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Introduction: The past few years, much attention has been paid to the weight gain observed in pediatric acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) survivors. Literature already described a potential role for cranial radiotherapy (CRT) and glucocorticoids (GC). The aim of this review was to analyze overweight and obesity rates before and after treatment and investigate which treatment modalities and clinical factors primarily influence weight. Methods: A literature search was performed in Pubmed and Web of Science. We collected longitudinal and cross sectional weight data of ALL patients that were followed during and/or after treatment. We also gathered clinical characteristics and analyzed if these could be potential predictors for overweight and obesity. Results: The literature search resulted in the selection of 17 articles that qualified for analysis. Most authors observed an increase in overweight compared to diagnosis. They also described higher BMI values among CRT treated patients compared to non irradiated patients. BMI increase was more pronounced after dexamethasone than after prednisone. High BMI at diagnosis appeared to be the only significant clinical predictor for overweight and obesity at follow-up (FU). We could not find an important influence of chemotherapy. Conclusion: ALL survivors may be at risk of becoming overweight or obese and this is mainly attributed to CRT, GC (especially dexamethasone) and weight excess at diagnosis. However, current prevalence rates are based on BMI values, which is probably an underestimation of actual obesity rates among ALL survivors.
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Sikkelcelziekte is één van de meest voorkomende, ernstige monogenetische aandoening ter wereld. Door de aanwezigheid van een puntmutatie in het β-globine gen krijgen de rode bloedcellen een sikkelvorm. De twee majeure processen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor deze pathogenese zijn vaso-occlusie en de chronische aanwezigheid van hemolytische anemie. Hierdoor zijn kinderen met sikkelcelziekte gevoelig voor zowel acute complicaties als chronische orgaanschade. Met dit onderzoek werd een register van alle pediatrische patiënten met sikkelcelziekte, gevolgd in het UZ Leuven, opgesteld. Dit werd opgesteld door middel van het verzamelen van retrospectieve data uit het KWS. Dit maakt het mogelijk om een overzicht van de verschillende complicaties en hun incidentie te bepalen, net als een idee te krijgen over de ernst van de ziektebeelden in onze patiëntenpopulatie. Uit deze studie blijkt dat 80,5% van onze patiënten een gehospitaliseerde vaso-occlusieve crisis doorgemaakt hebben. De meeste chronische complicaties komen relatief weinig voor, enkel een renale echografische afwijking is in 51,2% van de patiënten gevonden. Er werd ook gevonden dat er in onze patiëntenpopulatie geen patiënten zijn die een ernstige score van het ziektebeeld hebben. Door de systematische opvolging en frequente behandeling met hydroxyurea van deze sikkelcelpatiënten is er een relatief lage incidentie aanwezig van ernstige complicaties. Om risicofactoren voor een ernstiger ziektebeeld te bepalen, is onderzoek op een grotere patiëntenpopulatie nodig.
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Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Diagnosis can be challenging and there are no strong guidelines available for the treatment nor for the prevention of IFIs in pediatric patients. Moreover, epidemiology in a Belgian pediatric population is largely unknown. This retrospective study included all patients between 0 and 18 years of age treated at the pediatric hemato-oncology and stem cell transplantation unit of the University Hospitals Leuven, who had a positive result suggestive for an IFI between January 1st, 2009 and December 31st, 2018. Frequency and type of IFI, type of prophylaxis and outcome were analyzed. A total of 85 IFIs occurred in 70 patients: 64 aspergillus, 15 candida and 6 other infections. Twenty episodes were proven, 26 were probable, 13 possible, 10 undefined and 16 false positive. Thirty-two patients (41,6%) were not on any antifungal therapy at time of IFI, 36 patients (46,8%) received antifungal prophylaxis and 9 patients (11,7%) were on ongoing antifungal therapy, with no statistical difference between different types of prophylaxis (amphotericin B vs fluconazole). The mortality rate was 31.4% but only 5 patients (7.1%) died at least partially due to the IFI. Aspergillus was the most frequent cause of IFI in our patients. Even high risk patients on prophylaxis remain at risk for IFI but there was no significant difference between fluconazole or amphotericin B. Both regimens might be considered but alertness remains crucial in the fight against IFIs.
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Asparaginase speelt een belangrijke rol in de behandeling van acute lymfatische leukemie. Er zijn drie vormen van asparaginase beschikbaar. Het verschil in de incidentie van hypersensitiviteitsreacties tussen deze verschillende vormen is goed gekend. In deze retrospectieve studie vergeleken we het voorkomen van de verschillende gekende neveneffecten tussen twee van deze vormen van asparaginase bij patiënten tussen een en achttien jaar. We zagen significant minder allergische reacties na gebruik van PEG-asparaginase t.o.v. native E.coli asparaginase. Verder was er geen significant verschil in voorkomen van toxiciteit. Ook zagen we een correlatie tussen het optreden van hypertriglyceridemie en de activiteitslevels 14 dagen na toediening van PEG-asparaginase. In de toekomst kan het aanpassen van de dosis PEG-asparaginase aan deze activiteitslevels er mogelijks voor zorgen dat er minder nevenwerkingen optreden.
