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Rechtssemantik und forensische Rhetorik : Untersuchungen zu Wortschatz, Stil und Grammatik der Sprache koptischer Rechtsurkunden
ISBN: 9783447056311 3447056312 Year: 2008 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz,

Rechtsemantik und forensische Rhetorik : Untersuchungen zu Wortschatz, Stil und Grammatik der Sprache koptischer Rechtsurkunden
ISBN: 9783934374065 3934374069 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leipzig : H. Wodtke und K. Stegbauer,

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Egyptian-Coptic linguistics in typological perspective
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783110346398 Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Mouton (formerly Mouton, The Hague),

Altägyptische Zaubersprüche
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783150183755 3150183758 Year: 2005 Publisher: Stuttgart : Reclam,

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Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Typological Perspective
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110555131 3110394596 3110346516 3110346397 3110346524 Year: 2014 Publisher: De Gruyter

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This volume presents the Egyptian-Coptic language in cross-linguistic (‘typological’) perspective. It is aimed at linguists of all stripes, especially typologists, historical linguists, and specialists in Egyptian-Coptic, Afroasiatic languages, or African languages. Uniquely, the contributions are written by both typologists and experts of Egyptian-Coptic and typologists. The former provide case studies dealing with particular aspects of the various phases of the Egyptian-Coptic language (e.g., COLLIER on conditional constructions), while the latter situate Egyptian-Coptic data in cross-linguistic perspective (e.g., those by GUELDEMANN and GENSLER). The volume also includes an introductory section that includes an overview of the Egyptian-Coptic language (HASPELMATH), a sketch of its sociohistorical setting (GROSSMAN & RICHTER), its relationship with language typology (RICHTER), and the way in which Egyptian-Coptic data should be presented to nonspecialists, focusing on transliteration and glossing (GROSSMAN & HASPELMATH).This is the first book to bring together language typology and the Egyptian-Coptic language in an explicit fashion.

Coptica Argentoratensia : textes et documents : troisième Université d'été de papyrologie copte (Strasbourg, 18-25 juillet 2010)
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782701803722 2701803721 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris : De Boccard,

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Coptica Lipsiensia : Koptische Texte Aus der Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (P. Lips. Copt. I).
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783111427607 9783111423944 3111427609 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Coptica Lipsiensia enthält die Ersteditionen von zehn koptischen Texten der Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. P.Lips.Copt. I 1 bis 5 sind literarische Texte, darunter die aus 60 Fragmenten rekonstruierten, umfangreichen Teile eines Markus-Evangeliums in einer Version, der bislang nur von einer Handvoll koptischer Textzeugen bekannt ist, das Fragment eines unbekannten theologischen Dialogs über Willensfreiheit und die Herkunft des Bösen, indem ein „Origenist" auftritt, zwei Textzeugen einer Archelaos von Neapolis zugeschriebenen Lobrede auf den Erzengel Gabriel und zweisprachig auf Griechisch und Koptisch notierten Psalmenverse, die als liturgische Grußworte ausgewählt wurden. P.Lips.Copt. I 6 bis 10 sind dokumentarische Papyri, darunter drei durch Konstantin von Tischendorf 1853 angekaufte koptische Rechtsurkunden aus Jême, ein umfangreicher Papyrusbrief über die Reparatur eines Wasserrades und ein neues Dokument des Typs von Aufträgen der Äbte des Apa-Apollon-Klosters im Hermupolites, die mit den Worten beginnen: „Es ist unser Vater, der schreibt". Der Band wird durch umfangreiche Indizes und 68 farbige Tafeln abgeschlossen.

Georg Steindorff : Stationen eines Lebens
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783981374117 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin : Manetho Verlag,

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Coptica Palatina
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3946054439 3946054420 9783946054429 9783946054436 Year: 2019 Publisher: Heidelberg : Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP),

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The texts compiled in Coptica Palatina were worked on by young scholars taking part in an International Summer School for Coptic Papyrology under the supervision of the editors. The volume offers editions of Coptic literary and magical texts, of private letters, as well as of legal and administrative documents, all complete with a commentary and a modern translation. These texts originate from different regions of Middle and Upper Egypt (Fayyum, Hermupolis, Bawit, Aphrodito, Esna, Apollonopolis magna) and are datable to the 6th/7th up to the 11th/12th centuries CE. The bulk of the material, however, comes from the 7th/8th century, the crucial period of Egypt's transition from a province of the Byzantine empire to a province of the early Islamic caliphate.

