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History of North America --- History of Germany and Austria --- anno 1930-1939 --- Germany --- United States --- Foreign economic relations --- History
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The debate about the role of women in war, violent conflict and the military is not only a long and ongoing one; it is also a heated and controversial one. The contributions to this anthology come from experts in the field who approach the topic from various angles thus offering different and, at times, diverging perspectives. The reader will therefore gain in-depth insight into the most important aspects and positions in the debate.
Women soldiers. --- Women in combat. --- Combat --- Women soldiers --- Women as soldiers --- Women in the military --- Soldiers --- Sociology. --- Sociology, general. --- Gender Studies. --- Social theory --- Social sciences
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Private military and security companies have become a distinct and increasingly relevant phenomenon in defense and security politics. They can be used in different settings and situations and constitute adequate tools for their various clients. Yet, there is an intense debate about them since they may and do generate specific problems, including severe violations of democratic norms and human rights codices. The present collection of contributions to this topic by distinct experts in the field is unique as it covers most, if not all aspects involved in the use of private military and security companies. As such this anthology serves the interests of both the layman in the field who may read this book as a thorough and encompassing introduction to the field as well as those of the specialist - be it a politician, a journalist, a defense/security practitioner, a student or an academic - who will find new information and genuine, and sometimes even provocative, ideas.
Social Sciences, general. --- Political Science. --- Political science. --- Science politique --- Police, Private -- United States. --- Private military companies -- United States. --- Private security services -- United States. --- Private military companies --- Private security services --- Mercenary troops --- Paramilitary forces --- Internal security --- National security --- Security, International --- Privatization --- Contracting out --- Armies --- Military Science - General --- Political Science - General --- Military & Naval Science --- Political Science --- Law, Politics & Government --- Government policy --- Military policy. --- National security. --- Private security services. --- Security, International. --- Private security companies --- Private security industry --- Protection services, Private --- Security companies, Private --- Security industry, Private --- Security services, Private --- National security policy --- NSP (National security policy) --- Security policy, National --- Collective security --- International security --- Defense policy --- Military readiness --- Political aspects --- International relations. --- Political Science and International Relations. --- International Relations. --- International relations --- Disarmament --- International organization --- Peace --- Crime prevention --- Security systems --- Police, Private --- Security consultants --- Economic policy --- Military policy --- Military history --- Sociology, Military --- War --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- re07 consulted
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This collection of sociological studies on the armed forces and conflict resolution deals with three types of developments the military is facing. First, the types of conflicts in which the military finds itself have become less predictable and more erratic, and hence, ways to respond are not easy to plan and organize. Apart from regular interstate warfare, the military nowadays is increasingly prepared to cope with irregular conflicts, such as terrorist threats and attacks, peacekeeping operations and indeed - warlike missions. Second, the economic conditions of many states are weakening. Citizens demand collective resources to be spent on care and cure, not conflict, therefore the way the military organizes and uses its resources to cope with the tasks they are set becomes increasingly important. Third, in most nations the conscript system has become history, and this creates new challenges in terms of recruiting volunteer soldiers. What becomes clear from the contributions to this volume is that the armed forces have to change their view of the world, the nature of conflicts and their profession greatly. Volume 19 of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economic and Development presents the argument that the armed forces face a choice that will determine their position in society in times to come.
Military art and science --- Draft. --- History --- Economic aspects. --- Draft.History --- Political Science --- International relations. --- Compulsory military service --- Conscription, Military --- Military conscription --- Military draft --- Military service, Compulsory --- Military training, Universal --- Selective service --- Service, Compulsory military --- Universal military training --- National service --- Recruiting and enlistment --- Conscientious objectors --- Fighting --- Military power --- Military science --- Warfare --- Warfare, Primitive --- Naval art and science --- War --- Peace.
