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This book examines how major Asian cities have enhanced their global competitiveness by transforming their higher education systems to equip their graduates with global competence. It primarily focuses on policy implications and urban governance, especially comparing how governments are responding to the growing challenges of international connectivity and are managing the diversity of populations resulting from an increasingly globalized world.
International education. --- Higher education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Education. --- Comparative education. --- Higher Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Economics --- Sociological aspects. --- Economic sociology --- Socio-economics --- Socioeconomics --- Sociology of economics --- Sociology --- Social aspects --- Education, Higher. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- International education . --- Education, Comparative --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- History
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China --- Chine --- Politics and government --- Economic policy --- Economic conditions --- Social conditions --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politique économique --- Conditions économiques --- Conditions sociales
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This book analyzes how universities in the Greater Bay Area in South China could work together for promoting innovation-centric entrepreneurship, research and knowledge transfer, as well as establishing a leading higher education hub in China mainland. This book brings together leading scholars from history, higher education, sociology, city and urbanism, and development studies, to analyzing the role of higher education, entrepreneurship, and talent hub from historical, comparative, and international perspectives. This book also shares different development experiences of Tokyo, Florida, and New York Bay economies and how higher education has supported their success stories.
Economic development --- Entrepreneurship. --- Educació i desenvolupament econòmic --- Emprenedoria --- Effect of education on. --- Xina --- Creadors d'empreses --- Emprenedors (Economia política) --- Entrepreneurship (Economia) --- Esperit emprenedor --- Esperit empresarial --- Iniciativa empresarial --- Capitalisme --- Emprenedoria social --- Beneficis --- Creació d'empreses --- Creativitat en els negocis --- Desenvolupament econòmic i educació --- Desenvolupament i educació --- Educació i desenvolupament --- Desenvolupament econòmic --- Educació --- Entrepreneur --- Intrapreneur --- Capitalism --- Business incubators --- Education --- Cathay --- China --- República de la Xina (1912-1949) --- República Popular de la Xina --- República Popular Xina --- Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo --- Xina (República : 1912-1949) --- Àsia oriental --- Brahmaputra (Àsia : Curs d'aigua) --- Canton (Xina) --- Guangdong (Xina) --- Hainan (Xina : Sheng) --- Henan (Xina : Sheng) --- Hong Kong (Xina) --- Macau (Xina : Regió administrativa especial) --- Iang-Tsé (Xina : Curs d'aigua) --- Manxúria (Xina : Regió) --- Mongòlia Interior (Xina : Zizhiqu) --- Pequín (Xina) --- Sichuan (Xina : Sheng) --- Tibet (Xina) --- Xinjiang (Xina : Regió) --- Xangai (Xina) --- Yunnan (Xina : Sheng)
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Economic development --- Cities and towns --- Regional planning --- Growth. --- Growth, Urban --- Sprawl, Urban --- Urban development --- Urban growth --- Urban sprawl --- Migration, Internal --- Population --- Vital statistics
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This book examines how major Asian cities have enhanced their global competitiveness by transforming their higher education systems to equip their graduates with global competence. It primarily focuses on policy implications and urban governance, especially comparing how governments are responding to the growing challenges of international connectivity and are managing the diversity of populations resulting from an increasingly globalized world.
Didactics --- Teaching --- Higher education --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- didactiek --- onderwijsonderzoek --- Education, Higher. --- Learning, Psychology of. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Higher Education. --- Instructional Psychology. --- International and Comparative Education.
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This book examines critically how the Chinese government has proactively engaged the nine cities and two special administrative regions in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in Southern China for deeper collaborations in order to transform the country from the "World Factory" to become a leading world economy in innovation and entrepreneurialism. While most of the existing research related to China's GBA development offers the economic and technological advancement perspectives, this book focuses on critical reflections upon how the call for megacity development and deeper regional collaborations in the Bay Area will affect people's livelihoods, social integration and urban governance. The central theme of this book builds around "Cities, Social Cohesion and Governance." Based upon policy and document analysis, first-hand fieldwork and surveys, and intensive interviews with major stakeholders responsible for pushing the Greater Bay Area development, this book offers not only regional perspectives in analyzing the Greater Bay Area development through comparing and contrasting development experiences within the country's different bay economies like the Shanghai and Zhejiang Bay Area and Beijing and Bohai Bay Area. The present book also draws comparative and international insights from other well- established bay economies like Tokyo Bay, Florida Bay and New York Bay Areas when analyzing the development in the GBA in China. Ka Ho Mok is the Vice President and concurrently Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy of Lingnan University. Before joining Lingnan, he was the Vice President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Comparative Policy of The Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Associate Dean and Professor of Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong. .
