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Solar flare studies with the LYRA instrument onboard PROBA2
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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This PhD project is devoted to investigation of solar activity as observed by LYRA, the Large Yield Radiometer on-board PROBA2 mission (launched by ESA in November 2009). LYRA measures solar irradiance in four UV and EUV channels. Its high-cadence data (up to 20 Hz) present an opportunity to investigate short-term (minutes and seconds) variations of solar UV and EUV flux, namely during solar flares.The PhD project is divided in four parts:Part 1: Analysis of the instrument performances, calibration of the dataPart 2: Cross-calibration with GOES X-ray sensor(the reference in flare monitoring) and SDO-EVE (a high-performance spectrometer that was launched a few months after PROBA2, and of which the spectral coverage partly overlap the one of LYRA)Part 3: Multi-instrumental analysis of the flare timeline as a function of the observed spectral range using at least LYRA, SDO/EVE, and GOES. A model, based on CHIANTI database, predicting the spectral output of a theory-flare will bedeveloped and its predictions confronted to the observations.Part 4: Investigation of short-timescale phenomena during flares observed with LYRA (e.g. quasi-periodic pulsations)


Statistical Tools for Anomaly Detection and Fraud Analytics

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Data is one of the most valuable resources businesses have today. Companies and institutions increasingly invest in tools and platforms to collect and store data about every event that is impacting their business, like their customers, transactions, products, and the market in which they operate. Although the costs for maintaining the huge, expanding volume of data are often considerable, companies are willing to make the investment as it serves their true ambition of being able to extract valuable information from their large quantity of data. As a result, companies increasingly rely on data-driven techniques for developing powerful predictive models to aid them in their decision process. These models, however, are often not well aligned with the core business objective of profit maximization or minimizing financial losses, in the sense that, the models fail to take into account the costs and benefits that are associated with their predictions. In this thesis, we propose new methods for developing models that incorporate costs and gains directly into the construction process of the model.The first method, called ProfTree (Höppner et al., 2018), builds a profit driven decision tree for predicting customer churn. The recently developed expected maximum profit measure for customer churn (EMPC) has been proposed in order to select the most profitable churn model (Verbraken et al., 2013). ProfTree integrates the EMPC metric directly into the model construction and uses an evolutionary algorithm for learning profit driven decision trees.The second and third method, called cslogit and csboost, are approaches for learning a model when the costs due to misclassification vary between instances. An instance-dependent threshold is derived, based on the instance-dependent cost matrix for transfer fraud detection, that allows for making the optimal cost-based decision for each transaction. The two novel classifiers, cslogit and csboost, are based on lasso-regularized logistic regression and gradient tree boosting, respectively, which directly minimize the proposed instance-dependent cost measure when learning a classification model.A major challenge when trying to detect fraud is that the fraudulent activities form a minority class which make up a very small proportion of the data set, often less than 0.5%. Detecting fraud in such a highly imbalanced data set typically leads to predictions that favor the majority group, causing fraud to remain undetected. The third contribution in this thesis is an oversampling technique, called robROSE, that solves the problem of imbalanced data by creating synthetic samples that mimic the minority class while ignoring anomalies that could distort the detection algorithm and spoil the resulting analysis.Besides using methods for making data-driven decisions, businesses often take advantage of statistical techniques to detect anomalies in their data with the goal of discovering new insights. However, the mere detection of an anomalous case does not always answer all questions associated with that data point. In particular, once an outlier is detected, the scientific question why the case has been flagged as an outlier becomes of interest.In this thesis, we propose a fast and efficient method, called SPADIMO (Debruyne et al., 2019), to detect the variables that contribute most to an outlier's abnormal behavior. Thereby, the method helps to understand in which way an outlier lies out.The SPADIMO algorithm allows us to introduce the cellwise robust M regression estimator (Filzmoser et al., 2020) as the first linear regression estimator of its kind that intrinsically yields both a map of cellwise outliers consistent with the linear model, and a vector of regression coefficients that is robust against outliers. As a by-product, the method yields a weighted and imputed data set that contains estimates of what the values in cellwise outliers would need to amount to if they had fit the model.All introduced algorithms are implemented in R and are included in their respective R package together with supporting functions and supplemented documentation on the usage of the algorithms. These R packages are publicly available on CRAN and at


