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"The author of Easternization, an award-winning journalist, offers an intimate look at the rise of strongman leaders around the globe, charting the most urgent political story of our era. We are in a new era: authoritarian leaders have become a central feature of global politics. Since 2000, self-styled strongmen have risen to power in capitals as diverse as Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, Brasilia, Budapest, Ankara, Riyadh and Washington. These leaders are nationalists and social conservatives, with little tolerance for minorities, dissent or the interests of foreigners. At home, they claim to be standing up for ordinary people against globalist elites; abroad, they posture as the embodiments of their nations. And everywhere they go, they encourage a cult of personality. What's more, these leaders are not just operating in authoritarian political systems but have begun to emerge in the heartlands of liberal democracy. From Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro to Erdogan, Xi and Modi, Gideon Rachman pays full attention to the strongman phenomenon around the world and uncovers the complex and often surprising interaction between these leaders. In the process, he finds the common themes in our local nightmares and offers a bold new paradigm for understanding our world, and finds global coherence in the chaos of the new nationalism, leadership cults and hostility to liberal democracy. While others have tried to understand the emergence of these new leaders individually, Age of the Strongman provides the first truly global treatment of the new nationalism, underpinned by an exceptional level of access to key actors in this drama: Gideon Rachman has been in the same room with most of these strongmen and reported from their countries over a long journalistic career"--
Authoritarianism --- Heads of state --- Charisma (Personality trait) --- World politics --- BPB9999 --- Authoritarianisms --- Appeal, Personal --- Magnetism, Personal --- Personal appeal --- Personal magnetism --- Personality --- Political science --- Authority --- Political aspects --- democracy --- monocracy --- world --- management --- politics --- head of State --- BPB2206 --- jefe de Estado --- hlava štátu --- valsts vadītājs --- riigipea --- valtionpäämies --- vodja države --- ceann stáit --- hlava státu --- głowa państwa --- statschef --- državni poglavar --- αρχηγός κράτους --- chef d'État --- Capo di Stato --- staatshoofd --- шеф државе --- kreu i Shtetit --- valstybės vadovas --- kap ta' Stat --- Staatschef --- államfő --- șef de stat --- chefe de Estado --- държавен глава --- шеф на држава --- tasavallan presidentti --- drottning --- prezident republiky --- emír --- predsjednik republike --- šejk --- kníže --- államelnök --- király --- spolkový prezident --- president i republikës --- kuningas --- Presidente da República --- König --- koning --- mbret --- karalius --- šef države --- köztársasági elnök --- king --- vabariigi president --- presidente de la República --- Pontefice --- prezident --- Staatsoberhaupt --- panovník --- koningin --- rege --- Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας --- поглавар --- ρυθμιστής του πολιτεύματος --- kráľ --- Staatspräsident --- federální prezident --- претседател на република --- císař --- president of the republic --- претседател на држава --- монарх --- kung --- republikas prezidents --- président de la République --- konge --- karalis --- re --- president van de republiek --- rey --- vládce --- ανώτατος άρχων --- roi --- capitano reggente --- præsident --- predsjednik države --- rei --- βασιλιάς --- valsts prezidents --- претседател --- Bundespräsident --- respublikos prezidentas --- presidente della Repubblica --- velkovévoda --- král --- dronning --- president --- politica --- politika --- Politik --- politică --- politikë --- politiek --- política --- polityka --- politique --- πολιτική --- polaitíocht --- poliitika --- политика --- politik --- politiikka --- politisches Leben --- πολιτική ζωή --- politisk liv --- vida política --- политички живот --- politikai élet --- политически живот --- politisk verksamhet --- politiek leven --- poliittinen elämä --- jetë politike --- viață politică --- politiskā dzīve --- życie polityczne --- politički život --- politinis gyvenimas --- politiskt liv --- vie politique --- ħajja politika --- politično življenje --- politický život --- political life --- vita politica --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- Management --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- beheer --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- bainistíocht --- gestion --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vezető szerep --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- водеща роля --- Führung --- vedení --- johtajuus --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- przywództwo --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- vodenje --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- liderazgo --- μάνατζμεντ --- líderstvo --- leiderschap --- wereld --- maailma --- mondo --- svijet --- domhan --- lume --- mundo --- κόσμος --- världen --- monde --- verden --- pasaule --- pasaulis --- id-dinja --- svet --- világ --- свет --- svět --- świat --- maailm --- Welt --- Свят --- an domhan --- monokracie --- vienvaldība --- monokracja --- yksinvalta --- uathlathas --- monokrazija --- монокрация --- monarchia --- monokracia --- monocrazia --- monokrati --- monocratie --- monokraci --- monokracija --- Monokratie --- ainuvalitsus --- monokratija --- monocracia --- μονοκρατορία --- samovlada --- монократија --- monocrație --- alleenheerschappij --- absolut monarki --- egyeduralom --- enevældigt monarki --- sovranità assoluta --- isevalitsus --- absolútna monarchia --- monarchia assoluta --- autokracia --- autocracia --- monarki absolute --- monarhie absolută --- autokrati --- absolutní monarchie --- autokraatia --- absolute monarchy --- Stato assoluto --- absoluuttinen monarkia --- Absolutismus --- absolutism --- autocratie --- itsevaltius --- автократија --- апсолутна монархија --- apsolutna monarhija --- absolūta monarhija --- absolutismus --- dispotismo --- enevælde --- abszolút monarchia --- monarchija --- autokrātija --- abszolút egyeduralom --- Einherrschaft --- autokrácia --- absoluutne monarhia --- absoliutinė monarchija --- absolute monarchie --- апсолутизам --- απόλυτη μοναρχία --- monarquia absoluta --- envälde --- autocracy --- monarquía absoluta --- autokracie --- Alleinherrschaft --- abszolutizmus --- monarchie absolue --- Autokratie --- autokracija --- autocrație --- autokraci --- assolutismo --- autokratija --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- démocratie --- demokratija --- daonlathas --- democrație --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- Political sociology --- Political systems --- National movements --- International relations. Foreign policy
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BPB9999 --- BPB2210 --- leidende klasse --- status van de verkozen persoon --- oligarchie --- dictatuur --- machtsconcentratie --- democrație --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- démocratie --- demokratija --- daonlathas --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- maktkoncentration --- hatalomkoncentráció --- концентрација на власта --- koncentracija ovlasti --- magtkoncentration --- përqendrim i kompetencave --- съсредоточаване на власти --- συγκέντρωση των εξουσιών --- varas koncentrācija --- концентрација овлашћења --- koncentracja władzy --- concentrare a puterii --- sústredenie právomocí --- concentração de poderes --- vallan keskitys --- concentration of powers --- concentración de poderes --- accentramento dei poteri --- koncentracija oblasti --- valdžios sutelkimas --- Machtkonzentration --- võimu koondumine --- concentration des pouvoirs --- soustředění pravomocí --- comhchruinniú cumhachtaí --- konċentrazzjoni tas-setgħat --- soustředění moci --- концентрација на овластувањата --- концентрација на моќта --- koncentracija moći --- koncentrace moci --- diktatur --- dictatorship --- δικτατορία --- diktatuur --- diktatúra --- diktatūra --- Diktatur --- dictatură --- deachtóireacht --- diktatuuri --- diktatura --- ditadura --- dictadura --- dittatura --- диктатура --- diktaturë --- dictature --- dyktatura --- диктаторски режим --- diktátorství --- diktátori rendszer --- апсолутна власт --- régimen dictatorial --- авторитарна власт --- regime dittatoriale --- diktatórikus rendszer --- неограничена власт --- parancsuralom --- режим --- vláda neomezené moci --- herskende klasse --- aicme cheannais --- vedoucí třída --- vedúca trieda --- владејачка класа --- uralkodó osztály --- clase dirigente --- valitsev klass --- klassi mexxejja --- Führungsschicht --- clasă conducătoare --- klasë sunduese --- άρχουσα τάξη --- vladajoči sloj --- hallitseva yhteiskuntaluokka --- styrande klass --- ruling class --- classe dirigente --- владајућа класа --- vladajuća klasa --- valdošā šķira --- klasa rządząca --- valdantysis sluoksnis --- classe dirigeante --- управляваща класа --- classe dominante --- vládnoucí třída --- klasë drejtuese --- elită --- elita --- valdančioji klasė --- елита --- eliit --- vládnoucí elita --- eliitti --- governing class --- раководство --- elitë --- valitsev kiht --- hatalmi elit --- määräävä yhteiskuntaluokka --- hatalmon levő réteg --- classe politica --- elitas --- herrschende Klasse --- vládnuca trieda --- elite --- Abgeordnetenrechte --- valitud isiku staatus --- статут на народния представител --- den valgtes status --- képviselői jogállás --- status tal-persuna eletta --- status of the person elected --- status izabrane osobe --- status dell'eletto --- statutul aleșilor --- statut de l'élu --- status parlamentarzysty --- išrinktojo asmens statusas --- estatuto do eleito --- καθεστώς του αιρετού άρχοντα --- stádas an duine a thoghtar --- ievēlētās personas statuss --- postavení volených zástupců --- статус на избраниот претставник --- status i personit të zgjedhur --- статус изабраног представника --- kansanedustajan asema --- štatút zvolenej osoby --- parlamentarikers ställning --- poslanski status --- estatus del elegido --- Abgeordnetenstatus --- права на избраните претставници --- parlamentarikers rättsliga ställning --- statut volených zástupců --- права на пратениците --- práva volených zástupců --- práva poslance --- status volených zástupců --- práva senátora --- választott képviselők jogállása --- verfassungsrechtlicher Status des Abgeordneten --- Political systems --- leidinggeven --- democrație --- oligarki --- oligarhie --- олигархия --- oligarkija --- oligarchy --- olagarcacht --- oligarhia --- Oligarchie --- oligarquía --- олигархија --- oligarquia --- oligarchia --- oligarkia --- oligarchija --- ολιγαρχία --- oligarhija --- fåmannavälde
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International relations. Foreign policy --- Asia --- United States of America
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Easternisation is the defining trend of our age--the growing wealth of Asian nations is transforming the international balance of power. This shift to the East is shaping the lives of people all over the world, the fate of nations, and the great questions of war and peace. A troubled but rising China is now challenging America's supremacy, and the ambitions of other Asian powers--including Japan, North Korea, India, and Pakistan--have the potential to shake the whole world. Meanwhile the West is struggling with economic malaise and political populism, the Arab world is in turmoil, and Russia longs to reclaim its status as a great power. We are at a turning point in history: but Easternisation has many decades to run. Gideon Rachman offers a road map to the turbulent process that will define the international politics of the twenty-first century"
Asia --- United States --- Foreign relations. --- Foreign relations
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Grandes puissances --- Great powers --- Grote mogendheden --- Mogendheden [Grote ] --- Powers [Great] --- Puissances [Grandes] --- 931 Internationale geschiedenis --- AA / International- internationaal --- 92 --- 331.100 --- 321.2 --- 331.30 --- 338.8 --- 327 "19/20" --- 33 <100> --- politique --- democratie --- Geschiedenis. --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden. --- Economisch beleid van de overheid. --- Economische toestand. --- Economische groei. --- Buitenlandse betrekkingen. Buitenlandse politiek. Internationale betrekkingen. Internationale politiek. Wereldpolitiek--20e-21e eeuw. Periode 1900-2099 --- Economie. Economische wetenschappen. Staatshuishoudkunde --(algemeen)--Wereld. Internationaal. Alle landen gezamenlijk --- politiek --- 33 <100> Economie. Economische wetenschappen. Staatshuishoudkunde --(algemeen)--Wereld. Internationaal. Alle landen gezamenlijk --- Histoire. --- History. --- 92 Geschiedenis. --- 92 Histoire. --- 92 History. --- World politics --- 1989 --- -World politics --- 1945-1989 --- International relations --- History --- 20th century --- 21st century --- Globalization --- Political aspects --- Social change --- Geschiedenis --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden --- Economisch beleid van de overheid --- Economische toestand --- Economische groei
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