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Preventing bullying in schools : a guide for teachers and other professionals
ISBN: 0761944729 9780761944720 0761944710 9780761944713 1847877648 9781847877642 9781446215807 1446215806 1281239992 9786611239992 9781281239990 Year: 2004 Publisher: London : Thousand Oaks, CA : Paul Chapman ; SAGE,

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Offering teachers, student teachers, assistants and other educational professionals advice on how to counter and prevent bullying in school, this text suggests both classroom and staffroom activities that can help promote change.

Immutable : Designing History
ISBN: 9789493148420 9493148424 Year: 2022 Publisher: Eindhoven : Onomatopee,

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Immutable: Designing History' explores the banal genre of the document and its entanglement with statecraft and colonial (ism/ity). This is framed as a 5,000 year chronology, imbricating the developments of money and writing from Mesopotamian clay tablets to distributed ledgers, like the blockchain. Immutability figures as a design imperative and hermeneutic for considering a variety of techniques (material, technological, administrative, etc.) of securitization against the entropy of a document's movement through space/time, and the political. This project is driven by a contrast: design educators tend to teach forms like logos, books, websites, etc., but not passports, money, property deeds, etc., in spite of these being, I contend, design's most profoundly consequential forms. As an alternative historiography, "Immutable" gestures both towards anthropologist Laura Nader's call to "study up" (on those in power), and the radical educator Paolo Freire's recognition of the "limit situation" as a generative condition for emancipatory praxis. The book's aim is to orient graphic design towards the vocation of imagining, naming, and remembering beyond the horizons of its role as a managerial, administrative, and colonial instrument that imposes a rationality of vision and accountability upon what is knowable, thinkable and sayable. Chris Lee is a graphic designer and educator based in Buffalo and Brooklyn, NY. He is a graduate of OCADU and the Sandberg Instituut. His research/studio practice explores graphic design's entanglement with power, standards, and the document. Chris is an Assistant Professor in the Undergraduate Communications Design Department at the Pratt Institute.

Immutable : designing history
ISBN: 9781737370017 Year: 2022 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : [New Haven, Connecticut] : [Onomatopee Projects], Library Stack,

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"Immutable: Designing History explores the banal genre of the document and its entanglement with statecraft and colonialism. This is framed as a roughly 5,000 year chronology, imbricating the developments of money and writing from Mesopotamian clay tablets to distributed digital ledgers like the blockchain. Immutability figures as a design imperative and hermeneutic for considering a variety of techniques (material, technological, and administrative) of securitization against the entropy of a document's movement through space and time, and the political contingencies of its era."--

The complete guide to behaviour for teaching assistants and support staff
ISBN: 1446251470 1280338202 9786613555137 1446248291 9781446251478 9781280338205 9781446248294 Year: 2011 Publisher: London ; Los Angeles : SAGE,

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By providing a thorough grounding in the theory behind behaviour management, followed by suggestions for successful strategies to use in the classroom, this text gives the reader the confidence to manage the challenging behaviour of children and young people in educational contexts.

Resolving behaviour problems in your school : a practical guide for teachers and support staff
ISBN: 1446235645 1282560263 1412924146 9786612560262 1848605242 9781446235645 9781282560260 9781412924146 9781848605244 Year: 2007 Publisher: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA : PCP,

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This volume provides insights into contemporary issues that inform better behaviour management in schools and practical advice on how to enhance it through policy and practice.

