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Didactics of Dutch --- Grammaire --- Grammatica --- Manuels scolaires --- Nederlands --- Néerlandais (langue) --- Schoolboeken --- Nederlands (Taal)--Orthografie en spelling --- Néerlandais [Langue]. Verbe. --- Néerlandais (Langue)--Orthographe et épellation --- Nederlands (Taal)--Werkwoord
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Poetry --- Psycholinguistics --- Psychological study of literature --- Foregrounding --- Criticism --- Premier plan (Stylistique) --- Critique --- Foregrounding. --- Criticism. --- #SBIB:309H511 --- Language and languages --- Style, Literary --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Evaluation of literature --- Literary criticism --- Literature --- Rhetoric --- Aesthetics --- Verbale communicatie: algemene pragmatiek, stilistiek en teksttheorie, discoursanalyse --- Style --- Appraisal --- Technique --- Evaluation --- Analyse du discours littéraire --- Esthétique de la réception --- Actualisation (linguistique) --- Stylistique --- Literary style --- Stylistique. --- Analyse du discours littéraire. --- Esthétique de la réception.
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Discourse analysis, Literary --- 82.085 --- 8 --- Literary discourse analysis --- Rhetoric --- Style, Literary --- Retorica. Argumentatieleer. Voordrachtkunst --- Taalkunde. Literatuur --- 8 Taalkunde. Literatuur --- 82.085 Retorica. Argumentatieleer. Voordrachtkunst --- Literary style --- Discourse analysis, Literary.
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Linguistique --- Discours --- --Littérature --- Analyse --- --1149 --- 1535 --- 82:800 --- 8 --- Literatuur en taal --- Taalkunde. Literatuur --- 8 Taalkunde. Literatuur --- 82:800 Literatuur en taal --- --Discours --- --1535 --- --Analyse --- --Linguistique --- --82:800 --- Littérature
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803.93-5 --- #KVHB:Spellen --- #KVHB:Nederlands --- Nederlands: grammatica --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- 803.93-5 Nederlands: grammatica
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Het Nieuwe Testament heeft de westerse samenleving en cultuur diepgaand beïnvloed, maar wat weten we er eigenlijk over? In welke context ontstonden de teksten? Wie was Jezus en hoe evolueerde hij tot (zoon van) God? Vormden de vier evangelisten wel betrouwbare getuigen? Vanwaar de ongerijmdheden en contradicties in het Nieuwe Testament? 'Niet te geloven' onderzoekt de werkelijkheid achter het Nieuwe Testament en werpt zo een volledig nieuw licht op de Bijbelse verhalen. 0Willie Van Peer is emeritus professor literatuurwetenschap aan de Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München. Hij woont in Antwerpen, is nog altijd wetenschappelijk actief en geeft regelmatig lezingen over maatschappelijke en culturele thema?s.
227.3 --- godsdienst --- Bible --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Historicity. --- Bible. --- Ba-yon Tipan --- Bagong Tipan --- Jaji ma Hungi --- Kainē Diathēkē --- New Testament --- Nouveau Testament --- Novo Testamento --- Novum Testamentum --- Novyĭ Zavet --- Novyĭ Zavi︠e︡t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista --- Novyĭ Zavit --- Nuevo Testamento --- Nuovo Testamento --- Nye Testamente --- Perjanjian Baru --- Dhamma sacʻ kyamʻʺ --- Injīl --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 225.016 --- 225.016 Nieuw Testament: historische kritiek --- Nieuw Testament: historische kritiek --- #gsdb1
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Jesus Christ --- #gsdb1
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Evaluation is central to literary studies and has led to an impressive list of publications on the status and history of the canon. Yet it is remarkable how little attention has been given to the role of textual properties in evaluative processes. Most of the chapters in The Quality of Literature redress this issue by dealing with texts or genres ranging from classical antiquity, via Renaissance to twentieth century. They provide a rich textual and historical panorama of how critical debate over literary quality has influenced our modes of thinking and feeling about literature, and how they continue to shape the current literary landscape. Four theoretical chapters reflect on the general state of literary evaluation while the introduction weaves the different threads together aiming at further conceptual clarification. This book thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the problems that are at the heart of past and present debates over literary quality.
Criticism. --- Literature --- Discourse analysis, Literary. --- Literary discourse analysis --- Rhetoric --- Literary style --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Evaluation of literature --- Criticism --- Literary criticism --- Aesthetics --- History and criticism. --- Appraisal --- Evaluation --- Technique
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Themes play a central role in our everyday communication: we have to know what a text is about in order to understand it. Intended meaning cannot be understood without some knowledge of the underlying theme. This book helps to define the concept of 'themes' in texts and how they are structured in language use.Much of the literature on Thematics is scattered over different disciplines (literature, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science), which this detailed collection pulls together in one coherent overview. The result is a new landmark for the study and understanding of themes in their everyday manifestation.
Psycholinguistics --- Comparative literature --- Thematology --- Mathematical linguistics --- 801.56 --- 82.04 --- Literature, Comparative --- -#KVHA:Vergelijkend literatuuronderzoek --- Philology --- 82.04 Literaire thema's --- Literaire thema's --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Themes, motives --- History and criticism --- -82.04 Literaire thema's --- -Comparative literature --- -801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Comparative literature - Themes, motives --- -Themes, motives --- Themes, motives.
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