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Identifying Gravitational Waves with Machine Learning and Matched Filtering
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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We trained machine learning models on a data set of theoretical gravitational wave templates from the GstLAL matched filtering pipeline. The data set consists of the triggered templates from the matched filtering of injected gravitational waves from the merger of binary black holes. It consideres two different types of gravitational wave injections, spin aligned and spin non-aligned waves. Two different types of models were trained, one on a set of manually constructed features from the GstLAL templates and another on grids of binned templates that exploit the distribution of the triggered templates in their parameter space. These models were found to classify between the spin aligned and spin-non aligned cases with a small but significant accuracy of $0.53$. While poor, this result does point towards the potential of using the otherwise discarded template information of the matched filtering pipeline.


Echo's van gravitatiegolven in een gravastar ruimtetijd
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Het begon allemaal met de ontdekking van een nieuwe theorie van de zwaartekracht, genaamd de generale relativiteitstheorie, gepubliceerd door Albert Einstein in 1916. De vergelijkingen die hij neerschreef verklaren alles gerelateerd aan zwaartekracht, zoals de beweging van planeten, de buiging van licht en zelfs de grootschalige bewegingen van sterrenstelsels. In de jaren na zijn ontdekking kwamen er meerdere oplossing op zijn vergelijkingen, waarvan het zwarte gat er een was. Wanneer een grote ster, tientallen keer zwaarder dan de onze, zonder brandstof komt te zitten, is er niets dat de gravitationele aantrekking naar binnen tegenhoudt en begint de ster te imploderen. Op een bepaald punt zal alle materie weggestopt zitten in zo'n kleine ruimte dat de zwaartekracht zo sterk is dat niets, zelfs licht niet, eraan kan ontsnappen (vandaar de naam 'zwart' gat). Een groot probleem met een zwart gat is dat in het middelpunt de dichtheid oneindig groot wordt, wat de theorie ongeldig maakt. Een tweede belangrijke oplossing die voortvloeide uit de vergelijkingen van Einstein zijn zwaartekrachtgolven. Je kan je deze golven inbeelden als trillingen van de ruimte zelf, die effectief objecten periodiek samentrekken en uitrekken. In deze thesis komen die twee oplossingen samen. Beeld jezelf een trampoline in waarop iemand aan de tegenovergestelde randen zijdelings twee bowlingballen gooit. De ballen zullen in cirkelvormige banen bewegen, maar met een steeds kleiner wordende straal. Op een bepaald punt zullen ze met elkaar botsen. Hetzelfde vindt plaats met twee zwarte gaten als ze te dicht bij elkaar komen. Het verschil zit echter in de laatste fase: ze fuseren namelijk tot één groter geheel. Dit finale zwarte gat trilt na en dit proces produceert zwaartekrachtgolven. De frequentie van deze golven kunnen we meten en deze vertelt ons meer over bijvoorbeeld de massa en rotatie van dit zwarte gat. Nu komt de grote vraag: wat als een zwart gat iets compleet anders is maar 'eruitziet' als een zwart gat op het eerst gezicht? Een gravastar is al naar voor geschoven als een alternatief dat aan de buitenkant dezelfde eigenschappen vertoont als een zwart gat, maar dat aan de binnenkant gevuld is met een vacuüm energie. Om te controleren of deze beschrijving correct is, zouden we kunnen kijken naar de zwaartekrachtgolven die geproduceerd worden als twee van dergelijke gravastars met elkaar botsen en fuseren. Het doel van deze thesis is om eerst een gravastar te construeren uit Einstein's vergelijkingen en daarna te kijken naar de frequenties van de zwaartekrachtgolven tijdens zo'n fusie-event.


Supplementing Matched Filtering with Machine Learning – applications in gravitational-wave searches
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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The first direct observation of gravitational waves by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015 was a monumental event. Ever since the need for better processing of the data is needed. This must be done efficiently, i.e. fast and with high enough accuracy. On that account, the idea of using machine learning models is very fascinating as they can identify properties buried in huge amounts of data. The training of such models can be quite intensive, but predictions can be made relatively quickly. Additionally, they allow the compression of a huge reference data set into a smaller machine model [19]. This project serves as a proof of concept where a novel idea is worked out. It aims to combine machine learning with the gravitational wave data processed in LIGO. Normally, one characterizes an observed gravitational wave signal by a single optimal pre-computed waveform, i.e. the most optimal template. The procedure in this project utilizes a distribution of templates for a single observed signal to retain more information. The idea is then to classify two sets of simulations. The first set contains simulated signals which belong to the same family of signals as the templates. For the second set of simulations, this is no longer true as an additional spin effect is introduced. One can confirm that corresponding simulations of the two sets, which only differ in spin, retrieve different template distributions from the LIGO processing pipeline. On a data set, built using the two groups of simulations, classification is performed using a Random Forest model and two Support Vector Machine models. No significant results were obtained. However, the framework behind this project has been worked out and can be used for further analysis.