Groupoids and singular foliations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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The proposed dissertation is centered around the differential geometry of singular foliations.While regular foliations are a classical subject in differential geometry, it is only about 10 years ago that a notion of singular foliation was developped that allows for the kind of constructions that have been carried out for regular foliations and, more general, for Lie algebroids.The first part of the dissertation should address certain invariants associated to singular foliations, such as their leaf space, isotropy groups, their holonomy representations, the associated C*- algebra...The study of these objects is still in a primordial phase, and an in-depth study is expected to lead to new, relevant results.The second part of the thesis should address some of the open problems about singular foliations, such as the linearization problem or determining if the holonomy representation is the 'shadow' of a higher groupoid representation.Finally, some of the results might have a counterpart in the more general setting of singular subalgebroids, and the dissertion should indicate for which results this is the case.


PCA-based methods for monitoring high-dimensional, time-dependent processes
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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This dissertation will focus on investigating and improvingtechniques used in the statistical process control field, and particular withregards to control charts, as they pertain to the control of systems whichdisplay autocorrelation, non-stationarity, and exhibit outlier and missingmeasurements. Control chart approaches which will initially be considered areDynamic PCA/PLS, MovingWindow PCA/PLS, and Recursive PCA/PLS. Each of theseapproaches attempts to extend the static control chart model so that it may beapplied in a setting with time series dynamics. As of yet, no comprehensiveoverview of the methods and their extensions has been performed to evaluatetheir relative performance. Furthermore, in all cases, additional innovationsare needed before these methods display the straightforward applicability ofstatic control charts. Therefore, (1) examining the characteristics of thevarious approaches discussed in the literature, and (2) providing innovativeextensions which yield stable and easy to use methods will form two primaryresearch objectives.


Innovation in financial instruments : a challenge for the financial sector.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit wetenschappen

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The financial crisis and credit crunch of 2007 have increased the interest in the wave of innovation caused by the mathematical engineering in the financial sector. This thesis is devoted to the study of two products of this innovation: asset-backed securities and contingent convertible bonds. These are two complex financial instruments which play a strategic role in financial markets following the breakout of the crisis. Asset-backed securities are seen as the main responsible factors of the amplification of the events in 2007, and have highlighted that restrictions of financial mathematical models can lead to catastrophic consequences if not understood properly. Contingent convertible bonds are considered to be able to save banks in dangerous situations, and are a clear example of how mathematical models sometimes can help in a financial context.Asset-backed securities have been increasingly used by banks to reduce their funding costs and to lower their risk profiles. The main idea behind their success is to allow the possibility of transferring the risk off the balance sheet. When the financial crisis of 2007 broke out, they were discovered to be of a muchhigher risk than indicated. They started to default which led to huge levels of unexpected losses. Their ratings, intended to evaluate the creditworthiness of the structure, did not meet the expectations and were likely to change leading to a variable risk profile: high ratings, which denote safe investments, downgradedquickly to poor ratings, indicating a significant risk of default. Consequently, the crisis put spotlights on the difficulties faced when assessing the risk of asset-backed securities by ratings. To make matters worse, as the crisis approached the banks proved to be unable to face such a difficult situation. A soon as losses appeared, their capital, too thin and of low quality, was quickly depleted leading the taxpayers to suffer the consequences. Regulators soon realized the importance of strengthening and increasing the capital of the banks to produce a robust financial system. Contingent convertible bonds fit in this framework because they provide automatic reinforcement of the bank’s balance sheet during a financial crisis. They behave like normal bonds in normal times, and are able to absorb losses in stressful scenarios. The loss absorption takes place with a mandatory conversion of the face value of the bond into equity. A newcomer in this area is the contingent conversion convertible bond. Besides the mandatory conversion which takes place in difficult times, this newcomer also has an optional conversion which introduces some upside potential for the investor. First, the thesis analyzes the uncertainties associated with rating of assetbacked securities. The quantitative approach to evaluate their ratings is outlined, and global sensitivity analysis techniques are used to enhance the understanding of the rating variability due to different variations in the parameters used as inputs to the model. In this context, a novel rating approach is proposed which is called "global rating". This takes the uncertainty into account when assigning ratings to asset-backed securities. Then, the thesis analyzes in depth the structure of the contingent conversion convertible bonds, and proposes a pricing model along the lines of the Heston approach where the volatility is stochastic and the interest rate follows a stochastic process under the Hull-White model. A quantification of the loss absorbing capacity of this instrument is also presented, emphasizing how the success of these instruments is a trade-off between the interest of both, the investors and the issuers.


