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With contributions from library and information professionals (practitioners, researchers, faculty members, consultants, and others), Marketing Library and Information Services: A Global Outlook highlights a variety of exemplary LIS marketing practices and efforts from around the globe. The following broad topics are explored: changing marketing concepts; marketing library and information services in different countries; marketing library and information services in different kind of libraries; web-based LIS marketing, etc.
Libraries --- Information services --- Bibliothèques --- Services d'information --- Marketing. --- Public relations --- Marketing --- Relations publiques --- BPB1307 --- Bibliothèque --- Société de l'information --- Mercatique --- Sciences sociales --- Bibliotheek --- Informatiemaatschappij --- Sociale wetenschappen --- Public relations. --- Information services -- Marketing. --- Libraries -- Marketing. --- Libraries -- Public relations. --- Libraries. --- Social Sciences --- Library & Information Science --- Bibliothèques --- teoria marketingului --- teória marketingu --- teorija trženja --- turundusteooria --- теория на маркетинга --- marketing --- rinkodaros teorija --- teorija marketinga --- μάρκετινγκ --- теорија на маркетинг --- marknadsföringsteori --- marketingová koncepce --- tirgzinības teorija --- mercadotecnia --- teoria marketingu --- markkinoinnin teoria --- теорија маркетинга --- theory of marketing --- teoria e marketingut --- teorija tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni --- markedsføringsteori --- marketingteori --- elementi di marketing --- marchéage --- marketingová teorie --- αγοραλογία --- теорија истраживања тржишта --- piano di marketing --- mercadeo --- εμποριολογία --- tecniche di marketing --- teorija obrade tržišta --- marketingtechniek --- teorie marketingu --- socialiniai mokslai --- družbene vede --- social sciences --- humanitní vědy --- κοινωνικές επιστήμες --- sociālās zinātnes --- științe sociale --- társadalomtudományok --- општествени науки --- socialvidenskaber --- shkenca sociale --- scienze sociali --- Sozialwissenschaften --- xjenzi soċjali --- yhteiskuntatieteet --- samhällsvetenskap --- ciências sociais --- spoločenské vedy --- nauki społeczne --- eolaíochtaí sóisialta --- друштвене науке --- социални науки --- društvene znanosti --- sociale wetenschappen --- ciencias sociales --- sotsiaalteadused --- menswetenschappen --- sociální vědy --- bölcsészettudományok --- științe umane --- humanističke znanosti --- duchovědy --- humanvetenskap --- scienze umane --- humanities --- společenské vědy --- ühiskonnateadused --- културологија --- studime klasike --- humanidades --- ciências humanas --- sciences humaines --- humanitārās zinātnes --- humanitné vedy --- хуманистички науки --- Gesellschaftswissenschaften --- geesteswetenschappen --- humaniora --- humanitariniai mokslai --- Kulturwissenschaften --- επιστήμες του ανθρώπου --- духовни науки --- samfundsvidenskaber --- humanitaarteadused --- scienze dell'uomo --- kirjasto --- könyvtár --- bibliotēka --- librerija --- biblioteka --- βιβλιοθήκη --- Bibliothek --- raamatukogu --- library --- bibliotheek --- knižnica --- knihovna --- bibliotekë --- bibliotek --- bibliotecă --- knjižnica --- библиотека --- biblioteca --- studovna --- Bücherei --- hemeroteca --- čítárna --- читална --- информатичко општество --- informační společnost --- soċjetà tal-informazzjoni --- информатичко друштво --- informačná spoločnosť --- κοινωνία των πληροφοριών --- społeczeństwo informacyjne --- informacijska družba --- sociedade da informação --- információs társadalom --- societate informațională --- shoqëria e informacionit --- Informationsgesellschaft --- information society --- sociedad de la información --- informationssamfundet --- infoühiskond --- informatiemaatschappij --- tietoyhteiskunta --- an tsochaí faisnéise --- информационно общество --- informācijas sabiedrība --- informationssamhälle --- informacinė visuomenė --- società dell'informazione --- informacijsko društvo --- teoiric na margaíochta --- leabharlann --- Libraries - Marketing --- Information services - Marketing --- Marketingtheorie --- Bibliothèque --- Société de l'information --- Library marketing. --- marketing.
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