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International and european trade and environmental law after the Uruguay Round
ISBN: 9041108572 9789041108579 Year: 1996 Volume: 11 Publisher: Dordrecht : Kluwer Law International,

Multilevel constitutionalism for multilevel governance of public goods : methodology problems in international law
ISBN: 9781509909124 9781509909070 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford Hart Publishing

International economic law in the 21st century : constitutional pluralism and multilevel governance of interdependent public goods
ISBN: 9781849460637 1849460639 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford : Hart,

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Foreign trade regulation --- Human Rights --- Human rights --- International economic relations --- Economic aspects --- Foreign trade regulation. --- Human rights. --- Economic aspects. --- Droit international économique --- Gouvernance --- Law --- Droit --- International law --- Droits de l'homme --- Commerce international --- Gouvernance économique --- Droit constitutionnel et économie politique --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Economics aspects --- Aspect economique --- Réglementation --- -AA / International- internationaal --- 341.8 --- 343.07 --- Rh2 --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Internationaal economisch recht. --- Law and legislation --- AA / International- internationaal --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Internationaal economisch recht --- Droit international économique. --- Gouvernance. --- Gouvernance économique. --- Droit constitutionnel et économie politique. --- Philosophie. --- Aspect economique. --- Réglementation. --- Human rights - Economic aspects

The GATT/WTO dispute settlement system : international law, international organizations and dispute settlement
ISBN: 9041109331 9789041109330 Year: 1997 Publisher: London Kluwer law international

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Actions et défenses --- Défense (Droit) --- Interleader --- Ligitation --- Rechtsvordering en verdediging --- Verdediging (Recht) --- Verweer (Recht) --- Actions and defenses. --- 341.125 WTO --- World Trade Organization--vv n-{341.125 GATT} sinds 1995--WTO --- -World Trade Organization--vv n-{341.125 GATT} sinds 1995--WTO --- 341.125 WTO World Trade Organization--vv n-{341.125 GATT} sinds 1995--WTO --- Actions and defenses --- Arbitration (International law) --- Foreign trade regulation --- Tariff --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Civil actions --- Defense (Law) --- Interpleader --- Lawsuits --- Litigation --- Personal actions --- Real actions --- Suits (Law) --- Procedure (Law) --- Trial practice --- Civil procedure --- Remedies (Law) --- Customs regulations --- Tariff lists --- Tariff schedules --- Arbitration, International --- International arbitration --- International political arbitration --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- International commissions of inquiry --- Jurisdiction (International law) --- Mediation, International --- Law and legislation --- Law --- World Trade Organization. --- Biśva Bāṇijya Saṃsthā --- Dėlkhiĭn Khudaldaany Baĭguullaga --- DTÖ --- Dünya Ticaret Örgütü --- Munaẓẓamat al-Tijārah al-ʻĀlamīyah --- O.M.C. --- OMC --- ʻOngkān Kānkhā Lōk --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Organización Mundial de Comercio --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Organizația Mondială de Comerț --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio --- Qaṅgkār Bāṇijjakamm Bibhab Lok --- Sāzmān-i Tijārat-i Jahānī --- Shi jie mao yi zu zhi --- SOT --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svitova orhanizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ torhivli --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Tổ chức thương mại thế giới --- Viśva Vyapāra Saṅgaṭhana --- Vsemirnai︠a︡ torgovai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- VTO --- W.T.O. --- Welthandelsorganisation --- World Trade Organisation --- WTO --- منظمة التجارة العالمية --- 世界貿易組織 --- 世界贸易组织 --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) --- Commercial law --- Law of international organizations --- World Trade Organization --- United Nations --- Foreign trade regulation. --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Law and legislation. --- Arbitration (International law). --- Règlement de conflits --- Commerce extérieur --- Tarif douanier --- Réglementation --- Droit --- Court proceedings --- Tariff - Law and legislation.