Demonstrative pronouns and articles in Egyptian and Coptic : emergence and development

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This dissertation investigates the demonstratives in Old Egyptian. It shows that the proper description of the Old Kingdom deictic system delivers key insights into the emergence of the new proclitic forms "pȝ", "tȜ", "nȜ", which later grammaticalize to definite articles.In order to define the features of the Old Kingdom demonstratives, I provide an in-depth introduction into the current methods of analysis of deixis and specificity. I further summarize the Egyptological research, dedicated to the demonstratives in Old Egyptian. Although the temporal frames of this study are confined to Old Kingdom, I deal extensively with the category of determination in Middle Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic. I extend the reviews with the commentaries, and introduce the original topics, such as determiner compatibilities and syntactic specificity effects. In preparation for the analysis of demonstratives in the Old Kingdom I provide the diachronic, diaphasic, and diastratic features of the core textual records.The analysis section embraces the typological and diatopic traits of Old Kingdom demonstratives, supplemented by the overview of the grammaticalization patterns of Afro-Asiatic deictic roots. I demonstrate the presence of two competing deictic systems in the Old Kingdom Egypt: one based on the joint attentional focus of the interlocutors, operating with "pn" as attention shifter and "pw" as attention tracker; and an alternative one, relying on the distance contrast, utilizing "pf" for a distal referent and "pn" for a proximal referent. The attentional system is visibly in decline in the literary discourse, the process possibly triggered by the arrival of the emphatic "pf". It persists, however, in the colloquial stratum, as manifested by the emergence of the recognitional "pȝ", "tȝ", "nȝ". The morphological features suggest that these are the allomorphs of the attention trackers "pw", "tw", "nw", as proven by the change "w" "ȝ" in deictic and non-deictic lexemes containing the final "w". I put forward the hypothesis that strong variants of "pȝ", "tȝ", "nȝ", initially not distinguished from weak forms in writing, should have appeared after the proclitic forms were able to obtain stress. Syntactic features uncover the mechanism behind the pronominal conversion – the shift of enclitic demonstratives to the pre-nominal position. I challenge the established opinion that this front-movement was emphatic and conditioned by the “pusuit for expressivity”. The explanation, in my opinion, lies rather in a larger prosodic context, extending beyond the core phrase noun + demonstrative. My data show that demonstratives could be drawn to the front, abiding to the Wackernagel law, which demanded clitics to follow the first stressed unit in a sentence, e.g. verbs in the imperative. The prosodic features of the construction N + pw/tw + relative phrase, on the other hand, had an opposite effect: in it the enclitic pw/tw was detached from the noun to join a following prosodic unit of the relative phrase. This is the source construction for the strong pA/tA, as it allows demonstrative to obtain accentuation under the conditions of the “rule of three syllables”.Further, I consider the question why the bespoken grammatical phenomena were only sporadically attested in the literary sources of the Old Kingdom. I establish the comparative concepts to attribute the deictic features to the regions of Egypt, broadly defined as North and South. The deictic system of joint attention with "pn"/"pw", the non-emphatic leftward movement of enclitic "pw", and the “rule of three syllables” could be assigned to the northern dialects. The spatial deictic system with "pn" and "pf", the fixed post-nominal position of the demonstratives, and the early adoption of the “rule of two syllables” characterized the southern linguistic type. The demonstrative "pf" was a relative newcomer in the North, while "pȝ", being the pragmatic and morphological development of "pw", gradually extended its outreach to the South. This pattern suggests that the Northern dialects shaped – at least in terms of deictica – the concept of a “literary norm” in Early Old Egyptian. The Old and Middle Egyptian standards were the product of the southern linguistic turn, occurring during the Fifth Dynasty. Lastly, my analysis places Egyptian in a wider Afro-Asiatic linguistic context, tracing the Afro-Asiatic deictic roots as source morphemes for Egyptian demonstratives, personal and relative pronouns, non-verbal copulas and focus particles.In conclusion, I juxtapose the results of my study with some of the established tenets of article grammaticalization. I propose to reconsider the role of distance-related features and the acquisition of semantic definiteness for article development. Instead, I suggest that the system of joint attention provides a more fitting cognitive explanation for the genesis of the define article.


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