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Apraxie et troubles d'utilisation d'outils
ISSN: 07680066 ISBN: 9782130749011 2130749011 Year: 2016 Volume: 4063 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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Maladie du système nerveux --- Ziekte van het zenuwstelsel --- neurologisk sjukdom --- neurologické ochorenie --- nervesygdom --- disease of the nervous system --- enfermedad del sistema nervioso --- idegrendszeri megbetegedés --- neiroloģiska slimība --- onemocnění nervového systému --- neuroloogiline haigus --- заболување на нервниот систем --- bolest živčanoga sustava --- sëmundje e sistemit nervor --- marda nevroloġika --- bolezni živčevja --- neurologinen sairaus --- nervų liga --- заболяване на нервната система --- ασθένεια του νευρικού συστήματος --- ziekte van het zenuwstelsel --- choroby układu nerwowego --- doença do sistema nervoso --- boli neurologice --- Erkrankung des Nervensystems --- болест нервног система --- malattia del sistema nervoso --- degenerativ neurologisk sjukdom --- дегенеративна болест на нервниот систем --- μεταδοτική σπογγώδης εγκεφαλοπάθεια --- невролошка болест --- Alzheimers sygdom --- neurológiai megbetegedés --- Creutzfeldt-Jakobova choroba --- sëmundja "Creutzfeldt-Jakob" --- CJD --- choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba --- Creutzfeldt-Jacobi tõbi --- заразна говеђа спонгиформна енцефалопатија --- multipla skleroza --- fertőző szivacsos agyvelőgyulladás --- užkrečiamoji spongiforminė encefalopatija --- sëmundje e Alzheimerit --- болест на Алцхаймер --- afeção degenerativa do sistema nervoso --- overdraagbare spongiforme encefalopathie --- neurologinė liga --- nemoc nervového systému --- SCJ --- přenosná spongiformní encefalopatie --- transmissiivne spongioosne entsefalopaatia --- neurological disease --- encelofapti sfungjerore ngjitëse --- hermostoa rappeuttava sairaus --- sklerozë e shumëfishtë --- malattia di Alzheimer --- sëmundje degjenerative e sistemit nervor --- ziekte van Creutzfeld-Jakob --- Alzheimer-Kankheit --- multipel skleros --- неуропатија --- transmissible spongiform encephalopathy --- Creutzfeld-Jacobs sjukdom --- esclerose múltipla --- maladie neurologique --- Creutzfeld-Jakob kór --- trastorno del sistema nervioso --- Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit --- multiple sclerose --- scleroză în plăci --- doença de Alzheimer --- encefalopatia spongiforme trasmissibile --- Kreicfelda-Jakoba slimība --- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease --- fertőző szivacsos encephalopatiák --- enfermedad de Alzheimer --- νόσος των Jakob-Creutzfeldt --- USE --- multiple sclerosis --- εκφυλιστική νόσος του νευρικού συστήματος --- roztroušená mozkomíšní skleróza --- νόσος του Αλτσχάιμερ --- болест на Кройцфелд-Якобс --- множествена склероза --- fertőző szivacsos agyvelőbántalmak --- Alzheimeri tõbi --- TSE --- encefalopatija --- ochorenie nervového systému --- trouble du système nerveux --- σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας --- enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob --- transmissibel spongiform encephalopati --- degenerativna bolest živčanog sustava --- afección degenerativa del sistema nervioso --- дегенеративно заболяване на нервната система --- sclérose en plaques --- doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob --- degenerative disease of the nervous system --- hulgiskleroos --- esclerose em placas --- болести на нервниот систем --- dissemineret sklerose --- bolest nervnog sustava --- prenosná spongiformná encefalopatia --- Creutzfeld-Jakob betegség --- transmisivna spongiformna encefalopatija --- boala Alzheimer --- išsėtinė sklerozė --- närvisüsteemi haigus --- närvisüsteemi degeneratiivne haigus --- ESN --- stwardnienie rozsiane --- trouble neurologique --- maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob --- degeneracinė nervų liga --- neuropathy --- affection dégénérative du système nerveux --- nervu sistēmas deģeneratīvā saslimšana --- невропатија --- roztroušená skleróza --- maladie d'Alzheimer --- boală a sistemului nervos --- ΜΣΕ --- sëmundje neurologjike --- transmissible spongiforme Enzephalopathie --- degenerativní postižení nervového systému --- nervu sistēmas slimība --- encéphalopathie spongiforme transmissible --- Alzheimerin tauti --- malattia di Creutzfeldt-Jakob --- transmisīvā sūkļveida encefalopātija --- idegbetegség --- Alzheimerio liga --- demenssjukdom --- degenerativna bolezen živčevja --- neuropathie --- choroba Alzheimera --- skleróza multiplex --- nemoc Alzheimera --- degeneratieve aandoening van het zenuwstelsel --- мултипла склероза --- multiplā skleroze --- дегенеративна болест нервног система --- мултиплекс склероза --- Alzheimer-kór --- scleroză multiplă --- szklerózis multiplex --- malattia degenerativa del sistema nervoso --- Alzheimerova nemoc --- трансмисивна спонгиформна енцефалопатия --- hermoston sairaudet --- boală degenerativă a sistemului nervos --- Creutzfeld-Jacobin tauti --- ТСЕ --- ziekte van Alzheimer --- sclerosi a placche --- degeneratívne ochorenie nervového systému --- EST --- Alzheimersche Krankheit --- neuropati --- multiple Sklerose --- enfermedad nerviosa --- EEB --- Kreutzfeldo-Jakobo liga --- Alzheimerjeva bolezen --- неуролошка болест --- pasażowalna encefalopatia gąbczasta --- Creutzfeldt-Jakobs sygdom --- MS-tauti --- Alzheimerova bolest --- choroba zwyrodnieniowa układu nerwowego --- transmissibel spongiform encefalopati --- Алцхајмерова болест --- encefalopatie spongiformă transmisibilă --- Alzheimers sjukdom --- esclerosis múltiple --- Alheimera slimība --- Creutzfeldt-Jacobova bolest --- neurološka bolest --- tarttuva spongiforminen enkefalopatia --- Krojcfeld-Jakobsonova bolest --- Alcheimerio liga --- церебрална парализа --- Creutzfeldt-Jakobova bolezen --- affection du système nerveux --- degenerative Erkrankung des Nervensystems --- Alzheimerova choroba --- boala Creutzfeldt-Jakob --- Alzheimer's disease --- galar an néarchórais --- Maladie du système nerveux

