Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Yet another word to the wise : shewing, that the lamentable grievances of the Parliaments friends in Cumberland and Westmerland. [sic] presented by their Commissioner, Mr. Iohn Musgrave, to the House of Commons above two years agoe, are so far yet from being redressed, that the House of Commons not only protecteth Mr. Richard Barwis, one of their owne members, from the law, being accused of high treason, as appeareth by the great charge against him in this treatise contained. As also against Sir Wilford Lawson, commander in chiefe of Cumberland, who betrayed that county into the enemies hands. ... But instead of doing justice either against them or other accused traytors to the common-wealth, they have most unjustly committed that worthy gentleman, Mr. John Musgrave, (their accuser and prosecuter to the Fleet prison) above these 12. moneths, ...

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A fourth word to the wise, or A plaine discovery of Englands misery, : and how the same may be redressed; set forth in a letter written by a prisoner in the Fleete to Commissary Generall Ireton, and published by a friend of his and lover of his country for Englands good.

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A declaration of Captaine John Musgrave prisoner in Newgate. : Vindicating him against the misprisians and imputed reasons of his sad imprisonment for high treason against the state. With an order, or proclamation : by the Committee of the City of London, with the Committee of Lords and Commons for safety; for listing in the late ingagement, &c.
Musgrave, John
Year: 1647
Publisher: London : Printed [by Richard Cotes] for John Musgrave, and are to bee sold in Newgate-market,

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Musgraves musle broken, or Truth pleading against falshood; : being a just defence and answer to two papers read by Sir Arthur Haslerig: set forth in a letter written to Mr. Moyer, one of the commissioners for compounding. Wherein is discovered how the common-wealth is abused by sub-cummissioners for sequestrations, and a revenue of 13000 l. per annum brought into the state, upon the discovery and charge of John Musgrave.

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[The Lamentation of] John Musgrave : who was execued [sic] at Kendal,for robbing the King's receiver, and taking away from him great store of treasure. To the tune of, Wharton.
Musgrave, John
Year: 1681
Publisher: [London] : Printed for J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackeray and T. Passenger.,

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A cry of bloud of an innocent Abel against two bloudy Cains : being a discovery of two cavalier and malignant brothers conspiracy ageinst another brother of the Parliament party. And a short relation of justices of the peace in Cumberland their illegal proceedings against the Parliaments friends. With a complaint of some corruptions and delays in law and Chancery proceedings.

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Another word to the wise, shewing that the delay of justice is great injustice : by displaying heavier grievances in petitions from severall counties to the House of Commons and letters to Parl[i]ament men, from Mr. John Musgrave, Gentleman, one of the commissioners from Cumberland and Westmerland, for presenting their grievances to the Parliament, who, instead either of redressing those two counties grievances, or prosecuting the charge given in by him against Mr. Richard Barwis, a Parliament man ... did illegally commit the said Mr. John Musgrave to the Fleet, where he hath lain these 4. moneths without any justice on tryall of his businesse ...

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[The Lamentation of] John Musgrave : who was execued [sic] at Kendal for robbing the King's receiver, and taking away from him great store of treasure : to the tune of, Wharton.
Musgrave, John
Year: 1683
Publisher: [London] : Printed for J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackeray and T. Passenger,

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A true and exact relation of the great and heavy pressures and grievances the well-affected of the northern bordering countries lye under, : by Sir Arthur Haslerigs misgovernment, and placing in authority there for justices of the peace, commissioners for the militia, ministry, and sequestrations, malignants, and men disaffected to the present government, set forth in the petition, articles, letters and remonstrance, humbly presented to the councel of state, with his apologie to the Lord President, for publishing thereof.

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A word to the vvise. : Displaying, great augmented grievances, and heavie pressures of dangerous consequence. Appearing, by certain materiall weighty passages of speciall concernment. Remonstrating, the great dangers which the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland are in (though now in the hands of the Parliament) but like to be possessed by the enemy, who aimeth at it, above all other landing places, from foraign parts; the said countries being more hazardable, sith that Mr. Richard Barwis (a member of the House of Commons) hath ... betrayed his trust, and placed traytors, and disaffected officers in the said counties, ... All which being certified by Mr. John Musgrave, Commissioner, ... who gave in the charge against Mr. Richard Barwis. And the House having referred the same to a committee, instead of prosecuting the charge brought against the said Mr. Barwis, Mr. Musgrave aforesaid was illegally committed to Fleet Prison ...

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