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Unlike existing books of nuclear reactor physics, nuclear engineering and nuclear chemical engineering this book covers a complete description and evaluation of nuclear fission power generation. It covers the whole nuclear fuel cycle, from the extraction of natural uranium from ore mines, uranium conversion and enrichment up to the fabrication of fuel elements for the cores of various types of fission reactors. This is followed by the description of the different fuel cycle options and the final storage in nuclear waste repositories. In addition the release of radioactivity under normal and possible accidental conditions is given for all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle and especially for the different fission reactor types.
Nuclear fission. --- Nuclear fission --- Mechanical Engineering --- Physics --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Nuclear Physics --- Nuclear Engineering --- Nuclear reactors --- Safety measures. --- Fission, Nuclear --- Engineering. --- Chemical engineering. --- Nuclear physics. --- Nuclear engineering. --- Radiation protection. --- Radiation --- Waste management. --- Pollution prevention. --- Nuclear Engineering. --- Particle and Nuclear Physics. --- Waste Management/Waste Technology. --- Industrial Pollution Prevention. --- Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection. --- Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering. --- Nuclear reactions --- Waste disposal. --- Environmental pollution. --- Environmental protection. --- Nuclear Energy. --- Chemistry, Industrial --- Engineering, Chemical --- Industrial chemistry --- Engineering --- Chemistry, Technical --- Metallurgy --- Environmental quality management --- Protection of environment --- Environmental sciences --- Applied ecology --- Environmental engineering --- Environmental policy --- Environmental quality --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Pollutants --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Environmental aspects --- Nuclear energy. --- Radiation—Safety measures. --- Radiation monitoring --- Radiation protection --- Prevention of pollution --- Environmental protection --- Atomic nuclei --- Atoms, Nuclei of --- Nucleus of the atom --- Atomic energy --- Atomic power --- Energy, Atomic --- Energy, Nuclear --- Nuclear power --- Power, Atomic --- Power, Nuclear --- Force and energy --- Nuclear physics --- Power resources --- Nuclear engineering --- Nuclear facilities --- Nuclear power plants --- Control --- Prevention and control
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Thermal and neutron physics analysis show that above certain concentrations of the isotope Pu-238 hypothetical nuclear explosive devices, made of reactor-grade plutonium, are technically not feasible. Future proliferation-proof fuel cycles are proposed which make use of methods of actinide tansmutation.Reactors operating in the thorium/uranium fuel cyce are loaded with <20% U-235 uranium fuel which can be made proliferation-proof against re-enrichment by adding a certain ppm level of U-232.
Enrichment --- Anreicherung --- Wiederaufarbeitung --- hochangereichertes Uran --- Plutonium --- Proliferation --- Reprocessing --- high enriched Uranium.Proliferation
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Nuclear physics --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Radiotherapy. Isotope therapy --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- deeltjesfysica --- stralingshygiëne --- BIT (biochemische ingenieurstechnieken) --- farmacologie --- kernenergie --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- afval --- vervuiling
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In diesem Buch werden die Risiken von Kernkraftwerken und der verantwortungsbewusste Umgang damit zur Vermeidung von Störfällen mit Außenwirkung in einer für den Laien verständlichen Form erklärt. Dazu werden die Grundlagen der Kernkraftwerkstechnologie und die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erläutert, auch mit Blick auf in der Vergangenheit eingetretene Störfälle. Nach kurzer Darstellung der in der Welt betriebenen Kernkraftwerke und der zugehörigen Brennstoff-Kreislauf-Anlagen werden die in den nächsten Jahren in Deutschland verbleibenden Druck- und Siedewasser-Reaktoren sowie die neu entwickelten Reaktoren - der Europäische Druckwasser-Reaktor (EPR) und der neu entwickelte Siedewasserreaktor SWR-1000 (KERENA) - beschrieben. Danach werden das reaktorphysikalische und das sicherheitstechnische Gesamtkonzept dieser Reaktoren und die in einem Genehmigungsverfahren zu erstellenden Analysen für die Auslegungsstörfälle dargestellt. Nach kurzer Diskussion der Ergebnisse von probabilistischen Analysen und der Ergebnisse von früheren Risikostudien werden neuere sicherheitstechnische Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt, die in den letzten 20 Jahren zum Thema Kernschmelz-Unfälle und deren sicherheitstechnischer Beherrschung in Europa und vor allem im früheren Kernforschungszentrum und der Universität Karlsruhe erzielt wurden. Diese Forschungsergebnisse haben Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit bestehender Druck- und Siedewasserreaktoren in Deutschland. Sie sind aber vor allem in das Sicherheitskonzept der neuen europäischen Druck- und Siedewasserreaktoren (EPR und KERENA) eingeflossen. Das Buch wendet sich an Ingenieure im Bereich Kerntechnik, aber auch an interessierte Laien.