On the stability and evolution of relativistic astrophysical jets
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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Several observations of astrophysical jets show evidence of a structure in the direction perpendicular to the jet axis, leading to "spine & sheath" models of jets. We will examine such case of a two-component jet: a highly relativistic inner jet and a slower but still relativistic outer jet, surrounded by an unmagnetized environment.Hydrodynamic jets and jets with poloidal magnetic field have already been examined and found susceptible to a relativistically enhanced, Rayleigh-Taylor type instability (Meliani & Keppens 2007, 2009).We first extend this work using a realistic helical magnetic field topology, performing 2.5D & 3D simulations using the MPI-AMRVAC code. The toroidal component of the magnetic field may provide sufficient hoop stress to suppress these instabilities. Differential rotation between the jet components is also incorporated in our study. The stability is determined in terms of the average Lorentz factor (deceleration) and effective cross-section of the jet (decollimation).The next step is to post-process the simulation data with a radiative transfer code to detect effects of the (in)stabilities in the synchrotron emission from the jet and the polarization properties.In the last part, we focus on the interaction between the relativistic jet of the X-ray binary SS433 and a supernova remnant, W50. We perform relativistic 3D simulations, capturing both the initial supernova explosion and the propagation of the jet in order to recreate the observed asymmetric, elongated shape of W50.


Dynamics and energetics of coronal loops undergoing decayless oscillations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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The Sun, as the nearest star to Earth, has been extensively studied ever since the development of modern Astrophysics. The large number of multi-frequency observations has shed light on many of the phenomena existing in the solar interior and the solar atmosphere, but not without generating a whole range of questions regarding the nature of these processes.The solar atmosphere is not an assembly of static, clearly defined layers, but is instead a widely dynamic part of the Sun, filled with flows, oscillations and energetic phenomena, like flares. Waves and oscillations are some of the most common observed phenomena across the layers of the solar atmosphere, like the chromosphere and the corona. Of particular interest have been the transverse waves in the solar corona, ever since their discovery in coronal loops in the late 90s, and the revelation of their ubiquitous nature in the solar atmosphere, during the late 2000s.One of the most important unsolved mysteries in solar physics is the multimillion temperature of the solar corona, with different heating mechanisms being under consideration. The interest in oscillating loops lies in their nature as potential candidates of wave heating of the solar atmosphere. This study focuses on wave heating in coronal loops, which undergo continuous driving. We rely on numerical studies in order to test our theories. The effects of strong drivers and the generation of instabilities on our oscillating loops will be considered. 3D simulations try to shed light on the underlying mechanisms, while post-processing of the results gives us synthetic emission maps, which can be directly compared to the real observations.


