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Études économiques de l'OCDE : Royaume-Uni 2013. Février 2013.
ISBN: 9264182489 9264182381 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Paris, France] : OCDE,

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Études économiques de l'OCDE : Royaume-Uni 2013 examine les développements récents, la politique et les perspectives économiques de ce pays. Ce rapport comporte des chapitres consacrés à la croissance et à l'inégalité.

Annual report on the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises 2013 : responsible business conduct in action.
ISBN: 9264204539 9264204172 Year: 2012 Publisher: [Paris] : OECD,

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The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises aim to help businesses meet the challenge of acting responsibly in any country they operate by providing a global framework for responsible conduct covering all areas of business ethics. While observance of the Guidelines by enterprises is voluntary and not legally enforceable, adhering governments are committed to promoting their observance among enterprises. This Annual Report describes what adhering governments have done to live up to their commitment over the 12 months to June 2013 . In particular it highlights the mediation and consensus b

OECD statistics on international trade in services.
ISBN: 9264207759 9264207740 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Paris, France] : OECD,

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This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 32 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the Euro area (EA17), and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services . This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and

Engaging young children : lessons from research about quality in early childhood education and care.
ISBN: 9264085149 9264298363 9264085130 9789264085145 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : OECD,

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The first years of life lay the foundations for a child’s future development and learning. Many countries have increased their financial support for provision of early childhood education and care (ECEC) over the past years. More recently, the focus of debate has been shifting from expanding access to affordable ECEC to enhancing its quality. A growing body of research suggests that the magnitude of the benefits for children will depend on the level of quality of early childhood services, with especially strong evidence in the case of disadvantaged children.In light of budgetary constraints, policy makers require the latest knowledge base of the quality dimensions that are most important for ensuring children's development and early learning. However, current research is often narrow in focus or limited to programme-level or national-level conclusions. This book expands the knowledge base on this topic. It draws lessons from a cross-national literature review and meta-analysis of the relationship between early childhood education and care structure (e.g. child-staff ratios, staff training and qualifications), process quality (i.e. the quality of staff-child interactions and developmental activities), and links to child development and learning. This report concludes with key insights, as well as avenues for further research. It was co-funded by the European Union.

Education for a bright future in Greece.
ISBN: 9264298754 9264300414 9264298746 9789264298750 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : OECD,

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Energy Efficiency 2022
ISBN: 926478330X Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Energy Efficiency 2022 is the IEA's primary annual analysis on global developments in energy efficiency markets and policy. It explores recent trends in energy intensity, demand and efficiency-related investment, innovation, policy and technology while also discussing key questions facing policy makers. This year record-high consumer energy bills and securing reliable access to supply are urgent political and economic imperatives for almost all governments. In response to the energy crisis countries are prioritising energy efficiency action due to its ability to simultaneously meet affordability, supply security and climate goals.While efficiency investment has recently been increasing to reach new record levels, the pace of global energy intensity improvements had noticeably slowed in the second half of the last decade and virtually stalled during the first two years of Covid-19. With efforts to better manage energy consumption as a result of the crisis increasing the rate of improvement once more, the question as to whether 2022 will see a sustained efficiency turning point, and what more can be done, are key themes of this year's report.

Pratiques fiscales dommageables - Rapports d'examen par les pairs relatifs à l'échange de renseignements sur les décisions fiscales de 2021 (version abrégée) : Cadre Inclusif sur le BEPS : Action 5
ISBN: 9264658270 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Dans le cadre du standard minimum de l'Action 5 du Projet BEPS, les membres du Cadre inclusif OCDE/G20 sur l'érosion de la base et le transfert de bénéfices (BEPS) se sont engagés à lutter contre les pratiques fiscales dommageables en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration de la transparence. Le standard minimum de l'Action 5 comprend la transparence par voie de l'échange spontané obligatoire de renseignements pertinents sur les décisions spécifiques aux contribuables. L'échange de renseignements sur les décisions fiscales est un outil essentiel pour améliorer l'accès des administrations fiscales aux informations pertinentes pour évaluer la situation fiscale de leurs entreprises contribuables et pour lutter efficacement contre l'évasion fiscale et autres risques liés au BEPS. Plus de 135 pays et juridictions participent au Cadre inclusif sur le BEPS et prennent part au processus d'examen par les pairs pour évaluer leur conformité au cadre de transparence. Des termes de référence spécifiques et une méthodologie ont été convenues pour les examens par les pairs, axant l'évaluation sur cinq éléments clés : le processus de collecte d'informations, l'échange de renseignements, la confidentialité des informations reçues, les statistiques sur les échanges de décisions et la transparence sur certains aspects des régimes de propriété intellectuelle. Ce rapport reflète les résultats du sixième examen annuelle par les pairs de la mise en œuvre du standard minimum de l'Action 5. Le présent recueil inclut les versions en français des rapports d'examen du Bénin, du Burkina, du Congo, de la France, de Gabon, du Maroc, de la République démocratique du Congo et du Sénégal.

Revisão do Centro de Governo do Brasil : Rumo a um Centro de Governo Integrado e Estruturado
ISBN: 9264645217 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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A Revisão do Centro de Governo do Brasil realizada pela OCDE oferece recomendações-chave sobre a consolidação do papel estratégico do Centro de Governo (CdG) do país na gestão das prioridades políticas e na melhoria dos resultados. A revisão examina os papéis, mandatos e as capacidades de coordenação do CdG. Ela fornece uma análise da capacidade do Brasil de traduzir compromissos políticos em objetivos mensuráveis e aprofunda sua capacidade de vincular planos estratégicos a resultados. Concentrando-se nas capacidades do CdG para contribuir com o processo orçamentário federal, ela considera planos de médio e longo prazo e como eles se alinham com a estrutura orçamentária e como o orçamento pode apoiar as políticas de forma coerente. A revisão também analisa o papel do CdG no monitoramento e na avaliação do desempenho de políticas de alta prioridade e como essas informações podem ser usadas para melhorar os resultados (ou entregas) para a sociedade. Finalmente, a revisão avalia como o Brasil pode consolidar e reforçar a comunicação pública para perseguir objetivos políticos e para promover um governo mais aberto.

Public Financial Management in Peru : An OECD Peer Review
ISBN: 9264613617 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This report analyses current public financial management practices in Peru in light of OECD recommendations and good practices, and identifies areas where Peru could improve. It focuses on four areas: budgetary practices and governance; treasury modernisation and cash management systems; ensuring a fiscally sustainable, competitive pay regime for the Peruvian public sector; and public infrastructure programming, budgeting and management. It analyses these issues both at central government level and for sub-national governments. The report provides detailed policy recommendations to overcome the main challenges and their implications in each of the areas.

Education at a Glance 2012
ISBN: 9789264177154 9264177159 9264179291 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris OECD Publishing

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Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for accurate and relevant information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances, and performance of the education systems in the OECD's 34 member countries, as well as a number of non-member G20 nations. Featuring more than 140 charts, 230 tables, and 100 000 figures, Education at a Glance provides key information on the ouput of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education, and the learning environment and organisation of schools.

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