International economic law in the 21st century : constitutional pluralism and multilevel governance of interdependent public goods
ISBN: 1847319815 9781847319814 9781849460637 1849460639 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing,

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The state-centred 'Westphalian model' of international law has failed to protect human rights and other international public goods effectively. Most international trade, financial and environmental agreements do not even refer to human rights, consumer welfare, democratic citizen participation and transnational rule of law for the benefit of citizens. This book argues that these 'multilevel governance failures' are largely due to inadequate regulation of the 'collective action problems' in the supply of international public goods, such as inadequate legal, judicial and democratic accountability of governments vis-a-vis citizens. Rather than treating citizens as mere objects of intergovernmental economic and environmental regulation and leaving multilevel governance of international public goods to discretionary 'foreign policy', human rights and constitutional democracy call for 'civilizing' and 'constitutionalizing' international economic and environmental cooperation by stronger legal and judicial protection of citizens and their constitutional rights in international economic law. Moreover intergovernmental regulation of transnational cooperation among citizens must be justified by 'principles of justice' and 'multilevel constitutional restraints' protecting rights of citizens and their 'public reason'. The reality of 'constitutional pluralism' requires respecting legitimately diverse conceptions of human rights and democratic constitutionalism. The obvious failures in the governance of interrelated trading, financial and environmental systems must be restrained by cosmopolitan, constitutional conceptions of international law protecting the transnational rule of law and participatory democracy for the benefit of citizens.

Transforming world trade and investment law for sustainable development
ISBN: 0191948926 0192672762 0192858025 9780192858023 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford University Press,

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Transforming World Trade and Investment Law for Sustainable Development explains why the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda for 'Transforming our World'-aimed at realizing 'the human rights of all' and seventeen agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-requires transforming the United Nations (UN) and World Trade Organization (WTO) legal systems, as well as international investment law and adjudication. UN and WTO law protect regulatory competition between diverse neo-liberal, state capitalist, European ordo-liberal, and third-world conceptions of multilevel trade and investment regulation. However, geopolitical rivalries and trade wars increasingly undermine transnational rule of law and effective regulation of market failures, governance failures, and constitutional failures. For example, the intergovernmental negotiations in the context of the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change have failed to prevent or considerably limit climate change. In order to prevent trade, investment, energy, and climate conflicts, sustainable development requires reforming trade, investment, and environmental rules and dispute settlement systems. The global health pandemics confirm the need for constitutional reforms of multilevel governance of global public goods. Investment law and adjudication must better reconcile governmental duties to protect human rights and decarbonize economies with the property rights of foreign investors. The constitutional, human rights, and environmental litigation in Europe enhances the legal accountability of democratic governments for protecting sustainable development, but European economic constitutionalism has been rejected by Anglo-Saxon neo-liberalism, China's authoritarian state capitalism, and many third-world governments. The more that regional economic orders (like the China-led Belt and Road networks) reveal heterogeneity and power politics block UN and WTO reforms, the more the US-led neo-liberal world order risks disintegrating. UN and WTO law must promote private-public network governance, civil society participation, and stronger judicial accountability in order to stabilize and depoliticize multilevel governance of the SDGs.


