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Coated microneedles for medical applications

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Microneedles are an active field of research in the area of transdermal drug delivery techniques. This thesis aims to build up on the prior fabrication know-how of polymer microneedles. It can be sub-divided into three objectives. Firstly, the thesis project encompasses a further improvement of the existing fabrication process of the SU-8 microneedles. The waste during the fabrication process is furhter reduced: in the original only 20% of the SU8 was actually used, the optimized process this number increased till 95%. Together with this reduction, the overflow during the vacuum oven step is kept under control which leads to a doubling of the SU-8 layer on the wafer and the possibility of quantifying the process parameters. After this optimization a the process parameters are quantified and varied. The second part consists of the development of a generic coating-process for biomolecules (vitamins D2 and B12) onto the existing SU-8 based microneedles without the need for re-formulation of the biomolecule. 2 coatingtechniques for a vitamine B12-coating are explored; spray coating and dipcoating. Dipcoating is the choice of preference because of its fit on a industrial scale. A strong, unform, water suluable coating with a content of 3,14 µg vitamine B12 is achieved with the trial and error technique. Dry electrodes are the last application for the microneedles. First a metal coating is developed and applied with the sputtering tool on the microneedles. Next ECG measurements are done in comparison with the currently used wet electrodes. The results showed an increase of the reciebed amplitude of 1 order of magnitude in the advantage of the microneedles.


Adaptive Radiotherapy Using DWI: An Automatic Method to Eliminate DW Induced Distortions Including a Marker Based Registration Step
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) can have an added value in the treatment of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) patients. However, DWI is very sensitive to artifacts due to the commonly used read-out sequence Echo Planar Imaging (EPI). One way to deal with EPI induced geometrical distortions is to register DW images to anatomical Magnetic Resonance (MR) images, such as T1 images. The resulting transformation field then yields the deformation field of the DW image. Van Herck et al. [1] proposed a method based on this principle which requires local markers in both the DW- and T1 image to perform the registration. Currently, the local markers are manually indicated by a physician. This hampers the introduction of the current method into clinical practice as it is a very tedious and time-consuming step. In this work, the possibility of automating the placement of these markers is investigated. The proposed method is based on Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) for the detection of markers in the DW image. Subsequently, the anatomically corresponding T1 markers are detected by maximization of Mutual Information (MI). Results show that reasonable deformation fields can be achieved. However, to achieve the most accurate deformation fields, a small manual intervention will still be necessary.


Automatische kogelschadedetectie op basis van een statistisch model van vervormingsvelden

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Een virtuele autopsie is een techniek binnen forensisch onderzoek om de precieze doodsoorzaak van een kogelschadeslachtoffer te bepalen. In de huidige werkwijze moet een arts om het kogeltraject te bepalen manueel punten van schade aanduiden op 2D sneden. Deze thesis heeft als doel een eerste stap te zetten naar automatisering van dit onderzoek en tracht het schadedetectieproces in 3D CT scans volledig automatisch te doen verlopen. Door intensiteit-gebaseerde vergelijking van een beschadigd beeld met een gesimuleerd pre-mortem beeld, wordt getracht de kogelschade te bepalen. Het pre-mortem beeld stelt een onbeschadigde versie voor van dezelfde patiënt en wordt opgesteld door registratie van een gemiddeld hoofd naar het beschadigde hoofd. De registratie dient anatomische verschillen weg te werken, maar verschillen afkomstig van de kogelschade te negeren. Omdat registratie inherent geen onderscheid kan maken tussen beide verschillen, worden de bekomen vervormingen gecorrigeerd door middel van een principale-componentenanalyse (PCA) model met morfologische voorkennis. Dit model beschrijft vervormingen van het gemiddelde hoofd naar onbeschadigde hoofden. Deze thesis bespreekt verschillende mechanismes voor correctie van vervormingsvelden, die in verschillende mate gebruik maken van het PCA model. Projectie beperkt vervormingen tot deze binnen de PCA vormruimte. Regularisatie gebruikt het model om de bekomen oplossing in de richting van het gemiddelde vervormingsveld te duwen. Het invoeren van gewichten maakt deze regularisatie robuuster door gebieden met lage statistische waarschijnlijkheid te laten domineren door het PCA model, terwijl de vervormingen in andere gebieden voornamelijk bepaald worden door de initiële oplossing van de registratie. Uit foutief gedetecteerde schade in een verschilbeeld met een normaal hoofd blijkt dat de combinatie van gebruikte basis, meer bepaald het gemiddelde hoofd, en de gebruikte registratieparameters leidt tot een imperfecte registratie. Om dezelfde reden worden in het geval van een beschadigd hoofd ook teveel gebieden als beschadigd gemarkeerd. Het verslechteren van het verschilbeeld na toepassing van de voorgestelde correctiemethodes benadrukt het belang van een goed PCA model. Het gebruikte PCA model in deze thesis bleek ontoereikend omdat het teveel variantie verliest aan het modelleren van onbelangrijke of ongewenste structuren, zoals de nek of ruis in de achtergrond. De resultaten tonen echter wel dat de voorgestelde methodes slagen in het corrigeren van het vervormingsveld. Omdat het resultaat van de voorgestelde pipeline zo afhankelijk is van de gebruikte input, namelijk het gemiddeld hoofd, de registratieparameters en het PCA model, worden enkele alternatieven aangeboden waarbij deze input minder zwaar doorweegt.


