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Capitalism in the web of life : ecology and the accumulation of capital
ISBN: 9781781689028 1781689024 9781781689011 1781689016 9781781689042 9781781689035 Year: 2015 Publisher: London : Verso,

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"Both green and red analyses of capitalism's deepening contradictions have acknowledged the close relation of economic and environmental crises. But environmentalists have not yet fully integrated social and historical factors in their scathing indictment of the current disaster. Capitalism in the Web of Life will undoubtedly help to change that. Charting the recurrent crises, and long cyclical expansions of capitalism as socio-ecological process over the past six centuries, Jason Moore provides a groundbreaking theory and historical account of capitalism's development that comprehends the transformation of nature as constitutive of capital accumulation. Along the way, he moves beyond the society/nature distinction that limits so much environmentalism"--

Anthropocene or capitalocene ? : Nature, history, and the crisis of capitalism
ISBN: 9781629631486 1629631485 Year: 2016 Publisher: Oakland (Calif.): PM Press,

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The Earth has reached a tipping point. Runaway climate change, the sixth great extinction of planetary life, the acidification of the oceans--all point toward an era of unprecedented turbulence in humanity's relationship within the web of life. But just what is that relationship, and how do we make sense of this extraordinary transition? Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers answers to these questions from a dynamic group of leading critical scholars who challenge the conventional practice of dividing historical change and contemporary reality into "Nature" and "Society," demonstrating the possibilities offered by a more nuanced and connective view of human environment-making, joined at every step with and within the biosphere. In distinct registers, the authors frame their discussions within a politics of hope that signal the possibilities for transcending capitalism, broadly understood as a "world-ecology" that joins nature, capital, and power as a historically evolving whole.

Een geschiedenis van de wereld in zeven goedkope zaken : een gids voor kapitalisme, natuur en de toekomst van de planeet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789024425792 Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom

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Natuur, geld, werk, zorg, voedsel, energie en levens. Dat zijn de zeven zaken die onze wereld hebben gemaakt tot wat ze is, en die haar toekomst zullen bepalen. Door deze dingen goedkoop te maken, heeft de moderne commercie de aarde bestuurd, veranderd en verwoest.In Een geschiedenis van de wereld in zeven goedkope zaken ontwikkelen Raj Patel en Jason W. Moore een nieuwe kijk op de noodsituatie waarin onze planeet vandaag de dag verkeert. Gedurende de gehele geschiedenis hebben crises steeds geleid tot de ontwikkeling van nieuwe strategieën om de wereld goedkoop en veilig te maken voor het kapitalisme. Nu er sprake is van een crisis in alle zeven zaken, is innovatief en systemisch denken noodzakelijk. In dit boek wordt een radicale nieuwe kijk op de planeet gepresenteerd, met een nieuwe manier om haar te herstellen.Raj Patel is schrijver, activist en academicus. Eerder schreef hij Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System en De waarde van niets: Waarom alles zoveel meer kost dan we denken. Jason W. Moore doceert wereldgeschiedenis en wereldecologie aan Binghamton University en is coördinator van het World-Ecology Research Network. Hij schreef onder meer Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital en een groot aantal bekroonde essays over milieugeschiedenis, politieke economie en sociale theorieën.Bron :

A history of the world in seven cheap things : a guide to capitalism, nature, and the future of the planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780520299931 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oakland University of California Press

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Le capitalisme dans la toile de la vie : écologie et accumulation du capital
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791096441143 Year: 2020 Publisher: Toulouse: Éditions de l'Asymétrie,

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Livre manifeste du courant de l'écologie-monde, Le Capitalisme dans la toile de la vie se propose de dépasser les insuffisances réciproques des pensées écologistes et marxistes pour ouvrir la voie à une nouvelle synthèse critique et dialectique, qui, en brisant le carcan du dualisme cartésien entre nature et société, permet de saisir le faisceau de crises actuelles, dans son unité et toute sa portée historique : "La crise aujourd'hui n'est pas multiple, mais singulière et multiforme. Ce n'est pas une crise du capitalisme et de la nature, mais une crise de la modernité-dans-la-nature. Cette modernité est une écologie-monde capitaliste.".

A history of the world in seven cheap things : a guide to capitalism, nature, and the future of the planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780520293137 9780520966376 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oakland, Calif. University of California Press

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"Nature, money, work, care, food, energy, and lives: these are the seven things that have made our world and will shape its future. In making these things cheap, modern commerce has transformed, governed, and devastated Earth. In A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things, Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore present a new approach to analyzing today's planetary emergencies. Bringing the latest ecological research together with histories of colonialism, indigenous struggles, slave revolts, and other rebellions and uprisings, Patel and Moore demonstrate that throughout history, crises have always prompted fresh strategies to make the world cheap and safe for capitalism. At a time of crisis in all seven cheap things, innovative and systemic thinking is urgently required. This book proposes a radical new way of understanding--and reclaiming--the planet in the turbulent twenty-first century"--Provided by publisher.