sustainable development. --- investment. --- international law. --- international trade. --- climate change policy. --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- beartas aeráide --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- international handel --- handel międzynarodowy --- tarptautinė prekyba --- starptautiskā tirdzniecība --- internationale handel --- comércio internacional --- меѓународна трговија --- međunarodna trgovina --- trádáil idirnáisiúnta --- међународна трговина --- mednarodna trgovina --- internationaler Handel --- comerț internațional --- международна търговия --- commerce international --- mezinárodní obchod --- nemzetközi kereskedelem --- kansainvälinen kauppa --- rahvusvaheline kaubandus --- commercio internazionale --- kummerċ internazzjonali --- tregti ndërkombëtare --- internationell handel --- διεθνές εμπόριο --- comercio internacional --- medzinárodný obchod --- sistema commerciale internazionale --- Camera di commercio internazionale --- διεθνείς εμπορικές συναλλαγές --- comércio mundial --- Welthandel --- comerț mondial --- tregti botërore --- maailmankauppa --- world trade --- comercio mundial --- παγκόσμιες εμπορικές συναλλαγές --- commerce mondial --- världshandel --- světový obchod --- commercio mondiale --- scambio internazionale --- verdenshandel --- maailmakaubandus --- svetový obchod --- pasaules tirdzniecība --- παγκόσμιο εμπόριο --- világkereskedelem --- wereldhandel --- pasaulinė prekyba --- svjetska trgovina --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- droit international --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- ulaganje --- infheistíocht --- inwestycje --- naložba --- investeering --- investiții --- investiment --- beruházás --- Investition --- инвестиция --- investering --- investicija --- investissement --- investice --- улагање --- инвестиција --- inversión --- investimento --- investim --- investointi --- investícia --- ieguldījumi --- επένδυση --- capital expenditure --- kapitāla ieguldījumu prasības --- investiranje --- infheistiú --- kapitálové investice --- necessidades de investimento --- investeringsnoodzaak --- Investitionsbedarf --- inversión de capitales --- kapitalo investicijų poreikis --- investeerimine --- necesidades de inversión --- kapitálové investičné požiadavky --- capital investment requirement --- kërkesë për investime kapitale --- Kapitalinvestition --- rischio di investimento --- necesitatea investițiilor de capital --- cheltuieli de capital --- tasso d'investimento --- beruházási igény --- shpenzime kapitale --- kapitali investeerimisnõue --- kapitálové výdavky --- befektetés --- investeringsbehov --- befektetési igény --- besoin d'investissement --- капитална инвестиција --- kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi --- επενδυτική ανάγκη --- investoinnit --- investiční výdaje --- investavimas --- propensione agli investimenti --- kapitaalinvestering --- fabbisogno d'investimento --- kapitalinvestering --- kapitalinės išlaidos --- επένδυση κεφαλαίων --- investimento de capitais --- investissement de capitaux --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- développement durable --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- forbairt inbhuanaithe --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- Adjudication constitutionalism --- UN system WTO --- Foreign trade regulation. --- International law and human rights. --- Human rights and international law --- Human rights --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Foreign trade regulation --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Law and legislation --- Sustainable Development Goals. --- SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) --- Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável --- United Nations. --- Millennium Development Goals

Wirtschaftsintegrationsrecht und Investitionsgesetzgebung der Entwicklungsländer
Year: 1974 Publisher: Baden-baden: Nomos,

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Multilevel constitutionalism for multivel governance of public goods : methodology problems in international law
ISBN: 9781509929702 1509929703 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford: Hart,

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Multilevel constitutionalism for multilevel governance of public goods
ISBN: 1509909133 1509909060 9781509909063 9781509909070 1509909079 9781509909124 1509909125 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford Portland, Oregon, USA

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This is the first legal monograph analysing multilevel governance of global 'aggregate public goods' (PGs) from the perspective of democractic, republican and cosmopolitan constitutionalism by using historical, legal, political and economic methods. It explains the need for a 'new philosophy of international law' in order to protect human rights and PGs more effectively and more legitimately. 'Constitutional approaches' are justified by the universal recognition of human rights and by the need to protect 'human rights', 'rule of law', 'democracy' and other 'principles of justice' that are used in national, regional and UN legal systems as indeterminate legal concepts. The study describes and criticizes the legal methodology problems of 'disconnected' governance in UN, GATT and WTO institutions as well as in certain areas of the external relations of the EU (like transatlantic free trade agreements). Based on 40 years of practical experiences of the author in German, European, UN, GATT and WTO governance institutions and of simultaneous academic teaching, this study develops five propositions for constituting, limiting, regulating and justifying multilevel governance for the benefit of citizens and their constitutional rights as 'constituent powers', 'democratic principals' and main 'republican actors', who must hold multilevel governance institutions and their limited 'constituted powers' legally, democratically and judicially more accountable

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