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During the election campaign for the 2014 general election there have been very few promises made in regards to human rights. The entire field of respect and protection of the human rights was either ignored or overshadowed by the ethno-national slogans and nationalist rhetoric. The parties, as expected, devoted the maximum attention to the growing economic and social issues, which is justified, but, on the other hand, human rights were mentioned only superficially, without clear objectives or as an issue almost exclusively related to the conditions for European integration. In line with that, it has been almost impossible to find references to terms such as LGBT people, protection from discrimination based on sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.
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Tokom predizborne kampanje za Opšte izbore 2014. godine, bilo je veoma malo obećanja u vezi s ljudskim pravima. Kompletna sfera poštivanja i zaštite ljudskih prava, bila je ignorisana ili potisnuta u drugi plan, u odnosu na etnonacionalne slogane i nacionalističku retoriku. Predstavnici partija su opravdano i očekivano, najveću pažnju posvećivali rastućim ekonomsko-socijalnim problemima i pitanjima, ali, s druge strane, ljudska prava su spominjali tek površno, bez jasnih ciljeva, ili isključivo kao pitanje koje predstavlja jedan od uslova u procesu evropskih integracija. U skladu s tim, bilo je skoro nemoguće zabilježiti spominjanje pojmova kao što su LGBT osobe, zaštita od diskriminacije na osnovu spola, rodnog identiteta ili seksualne orijentacije.
Elections. --- LGBTQ people. --- Human rights. --- Political parties.
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