A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things : A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0520293134 0520299930 0520966376 Year: 2017 Publisher: University of California Press

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A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things : A Guide to Capitalism, Nature and the Future of the Planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781788737746 Year: 2020 Publisher: London Verso

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Natuur, geld, werk, zorg, voedsel, energie en levens. Dat zijn de zeven zaken die onze wereld hebben gemaakt tot wat ze is, en die haar toekomst zullen bepalen. Door deze dingen goedkoop te maken, heeft de moderne commercie de aarde bestuurd, veranderd en verwoest. In dit boek ontwikkelen Raj Patel en Jason W. Moore een nieuwe kijk op de noodsituatie waarin onze planeet vandaag de dag verkeert. Gedurende de gehele geschiedenis hebben crises steeds geleid tot de ontwikkeling van nieuwe strategieën om de wereld goedkoop en veilig te maken voor het kapitalisme. Nu er sprake is van een crisis in alle zeven zaken, is innovatief en systemisch denken noodzakelijk. In dit boek wordt een radicale nieuwe kijk op de planeet gepresenteerd, met een nieuwe manier om haar te herstellen.


Comment notre monde est devenu cheap : une histoire inquiète de l'humanité
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782081381889 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Flammarion,

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"« Cheap » ne veut pas simplement dire « bon marché ». Rendre une chose « cheap » est une façon de donner une valeur marchande à tout, même à ce qui n'a pas de prix. Ainsi en va-t-il d'un simple nugget de poulet. On ne l'achète que 50 centimes, alors qu'une organisation phénoménale a permis sa production : des animaux, des plantes pour les nourrir, des financements, de l'énergie, des travailleurs mal payés... Déjà, au XIVe siècle, la cité de Gênes, endettée auprès des banques, mettait en gage le Saint-Graal. Christophe Colomb, découvrant l'Amérique, calculait ce que valent l'eau, les plantes, l'or... ou les Indiens. Au XIXe, les colons britanniques interdisaient aux femmes de travailler pour les cantonner aux tâches domestiques gratuites. Jusqu'à la Grèce de 2015, qui remboursait ses dettes en soldant son système social et ses richesses naturelles. Le capitalisme a façonné notre mondre : son histoire, d'or et de sang, est faite de conquêtes, d'oppression et de résistances. En la retraçant sous l'angle inédit de la « cheapisation », Raj Patel et Jason W. Moore offrent une autre lecture du monde. De cette vision globale des crises et des luttes pourrait alors naître une ambition folle : celle d'un monde plus juste." -- [4ème de couverture]

Can global capitalism endure?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781949762631 1949762637 9781949762570 Year: 2022 Publisher: Atlanta, GA : Clarity Press, Inc., SCB Distributors

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"William Robinson offers a concise, authoritative, and persuasive account of the ills, economic, ecological, and geopolitical, afflicting global capitalism, and shows that they are potentially fatal to both humankind and the system itself – compelling reading for anyone who wants to decipher the gathering storm clouds.” ALEX CALLINICO, Professor of European Studies, King's College, London'Few scholars are better qualified than William I. Robinson to summarize the Marxist economic critique and to apply it to the current terminal crisis of the capitalist system.'KEES VAN DER PIJL, States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check “Every paragraph of Can Global Capitalism Endure? sizzles with insights. Here is William I. Robinson at his best: empirically sensitive, theoretically original, politically committed”. JASON W. MOORE Global capitalism is facing an unprecedented crisis. The global economy is mired in prolonged stagnation. The worldwide social fabric is in decay. Civil strife and social upheaval are tearing up political systems and, in some cases, leading to the collapse of states. The planetary ecosystem is breaking down. Millions are fleeing, displaced by climate change, transnational corporate land grabs, wars and political persecution. How far into the future can global capitalism endure? In this urgent new study, sociologist William I. Robinson presents a “big picture” snapshot of the crisis of capitalism and the battle for the future of humanity. Drawing on 30 years of scholarship and activism, Robinson applies his original theory of global capitalism to the emerging digital age. He shows how global elites have pinned their hope on economic reactivation through the application of radical new digital technologies and financial strategies to the global economy and society. The rulers will turn to enhancing a global police state to contain mass rebellion as humanity enters a season of chaos and global civil war. The capitalist class and privileged strata of humanity may be able to survive collapse for decades to come even as a majority of humanity faces desperate struggles for survival that lead many to perish in the coming years. But there is eventually a terminal point to capitalist expansion as mass extinction and the radical alteration of the natural environment make life for our species and most others impossible. The only solution is a reversal of escalating inequalities through a radical redistribution of wealth and power."--Provided by publisher.

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