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Hanyo DVD
Year: 1960 Publisher: Corée du Sud, Hanguk Munye Yeonghwa, Kim Ki-Young Production,

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Professeur de piano, Kim Dong-sik enseigne la musique aux jeunes ouvrières d'un atelier de tissage. Avec sa petite famille, celui-ci ne va pas tarder à emménager dans une plus grande maison, et, pour soulager sa femme des travaux domestiques, cherche à employer une servante. Une de ses élèves lui présente alors Myeong-sook, jeune fille un peu simplette mais courageuse, qui ne tarde pas à montrer un comportement trouble et ambigu une fois intégrée dans la maison. Folle amoureuse de Kim Donk-sik, cette dernière va alors s'adonner à un petit jeu démoniaque promis à détruire cette famille banale et sans histoire...


Advances in optical and photonic devices
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535150936 9537619761 Year: 2010 Publisher: IntechOpen

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The title of this book, Advances in Optical and Photonic Devices, encompasses a broad range of theory and applications which are of interest for diverse classes of optical and photonic devices. Unquestionably, recent successful achievements in modern optical communications and multifunctional systems have been accomplished based on composing “building blocks” of a variety of optical and photonic devices. Thus, the grasp of current trends and needs in device technology would be useful for further development of such a range of relative applications. The book is going to be a collection of contemporary researches and developments of various devices and structures in the area of optics and photonics. It is composed of 17 excellent chapters covering fundamental theory, physical operation mechanisms, fabrication and measurement techniques, and application examples. Besides, it contains comprehensive reviews of recent trends and advancements in the field. First six chapters are especially focused on diverse aspects of recent developments of lasers and related technologies, while the later chapters deal with various optical and photonic devices including waveguides, filters, oscillators, isolators, photodiodes, photomultipliers, microcavities, and so on. Although the book is a collected edition of specific technological issues, I strongly believe that the readers can obtain generous and overall ideas and knowledge of the state-of-the-art technologies in optical and photonic devices. Lastly, special words of thanks should go to all the scientists and engineers who have devoted a great deal of time to writing excellent chapters in this book.

Plasmonics : principles and applications
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535142690 9535107976 Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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The title of this book, Plasmonics: Principles and Applications, encompasses theory, technical issues, and practical applications which are of interest for diverse classes of the plasmonics. The book is a collection of the contemporary researches and developments in the area of plasmonics technology. It consists of 21 chapters that focus on interesting topics of modeling and computational methods, plasmonic structures for light transmission, focusing, and guiding, emerging concepts, and applications.

Wireless power transfer : principles and engineering explorations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535143743 953307874X Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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The title of this book, Wireless Power Transfer: Principles and Engineering Explorations, encompasses theory and engineering technology, which are of interest for diverse classes of wireless power transfer. This book is a collection of contemporary research and developments in the area of wireless power transfer technology. It consists of 13 chapters that focus on interesting topics of wireless power links, and several system issues in which analytical methodologies, numerical simulation techniques, measurement techniques and methods, and applicable examples are investigated.

Recent Optical and Photonic Technologies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535145681 9537619710 Year: 2010 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Research and development in modern optical and photonic technologies have witnessed quite fast growing advancements in various fundamental and application areas due to availability of novel fabrication and measurement techniques, advanced numerical simulation tools and methods, as well as due to the increasing practical demands. The recent advancements have also been accompanied by the appearance of various interdisciplinary topics. The book attempts to put together state-of-the-art research and development in optical and photonic technologies. It consists of 21 chapters that focus on interesting four topics of photonic crystals (first 5 chapters), THz techniques and applications (next 7 chapters), nanoscale optical techniques and applications (next 5 chapters), and optical trapping and manipulation (last 4 chapters), in which a fundamental theory, numerical simulation techniques, measurement techniques and methods, and various application examples are considered. This book deals with recent and advanced research results and comprehensive reviews on optical and photonic technologies covering the aforementioned topics. I believe that the advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other contemporary research areas in optical and photonic technologies. Thus, I hope the readers will be inspired to start or to improve further their own research and technologies and to expand potential applications. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the authors for their outstanding contributions to this book.

