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This book recognises the challenges associated with the concept of spirituality. An awareness of this concept is integral to the provision of person-centred holistic care. However, APNs ability to provide spiritual care is often impeded by time pressures and the prioritisation of clinical tasks. Confusion about the meaning of spiritually and its relationship to religion compound the challenges involved in providing spiritual care leaving APNs feeling ill-equipped to address this area of care. Many APNs view spirituality as synonymous with religion. This book will provide clarity with the assumption that spirituality is innate to all of our patients and is related to what gives them hope, meaning and purpose. Fundamentally it is about being human. APNs ability to practice with kindness, compassion and empathy will naturally resonate with spiritually competent practice. It begins with an outline of the definitions of spirituality in addition to the concept of spiritually competent practice. An emphasis on the importance of personal development follows. Case studies from countries across the globe illustrate the benefit of integrating spirituality and provide evidence of the importance and relevance of integrating spirituality into practice. These include discussion and presentations of the related concepts of availability and vulnerability which will give APNs more confidence and competence to integrate spirituality into practice. This book is relevant for APNs, students, educators and researchers.
Nursing --- verpleegkunde
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This book is the first bringing together the work of the ICN NP/APN Network, recognised as the leading authority on advanced practice nursing globally. Since its inception a wide range of projects have been conducted. This book offers readers an overview of global developments led by the Network on advanced practice in addition to findings related to education, research, health policy and clinical practice. This volume recognises the benefits and challenges associated with the development of advanced practice nursing globally. It begins with an overview of the Network before discussing some of the global challenges. The second section of the book presents a variety of the Network's projects and evidence informed data on APN role. This book presents the global context of advanced practice in a variety of settings; As such it is relevant for APNs, students, health policy makers, educators and researchers.
Nursing --- Safety measures. --- Nursing. --- Nursing services --- Nursing Education. --- Nursing Management. --- Nursing Research. --- Study and teaching. --- Administration. --- Research.
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This book recognises the challenges associated with the concept of spirituality. An awareness of this concept is integral to the provision of person-centred holistic care. However, APNs ability to provide spiritual care is often impeded by time pressures and the prioritisation of clinical tasks. Confusion about the meaning of spiritually and its relationship to religion compound the challenges involved in providing spiritual care leaving APNs feeling ill-equipped to address this area of care. Many APNs view spirituality as synonymous with religion. This book will provide clarity with the assumption that spirituality is innate to all of our patients and is related to what gives them hope, meaning and purpose. Fundamentally it is about being human. APNs ability to practice with kindness, compassion and empathy will naturally resonate with spiritually competent practice. It begins with an outline of the definitions of spirituality in addition to the concept of spiritually competent practice. An emphasis on the importance of personal development follows. Case studies from countries across the globe illustrate the benefit of integrating spirituality and provide evidence of the importance and relevance of integrating spirituality into practice. These include discussion and presentations of the related concepts of availability and vulnerability which will give APNs more confidence and competence to integrate spirituality into practice. This book is relevant for APNs, students, educators and researchers.
Nursing --- Religious aspects. --- Spiritual life. --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Medicine --- Infermeria --- Aspectes religiosos --- Espiritualitat --- Valors espirituals --- Vida religiosa --- Vida espiritual --- Religió --- Medicina --- Comunicació en infermeria --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Infermeria a domicili --- Infermeria cardiovascular --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Infermeria de salut comunitària --- Infermeria de salut pública --- Infermeria dermatològica --- Infermeria en l'atenció primària --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Infermeria ginecològica --- Infermeria maternoinfantil --- Infermeria neurològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Infermeria psiquiàtrica --- Infermeria quirúrgica --- Infermeria transcultural --- Infermeria traumatològica --- Infermeria urològica --- Sociologia de la infermeria --- Tècniques d'infermeria --- Escoles d'infermeria --- Història de la infermeria --- Nursing. --- Infermeria.
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This book will be of tremendous use to all healthcare professionals from physicians to nurses to social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and chaplains. The pathway taken here is a sensible and reasonable one, emphasizing a patient-centred approach that underscores the importance of spiritually competent care. The Editors do an excellent job of describing how to integrate spirituality into patient care for all of the different healthcare professionals. They also emphasize the importance of an evidence-based approach that is guided by research. This book provides superb guidelines that will be enormously helpful to every healthcare professional.Harold G Koenig, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North CarolinaThis practical guide tackles the important issues of spirituality in health care, emphasising the role of organisations in developing a culture of leadership and management that facilitates spiritual care. Spirituality is a central part of holistic care that addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of care in an integrated way.The chapters are written by experts in their fields, pitched at the practitioner level rather than addressing ‘spirituality’ as a purely theoretical concept. Each one describes the realities of spiritually competent practice and show how it can be taught and put into practice in a variety of areas and settings, including Undergraduate and Postgraduate education Acute healthcare settings Mental health Primary care End of Life Care Creative organisations Social servicesIdeal for practitioners, educators, trainees and managers in nursing and healthcare, the book is also relevant reading for occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and psychologists.
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This book is the first bringing together the work of the ICN NP/APN Network, recognised as the leading authority on advanced practice nursing globally. Since its inception a wide range of projects have been conducted. This book offers readers an overview of global developments led by the Network on advanced practice in addition to findings related to education, research, health policy and clinical practice. This volume recognises the benefits and challenges associated with the development of advanced practice nursing globally. It begins with an overview of the Network before discussing some of the global challenges. The second section of the book presents a variety of the Network's projects and evidence informed data on APN role. This book presents the global context of advanced practice in a variety of settings; As such it is relevant for APNs, students, health policy makers, educators and researchers.
Higher education --- Nursing --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- verpleegkunde --- Nursing. --- Nursing services --- Nursing Education. --- Nursing Management. --- Nursing Research. --- Study and teaching. --- Administration. --- Research.
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