Een laag vermogen inertie meeteenheid gecombineerd met EMG-acquisitie in een draadloos, draagbaar systeem
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Primary purpose of this paper is to design a low power, wearable digital system combining inertial and Electromyography(EMG) measurement together for measuring the muscle activation and back movement in rheumatic patients. Pre-amplifier stages combined with instrumentation amplifier and Right-Leg-Drive are connected to low back muscle using surface electrodes. Four channels of EMG data sampled at 1 kHz are captured by TI's Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) chip cc2540 on a peripheral device and stored in the Bluetooth output buffer. Inertial data from chip LIS331DL is also transmitted to the chip via the on-chip SPI interface. These data will be sent to the cc2540 on the central device which is connected to the computer via COM port. The outcome of the project shows that one single BLE chip is able to do data acquisition and transmission at a very low level of package loss. Besides that, inertial information and EMG can be obtianed from the IMU and EMU respectively.


Multiscale modelling of endochondral ossification
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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This thesis aims at modelling the growth plate in endochondral ossification. More precisely, we want to simulate a realistic equilibrium with separate populations of RUNX2 and SOX9, defining a border between hypertrophic cells (in the center) and proliferating cells (at the ends), respectively. Because we study only the first steps of endochondral ossification, no bone growth (the lengthening and broadening), and no vascularisation or ossification centers will be taken in account in the modelling. Also, because of symmetry only 1D models of a halve bone will be elaborated. Firstly some logical models are developed in Matlab, because they are parsimonious and intuitive. A model based on logical equations and a network of Ihh, PTHrP, RUNX2 and SOX9 gives a very rough approximation of the true biological processes, so there is continued with models based on truth tables. A fifth component is added to the truth table, namely BMP2. This model based on truth table with five components is still not satisfactory and thus a model based on partial differential equations (PDEs) is proposed. This PDE model based on reaction diffusion equations with Hill functions and has five components (BMP2, Ihh, PTHrP, RUNX2 and SOX9). This PDE problem is solved with Matlab, with the function pdepe. After a thorough sensitivity analysis, the results are discussed and some comparisons with experimental data are given. The model proves to be adequate, but it is suggested a bigger network is used and the model has to be elaborated more to get more detailed simulations.


Artifact Removal Techniques to improve Single-trial Classification in Mobile BCI

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Due to the advances in computing and biosensing technology the goal of a Brain-Computer interface (BCI) broadened from providing assistive technologies for people with severe disabilities to several applications in different fields. Most of these applications require a portable and preferably a mobile BCI system. However these mobile systems suffer from several artifacts, especially movement artifacts, as movement tolerance is an important requirement for mobile BCI systems. This master thesis will evaluate two recently developed artifact removal techniques. The ASR (artifact subspace reconstruction) method searches for portions of data, whose variance differs significantly from the reference EEG. These bad portions are then treated as missing data and reconstructed, based on the rest of the EEG signal. The Riemannian Potato methodis an artifact detection method that uses covariance matrices as descriptors of the EEG signal and the Riemannian distance as a decision criterion. To evaluate and compare the performance of these two artifact removal methods, validation criteria were calculated. These validation criteria consist of the average event-related potential (ERP), the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the classification accuracy. Besides these validation criteria, the EEG was also analyzed to evaluate if certain artifacts were removed by both methods.Neither the ASR based method nor the Riemannian Potato did show a significant improvement in SNR values or classification accuracy. However, when looking at the EEG both methods indeed removed certain artifacts and therefore have potential to improve the working of a mobile BCI system.


Fiber bundle segmentation using spectral embedding and supervised learning

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Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) is a unique approach to probe the microarchitecture of brain tissue noninvasively. It measures the diffusivity of water molecules, which, in the white matter, is hindered by the the myelin sheath around the axons. Based on this directional information, fiber tracts can be estimated by following the most likely orientations, in a process called tractography.The output of whole brain tractography is a chaos of thousands of fiber trajectories. Clinical applications, however, often demand targeted tracking of specific bundles. Therefore, automated bundle segmentation methods have been developed, which can be categorized into fiber clustering methods and parcellation-based methods. Fiber clustering methods aim to group neighbouring or similar tracks into clusters, which can then be labelled using a white matter atlas. Parcellation-based methods, on the other hand, use regions-of-interest (ROIs) defined in atlas space, e.g., a parcellation of the cortex, to segment and label predefined WM bundles. Tracts that do not meet the requirements, i.e., tracts that do not intersect the ROIs, are excluded from the analysis. This leads to a high specificity but can result in a low sensitivity (a large amount of false negatives). Therefore, this work presents a novel, hybrid approach to fiber bundle segmentation, using spectral embedding and supervised learning. Spectral embedding, a dimensionality reduction technique, allows to represent each track as a vector in the embedding space such that nearby tracks, provided some distance metric, are mapped onto nearby embedding vectors, which simplifies clustering. The embedding vectors calculated on the output of the parcellation-based method are used as ground truth for training.Training data of 20 healthy subjects is labelled with a parcellation-based method, and used to train support vector machine and random forest classifiers. Cross- validation is performed to avoid overfitting. The sensitivity and specificity of the trained classifiers is calculated on labelled data of 5 independent test subjects. This shows an improvement of over 10% when using supervised classifiers. In addition, a clear improvement can be seen in the results on the unlabelled whole brain tractography data which are analysed visually. Moreover, it is demonstrated that by taking the label probabilities into account, the effect of outlier tracks can be reduced.In conclusion, the proposed method outperforms existing unsupervised methods and is more robust to outlier tracks when the label probability is taken into account. Future work includes extending the atlas to smaller, currently undefined fiber bundles.