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Background: Vascular malformations are lesions, arising out of blood vessel formation disturbances, that can have an impact on quality of life and can lead to severe complications. To date, vascular malformations are managed by invasive techniques with mostly temporary results. Sirolimus, best known for its immunosuppressive effect, has been used off-label in patients refractory to other therapies. This drug acts as a downstream inhibitor on the PI3K/AKT cascade pathway in which disturbances give rise to malformations. Objectives: We want to combine all the published data to evaluate what the effect of sirolimus is on the size and symptoms of the different types of malformations. We also want to summarize the main safety issues. Methods: A systematic search was performed to find all articles concerning this topic published between the start of 2010 and May 1st, 2019 on Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Relevant data were extracted and analyzed. Additionally, we reported 10 more cases who were treated and followed in UZ Leuven. Results: The literature review included 68 articles. The size and/or symptoms of almost all types of malformations responded well to sirolimus, yet full response was only seen sporadically. Few data were available for capillary and arteriovenous malformations. Side effects occurred regularly, though most were mild and manageable by dose reduction. Some more endangering side effects like bone marrow suppression were seen sporadically. Conclusion: Although our review shows promising results, further research including clinical trials is necessary to prove its effectivity and make it an option as a standard treatment modality.
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ABSTRACT Background and objective In patients with severe hemophilia A or B, the standard treatment of care consists of regular prophylactic intravenous infusions of the missing coagulation factor. This therapy has a high treatment burden, gives suboptimal protection against bleeds and may lead to development of inhibitors. Therefore, more effective and less burdensome treatments are highly needed. This review aims to give an overview of the non-replacement therapies that are currently being investigated. Methods Pubmed, Embase and Web of science were searched from inception to June 5, 2021 for emicizumab, concizumab and marstacimab and to December 6, 2021 for fitusiran. Relevant data were extracted and analyzed. Results Out of the 3777 identified results, only clinical trials and real-world data were retained for this systematic review: 15 articles concerning emicizumab, 5 articles concerning concizumab and marstacimab and 2 articles concerning fitusiran. Emicizumab is shown to be efficacious and safe. Annualized bleeding rates decreased substantially and an improvement in quality of life was seen. Development of neutralizing anti-drug antibodies was very limited. For anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor (anti-TFPI) molecules and fitusiran, available data come from phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials or from phase 1 studies respectively. Yet, these products also seem to be safe, generally well-tolerated and give an improvement of coagulation-related parameters. Concizumab also led to a decreased bleeding rate. Neutralizing anti-drug antibodies were only reported in a few patients who received anti-TFPI molecules. Conclusion The non-replacement therapies presented in this review are a promising improvement for the care of patients with hemophilia A and B and in particular those with inhibitors, awaiting the ultimate cure through gene therapy. However, for some drugs, data are still limited.
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Background The etiology of arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) in children (28 days - 18 years old) is still incompletely understood. Multiple risk factors have been described, but the exact cause of the cerebrovascular accident (CVA) can often not be identified. Genetic factors are believed to play a greater role in AIS in children compared to adults. Aim This systematic review aims to provide an overview of genetic risk factors for childhood stroke. Methods We systematically searched databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase) and reviewed genetic variants associated with pediatric stroke. Results Of 28,455 articles, 156 were included (5 prospective studies, 44 retrospective studies, 54 case- control studies, and 53 case reports). All genetic factors described in childhood stroke were reviewed, from prothrombotic factors, homocystinuria, hemoglobinopathies, and vasculopathies, to neurocutaneous, metabolic, and syndromic disorders. Regarding prothrombotic factors, Factor V Leiden and inherited protein C deficiency are probably associated with childhood stroke. Co-inheritance of multiple genetic variants in children with sickle cell disease (e.g., alpha-thalassemia and the G1238C variant in VCAM-1) also significantly affected stroke risk. In contrast, none of the variants in homocysteine metabolism (e.g., MTHFR C667T and A1298C) were significantly associated with pediatric stroke. No comparative studies were available on other topics, but multiple genetic variants in children suffering a stroke were described. Conclusion Different genetic variants have been associated with childhood stroke. However, prospective studies are lacking. Future available evidence will clarify the possible causal role in the stroke etiology or indicate other factors that explain the association. This knowledge will play a great role regarding risk assessment in children carrying these genetic variants.