Social policy --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- Organization theory --- Business management --- ondernemingsstrategieën --- bedrijven --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- welzijnsbeleid --- sociaal beleid --- ondernemen --- Development economics. --- Entrepreneurship. --- New business enterprises. --- Social policy. --- Urban policy. --- Political planning. --- Development Economics. --- Social Policy. --- Urban Policy. --- Public Policy.
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This book analyzes how universities in the Greater Bay Area in South China could work together for promoting innovation-centric entrepreneurship, research and knowledge transfer, as well as establishing a leading higher education hub in China mainland. This book brings together leading scholars from history, higher education, sociology, city and urbanism, and development studies, to analyzing the role of higher education, entrepreneurship, and talent hub from historical, comparative, and international perspectives. This book also shares different development experiences of Tokyo, Florida, and New York Bay economies and how higher education has supported their success stories.
Sociology of education --- Teaching --- Higher education --- Educational sciences --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- vergelijkende pedagogiek --- onderwijs --- onderwijssociologie --- onderwijsonderzoek --- Education, Higher. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Educational sociology. --- Higher Education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Sociology of Education.
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Democracy --- -Intellectuals --- -Political activity --- China --- Politics and government --- -Democracy --- Politics and government -
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School management and organization --- -Schools --- -Educational change --- -Decentralization --- -School management and organization --- -Decentralization -
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Im Buch wird kritisch untersucht, wie die chinesische Regierung die neun Städte und zwei Sonderverwaltungsregionen in der Greater Bay Area (GBA) in Südchina proaktiv für eine engere Zusammenarbeit gewonnen hat, um das Land von der "Weltfabrik" zu einer führenden Weltwirtschaft in Sachen Innovation und Unternehmertum zu machen. Es konzentriert sich auf kritische Überlegungen, wie sich die Forderung nach der Entwicklung von Megastädten und einer vertieften regionalen Zusammenarbeit in der Bay Area auf die Lebensgrundlagen der Menschen, die soziale Integration und die städtische Verwaltung auswirken wird. Basierend auf der Analyse von Politischen Maßnahmen und Dokumenten, Feldforschung und Umfragen aus erster Hand sowie detaillierten Interviews mit wichtigen Akteuren, die die Entwicklung der Greater Bay Area vorantreiben, bietet das Buch nicht nur eine regionale Perspektive bei der Analyse der Entwicklung der Greater Bay Area durch den Vergleich und die Gegenüberstellung von Entwicklungserfahrungen in den verschiedenen Bucht-Ökonomien des Landes wie der Shanghai und Zhejiang Bay Area und der Beijing und Bohai Bay Area. Das Buch zieht auch vergleichende und internationale Erkenntnisse aus anderen etablierten Bucht-Volkswirtschaften wie der Tokyo Bay, der Florida Bay und den New York Bay Areas heran, um die Entwicklung der GBA in China zu analysieren. Der Autor Ka Ho Mok ist Vizepräsident und gleichzeitig Lam Man Tsan-Lehrstuhlinhaber für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft an der Lingnan-Universität. Vor seiner Tätigkeit an der Lingnan-Universität war er Vizepräsident (Forschung und Entwicklung) und Lehrstuhlinhaber für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft am Hong Kong Institute of Education sowie stellvertretender Dekan und Professor für Sozialpolitik an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hongkong. Dieses Buch stellt die Übersetzung einer englischsprachigen Originalausgabe dar. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt (maschinelle Übersetzung mit Eine anschließende manuelle Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem nach inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten, so dass das Buch stilistisch von einer herkömmlichen Übersetzung abweichen kann.
Development economics. --- Entrepreneurship. --- New business enterprises. --- Social policy. --- Urban policy. --- Political planning. --- Development Economics. --- Social Policy. --- Urban Policy. --- Public Policy.
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