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This book covers topics such as digitalization of production, operations, logistics and supply chains leading to new requirements for human capabilities and collaboration. The content is relevant for research as well as industry as digitalization is shaping all value chain processes anew. A special focus is directed towards an interdisciplinary perspective, including management science, economics, sociology, work science, computer science and psychology. In order to foster the dialogue between business practice and academics as well as university teaching and research, this contributed book is addressing academic as well as professional business views on digitalization. .
Engineering economics. --- Engineering economy. --- Business logistics. --- Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing. --- Logistics. --- Supply Chain Management. --- Supply chain management --- Industrial management --- Logistics --- Economy, Engineering --- Engineering economics --- Industrial engineering --- Business logistics --- Management information systems --- Data processing. --- Human factors. --- Human factors in management information systems --- Human engineering
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Long description: Die Globalisierung, der scharfe Wettbewerbsdruck, dynamische Märkte sowie die wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre führen die DIY-Branche dazu ihre Logistikketten effizienter zu gestalten. Die Diskussion und Messung sowie die Verbesserung der Logistikeffizienz an der Schnittstelle von Supply Chain Management und Logistikcontrolling ist ein bedeutendes Element in diesen Bemühungen um eine höhere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Diese Publikation stellt als Ausschnitt daraus beispielhaft die Anwendung der wissenschaftlichen Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) als nicht-parametrische Effizienzanalyse für reale Betriebsdaten von 10 Baumarkt-Handelsketten vor und zeigt Optimierungsansätze für die Praxis in der DIY-Branche auf.
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Long description: Die Logistikbranche als Innovations- und Wachstumsführer rückt zunehmend in das Blickfeld vieler Forscher und Politiker, denn gerade in Deutschland können hier auf der Grundlage einer exzellenten Ausgangsposition hohe Potenziale für Wachstum und Beschäftigung ausgemacht werden. Diese Potenziale basieren aber nicht nur auf der sehr guten Infrastruktur oder den international orientierten und führenden Unternehmen der Branche, sondern insbesondere auch auf der Qualifikation der etwa 2,7 Millionen Beschäftigten in der Logistik. Die hier vorgelegte empirische Erhebung der Bildungs-, Tätigkeits- und Qualifikationssituation von mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeitern in Logistikunternehmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Hessen nach dem Konzept der Berufswertigkeit zeigt detailliert die Möglichkeiten einer fundierten Aus- und Weiterbildungspolitik für die Logistik auf. Die Untersuchung wurde im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeiten des EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr durchgeführt, des größten Forschungsverbundes zur Logistik in Europa.
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Long description: Dieses Weiterbildungs-Handbuch RFID aus dem NRW-Forschungs -projekte LOGFOR stellt die Grundlagen der RFID-Technologie für die Logistik dar. In einzelnen fachlichen Moduleinheiten werden weiterhin Unterrichtseinheiten und -materialien für die unternehmensinterne Aus- und Weiterbildung dargestellt und für die Betriebspraxis aufbereitet dargestellt. Somit dient dieses Handbuch als Praxis-Handreichung für alle Führungs- und Bildungsverantwortlichen in Logistik, welche sich im konkreten Praxiskontexte des Themas RFID annehmen möchten. Die Struktur einzelner Lehrmodule in Anlehnung an die 8 Niveaustufen des Europäischen und Deutschen Qualifikationsrahmens erleichtert einen Einsatz im Unternehmen für verschiedene Personengruppen.
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Long description: Das vorliegende Handbuch zur internen Weiterbildung Grüne Logistik gibt einen einführenden Überblick über die Notwendigkeit und Entwicklung hin zu nachhaltigen Logistikkonzepten. Anschließend wird eine Strukturierung für Weiterbildungsthemen in diesem Bereich vorgeschlagen, welche sich an den Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen anlehnt und damit universell einsetzbar ist. In den thematisch und gestuft gegliederten einzelnen Weiterbildungseinheiten können verschiedene Unterrichts- und Lehrmaterialien abgerufen werden, was eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung in der Qualifikationsvorbereitung ermöglichen soll. Damit kann das Thema der nachhaltigen Logistik in vielen Bereich detailliert und auch qualifikations- und themenadäquat passgenau eingebracht werden um hier die Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeiter auf die zukünftigen Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich vorzubereiten.