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Sociology --- sociologie
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Der vorliegende Band bietet eine zukunftsorientierte Bestandsaufnahme der militärsoziologischen Forschung und beleuchtet das Verhältnis von Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Thematisiert werden die militärische Organisationskultur und die Führungsphilosophie der Bundeswehr, die Veränderung des militärischen Aufgabenprofils sowie die Formierung des soldatischen Selbstverständnisses durch Auslandseinsätze, aber auch die Integration von Frauen, die Attraktivität der Streitkräfte und deren ökonomische Modernisierung. Auch die Schwierigkeiten der Rezeption militärsoziologischer Befunde in der Bundeswehr werden in den Blick genommen. Beobachtungen zur Wahrnehmung militärsoziologischer Forschung aus der Sicht von Verantwortungsträgern in Politik und den Streitkräften runden den Band ab. Der Inhalt Militärsoziologie und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung in der Bundeswehr Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr Politikberatung Innere Führung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Sozialwissenschaften PolitikerInnen, Militärs in Führungsverantwortung Die HerausgeberInnen Prof. Dr. Angelika Dörfler-Dierken ist seit 1998 als evangelische Theologin und Sozialwi ssenschaftlerin in verschiedenen Bereichen der Bundeswehr tätig, derzeit Leiterin des Forschungsprojekts „Innere Führung, Ethik, Militärseelsorge“ am ZMSBw. Dr. Gerhard Kümmel ist seit 1997 als Sozialwissenschaftler bei der Bundeswehr tätig, derzeit Leiter der Forschungsprojekte „Frauen in den Streitkräften“ und „Soldatenfamilien“ am ZMSBw.
Public policy. --- Cultural studies. --- School management and organization. --- School administration. --- Public Policy. --- Cultural Studies. --- Administration, Organization and Leadership. --- Germany --- Armed Forces.
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The contributions to this anthology in honor of the late military sociologist Jürgen Kuhlmann focus on the soldier and his relations towards the armed forces and towards society. This individual - organization and individual - society nexus is explored from different angles by looking at different national and international contexts. The chapters to this volume thus help the academic as well as the practitioner and the interested reader to better understand the dynamics and the critical issues in this soldier - military - society triangle.
Civil-military relations -- Germany. --- Civil-military relations. --- Sociology, Military. --- Sociology, Military --- Civil-military relations --- Military Science - General --- Social Change --- Military & Naval Science --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- Law, Politics & Government --- Military sociology --- Military and civilian power --- Military-civil relations --- Political science. --- Sociology. --- Political Science and International Relations. --- Political Science. --- Sociology, general. --- Armed Forces --- Armies --- Peace --- War --- War and society --- Executive power --- Military government --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Social theory
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The study of armed forces and conflict resolution has undergone important developments at the turn of the millennium, driven by emerging events. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the resurgence of nationalism and religious wars, ethnic cleansing, September Eleven, the War on Terror, and asymmetric warfare, the United Nations' inability to manage and successfully conclude military operations, are so many flash points of how much things have changed since the Cold War. The action of militaries has become more important, more difficult, more controversial, and, at the same time, insufficient, without parallel methods and political actions for resolving conflicts.As scholars conceptions of conflicts have changed, so have their understanding of conflict resolution and peace. This latter scholarship now spans analyses of the role of governments, civil institutions, and organized groups. The studies of building and sustaining peace now span institutional, inter-actional, and interpersonal levels in order to conceptualize a more holistic, long-term vision of peace.This book brings together contributions from scholars of various social science disciplines on three themes that appeared significant for the study of the phenomenon of conflict and conflict resolution. The first theme is centered on the new aspects of war in the twenty-first century where asymmetric warfare has changed many rules of the game, imposing a profound transformation on the military, not only tactical, but also structural, preparatory, mental and ideological.The second theme regards the delicate relations between the armed forces and societies. The ever-greater technicality of military operations and their lower comprehensibility to the broad public as a result, together with increased sensitivity in many countries in regard to the use of violence and death, have created social situations and problems that deserve to be investigated. The third theme, building and sustaining peace, operationalizes different types and levels of violence and conflict. It assesses ongoing efforts, for instance, governments trying to contain or diffuse conflict, businesses and national service schemes building peaceful civil spheres, and the efforts of organized groups to claim, shape, and extend the spheres of life that are free of conflict.
Conflict management --- Armed Forces --- War and society. --- Civil-military relations. --- Social aspects. --- Military and civilian power --- Military-civil relations --- Society and war --- War --- Armed Services --- Military, The --- Conflict control --- Conflict resolution --- Dispute settlement --- Management of conflict --- Managing conflict --- Social aspects --- Executive power --- Sociology, Military --- Military government --- Sociology --- Civilians in war --- Military art and science --- Disarmament --- Management --- Negotiation --- Problem solving --- Social conflict --- Crisis management --- Political Science --- Peace studies & conflict resolution. --- Peacekeeping operations. --- Arms control. --- Peace. --- International Relations --- Arms Control. --- Security, International --- Arms race --- Military readiness
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The debate about the role of women in war, violent conflict and the military is not only a long and ongoing one; it is also a heated and controversial one. The contributions to this anthology come from experts in the field who approach the topic from various angles thus offering different and, at times, diverging perspectives. The reader will therefore gain in-depth insight into the most important aspects and positions in the debate.
Sociology --- sociologie
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