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Information is a core concept in animal communication: individuals routinely produce, acquire, process and store information, which provides the basis for their social life. This book focuses on how animal acoustic signals code information and how this coding can be shaped by various environmental and social constraints. Taking birds and mammals, including humans, as models, the authors explore such topics as communication strategies for “public” and “private” signaling, static and dynamic signaling, the diversity of coded information and the way information is decoded by the receiver. The book appeals to a wide audience, ranging from bioacousticians, ethologists and ecologists to evolutionary biologists. Intended for students and researchers alike, it promotes the idea that Shannon and Weaver’s Mathematical Theory of Communication still represents a strong framework for understanding all aspects of the communication process, including its dynamic dimensions.
Behavioral sciences. --- Evolutionary biology. --- Acoustics. --- Vertebrates. --- Coding theory. --- Information theory. --- Communication. --- Behavioral Sciences. --- Evolutionary Biology. --- Coding and Information Theory. --- Communication Studies. --- Communication, Primitive --- Mass communication --- Sociology --- Communication theory --- Communication --- Cybernetics --- Data compression (Telecommunication) --- Digital electronics --- Information theory --- Machine theory --- Signal theory (Telecommunication) --- Computer programming --- Vertebrata --- Chordata --- Animal evolution --- Animals --- Biological evolution --- Darwinism --- Evolutionary biology --- Evolutionary science --- Origin of species --- Biology --- Evolution --- Biological fitness --- Homoplasy --- Natural selection --- Phylogeny --- Animal communication. --- Animal biocommunication --- Animal language --- Biocommunication, Animal --- Language learning by animals --- Animal behavior --- Comunicació animal --- Sons dels animals --- Vertebrats --- Cordats --- Àgnats --- Amfibis --- Mamífers --- Ocells --- Osteïctis --- Peixos --- Rèptils --- Llenguatge dels animals --- So animal --- Sons animals --- Sorolls dels animals --- Producció de sons pels animals --- Sons de la natura --- Cants dels ocells --- Comunicació entre els animals --- Zoosemiòtica --- Etologia --- Comunicació amb els animals --- Feromones --- Evolution (Biology)
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"What messages do animals send to each other using sound? How can we decipher them? What lessons might these messages offer for understanding the origins and workings of our own communication? Scientists who study bioacoustics try and answer these questions, using physiology, animal behavior, and evolutionary biology to understand how and why animals communicate via sound. In this book, Nicholas Mathevon offers readers an accessible overview of the field of bioacoustics, from the mechanisms of sound to its complex social function. Comprising short, accessible chapters, A Sound Journey explores how sound travels underwater, the act of hearing, and how animals use sounds inaudible to humans. Mathevon also shows how animals use sound to communicate in various circumstances, including parent-offspring relationships, conflict, expressions of emotion, and complex socialization. The study of acoustic communication enables a better understanding of the complexities of animal behavior, and the book uses examples from throughout the animal kingdom to illustrate how discoveries in bioacoustics have revealed various species' behaviors. In the final chapters, Mathevon explores animal "language" and the various philosophical and biological implications of this topic, both for various wild and domesticated species and for our understanding of how human communication systems developed"-- "Songs, barks, roars, hoots, squeals, and growls: exploring the mysteries of how animal communicate by sound. What is the meaning of a bird's song, a baboon's bark, an owl's hoot, a dolphin's clicks? In The Voices of Nature, Nicolas Mathevon explores the mysteries of animal sound. Putting readers in the middle of animal soundscapes that range from the steamy heat of the Amazon jungle to the icy terrain of the Arctic, Mathevon reveals the amazing variety of animal vocalizations. He describes how animals use sound to express emotion, to choose a mate, to trick others, to mark their territory, to call for help, and much more. What may seem like random chirps, squawks, and cries are actually signals that, like our human words, allow animals to carry on conversations with others. Mathevon explains how the science of bioacoustics works to decipher the ways animals make and hear sounds, what information is encoded in these sound signals, and what this information is used for in daily life. Drawing on these findings as well as observations in the wild, Mathevon describes, among many other things, how animals communicate with their offspring, how they exchange information despite ambient noise, how sound travels underwater, how birds and mammals learn to vocalize, and even how animals express emotion though sound. Finally, Mathevon asks if these vocalization, complex and expressive as they are, amount to language. For readers who have wondered about the meaning behind a robin's song or the cicadas' relentless "tchik-tchik-tchik," this book offers a listening guide for the endlessly varied concert of nature"--
Animal communication. --- Animal sounds. --- SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Zoology / Ethology (Animal Behavior) --- SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Neuroscience --- Animal language --- Animal communication --- Bioacoustics --- Nature sounds --- Animal biocommunication --- Biocommunication, Animal --- Language learning by animals --- Animal behavior --- Accuracy and precision. --- Acoustic wave. --- Amphibian. --- Anatomy. --- Animal language. --- Animal. --- Approximation. --- Atmospheric pressure. --- Bayes' theorem. --- Behavior. --- Biodiversity. --- Biologist. --- Bonobo. --- Botswana. --- Cartilage. --- Communication. --- Control theory. --- Coral reef. --- Data transmission. --- Dimension. --- Distress signal. --- Eardrum. --- Ecology. --- Ecosystem. --- Ecotype. --- Effectiveness. --- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. --- Environmental noise. --- Ethology. --- Everyday life. --- Female. --- Formant. --- Fundamental frequency. --- Geology. --- Harmonic series (music). --- Human. --- Implementation. --- In the Water. --- Inner ear. --- Insect. --- Language. --- Larva. --- Larynx. --- Learning. --- Lightness (philosophy). --- Literature. --- Loudspeaker. --- Mammal. --- Marine mammal. --- Measurement. --- Methodology. --- Microphone. --- Modulation. --- Motor control. --- Musical instrument. --- Natural environment. --- Nature Communications. --- Nature reserve. --- Network science. --- Nikolaas Tinbergen. --- Obstacle. --- Phenotype. --- Platt scaling. --- Prediction. --- Probability. --- Recursive definition. --- Responsiveness. --- Result. --- Reverberation. --- Rodent. --- Sea. --- Sensory neuron. --- Sexual selection. --- Simulation. --- Singing. --- Social group. --- Social influence. --- Sound localization. --- Sound recording and reproduction. --- Sound. --- Soundscape. --- Species. --- Sperm whale. --- Spoken language. --- Termite. --- The Sound World. --- Transmitter. --- Uniform Resource Locator. --- Usage. --- User interface. --- Vegetation. --- Vertebrate. --- Vibration. --- Vocal folds. --- Vocal learning. --- Vocal tract. --- Voice frequency. --- Warbler. --- Wildlife. --- Zoology.
