Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The heire : an excellent comedie, as it was acted by the Company of the Revels
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Fraus honesta : comoedia Cantabrigiae olim acta
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The trivmphs of Gods revenge, against the crying and execrable sinne of murther. : Expressed in thirty seuerall tragicall histories, (digested into sixe bookes) which containe great varietie of mournefull and memorable accidents, amorous, morall, diuine.
Reynolds, John
Matthewes, Augustine
Lee, W.
Year: 1624
Publisher: At London : Printed by Augustine Mathevves, for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet-street, at the signe of the golden Buck, neere Seriants Inne.,
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Articles to be ministred enquired of, and ansvvered : In the first visitation of the Right Reuerend Father in God, Robert, by Gods Diuine providence, Lord Bishop of Couentry and Lichfield.
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March 12. Numero 17 Newes of Europe, with the seuerall particulars of each countrey. : More souldiers come out of Italy into Flanders, and the Spanish armie is much increased. : The cardinall of Lerma still maligned in Spaine. : The affaires of the Emperour, the Hungarians being weary of the warre. : Bethelem Gabors new propositions for a peace. : The Turke threatens Poland, if hee takes the Emperors part against Gabor. : The Marquesse of Brandeburg meeteth with the Duke of Saxonie. : The states perplexed, by reason the neuter prouinces are full of souldiers and enemies. : Seuerall letters concerning the Spaniards inroads into Guelderland. : A rumor in Spaine, for the recouery of Ormus in the Persian Gulph. : Count Mansfeild intertained into the French Kings seruice, made a marshall of France, and his Lieutenant Generall in the Valtoline.
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Articles to be enquired of, in the diocesan visitation of the Right Reuerend father in God, Barnabie (by the providence of God) Lord Bishop of Carlile. : In the yeare of our Lord God. 1632. and of his consecration the 4th.
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Artices [sic] to be enquired of, within the Dioces of Durham. : In the trienniall visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Richard, by the prouidence of God, Lord Bishop of Durham, in the yeare of our Lord God, 1624.
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A coale from the altar. Or, An ansvver to a letter not long since written to the vicar of Gr. against the placing of the communion table at the east end of the chancell : and now of late dispersed abroad to the disturbance of the Church.
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Prints and answers a letter from John Williams to the Vicar of Grantham. eebo-0013
Articles, to be enquired of by the minister, church-wardens and side-men, of every parish and precinct within the arch-deaconry of Durham. : Which were given in charge, in the annuall visitation of the Right Worshipfull Master Gabriel Clarke, Doctor in Divinitie and Arch-Deacon of Durham, in the yeare of our Lord God, one thousand six hundred thirty and six.
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Epinikion, a song of victorie, : vpon the proceedings and successe of the warres vndertaken by the most Puissant King of Sweden.
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