Black Hole Quasi-Normal Modes using Spectral Methods
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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One of the most important predictions from Einstein's theory of general relativity is the existence of black holes. When two black holes merge to form a binary, gravitational radiation is emitted. The final stage of this process leaves a single black hole oscillating at a specific frequency. The frequencies of oscillating black hole decay over time, as such they are called quasi-normal modes. These frequencies are extremely important since they infer information about black hole parameters, such as the mass of a black hole. Consider the simplest black hole, being one that does not rotate and is completely isolated in spacetime, the so-called Schwarzschild black hole. The oscillations of this black hole can be studied analytically due to its inherent simplicity. In more realistic astrophysical situations, the black hole is not isolated but will be surrounded, for example by an accretion disk. This addition makes it impossible to compute them analytically, and a numerical approach has to be taken. As such, enormous efforts have been made to calculate these modes numerically. However, current numerical methods suffer from either poor precision, inefficiencies, high computational costs, or an inability to compute quasi-normal mode frequencies beyond some simple spacetimes. Additionally, most numerical methods are applicable to certain types of problems only, creating a need for methods which can be applied to generic spacetimes with high accuracy. In this work, a foundation is lain for such a generic method using spectral methods in Python.


Well-posedness of Einstein’s Equations and Simulations of Neutrons Stars in Beyond-GR Theory
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Overall, this Master's thesis is located in the field of numerical relativity and has two main goals. It can for that reason be roughly divided into two parts. In the first part, a specific decomposition of spacetime, known as the 3+1 decomposition, is recapped in order to prepare Einstein's equations for numerical simulations. This is non-trivial as our human brains are not well adapted to visualize a four-dimensional space and we naturally find it more easy to visualize spatial surfaces being evolved over some chosen time-like coordinate. Afterwards, it is necessary to show that the resulting set of equations is well-posed. That is, the solution is unique and depends continuously on the initial data. This task proves to be challenging, especially for theories beyond general relativity. Moreover, there is no general scheme to follow; each system must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, in the first part of this thesis, it is shown that several formulations of Einstein's equations are well-posed (including an alternative theory to general relativity) and the importance of the constraint equations in obtaining a well-posed system is emphasized. The second part embarks on a completely different route compared to the first part. The knowledge gained from the first part is utilized by conducting several simulations of a one-dimensional neutron star in a specific theory beyond general relativity. This is achieved by extending the equations in the existing numerical relativistic code exttt{Gmunu}. The objective in the second part is to observe a phenomenon called spontaneous scalarization, which occurs when an additional gravitational scalar field is coupled to matter. Under certain conditions, the scalar field takes a non-trivial configuration, which turns out to be the most stable state. Since this scalar field vanishes in standard general relativity, the shift in configurations can be potentially measured and is thus of interest to study. Implementing the evolution equations for the scalar fields in exttt{Gmunu} proved to be challenging; they could not be succesfully implemented without encountering issues. Instead, the encountered difficulties are discussed and the effects of treating the scalar fields as constants as an alternative approach are explored. The neutron star is found to be oscillating. Fourier transforms of the central density are performed in order to find the eigenmode frequencies of these oscillations. It is shown that, for standard general relativity, the obtained eigenmode frequencies are in agreement with the known frequencies in the literature. Finally, the effect of constant scalar fields on the eigenmode frequencies is analyzed. By varying a perturbation parameter, it is shown that the eigenmode frequencies that appear in standard general relativity stay approximately the same although the underlying reason of the oscillation has changed. Moreover, when a certain threshold of the perturbation parameter is passed, there appear additional eigenmode frequencies. This is an indication that the neutron star is scalarized.


Lensing Rate of Gravitational Waves for Third Generation Detectors
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Gravitational wave detection already has made, and promises more groundbreaking detections in many fiels of physics. The detection of gravitationally lensed gravitational waves could add to this list. This master thesis asses the effect of lensing on the detectabillity of gravitational waves by third generation detectors: the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer. This is done by calculating the observable (lensed) event rates, and extrapolating the lensing ratio. The ratio of lensed observable events and the total number of observable events is then analysed, together with the binary black hole source parameter distributions. It is found that lensing causes more edge-on binary systems, low-end total mass and high redshift events to be observable for both a second and third generation network. This is due to the magnification caused by lensing, manifesting into the source appearing to be closer by with a higher total mass, and lensing possibly changing the waves polarisation state. This can cause an unlensed event which lies behind the detection horizon to lie infront of the detection horizon when lensed. The third generation network is also capable of observing overall more events than the second generation network, as it is more sensitive. It can detect events with almost any high redshift while the second generation cannot. For more sensitive detectors, the lensing ratio then decreases as new unlensed observable events were already detectable when lensed. This effect stagnates for the third generation detectors because they can already observe events for almost any redshift, even when the event is not lensed. However, the analysis of the results shows that being able to observe lensed events will improve the detections that can be made and thus the discoveries that could follow.