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Le crocodile vagit, le grillon craquette, l'hyène rit, la mésange zinzinule, le criquet stridule… Que cachent ces sons ? Peut-on percer leurs mystères ? Que peuvent bien se raconter les animaux ? Du Brésil à la mer du Nord, de la jungle amazonienne aux étendues glacées de l'Arctique, des pleurs des petits crocodiles aux joutes sonores des éléphants de mer, le biologiste Nicolas Mathevon, spécialiste de bioacoustique, dévoile la diversité des vocalisations animales. Avec lui, nous apprenons comment ces langages leur permettent d'exprimer leurs émotions, de choisir un partenaire, de ruser, de savoir qui domine et qui se soumet, de marquer son territoire, d'appeler à l'aide...
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Le crocodile vagit, le grillon craquette, l'hyène rit, la mésange zinzinule, le criquet stridule… Que cachent ces sons ? Peut-on percer leurs mystères ? Que peuvent bien se raconter les animaux ? Du Brésil à la mer du Nord, de la jungle amazonienne aux étendues glacées de l'Arctique, des pleurs des petits crocodiles aux joutes sonores des éléphants de mer, le biologiste Nicolas Mathevon, spécialiste de bioacoustique, dévoile la diversité des vocalisations animales. Avec lui, nous apprenons comment ces langages leur permettent d'exprimer leurs émotions, de choisir un partenaire, de ruser, de savoir qui domine et qui se soumet, de marquer son territoire, d'appeler à l'aide..
Animaux --- Communication animale --- Animal communication. --- Animal sounds. --- Bioacoustics. --- Communication animale. --- Bioacoustique. --- Sons. --- Production de sons.
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Information is a core concept in animal communication: individuals routinely produce, acquire, process and store information, which provides the basis for their social life. This book focuses on how animal acoustic signals code information and how this coding can be shaped by various environmental and social constraints. Taking birds and mammals, including humans, as models, the authors explore such topics as communication strategies for “public” and “private” signaling, static and dynamic signaling, the diversity of coded information and the way information is decoded by the receiver. The book appeals to a wide audience, ranging from bioacousticians, ethologists and ecologists to evolutionary biologists. Intended for students and researchers alike, it promotes the idea that Shannon and Weaver’s Mathematical Theory of Communication still represents a strong framework for understanding all aspects of the communication process, including its dynamic dimensions.
Social psychology --- Ergodic theory. Information theory --- Mathematical control systems --- Vibrations --- Evolution. Phylogeny --- Vertebrates --- Mass communications --- geluidsleer --- akoestiek --- gedrag (mensen) --- vertebraten --- communicatie --- Europees recht --- informatietheorie
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"What messages do animals send to each other using sound? How can we decipher them? What lessons might these messages offer for understanding the origins and workings of our own communication? Scientists who study bioacoustics try and answer these questions, using physiology, animal behavior, and evolutionary biology to understand how and why animals communicate via sound. In this book, Nicholas Mathevon offers readers an accessible overview of the field of bioacoustics, from the mechanisms of sound to its complex social function. Comprising short, accessible chapters, A Sound Journey explores how sound travels underwater, the act of hearing, and how animals use sounds inaudible to humans. Mathevon also shows how animals use sound to communicate in various circumstances, including parent-offspring relationships, conflict, expressions of emotion, and complex socialization. The study of acoustic communication enables a better understanding of the complexities of animal behavior, and the book uses examples from throughout the animal kingdom to illustrate how discoveries in bioacoustics have revealed various species' behaviors. In the final chapters, Mathevon explores animal "language" and the various philosophical and biological implications of this topic, both for various wild and domesticated species and for our understanding of how human communication systems developed."
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