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Histoire de Yahvé : la fabrique d'un mythe occidental
ISBN: 9782213710310 2213710317 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris: Fayard,

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On prétend parfois que l’« homme occidental » serait le seul être humain pouvant vivre sans mythes. Il n’en est rien. À l’aune d’une lecture inédite de l’Ancien Testament, Ron Naiweld nous plonge dans ce grand mythe, support de la rencontre, fondatrice pour l’Occident, de la Bible et de la philosophie. Contre le récit traditionnel d’un dieu créateur unique et tout-puissant, sa lecture fait émerger une autre histoire. Son héros est un dieu motivé par le désir d’être reconnu comme tel par les hommes. Avec le temps et au contact des empires assyrien, babylonien et perse, le dieu développe son intelligence politique. Il apprend la puissance du peuple, l’utilité de l’ordre impérial et, de sa rencontre avec la pensée grecque, l’intérêt de l’idée monothéiste. Mais c’est avec saint Paul qu’il assouvit pleinement son désir.En suivant pas à pas l’histoire de ce dieu, cet essai fascinant montre comment, à force de torsions, de relectures, d’appropriations, le mythe d’un peuple marginal dans la fabrique culturelle du monde ancien est devenu l’un des mythes fondateurs de la civilisation occidentale. Comment Yahvé est devenu Dieu

Les antiphilosophes : pratiques de soi et rapport à la loi dans la littérature rabbinique classique
ISBN: 2200272928 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris, France : Armand Colin,

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Le Cantique des cantiques : exégèse et histoire
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782204148948 2204148946 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris Cerf

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Les commentaires des livres bibliques par Rashi nourrissent les débats exégétiques depuis plus d'un millénaire. Son commentaire du Cantique des cantiques ne fait pas exception et révèle tout le génie du rabbin de Troyes. Grâce à une méthodologie sans pareille, il montre comment le discours de l'homme et de la femme reflète l'évolution de la relation entre le peuple d'Israël et son Dieu. On en apprend d'ailleurs autant sur le texte biblique que sur le savoir rabbinique du Moyen Âge.Le brillant exégète apparaît en commentateur engagé de la réalité politique et religieuse de son temps, et en visionnaire. Alors que se joue la première croisade, il élabore un projet de rassemblement des Juifs à Jérusalem, avec l'aide des nations qui paieront ainsi leur dette accumulée pendant les siècles d'exploitation du peuple d'Israël.Un saisissant précis d'exégèse qui a traversé les siècles.Une traduction et un appareil critique entièrement inédits.

L'identité à travers l'éthique : nouvelles perspectives sur la formation des identités collectives dans le monde gréco-romain
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782503550428 2503550428 Year: 2015 Volume: 168 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Le rôle joué par les discours, les valeurs et les catégories éthiques dans la formation des identités collectives, dans le monde gréco-romain, et au-delà de ses frontières, notamment dans le monde sassanide.Ce livre réunit dix articles rédigés par des spécialistes des religions et des écoles philosophiques de l'Antiquité, qui s'interrogent sur le rôle des discours, des valeurs et des catégories éthiques dans la formation des identités collectives au sein du monde gréco-romain.Ce questionnement nous a paru nécessaire dans le contexte actuel de la recherche historique sur l'Antiquité tardive. En effet, dans l'histoire de la recherche, la problématique de l'identité a principalement été abordée via l'étude des facteurs doctrinaux, rituels, institutionnels ou politiques. Il nous a semblé que le facteur éthique n'avait pas encore bénéficié d'une attention suffisante.Notre but a été d'examiner comment les différents groupes philosophiques et religieux (dans la mesure où l'on peut nettement les distinguer dans le contexte de l'Antiquité tardive) ont mobilisé des notions et des valeurs éthiques dans le processus, parfois inconscient, de la formation de leur identité.

Diversity and rabbinization : Jewish texts and societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1783749946 1783749954 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Open Book Publishers,

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This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on available textual and material evidence, the fourteen essays presented here, written by leading experts in their fields, span a significant chronological and geographical range and cover material that has not yet received sufficient attention in scholarship.

Diversity and Rabbinization : Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, UK : Open Book Publishers,

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"This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on available textual and material evidence, the fourteen essays presented here, written by leading experts in their fields, span a significant chronological and geographical range and cover material that has not yet received sufficient attention in scholarship. The volume is divided into four parts. The first focuses on the vantage point of the synagogue; the second and third on non-rabbinic Judaism in, respectively, the Near East and Europe; the final part turns from diversity within Judaism to the process of "rabbinization" as represented in some unusual rabbinic texts. Diversity and Rabbinization is a welcome contribution to the historical study of Judaism in all its complexity. It presents fresh perspectives on critical questions and allows us to rethink the tension between multiplicity and unity in Judaism during the first millennium CE. L'École Pratique des Hautes Études has kindly contributed to the publication of this volume.".

L'identite a travers l'ethique : nouvelles perspectives sur la formation des identites collectives dans le monde Greco-Romain
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2503561861 9782503561868 Year: 2015 Publisher: Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols,

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Diversity and Rabbinization : Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, UK : Open Book Publishers,

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"This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on available textual and material evidence, the fourteen essays presented here, written by leading experts in their fields, span a significant chronological and geographical range and cover material that has not yet received sufficient attention in scholarship. The volume is divided into four parts. The first focuses on the vantage point of the synagogue; the second and third on non-rabbinic Judaism in, respectively, the Near East and Europe; the final part turns from diversity within Judaism to the process of "rabbinization" as represented in some unusual rabbinic texts. Diversity and Rabbinization is a welcome contribution to the historical study of Judaism in all its complexity. It presents fresh perspectives on critical questions and allows us to rethink the tension between multiplicity and unity in Judaism during the first millennium CE. L'École Pratique des Hautes Études has kindly contributed to the publication of this volume.".

Diversity and Rabbinization : Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, UK : Open Book Publishers,

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"This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on available textual and material evidence, the fourteen essays presented here, written by leading experts in their fields, span a significant chronological and geographical range and cover material that has not yet received sufficient attention in scholarship. The volume is divided into four parts. The first focuses on the vantage point of the synagogue; the second and third on non-rabbinic Judaism in, respectively, the Near East and Europe; the final part turns from diversity within Judaism to the process of "rabbinization" as represented in some unusual rabbinic texts. Diversity and Rabbinization is a welcome contribution to the historical study of Judaism in all its complexity. It presents fresh perspectives on critical questions and allows us to rethink the tension between multiplicity and unity in Judaism during the first millennium CE. L'École Pratique des Hautes Études has kindly contributed to the publication of this volume.".

Diversity and Rabbinization : Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781783749959 9781783749966 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge Open Book Publishers University of Cambridge. Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

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This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on available textual and material evidence, the fourteen essays presented here, written by leading experts in their fields, span a significant chronological and geographical range and cover material that has not yet received sufficient attention in scholarship. The volume is divided into four parts. The first focuses on the vantage point of the synagogue; the second and third on non-rabbinic Judaism in, respectively, the Near East and Europe; the final part turns from diversity within Judaism to the process of "rabbinization" as represented in some unusual rabbinic texts. Diversity and Rabbinization is a welcome contribution to the historical study of Judaism in all its complexity. It presents fresh perspectives on critical questions and allows us to rethink the tension between multiplicity and unity in Judaism during the first millennium CE. L’École Pratique des Hautes Études has kindly contributed to the publication of this volume.


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