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Die Publikation überdenkt die Klimakontrolle – ein zentrales Anliegen der Architektur – aus der Perspektive städtischer Klimaphänomene im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ausgehend von der Geschichte der urbanen Klimakontrolle fördert sie die Integration von Innen- und Außenräumen, um die Umwelt- und Wärmebelastung zu verringern. Genauso wie die Heiz- und Kühlpraktiken innerhalb der Gebäude das (Stadt-)Klima beeinflussen, wirken sich städtische Wärmeinseln auf den Energiebedarf und die thermischen Bedingungen innerhalb der Gebäude aus. Während sich der erste Teil des Buches auf die Zwischenkriegszeit in Europa konzentriert, werden im zweiten Teil Beispiele aus der ganzen Welt bis ins späte 20. Jahrhunderts betrachtet, um die wachsende Bedeutung des ökologischen Denkens für die Stadtgestaltung nachzuzeichnen. The publication rethinks climate control – a key concern of the discipline of architecture – through the lens of city climate phenomena over the course of the 20th century. Based on a history of climate control on urban scales, it promotes the integration of indoors and outdoors in order to reduce environmental and thermal loads in cities. Just as heating and cooling practices inside the buildings are affecting the (urban) climate outdoors, urban heat islands are influencing the energy requirements and thermal conditions inside the buildings.While the first part of the book focuses on the interwar period in Europe, the publication’s second part considers examples from all over the globe, tracing the growing significance of ecological thinking for the design of urban environments.
ARCHITECTURE / Study & Teaching. --- 20th century. --- Europe. --- USA. --- Urbansim. --- micro climate.
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Architecture, Modern --- Architecture, Domestic. --- Architecture and anthropology. --- Architecture --- Architecture and globalization. --- Human factors. --- Environmental factors.
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The publication rethinks climate control – a key concern of the discipline of architecture – through the lens of city climate phenomena over the course of the 20th century. Based on a history of climate control on urban scales, it promotes the integration of indoors and outdoors in order to reduce environmental and thermal loads in cities. Just as heating and cooling practices inside the buildings are affecting the (urban) climate outdoors, urban heat islands are influencing the energy requirements and thermal conditions inside the buildings.While the first part of the book focuses on the interwar period in Europe, the publication’s second part considers examples from all over the globe, tracing the growing significance of ecological thinking for the design of urban environments.
Architecture and climate. --- Architecture --- City planning --- Sustainable architecture. --- Urban ecology (Sociology). --- Environmental aspects. --- Architecture and climate --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Sustainable architecture --- Architecture et climat --- Écologie urbaine --- Architecture durable
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Just as heating and cooling practices inside the buildings are affecting the (urban) climate outdoors, urban heat islands are influencing the energy requirements and thermal conditions inside the buildings.This book is tracing the growing significance of ecological thinking for the design of urban environments.Main outcome of a six-years research project on “architecture and urban climates,” funded by Swiss National Science Foundation.A new series highlighting design-driven approaches to urban climates across the globe.
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Urban microclimates cannot be explained solely on the basis of scientific phenomena, but are also affected materially and spatially by the city's local architecture. The layout, design, and facade construction of buildings have a major impact on wind and temperature conditions. For this reason, architecture and urban design that have an effect on microclimates must be investigated in their social and cultural contexts. The publication uses international case studies to explain these relationships. The focus is on manifestations of urban microclimates in an architectural and urban design context. The places investigated are located in France, Italy, the USA, New Zealand, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Burkina Faso. Urbane Mikroklimata können nicht auf naturwissenschaftliche Phänomene reduziert werden, sondern sie werden auch durch die lokale Architektur der Stadt räumlich und materiell gestaltet. Anordnung, Entwurf und Fassadengestaltung von Gebäuden beeinflussen maßgeblich die Wind- und Temperaturverhältnisse. Architektonische und städtebauliche Maßnahmen zur Schaffung von Mikroklimata müssen deshalb in ihren sozialen und kulturellen Kontexten untersucht werden. Die Publikation erläutert diese Zusammenhänge anhand internationaler Fallstudien. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die architektonischen und städtebaulichen Manifestationen urbaner Mikroklimata. Die untersuchten Orte liegen in Frankreich, Italien, den USA, Neuseeland, den Philippinen, Taiwan und Burkina Faso.