Microlensing of Gravitational Waves in a field of Microlenses
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Gravitational waves are disturbances that propagate through the very fabric of spacetime, much like the ripples that radiate across a pond when a pebble is tossed in. However, these spacetime waves are generated by the motion of celestial objects, such as two stars orbiting each other and gradually losing energy in the form of these gravitational waves during their orbital dance. As these gravitational waves journey toward us, they can encounter and be influenced by various celestial objects along their path, including galaxies and stars. This phenomenon is known as gravitational lensing. The effect of this bending by the galaxies often leads to multiple images of the source as we look in the sky. These images are what we detect using the relevant instrument. However, this phenomenon of gravitational lensing by galaxies is also influenced by the stars, like Sun that lie closeby to the galaxies. These stellar objects can impact the signals from lensing by galaxies detected by our instruments, potentially introducing complexities in the analysis of these signals. Therefore it is essential to investigate how a population of these stellar objects stars affects the lensed signal from the massive galaxies. To achieve this objective, a code has been developed specifically for simulating the presence of a population of these stellar objects (ranging from 0.08 to 1.5 times the mass of the sun) in close proximity to the massive galaxy (mass ∼ 1010 times the mass of sun). This code builds upon existing methods used to model gravitational lensing caused by a single star. Additionally, two key parameters have been used to systematically quantify the impact of microlensing, changes in which affect the measurement of the parameters one can infer from the Gravitational wave observations. Within the setup of this work, for the signal which is weakly magnified due to lensing by the galaxy lens, it has been found that the population of these stellar mass objects are less likely to significantly impact the measurement of the parameters such as mass and spin of the source producing gravitational waves in the observation. However, the effective amplitude of the original gravitational wave signal lensed by the galaxy is likely to be amplified due to the presence of a population of these stellar mass objects, which holds significant importance in cosmological investigations associated with lensing studies. In addition to the coding related aspect, this research also contributes to the existing literature by systematic quantification of the lensing effects of a population of these stellar mass objects. The insights derived from this thesis and the code developed possess the potential for application in existing literature studies and in the extended exploration of the effect.


Identifying Lensed Gravitational Waves with Machine Learning
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Heavy accelerating objects like a binary system of black holes produce ripples in spacetime which are called gravitational waves. They open up a new way to look at the sky beside the conventional electromagnetic way. Around 90 waves have been detected until now and a new generation of detectors with higher sensitivity is planned to be built in the current decade. It is expected that these updated detectors could detect hypothesised phenomena like lensed gravitational waves. Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon where a heavy object like a galaxy cluster focuses passing waves around it, like a loupe focuses light rays. As gravitational waves pass near a heavy object, they can be focused around different sides of the lens, resulting in different travel distances. This results in small time differences between the waves when they come back together. The superposed waves create an interference pattern, called beating patterns. These beating patterns are characteristic for lensed gravitational waves and are used to differentiate them from unlensed waves. The current way to detect gravitational waves consists of building theoretical templates of gravitational waves and using them to find a match in an incoming signal. In this thesis, different machine learning models will be trained to differentiate between lensed and unlensed gravitational waves and regress important parameters. The trained models aim to be a contender for the template matching technique. To train these models, noiseless data of gravitational waves coming from a black hole merger is generated for different cases. We consider two ranges of parameters, one in which the waves are strongly lensed and the other in which they are weakly lensed. We preprocess the waves in the form of spectrograms, which are image representations of the waves in the time and frequency domain. We train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with different activation functions, a Random Forest and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) from scratch. We also use two state-of-the-art pretrained models for transfer learning, namely the EfficientNetV2-L and YamNet model. From all the trained models, we find that the CNN with the SELU activation function and the EfficientNetV2-L model perform best for the two ranges with an average F1 score of 0.98. These models have a slightly higher performance for the weakly lensed case, as these type of lensed waves becomes more distinctive. For the regression, we find that the CNN or the SVM performs best, depending on the regressed parameter.


Machine learning algorithms for the conservative-to-primitive conversion in relativistic hydrodynamics
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Future detections of gravitational waves originating from binary neutron star mergers or core-collapse supernovae offer the potential to gain unprecedented insights into the structure of matter at densities far beyond those probed by Earth-based experiments. In order to be able to identify the correct equation of state of matter, a template bank of waveforms has to be generated by general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations. However, state-of-the-art solvers are slowed down by the conservative-toprimitive transformation, a central algorithmic step in any relativistic hydrodynamics solver. We investigate the potential of three machine learning algorithms to improve existing conservative-to-primitive schemes. We find that fully replacing either the conservative-to-primitive transformation or the evaluation of the equation of state by a machine learning model is unable to provide any significant advantage. We propose a novel, hybrid scheme that unifies machine learning and state-of-the-art schemes, resulting in an acceleration of numerical solvers by up to 25% for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations involving microphysical equations of state, without compromising accuracy or robustness.


Neural Monte Carlo: accelerating Monte Carlo Methods for PDE simulations using Machine Learning

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In this master's thesis we propose a novel method called Neural Monte Carlo. The goal of the method is to use machine learning to accelerate Monte Carlo simulations of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). We provide background information on both Monte Carlo methods and neural networks in general. We then describe the framework which will enable us to implement the method, and identify two possible training schemes. We conceptually prove the method on an academic problem, the 1D heat equation. We develop two algorithms to train the neural networks based on the two training schemes. We give the high-level implementation and we test the algorithms in terms of performance and timings, comparing them to classic Monte Carlo. We discuss the real-world applications of the method and possible paths for future research.


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