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Idealstaat und Anthropologie : Problemgeschichte der literarischen Utopie im späten 18. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 9783110292619 9783110292169 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston De Gruyter

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Random matrices and iterated random functions : Munster, October 2011
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3642388051 3642431224 364238806X Year: 2013 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Random Matrices are one of the major research areas in modern probability theory, due to their prominence in many different fields such as nuclear physics, statistics, telecommunication, free probability, non-commutative geometry, and dynamical systems. A great deal of recent work has focused on the study of spectra of large random matrices on the one hand and on iterated random functions, especially random difference equations, on the other. However, the methods applied in these two research areas are fairly dissimilar. Motivated by the idea that tools from one area could potentially also be helpful in the other, the volume editors have selected contributions that present results and methods from random matrix theory as well as from the theory of iterated random functions. This work resulted from a workshop that was held in Münster, Germany in 2011. The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers from two fields of probability theory: random matrix theory and the theory of iterated random functions. Random matrices play fundamental, yet very different roles in the two fields. Accordingly, leading figures and young researchers gave talks on their field of interest that were also accessible to a broad audience.

Erzählen im Umbruch : Narration 1770–1810. Texte, Formen, Kontexte
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783865252289 Year: 2011 Publisher: Hannover : Wehrhahn,

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Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions : Münster, October 2011
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783642388064 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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Random Matrices are one of the major research areas in modern probability theory, due to their prominence in many different fields such as nuclear physics, statistics, telecommunication, free probability, non-commutative geometry, and dynamical systems. A great deal of recent work has focused on the study of spectra of large random matrices on the one hand and on iterated random functions, especially random difference equations, on the other. However, the methods applied in these two research areas are fairly dissimilar. Motivated by the idea that tools from one area could potentially also be helpful in the other, the volume editors have selected contributions that present results and methods from random matrix theory as well as from the theory of iterated random functions. This work resulted from a workshop that was held in Münster, Germany in 2011. The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers from two fields of probability theory: random matrix theory and the theory of iterated random functions. Random matrices play fundamental, yet very different roles in the two fields. Accordingly, leading figures and young researchers gave talks on their field of interest that were also accessible to a broad audience.

Stochastik - Struktur im Zufall
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783486593525 Year: 2009 Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag

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Stochastik - Struktur im Zufall
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783486719697 9783486706765 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag

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Stochastik - Struktur im Zufall
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3486706764 3486719696 Year: 2012 Publisher: München Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag

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Idealstaat und Anthropologie : Problemgeschichte der literarischen Utopie im späten 18. Jahrhundert
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110292610 9783110292619 1299722539 9781299722538 9783110292169 3110292165 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin ; New York Walter de Gruyter

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Als in der deutschen Spätaufklärung ›Anthropologie‹ und Ästhetik eine enge Allianz eingehen, stürzt dies eine alte Gattung in die Krise, die nun zum anti-anthropologischen Textmuster schlechthin avanciert: die ›literarische Utopie‹. Fiktionale Texte über Gesellschaften vernunftautonomer Individuen widersprechen jenem neuen Menschenbild, das die Macht körperlicher Konditionen über das Denken und Handeln betont. Gerade wegen ihres zweifelhaften Rufs bietet die ›literarische Utopie‹ aber zugleich Gelegenheit, die ›Anthropologie‹ als problematischen und politisch brisanten Wissensbestand zu reflektieren, hinter dem die Nihilismusgefahr wie ein Gespenst lauert. Untersucht wird daher, wie Autoren der selbstreflexiven Aufklärung und Frühromantik mit diesem Textmuster auf die ›Rehabilitation der Sinnlichkeit‹ und die dadurch verursachten ethischen, theologischen, politischen und ästhetischen Probleme reagieren. Literaturhistorisch diskutiert die Studie am Fall einer Gattung Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten zwischen Spätaufklärung und Frühromantik, systematisch zielt sie auf eine Modellierung von Literatur- und Gattungsgeschichte als Problemgeschichte.

GegenRomantik : Konfliktlinien in Naturwissenschaft, Politik Und Ästhetik.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783111199733 3111199738 3111198448 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Der Band GegenRomantik beschäftigt sich mit der Romantik als Streitfall und analysiert Romantikkritik in den Naturwissenschaften, in Politik und Ästhetik. Im Fokus stehen Kritikmuster, die romantische Antworten auf Probleme der Moderne bezweifeln, belächeln oder vor diesen warnen – und Topoi der Romantikkritik tradieren. Von Interesse ist dabei nicht nur, welche Aspekte romantischen Denkens, Wahrnehmens, Urteilens und Handelns von welcher Position aus in Frage gestellt wurden, sondern auch, ob die Konflikte und der Streit um die Romantik in der Gegenwart eine Fortsetzung finden. Die aktuelle Romantikkritik beklagt den repressiven Charakter romantischer Liebeskonzeptionen und behauptet die Wiederaufnahme romantischer Ideen durch die politische Rechte. In welchem Maß trifft dies zu? Hat etwa das Phänomen der Impfskepsis tatsächlich mit Romantik zu tun? Und: In welcher Tradition stehen ästhetische Debatten um eine ironische oder dezidiert postironische Gegenwartsliteratur? Die Analyse von historischen und gegenwärtigen Streitszenarien schärft im besten Fall den Blick für grundlegende Aporien der Moderne in Politik, Naturwissenschaft und Ästhetik. The volume Against/Romanticism deals with Romanticism as a source of controversy. In the name of what ideas and behaviors was Romanticism criticized in the natural sciences and aesthetics, and in political contexts? Romanticism as well as its critics and opponents responded to some of the fundamental issues of modernity. The controversy sounding Romanticism can therefore be used to draw out the principle aporias of modern thought.

Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory : In Honor of Friedrich Götze
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783642360688 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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Limit theorems and asymptotic results form a central topic in probability theory and mathematical statistics. New and non-classical limit theorems have been discovered for processes in random environments, especially in connection with random matrix theory and free probability. These questions and the techniques for answering them combine asymptotic enumerative combinatorics, particle systems and approximation theory, and are important for new approaches in geometric and metric number theory as well. Thus, the contributions in this book include a wide range of applications with surprising connections ranging from longest common subsequences for words, permutation groups, random matrices and free probability to entropy problems and metric number theory. The book is the product of  a conference that took place in August 2011 in Bielefeld, Germany to celebrate the 60th birthday of Friedrich Götze, a noted expert in this field.

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