Architecture et climat --- Microclimat urbain --- Architecture --- Aspect environnemental --- Architecture et climat. --- Microclimat urbain. --- Aspect environnemental. --- Thermodynamics --- Meteorology. Climatology --- Environmental planning --- architecture [discipline] --- architectural theory --- thermodynamics --- microclimate --- urban environments --- Architecture and climate. --- Urban climatology. --- Architektur. --- Stadtklima. --- Klima --- Baukunst --- Architekt --- Baudenkmal --- Bauweise --- Innenarchitektur --- Climatology --- Mesoclimatology --- Urban heat island --- Climate and architecture --- Environmental aspects. --- Stadt --- Climatic factors --- Influence of climate --- architecture, urbanism, climate.
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City planning --- Architecture --- Architecture, Modern --- Architektengruppe Krokodil.
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While 20th century architecture learned to control the climate of a building, the architecture of the 21st century needs to learn to cope with the climate of cities. Problems such as urban heat and air pollution need to be included in planning and design. Based on empirical realities in Cairo, Chongqing, Geneva and Santiago de Chile, the book underlines that the materiality and social practices attached to room heating, compound greening, street alignment or climate policies together form the tissue for contemporary urban climates. It interweaves socio-cultural with meteorological data and pioneers the new concept of "thermal governance" by linking architectural and technological as well as legal and economic dimensions of climate control in urban environments.
Architecture and climate. --- Architecture --- City planning --- Urban ecological design. --- Environmental aspects. --- Architecture and climate --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Sustainable architecture --- Climatic changes --- Architecture et climat --- Écologie urbaine --- Architecture durable --- Climat --- Changements
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Hatte die Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts die Kontrolle des Gebäudeklima zur Hauptaufgabe erklärt, so muss die Architektur im 21. Jahrhundert den Umgang mit dem Stadtklima lernen. Städtische Hitze und Luftverschmutzung gilt es in die Planung und Gestaltung einzubeziehen. Basierend auf empirischen Erkenntnissen aus Kairo, Chongqing, Genf und Santiago de Chile verdeutlicht das Buch, dass Materialität und soziale Praktiken, verknüpft mit Raumbeheizung, Siedlungsbegrünung, Straßenausrichtung oder Klimapolitik, das Gewebe zeitgenössischer Stadtklimata bilden. Die Publikation verbindet soziokulturelle und meteorologische Daten. Sie plädiert für eine neue Art der "Thermal Governance", die die Wechselwirkung von klimatischen und sozioökonomischen Phänomenen in zeitgenössischen Städten berücksichtigt. While 20th century architecture learned to control the climate of a building, the architecture of the 21st century needs to learn to cope with the climate of cities. Problems such as urban heat and air pollution need to be included in planning and design. Based on empirical realities in Cairo, Chongqing, Geneva and Santiago de Chile, the book underlines that the materiality and social practices attached to room heating, compound greening, street alignment or climate policies together form the tissue for contemporary urban climates. It interweaves socio-cultural with meteorological data and pioneers the new concept of "thermal governance" by linking architectural and technological as well as legal and economic dimensions of climate control in urban environments.
ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning. --- 21st century. --- Cairo. --- Chongqing. --- Geneva. --- Santiago de Cile. --- Urbanism. --- micro climate.
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dwellings --- Private houses --- Folklore --- Moroccan --- architecture [discipline] --- ethnology --- Casablanca --- Architecture --- Housing --- 72.038(64) --- 711.4(C) --- Woninbouw ; Marokko ; 1953-2015 --- Stedenbouw ; Marokko ; Casablanca ; 20ste en 21ste eeuw --- Affordable housing --- Homes --- Houses --- Housing needs --- Residences --- Slum clearance --- Urban housing --- City planning --- Dwellings --- Human settlements --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 ; Afrika ; Marokko --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; vormgeving en analyse van de stad --- Social aspects --- Design and construction --- Logement --- History --- Histoire --- Hentsch, Jean --- Studer, André M., --- Studer, André --- Kultermann, Udo --- Hentsch, Jean, --- Casablanca (Maroc) --- Habitat Marocain --- Studer, André M., --- Habitat Marocain. --- Apartments --- Architecture and society --- Habitat Marocain (Housing project : Casablanca, Morocco) --- Architecture, Primitive --- Studer, André
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Architectural firms --- Architecture --- City planning --- Agences d'architecture --- Urbanisme --- History --- Designs and plans --- Exhibitions --- Exhibitions. --- Histoire --- Dessins et plans --- Expositions --- pool Architekten --- pool --- pool (Firm) --- pool (Firm).
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