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The „EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr“ was a winner in the Leading Edge Science Cluster competition run by the German federal Ministry of Education and Research. The mission and aim of the „EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr“ is to facilitate tomorrow’s individuality – in the sense of individual goods supply, mobility, and production – using 75 percent of today’s resources. Efficiency – both in economical and ecological terms – is enabled by state-of-the-art and innovative logistical solutions including transportation, production and intralogistics. These proceedings “Efficiency and Logistics” give first answers from 27 research projects as an insight into the current state of research of Europe’s leading research and development cluster in logistics and as a contribution to the discussion on how logistics as a science can help to cope with foreseeable resource shortage and sustainability as global challenges.
Business logistics. --- Engineering economy. --- Logistics. --- Business logistics --- Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Management --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Business & Economics --- Civil Engineering --- Management Styles & Communication --- Supply chain management --- Engineering. --- Production management. --- Operations research. --- Decision making. --- Environmental sciences. --- Engineering economics. --- Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing. --- Operations Management. --- Operation Research/Decision Theory. --- Environmental Science and Engineering. --- Economy, Engineering --- Engineering economics --- Industrial engineering --- Environmental science --- Science --- Deciding --- Decision (Psychology) --- Decision analysis --- Decision processes --- Making decisions --- Management decisions --- Choice (Psychology) --- Problem solving --- Operational analysis --- Operational research --- Management science --- Research --- System theory --- Manufacturing management --- Industrial management --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Technology --- Decision making --- Logistics --- Operations Research/Decision Theory.
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The „EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr“ was a winner in the Leading Edge Science Cluster competition run by the German federal Ministry of Education and Research. The mission and aim of the „EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr“ is to facilitate tomorrow’s individuality – in the sense of individual goods supply, mobility, and production – using 75 percent of today’s resources. Efficiency – both in economical and ecological terms – is enabled by state-of-the-art and innovative logistical solutions including transportation, production and intralogistics. These proceedings “Efficiency and Logistics” give first answers from 27 research projects as an insight into the current state of research of Europe’s leading research and development cluster in logistics and as a contribution to the discussion on how logistics as a science can help to cope with foreseeable resource shortage and sustainability as global challenges.
Industrial economics --- Operational research. Game theory --- Mathematical statistics --- Applied physical engineering --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Planning (firm) --- Physical distribution --- Production management --- milieukunde --- SCM (supply chain management) --- duurzaamheid --- mathematische modellen --- productie --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- econometrie --- logistiek --- operationeel onderzoek --- industriële marketing --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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This book covers topics such as digitalization of production, operations, logistics and supply chains leading to new requirements for human capabilities and collaboration. The content is relevant for research as well as industry as digitalization is shaping all value chain processes anew. A special focus is directed towards an interdisciplinary perspective, including management science, economics, sociology, work science, computer science and psychology. In order to foster the dialogue between business practice and academics as well as university teaching and research, this contributed book is addressing academic as well as professional business views on digitalization. .
Methodology of economics --- Physical distribution --- Business management --- Business economics --- intern transport --- financieel management --- SCM (supply chain management) --- logistiek
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Long description: Resource efficiency and economic considerations are a major topic in higher education systems. Universities are urged to improve their outputs as well as their processes. This book provides a multi-perspective collection of research approaches regarding university efficiency. Though based in Germany and connected to the BMBF research project HELENA at the University of Duisburg-Essen, many contributions provide international comparisons and analysis approaches. Also, most contributions are associated with the annual conferences of EAIR, the European Higher Education Society.
Universities and colleges --- Education, Higher --- School management and organization --- Administration --- Finance
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This contributed volume combines conceptual and strategic research articles dealing with the "why" and "to what end" of sustainable operations in humanitarian logistics, as well as operational research contributions regarding the "how" from the United Nations as well as from researchers and organizations from different countries (Germany, Australia, Singapore, Italy, Denmark, Jordan). The target audience primarily comprises research experts, decision makers and practitioners in the field, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Engineering. --- Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing. --- Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management. --- Sustainable Development. --- Engineering economy. --- Sustainable development. --- Ingénierie --- Décision économique, prise de --- Développement durable --- Business logistics. --- Humanitarian assistance. --- Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Civil Engineering --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Supply chain management --- Humanitarian aid --- Environmental aspects --- Production management. --- Engineering economics. --- Operations Management. --- Economic development --- Industrial management --- Logistics --- International relief --- Manufacturing management --- Economy, Engineering --- Engineering economics --- Industrial engineering
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