Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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A true and perfecte discourse of the ouerthrow of certaine companies of Burgonions both horse & foot men at Villefranche : a towne scituate on the borders of Champaigne, vpon the riuer of Meuze, betweene Sunday at night & Munday morning being the 4. day of August 1597. together with the certaine number of how many are slaine and taken prisoners. Translated out of French into English, by W.P.
Phillip, William.
Year: 1597
Publisher: London : printed by E. Allde for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be solde at his shop vnder the Royall Exchange,

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A true and perfecte discourse of the ouerthrow of certaine companies of Burgonions both horse & foot men at Villefranche, : a towne scituate on the borders of Champaigne, vpon the riuer of Meuze, betweene Sunday at night & Munday morning being the 4. day of August 1597. together with the certaine number of how many are slaine and taken prisoners.
Phillip, William
Year: 1597
Publisher: London, : Printed by E. Allde for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be solde at his shop vnder the Royall Exchange.,

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Newes from Bohemia. : An apologie made by the states of the Kingdome of Bohemia, shewing the reasons why those of the reformed religion were moued to take armes, for the defence of the king and themselues, especially against the dangerous sect of Iesuites. With a plaine declaration, that those who belong unto the monasteries and ecclesiasticall iurisdiction (according unto his Maiesties letters, and agreements made betweene that states of the reformed religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being subjects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their diuine seruice, and building of churches.
Phillip, William.
Bohemia (Kingdom).
Year: 1619
Publisher: London, : Printed by George Purslow for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to bee sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Flower de luce and Crowne, in Pauls Church-yard.,

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Newes from Bohemia. An apologie made by the states of the Kingdome of Bohemia, : shewing the reasons why those of the reformed religion were moued to take armes, for the defence of the King and themselues, especially against the dangerous sect of Iesuites. With a plaine declaration, that those who belong vnto the monasteries and ecclesiasticall iurisdiction (according vnto his Maiesties letters, and agreements made betweene the states of the reformed religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being subiects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their diuine seruice, and building of churches.
Phillip, William
Bohemia (Kingdom).
Year: 1619
Publisher: London, : Printed by George Purslow for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to bee sold at his shop, at the signe of the Flower de luce and Crowne, in Pauls Church-yard.,

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A booke of secrets : shewing diuers waies to make and prepare all sorts of inke, and colours: as blacke, white, blew, greene, red, yellow, and other colours. Also to write with gold and siluer, or any kind of mettall out of the pen: with many other profitable secrets, as to colour quils and parchment of any colour: and to graue with strong water in steele and iron. ... Translated out of Dutch into English, by W.P. Hereunto is annexed a little treatise, intituled, instructions for ordering of wines: shewing how to make wine, that it may continue good and faint not ... Written first in Italian, and now newly translated into English, by W.P.
Phillip, William
W. P.
Year: 1596
Publisher: London : Printed by Adam Islip for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop at the little north dore of Pouls, at the signe of the Gun,

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Newes from Bohemia. A true relation of the now present warres in Bohemia, their manner of proceeding in the same, fortifying and besieging of certaine townes, with such supplies and aide as they haue already receiued, and further expect from other countries. : With the troubles and disagreements, betweene them, the Emperor and Empresse.
Phillip, William.
Bohemia (Kingdom)
Year: 1619
Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Griffin for Ralph Rounthwaite at the Signe of the Golden Lyon in Paules Church-yard.,

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The troubles of Geneua : VVith the warres which the Duke of Sauoy hath made against it these three yeeres space. And the great victories which God hath lately giuen to the citizens of Geneua. Trulie translated according to the French copie. by W.P. The map of Geneua.
Phillip, William
W. P.
Year: 1591
Publisher: Printed at London : [By Thomas Scarlet] for Thomas Nelson, and are to be sold at his shop at the great south doore of Paules,

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The relation of a wonderfull voiage made by VVilliam Cornelison Schouten of Horne : Shewing how south from the Straights of Magelan, in Terra Del-fuogo: he found and discouered a newe passage through the great South Sea, and that way sayled round about the world. Describing what islands, countries, people, and strange aduentures he found in his saide passage.
Schouten, Willem Corneliszoon
Phillip, William.
Year: 1619
Publisher: London : Imprinted by T[homas] D[awson] for Nathanaell Newbery, and are to be sold at the signe of the Starre, vnder S. Peters in Corne-hill, and in Pope-head Alley,

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The true and perfect description of three voyages : so strange and woonderfull, that the like hath neuer been heard of before: done and performed three yeares, one after the other, by the ships of Holland and Zeland, on the north sides of Norway, Muscouia, and Tartaria, towards the kingdomes of Cathaia & China; shewing the discouerie of the straights of Weigates, Noua Zembla, and the countrie lying vnder 80. degrees; which is thought to be Greenland: whereneuer any man had bin before: with the cruell beares, and other monsters of the sea, and the vnsupportable and extreame cold that is found to be in those places. ...

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The pathway to knowledge : Conteyning certaine briefe tables of English waights, and measures, with the proportions, kindes, and numbers belonging properly vnto the same. How to cast accompt with counters, and with pen, both in whole, and broken numbers. With the rules of cossicke, surd, binomicall, & residuall numbers, and the rule of equation, or of algebere ... Whereunto is annexed a most excellent inuention of Iulius Cæsar Patauinus, for the buying and selling of all kinde of marchandise. And lastly the order of keeping of a marchants booke, after the Italian manner, by debitor and creditor ... Together with a table ... Written in Dutch, and translated into English, by W.P.

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