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This open access volume focuses on the cultural background of the pivotal transformations of scientific knowledge in the early modern period. It investigates the rich edition history of Johannes de Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera, by far the most widely disseminated textbook on geocentric cosmology, from the unique standpoint of the many printers, publishers, and booksellers who steered this text from manuscript to print culture, and in doing so transformed it into an established platform of scientific learning. The corpus, constituted of 359 different editions featuring Sacrobosco’s treatise on cosmology and astronomy printed between 1472 and 1650, represents the scientific European shared knowledge concerned with the cosmological worldview of the early modern period until far after the publication of Copernicus’ De revolutionibus orbium coelestium in 1543. The contributions to this volume show how the academic book trade influenced the process of homogenization of scientific knowledge. They also describe the material infrastructure through which such knowledge was disseminated, and thus define the premises for the foundation of modern scientific communities.
History of science --- History of Western philosophy --- Johannes de Sacrobosco --- Tractatus de sphaera --- Academic Book Market --- Early Modern Prints --- History of Astronomy
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This work provides an in-depth description of the juridical framework in which the Italian book trade operated during the Renaissance. It is a multi-authored work that discusses issues related to intellectual, literary and artistic proto-property by taking into account some of the main urban centers of pre-unitary Italy such as Venice, Milan and Rome. It investigates the different legal systems put in place by the states and the dynamics that generated around them. The volume frames the topic at task within the general discourse on technologic innovation and state patronage in economic history hence exploring patenting systems (e.g., Florence and Venice) along with book privilege systems (e.g., Milan and Venice). In so doing it also investigates instances of conflicting interests occuring between the political and the economic sphere (e.g., Rome and Venice).
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L’avvento della stampa a caratteri mobili a metà del Quattrocento rappresentò per l’Europa un punto cardine non solo sul piano culturale ma anche economico con la rapida espansione di un settore produttivo completamente nuovo. Il libro a stampa era veicolo comunicativo di contenuti testuali e, per questo, materia delicata anche sul piano politico-religioso. Con il progressivo sviluppo e consolidamento dell’industria tipografica, divenne strategico da parte degli Stati territoriali regolamentare il settore dotandolo di adeguati strumenti giuridici. Uno di questi fu l’istituto del privilegio librario, precursore ideale del moderno copyright letterario e artistico. Nella prospettiva delle autorità territoriali, il privilegio di stampa rappresentava un mezzo per strutturare la neonata industria promuovendone lo sviluppo e ponendola allo stesso tempo entro argini normativi di controllo e validazione dei contenuti testuali diffusi. Nell’ottica degli operatori del settore, anzitutto autori e stampatori, il privilegio librario rappresentava invece uno strumento di protezione giuridica impiegato a tutela degli sforzi profusi e dei capitali investiti, assicurando una posizione temporanea di vantaggio commerciale. Prendendo a campione, in una prospettiva comparata, alcuni dei maggiori centri di produzione libraria dell’Italia nella prima età moderna, la presente raccolta di studi esamina il ruolo che il privilegio librario ebbe nello sviluppo dell’editoria italiana e nella crescente attenzione verso il settore da parte delle istituzioni.
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This work provides an in-depth description of the juridical framework in which the Italian book trade operated during the Renaissance. It is a multi-authored work that discusses issues related to intellectual, literary and artistic proto-property by taking into account some of the main urban centers of pre-unitary Italy such as Venice, Milan and Rome. It investigates the different legal systems put in place by the states and the dynamics that generated around them. The volume frames the topic at task within the general discourse on technologic innovation and state patronage in economic history hence exploring patenting systems (e.g., Florence and Venice) along with book privilege systems (e.g., Milan and Venice). In so doing it also investigates instances of conflicting interests occuring between the political and the economic sphere (e.g., Rome and Venice).
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This work provides an in-depth description of the juridical framework in which the Italian book trade operated during the Renaissance. It is a multi-authored work that discusses issues related to intellectual, literary and artistic proto-property by taking into account some of the main urban centers of pre-unitary Italy such as Venice, Milan and Rome. It investigates the different legal systems put in place by the states and the dynamics that generated around them. The volume frames the topic at task within the general discourse on technologic innovation and state patronage in economic history hence exploring patenting systems (e.g., Florence and Venice) along with book privilege systems (e.g., Milan and Venice). In so doing it also investigates instances of conflicting interests occuring between the political and the economic sphere (e.g., Rome and Venice).
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