Back-reaction of the plasma on coronal oscillations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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The Sun directly impacts many processes on our planet, from climate to thesustenance of life. While it needs no promoting, this makes it the most importantastrophysical object of study. Despite its obvious importance for us, it is safeto say that the Sun-Earth connection is far from being completely understood.The Sun exerts influence mostly by its luminosity, i.e. electromagnetic radiation,but also through its magnetic activity, leading to the solar wind and spaceweather, i.e. a variable but continuous flux of charged particles originating fromits dynamic atmosphere. Better understanding of space weather is essential aswe rely more and more on space-based technologies and as we fare further awayfrom Earth on space exploration missions. The driving force and origin of spaceweather is the magnetically dominated solar corona, which is still enigmatic froma physical point of view. Foremost, the almost 80-year-old mystery of how it isheated to multi-million degrees constitutes the famous coronal heating problem.The theories put forth to solve this conundrum can be put in two separateboxes (even if they might act together): the so-called direct-current models,in which the slow shear of the magnetic field lines leads to small reconnectionevents called nanoflares, and the alternative-current model, in which waves
generated by the turbulent convection at the Sun's surface get dissipated asthey propagate upwards.In this thesis, we focus on wave behaviour in the solar corona, withinthe framework of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The importance of a betterunderstanding of wave phenomena is twofold: on the one hand, as previouslymentioned, waves are a potential candidate for coronal heating; on the otherhand, as properties of waves hold clues about the medium they propagate in,they can be used as diagnostic tools for the elusive physical properties of the solarcorona, within the field of coronal seismology. The corona is not homogeneous,as the complex magnetic field configuration dictates its appearance. In thissense, we distinguish the open magnetic field corona, which are cooler regions,mostly situated at the Sun's poles, and the closed magnetic field corona, whichpresent the majestic coronal loops, arch-like plasma structures outlining themagnetic field. Coronal loops are central to coronal wave studies, as structuringintroduces many interesting phenomena, such as surface waves, wave damping,mode coupling, resonant absorption, phase mixing, and so on. The analyticalframework for these much-studied mechanisms is well developed, however,moving away from symmetric and linear problems to more realistic, nonlineardynamics is made possible with recent advances in numerical computing power.Much of the work carried out and presented in this thesis is thus concerning thenonlinear aspects of wave behaviour in the structured corona, using numericalsimulations, with implications for both the coronal heating problem and coronalseismology, the two prime outcomes of coronal wave studies.The first three studies presented in the results chapter focus on standingkink waves in coronal loops modeled as straight cylindrical flux tubes. Theeffects of radiative cooling, large amplitudes, and a twisted magneticfield on the oscillation properties are presented. In all cases, nonlinearities,among which the most prominent one is the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtzinstability around the loop, are shown to induce considerable deviations fromanalyitical results, e.g. in damping time and oscillation period. These have animpact on some seismological estimates that are based on these values, and onwave heating. Furthermore, it is hinting at the possibly complex and turbulentinternal structure of coronal loops, which is further explainedby studying the effect of propagating transverse waves in aninhomogeneous plasma. It is shown for the first time that turbulence can begenerated from unidirectionally propagating waves, constituting a paradigm shiftin MHD turbulence in general, not only for the coronal setting. Finally, thecapabilities of the promising and emerging field of dynamic coronal seismologyis evaluated. Based on the ubiquity of the transverse propagating Alfvénicwaves observed in the solar corona, the possibility of continuous diagnostics forphysical parameters such as magnetic field strengths would constitute advancesin our understanding of coronal evolution. It is shown that, despite boththeoretical and observational limitations, reliable magnetic field estimates can be achieved, robust to widely different simulated conditions, which are expectedto be present in the corona.


Absolute sets of rigid local systems
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Science

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A set of local systems or vector bundles with an integral connection on a smooth complex algebraic variety is said to be absolute if it satisfies certain compatibility conditions of arithmetic-type with the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. Absolute sets of rank-one local systems admit particularly nice descriptions, by work of Simpson in the projective case and Budur-Wang in general. For higher rank, there are some conjectures of André-Oort type about the structure of such sets. In this thesis, we will focus on the higher-rank local systems on punctured lines, that is, on hypergeometric local systems. We expect a complete answer to the above conjectures in this case.


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