The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Humans are not unique in using tools. But human tool use differs from that known to occur in nonhumans in being very frequent, spontaneous, and diversified. So a fundamental issue is, what are the cognitive and neural bases of human tool use? This Research Topic of Frontiers will provide a venue for leading researchers in the field of tool use to present original research papers, integrative reviews or theoretical articles that further our understanding of this topic. Articles can address a wide range of issues including, for instance, the nature of the underlying representations (e.g., conceptual, sensorimotor), the mechanisms supporting the incorporation of tools into body schema, the link between imitation and tool use, or the evolutionary origins of human tool use. Articles are welcome from experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, ethology, comparative psychology, and ergonomics. The goal of this Research Topic of Frontiers is to provide a state-of-the-art view of the field.

The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Humans are not unique in using tools. But human tool use differs from that known to occur in nonhumans in being very frequent, spontaneous, and diversified. So a fundamental issue is, what are the cognitive and neural bases of human tool use? This Research Topic of Frontiers will provide a venue for leading researchers in the field of tool use to present original research papers, integrative reviews or theoretical articles that further our understanding of this topic. Articles can address a wide range of issues including, for instance, the nature of the underlying representations (e.g., conceptual, sensorimotor), the mechanisms supporting the incorporation of tools into body schema, the link between imitation and tool use, or the evolutionary origins of human tool use. Articles are welcome from experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, ethology, comparative psychology, and ergonomics. The goal of this Research Topic of Frontiers is to provide a state-of-the-art view of the field.

The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Humans are not unique in using tools. But human tool use differs from that known to occur in nonhumans in being very frequent, spontaneous, and diversified. So a fundamental issue is, what are the cognitive and neural bases of human tool use? This Research Topic of Frontiers will provide a venue for leading researchers in the field of tool use to present original research papers, integrative reviews or theoretical articles that further our understanding of this topic. Articles can address a wide range of issues including, for instance, the nature of the underlying representations (e.g., conceptual, sensorimotor), the mechanisms supporting the incorporation of tools into body schema, the link between imitation and tool use, or the evolutionary origins of human tool use. Articles are welcome from experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, ethology, comparative psychology, and ergonomics. The goal of this Research Topic of Frontiers is to provide a state-of-the-art view of the field.

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