its sources. Furthermore, the main findings and assumptions of Chiappori (1992) and Chiappori, Fortin and Lacroix (2002) are presented. The data section follows this up by describing the sample and explaining why certain assumptions and restrictions were made. Tables divulge information on the different parts of the sharing rule and shows the differences between men and women. Moreover, several graphs are given for these components to give a clearer view. The last section uses linear regressions to estimate the effects of different individual characteristics on the sharing rule and the individual resources. It is found that the education, receiving benefits and having children effects the sharing rule. The thesis ends with an adaptation of the work by Chiappori, Fortin and Lacroix (2002) and it is decided that, with our approach and data, that the sharing rule equation is insignificant. The labor supplies are also estimated which shows that the household nonlabor income has a significant effect.


Utility implications of identifying consumers in the retail finance sector

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A well-established concept in Behavioral Economics is the segmentation between naive and sophisticated consumers. This paper aims to apply this concept to create a theoretical model for the retail finance market and enhances existing literature by adding a detailed derivation of the welfare distribution in the case of a heterogenous consumer population. It explains why there are often indirect payments between providers of a financial product and financial intermediaries. Another goal of this paper is to determine welfare and utility implications in the case that the type of consumer can be identified by the product provider. Analysis demonstrates that for this model, the market will become more efficient and that both the provider and the financial intermediary gain utility if the provider is able to identify the consumer.


Wat heet dan gelukkig zijn? : geluk, welvaart en welzijn van de Belgen
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789044136333 904413633X Year: 2018 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant Uitgevers

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Wat is een goed leven? Wel-zijn is voor de meeste mensen meer dan een hoog inkomen of louter materiële welvaart. Vele niet-materiële aspecten zoals gezondheid, gezinsleven, leefomgeving, een zinvolle tijdsbesteding of de kwaliteit van een job zijn minstens even belangrijk voor een geslaagd leven. Al die aspecten samen beïnvloeden ook de mate waarin mensen tevreden zijn over hun leven en bepalen mee hoe gelukkig ze zich voelen. In dit boek argumenteren de auteurs echter dat geluk of levenstevredenheid geen goede maatstaf is voor het meten van welzijn. Zij stellen een alternatieve methode voor die niet enkel rekening houdt met de verschillende dimensies van welzijn, maar ook met het feit dat mensen hun eigen opvattingen hebben over wat belangrijk is in hun leven. Het blijft niet enkel bij theorie. Een grootschalige en representatieve enquête bij meer dan 3000 volwassenen uit ruim 2000 Belgische gezinnen liet toe de verschillende aspecten van het individuele welzijn van de Belgen in kaart te brengen. Origineel is dat ruim aandacht besteed wordt aan de ongelijke verdeling van deze verschillende welzijnsaspecten binnen gezinnen. Uit de enquête blijkt dat sommige Belgen vaker lijden aan opgestapelde achterstand in meerdere welzijns­ dimensies. Het boek beschrijft vervolgens welke mensen er in de samenleving het slechtst aan toe zijn volgens de nieuwe methode. Zij verdienen volgens de auteurs de grootste aandacht van de beleidsmakers. En dat zijn niet noodzakelijk enkel diegenen met een laag inkomen, of diegenen die zich ongelukkig voelen.Bron:

En faut-il peu pour être heureux ?
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782807205109 2807205100 Year: 2019 Publisher: Anthemis

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Qu'est-ce qu'une belle vie ? Pour la plupart des gens, la notion de bien-être s'étend au-delà de la richesse financière ou matérielle. En effet, beaucoup d'aspects non matériels, tels que la santé, la vie de famille, le cadre de vie, la répartition du temps et la qualité du travail, sont au moins aussi importants. Tous ces aspects influencent la mesure dans laquelle les gens sont satisfaits de leur vie et se sentent heureux.

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