La douleur de la cartographe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782912464712 2912464714 Year: 2000 Publisher: Besançon: Les solitaires intempestifs,

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Death warning in the Garden of Eden : the early reception history of Genesis 2:17
ISBN: 9783161588587 3161588584 9783161588594 Year: 2020 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck

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In this book, Chris W. Lee examines the early Jewish reception of the divine death warning (Gen 2:16-17) in relation to its interpretative association with the introduction of physical death to humanity. The long-time rationale has been that the eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought sin and death 'for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die' (Gen 2:17). In this study, the author begins by examining the meaning of Gen 2:17 in its original context, then tracing its interpretation in subsequent Second Temple Jewish Literature. He examines the Greek translation of Gen 2:16-17 and its translational elements that expand the possible range of understanding of the death warning that would not have originated from the Hebrew text of Genesis. Chris W. Lee then continues with an exegetical analysis of allusions and references to the death warning in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Ben Sira, 1 Corinthians and Romans. He argues, firstly, that there are no explicit narrative clues in the HB as to the physical status of Adam and Eve either as immortal or mortal before their disobedience to God's command in Gen 2:17, and that the death warning itself does not provide textual support for the understanding of the death warning in the sense of becoming mortal. He also argues that Paul's explicit attribution of death to the disobedience of Adam and Eve (1 Cor 15:21-22; Rom 5:12) finds its earlier traces in the course of interpretation of the aforementioned literature: 1) clarification of the meaning of the death warning, i.e. death in the sense of becoming 'mortal' and death due to the violation of the command as applicable not only to Adam, but also to Eve and other human beings; 2) reinforcement of the presumptive association between the death warning and the introduction of death to humanity. --

Final Fantasy : The Spirits Within
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2001 Publisher: Etats-Unis, Final Fantasy Film Partners,

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2065. L'espèce humaine a été anéantie par de mystérieux fantômes extraterrestres qui se nourrissent d'énergie vitale. Parmi les résistants, deux clans s'opposent pour la reconquête de la planète. Le belliqueux général Hein veut passer par la destruction totale, tandis que la scientifique Aki Ross pense réussir à chasser les fantômes...


Appropriation du Lean Construction - Cas du projet Vivaldi chez JM Construction
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Université de Liège
Année académique: 2015-2016

Appropriation du Lean construction
Cas du projet Vivaldi chez JM Construction

La présente recherche s’intéresse à l’appropriation de la démarche Lean construction chez une entreprise active dans le secteur du bâtiment.
Né à l’industrie depuis 1950, le Lean élargi ses pratiques dans des différents secteurs, dont le secteur de la construction. C’est ainsi que de nombreuses entreprises dans des différents pays optent par la mise en place de cette démarche afin d’améliorer leurs performances. À cet effet, l’entreprise JM construction a été choisie comme un cas d’étude dans le cadre de ce travail ayant adoptée une démarche Lean sur son chantier ‘’clos Vivaldi’’ en Belgique.
L’étude se compose d’un ensemble de phases et d’étapes qui vont permettre de collecter des données, les analyser et de rédiger le rapport. 
La première phase qui représente la phase d’observation du chantier Vivaldi est divisée en deux étapes, une consacrée à l’observation générale ‘’in situ’’ des concepts mis en place et une deuxième consacrée à la cartographie des chaines de valeurs grâce à l’outil du Lean ‘’Value Stream Mapping’’ adapté à la construction, pour mettre en évidence les sources de gaspillages. La deuxième phase repose sur une méthodologie particulière d’intervention qui est aussi divisée en deux étapes, une première qui vise à la mise en place de la théorie présentée dans le chapitre de la revue de littérature et qui prend en compte tous les résultats précédents , et une dernière qui permet de chercher la manière optimale de la mise en place des concepts et outils du Lean construction en faisant interagir les intervenants du chantier grâce à des entretiens semi-dirigés.
Et enfin, la dernière phase est dédiée à la synthèse et à des propositions d’amélioration d’implémentation du Lean construction au sein de l’entreprise pour pouvoir atteindre un bon degré de maturité.

Travail de fin d’étude réalisé en vue d’obtention du gade de :
Master en Ingénieur Civil Architecte 
Par: Hafsa CHBALY
Promoteurs: Samia BENRAJEB et Daniel FORGUES
Jury: Pierre LECLERCQ, Yannic WERA et Chris LEE

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