Biomechanical evaluation of dental implant placement and overdenture design in the upper jaw

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This master thesis contributes to strain measurements in the fully edentulous human maxilla by means of in vitro experiments and computational analysis. Dental implants can be single or connected. No consensus exists in literature on whether either configuration has better clinical or biomechanical results. If the transferral of biting forces from prosthesis through the implants into the bone could be better understood, it would become easier to assign the best configuration parameters for each individual patient. In a first stage, a simple beam with two strain gauges and two implants is tested to examine repeatability and to make a comparison between calculated and measured strain. After satisfactory results are achieved, two different overdenture configurations are tested to gain some prior insights. In the next in vitro stage, a maxillary replica is tested with four implants and seven strain gauges, four at the labial surface before each implant and three at the maxillary ridge between the implants. Five different biting locations are used: with premolars and molars on both lateral sides and with incisors. Forces are limited to 14.8N. A comparison is made between osseointegrated implants and non-osseointegrated implants, which did not differ significantly. A comparison is also made between single implants with locators and a gum-supported suprastructure versus connected implants with a bar and less gum-support. In the former set-up, on average 32% higher strains were measured than in the latter set-up. Strains are measured up to 250 micro-strain. Compressive strains are found in the axial direction and tensile strains in the lateral direction. When biting at the opposite lateral side, axial strains might become tensile due to the moment on the suprastructure. At the labial surface, axial and lateral strains are both of the same order of magnitude. In a final stage, a Finite Element Analysis is performed on the same maxilla with the same implant locations. The four implants are alternately loaded with 14.8N. Superficial strains at strain gauge locations were 2 to 10 times larger than in the in vitro experiment, up to 1,400 micro-strain. However, the largest strains and stresses are found at the superior support and at the bone/implant interface. The largest strain was 30,000 micro-strain and the largest stress 3.5MPa. A high sensitivity of the strain results to several variations was confirmed. The method of supporting the jaw or applying boundary conditions, the location of strain measurement and the location of force application are variables that can have a large biomechanical influence.


Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate in MR Images Using Feature Driven Shape Optimization

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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men, therefore prostate segmentation in MR images has great importance, as it is used for planning treatment therapies. This work focuses on a hybrid prostate segmentation method based on a combination of discriminative learning and a statistical shape model. From a comparison of existing methods, this approach is the most interesting with respect to segmentation time and accuracy. An automated pipeline for localizing and segmenting the prostate in T2 weighted MR images is designed that makes use of a statistical shape model and appearance features in discriminative learning. A discriminative learning approach, based on the face-detection algorithm of Viola-Jones is used to perform the localization task, as well as the search for surface points for the segmentation. In both processes, a big pool of features is used to capture information about appearance. To obtain the final segmentation, the statistical shape model is fitted to the detected surface points. A step-by-step validation study is presented, investigating the influence of the model parameters and the performance of the detection and segmentation steps, separately and combined. Based on the results, a number of interesting observations are obtained, that increase the insight into the approach and give rise to many ideas for future and improving work.


Evaluation of cellular accommodation for bone density remodelling simulations

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Bone density simulations can explain the density patterns of the proximal femur by utilizing bone specific loading conditions. The mechanostat (MS) model is an established bone remodelling model that predicts bone density depending on the deviation of the loading with a minimal effective strain (MES) threshold. However, it fails to predict accommodation of the bone to its loading environment. This led to the development of the principle of cellular accommodation (CA), for which the reference state adapts to its strain history. The objective of this thesis is to compare the CA model with the MS model. To accomplish this goal, CT data of three subjects was used to make a 3D geometry of the bones. For each subject a gait analysis and a subject-specific musculoskeletal model were available to calculate the subject-specific contact forces and muscle forces, which were used to create a finite element model of the femur. The remodelling models were implemented in a Fortan subroutine, which was used in combination with the finite element analysis to make the bone density predictions. The accuracy of the predictions were evaluated based on a comparison with CT determined density values and a visual inspection of the density patterns. Baseline values for the MS model were set with parameters values found in literature, which were used to compare the performance of the CA model for multiple parameter settings. The tests were repeated for three additional control subjects to validate the results. The CA model achieved more realistic bone density predictions than the MS model and was proven to be dependent on the initial density value and loading sequence, in contrast to the MS model which was independent of either initial density or loading sequence.


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