Yangsan Province
Authors: ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: [Seoul] Korean Film Archive

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Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Seoul Korean film archive

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While working on a case with farmers, lawyer Heo Seung comes to believe that the rural development movement is the only lasting way to preserve the identity of the country. With conviction, Seung throws himself into the rural area. However, this position is against the Japanese occupation policies and eventually, even his wife, Yun Jung-sun, ends up leaving him. The Japanese judge Masaki Hiroshi determines that Seung's rural development activities are actually a rebellion against Japan. He has Seung imprisoned as an ideology criminal. After spending five years in jail, Seung returns to the country to see his wife, Jung-sun, continuing her husband's work and waiting for him. 변호사 허승은 농민들의 사건을 다루다가 농촌 계몽사업이 민족을 영구히 보존할 수 있는 유일한 길이라고 생각하여 신념을 갖고 농촌에 몸을 던진다. 그러나 일제 식민지 정책에 도전하는 입장에 처하여 아내인 윤정선에게까지 버림을 받기에 이른다. 일본인 검사 마사끼 히로시는 허승의 농촌 계몽운동이 일제에 대한 항거임을 간파하고 그를 사상범으로 투옥시킨다. 5년형을 치르고 허승이 다시 농촌을 찾았을 때 남편의 사업을 계속하면서 그를 기다리고 있는 아내 윤정선을 만나게 된다.


Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2006 Publisher: Seoul Korean film council

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The Sea Knows

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January 1944. Korean students are conscripted as student soldiers for a transportation troop in Nagoya, Japan. Among them are Arowoon (Kim Wun-Ha) and Inoue (Lee Sang-sa), who were on a blacklist for defying the proconsul. A veteran soldier Mori (Lee Yea-chun) makes Arowoon lick the dirty sole of his combat boots or bark and act like a dog, maltreating him as a worthless being. The Japanese abuse them as they emphasize "50-years-long tradition of Japanese army" but Arowoon and Inoue sneer at them. Then Arowoon comes across Hideko (Gong Midori) who is Japanese and falls in love with her. He dates Hideko during his furlough or whenever he has time and is consoled by Hideko as they talk about what he goes through at the army. Hideko's mother (Ju Jeung-ryu) is strongly against their relationship but they get married on their own. Then, Arowoon escapes the army immediately before the massed air-raid of the U.S. and wanders around the bombed streets. When the army base and the city became completely chaotic, Japanese soldiers performed group cremation for dead soldiers as they forbid families from seeing the corpse. People are enraged as they see dead bodies burn and Arowoon walks out amid burning bodies and gets to meet Hideko again. 1944년 1월, 일본 명고옥(名古屋, 나고야)에 있는 수송부대에 한국인 학생들이 학병으로 입대한다. 그 중에는 총독에게 대들어 요주의 인물이 된 아로운(김운하)과 리노이에(이상사)가 있다. 고참병 모리(이예춘)는 아로운에게 똥이 묻은 군화 밑창을 핥게 하거나 개처럼 소리내고 행동하라고 하는 등 횡포를 부리고 인간 이하로 취급한다. 일본인들은 “일본 군대 50년의 전통”을 강조하며 그들을 학대하지만 아로운과 리노이에는 그런 전통을 비웃는다. 아로운은 우연히 일본 여인 히데꼬(공미도리)를 알게 되어 사랑에 빠진다. 그는 휴가 중에 혹은 근무 중에 틈틈이 히데꼬를 만나는데, 군대에서 당한 일들을 얘기하면서 히데꼬의 위로를 받는다. 히데꼬의 어머니(주증녀)는 그들의 관계를 극구 반대하지만, 둘은 냉수를 떠놓고 결혼식을 올린다. 미군의 대공습 직전에 탈영한 아로운은 폭격이 쏟아지는 거리를 방황한다. 부대와 도시가 초토화된 뒤, 일본군들은 국가비밀이라며 유가족들이 시체를 못보게 금지하고 집단화장을 한다. 사람들은 분노하면서 시체들에 불이 붙는 것을 지켜보는데, 이때 아로운이 시체들 사이에서 걸어 나오고 히데꼬와 다시 만난다.


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