Nuclear energy. --- Popular works. --- Energy systems. --- Physics. --- Nuclear physics. --- Heavy ions. --- Nuclear Energy. --- Popular Science, general. --- Energy Systems. --- Applied and Technical Physics. --- Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons. --- Light water reactors --- Nuclear reactors --- Safety measures.
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Unlike existing books of nuclear reactor physics, nuclear engineering and nuclear chemical engineering this book covers a complete description and evaluation of nuclear fission power generation. It covers the whole nuclear fuel cycle, from the extraction of natural uranium from ore mines, uranium conversion and enrichment up to the fabrication of fuel elements for the cores of various types of fission reactors. This is followed by the description of the different fuel cycle options and the final storage in nuclear waste repositories. In addition the release of radioactivity under normal and possible accidental conditions is given for all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle and especially for the different fission reactor types.
Nuclear physics --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Radiotherapy. Isotope therapy --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- deeltjesfysica --- stralingshygiëne --- BIT (biochemische ingenieurstechnieken) --- farmacologie --- kernenergie --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- afval --- vervuiling
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The book analyses the risks of nuclear power stations. The security concept of reactors is explained. Measures against the spread of radioactivity after a severe accident, accidents of core melting and a possible crash of an air plane on a reactor containment are discussed. The book covers three scientific subjects of the safety concepts of Light Water Reactors: – A first part describes the basic safety design concepts of operating German Pressurized Water Reactors and Boiling Water Reactors including accident management measures introduced after the reactor accidents of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. These safety concepts are also compared with the experiences of the Fukushima accidents. In addition, the safety design concepts of the future modern European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) and of the future modern Boiling Water Reactor SWR-1000 (KERENA) are presented. These are based on new safety research results of the past decades. – In a second, part the possible crash of military or heavy commercial air planes on a reactor containment is analyzed. It is shown that reactor containments can be designed to resist to such an airplane crash. – In a third part, an online decision system is presented. It allows to analyze the distribution of radioactivity in the atmosphere and to the environment after a severe reactor accident. It provides data for decisions to be taken by authorities for the minimization of radiobiological effects to the population. This book appeals to readers who have an interest in save living conditions and some understanding for physics or engineering.
Light water reactors --- Force and energy. --- Nuclear energy. --- Power (Mechanics) --- Power resources. --- Safety measures. --- Environmental protection. --- Nuclear Energy. --- Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection. --- Energy Systems. --- Security Science and Technology. --- Environmental quality management --- Protection of environment --- Environmental sciences --- Applied ecology --- Environmental engineering --- Environmental policy --- Environmental quality --- Energy --- Energy resources --- Power supply --- Natural resources --- Energy harvesting --- Energy industries --- Mechanics --- Atomic energy --- Atomic power --- Energy, Atomic --- Energy, Nuclear --- Nuclear power --- Power, Atomic --- Power, Nuclear --- Force and energy --- Nuclear physics --- Power resources --- Nuclear engineering --- Nuclear facilities --- Nuclear power plants --- Conservation of energy --- Correlation of forces --- Physics --- Dynamics --- Reactors, Light water --- Nuclear reactors --- Water cooled reactors --- Radiation protection. --- Radiation—Safety measures. --- Energy systems. --- System safety. --- Radiation monitoring --- Radiation protection --- Safety, System --- Safety of systems --- Systems safety --- Accidents --- Industrial safety --- Systems engineering --- Prevention
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The book analyses the risks of nuclear power stations. The security concept of reactors is explained. Measures against the spread of radioactivity after a severe accident, accidents of core melting and a possible crash of an air plane on a reactor containment are discussed. The book covers three scientific subjects of the safety concepts of Light Water Reactors: – A first part describes the basic safety design concepts of operating German Pressurized Water Reactors and Boiling Water Reactors including accident management measures introduced after the reactor accidents of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. These safety concepts are also compared with the experiences of the Fukushima accidents. In addition, the safety design concepts of the future modern European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) and of the future modern Boiling Water Reactor SWR-1000 (KERENA) are presented. These are based on new safety research results of the past decades. – In a second, part the possible crash of military or heavy commercial air planes on a reactor containment is analyzed. It is shown that reactor containments can be designed to resist to such an airplane crash. – In a third part, an online decision system is presented. It allows to analyze the distribution of radioactivity in the atmosphere and to the environment after a severe reactor accident. It provides data for decisions to be taken by authorities for the minimization of radiobiological effects to the population. This book appeals to readers who have an interest in save living conditions and some understanding for physics or engineering.
Thermodynamics --- Nuclear physics --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Radiotherapy. Isotope therapy --- Relation between energy and economics --- Electrical engineering --- Applied physical engineering --- thermodynamica --- deeltjesfysica --- stralingshygiëne --- farmacologie --- energie (technologie) --- energietechniek --- kernenergie --- elektrotechniek
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