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Inleiding: Pediatrische palliatieve zorg (PPZ) is de multidisciplinaire samenwerking in de totale zorg voor kinderen met levensbedreigende of levensverkortende aandoeningen. Huisartsen worden hiermee slechts zelden geconfronteerd en hebben hieromtrent dus minder expertise. Ook is er weinig onderzoek naar de rol van de huisarts binnen PPZ. Deze studie wil een aanvulling hierin zijn omtrent de PPZ in Vlaanderen. Methoden: Huisartsen die de laatste 3 jaar een kind jonger dan 18 jaar begeleid hebben in samenwerking met KITES (het liaisonteam PPZ van het UZ Leuven) werden gecontacteerd voor het invullen van een vragenlijst. Resultaten: Er was een response rate van 38%. De artsen hechtten vooral belang aan pijn- en symptoomcontrole maar voelden zich daar ook vaak onzeker over. Ook op vlak van communicatie waren er volgens de artsen verbetermogelijkheden. Zo vonden 6 artsen dat ze te laat bij de behandeling betrokken waren. Ze suggereerden een gemeenschappelijk teamoverleg, het gebruik van een zorgschriftje en aangepast materiaal voor de communicatie met het kind. De belangrijkste partners in de zorgen waren KITES en de thuisverpleegkundige. De ondersteuning door KITES werd door de artsen goed bevonden, op praktisch vlak meer dan op psychologisch vlak. Conclusie: Huisartsen dienen goed ondersteund te worden bij PPZ gezien het gebrek aan specifieke opleiding. Ze voelen zich nog onzeker over pijn- en symptoomcontrole. KITES begeleidt hen hierin goed maar er is voor communicatie en psychologische ondersteuning verbetering mogelijk.
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Achtergrond: Malnutritie bij de pediatrische kankerpatiënt kan zich presenteren op moment van diagnose, elk stadium van ziekteverloop/behandeling of jaren nadien en heeft implicaties op de overlevingskansen van de patiënt. Het risico op malnutritie bij kinderen is bovendien groter dan bij volwassenen, gezien zij een sneller metabolisme en hogere calorienood hebben voor groei en ontwikkeling. Doel: Deze systematische literatuurstudie beoogt een documentatie op te stellen van de huidige literatuur rond meten van nutritionele status, preventie van en behandeling van malnutritie. Alsook werd gezocht naar verschillen in en handvaten voor kankertherapie bij kinderen uit ontwikkelingslanden. Methoden: Er werd een literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd naar artikels uit bibliografische zoekmachines (PUBMED, Medline, Web of Science en Embase) die voldeden aan vooropgestelde selectiecriteria en volgende drie hoofdonderwerpen bespraken: kanker bij kinderen, nutritionele ondersteuning/therapie en malnutritie. Resultaten: Deze literatuurstudie includeerde 48 artikels en toonde dat 75% van de geïncludeerde studies de nutritionele status bepaalt o.b.v. antropometrische waarden. 43,75% van geïncludeerde studies bespraken preventieve maatregelen om malnutritie te voorkomen. Preventief ingrijpen om malnutritie te voorkomen kan op 3 mogelijke niveaus: voeding en voeding inname, kankertherapie en/of levensstijl en sociale omgeving van de patiënt. Bij voorkeur gebeurt nutritionele ondersteuning via gastro-intestinale route, maar de meest effectieve nutritionele interventies en indicaties van opstart hiervan bleven discutabel. Het frequenter ondervoed zijn bij diagnose is een factor die meespeelt in de lagere overlevingscijfers bij kinderen uit ontwikkelingslanden. Conclusie: Nutritionele ondersteuning is een van de belangrijke factoren om tot succesvolle behandeling en algemeen welzijn van het kind met maligniteit te komen. Deze dient in acht genomen te worden zowel voor, tijdens als na kankerbehandeling. Meer onderzoek is echter nodig om de beste manier hiervoor te vinden.
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ABSTRACT Background: Sickle cell disease is an inheritable hematological defect that causes both acute and chronic vaso-occlusive and thromboembolic complications that induce severe morbidity and mortality. The underlying coagulopathy is poorly understood, and treatments leave much to be wanted. Objective: this paper aims to lay an extensive groundwork for the understanding of this complex process, and will also discuss the progress made by medical trials. Methods: an extensive search on the PubMed database lead to 204 unique results of which 74* papers were included. A search on both US and European clinical trial databases supplemented data on ongoing trials. Results: This coagulopathy is driven mainly by hemolysis and unstable hemoglobin which lead to cell membrane damage and the release of important mediators, both of which result in increased microparticle generation, increased von Willebrand factor activity, downregulated anticoagulants and activation of platelets (with consequent expression of P-selectin and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa and the release of several other mediators like ADP and thrombospondin), and finally the increased expression of tissue factor, phosphatidylserine, and P-selectin. While tissue factor and phosphatidylserine are overexpressed on almost all cell lines and microparticles, more and more evidence reveals that the procoagulant elements in sickle cell disease consist of the tissue factor-positive monocytes and the phosphatidylserine -positive RBCs and RBC- and platelet-derived microparticles, which explains the involvement of both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway. Platelets also predispose for thrombosis, but are mostly involved in occlusive events, such as stroke, acute chest syndrome and general vaso-occlusive crises. Disruption of the precarious balance, by events such as increased hemolysis and acute hypoxia, initiates a vicious cycle that tips the scale towards occlusion. Eventually, all these pathways also cause major inflammatory damage and increase the risk for life-threatening complications such as pulmonary hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. Several trials these last few years have proven moderate improvements on vaso-occlusive crisis incidence, which is why several more are running, but agents for adequate crisis prevention and quicker termination are still absent. This, supported by the fact that no adequatly qualitive trials have been conducted to investigate the effect on thrombotic and inflammatory complications underlines the need for more, better and more diverse trials in the future.
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