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Stress during foal training in New Zealand

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As a first step in the development of real-time stress monitoring during foal training, modelling techniques are used to obtain off-line stress monitoring. Based on the model parameters of dynamic autoregressive models of the foal’s HR, features are calculated and used to monitor stress. Some of the features enable the monitoring of stress, while others can be used to detect high levels of stress. One of the features defined in this research is able to detect high stress levels with on average an accuracy of almost 70 %. The HR measurements are also used to calculate HR measures that can be used to evaluate the progress of the foals in their training program. In a training session, the easily calculated median, mean and minimum (min) HR were good representatives for the mean stress level of the foals during the training. Based on the mean HR, it is observed that – in an ideal training program – the foals experience significantly (p = 0.00330) less stress at the end of the initial training program with respect to the first training session, which is confirmed by the behaviour-based gold standard stress levels. The progress of the foal in the program, involving the decrease of the mean stress level, is observed when taking into account the full training, but also for every respective part of the training: HEADSTALL ON (p = 0.00764), ROPE ON (p = 0.00260), LIFTING LEGS (p = 0.00180), TOURS (p = 0.00190), ROPE OFF (p = 0.02830), HEADSTALL OFF (p = 0.02160) and TOUCH HEAD (p = 0.01789). The occurrence and intensity of short moments of high stress levels are represented by the maximum (max) HR and were found to be also significantly (p = 0.02341) lower in the last initial training session with respect to the first. Also, the dynamic range of the HR, represented by the standard deviation (std) of the measured HRs, decreases throughout the training program, with already in the sixth training session a significant (p = 0.04525) decrease with respect to the first training. Meanwhile, it is interesting to evaluate the stress within a training session. In the beginning of a training session when the headstall is put on, stress is induced and only decreases again significantly (p = 0.00030 for stress level 1 and p = 0.01350 for level 3) once the headstall is taken off again, which indicates the end of the training. Based on the mean HR, the significant (p = 0.04640) higher stress level in the beginning, in this case when the rope is put on, and the end of the training session when the rope is taken off again, is also observed. Thus, based on HR measurements, the stress levels of the foals can be monitored off-line using dynamic autoregressive models, while the progress of the foals can be evaluated both within a training session and as well as throughout the training program using HR measures.


Deep learning regression for maize kernel processing quality assessment.

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Corn silage is produced by fermenting chopped corn plants. It is mainly used as feed for dairy cattle or as substrate in biogas production. The extent to which the corn kernels within the silage are processed is important in both applications since it affects the methane yield (in biogas production) and the feed conversion ratio (as animal feed). An industry standard used to quantify the extent of kernel processing is the Kernel Processing Score (KPS), which is measured as the weight fraction of kernels that pass a sieve with an aperture size of 4.75mm. Methods that are currently used to determine the KPS are laborious and often require specialized equipment and therefore they do not allow for in-field optimization. There is the need for an automated method to measure the KPS in-field. Results from recent studies have shown the potential of the rapidly evolving research field of Deep Learning (DL) in computer vision tasks for the automation of KPS predictions. YOLOv8, a DL model for instance segmentation, was used to detect and segment kernels in images of non-separated kernel/stover mixtures. This model achieved an Average Precision (AP) of 63.9% at an Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.5 for the segmentation task, thereby surpassing results obtained in contemporary literature. Since the KPS depends on size and shape characteristics of the kernels, the instances of the detected kernels can be used to estimate the KPS. In the first method, DL regression models were used to predict the KPS from kernel instances. In this approach, a DenseNet was adapted to perform the regression task based on the kernel instances. Different variants of the model were trained and evaluated on different datasets. The best obtained result had a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.15 between the predictions and the true KPS values, showing only very weak predictive capabilities. Training any model variant on the same dataset multiple times resulted in models with highly variable performances on the same test set. This led to the conclusion that insufficient data is available to adequately train these models and unequivocally compare datasets and model variants. In an alternative method, the KPS was predicted from kernel instances using linear regression models. In this approach, the instances were used to fit a distribution describing the size of kernels in a sample. The parameters defining these distributions were used as independent variables in linear regression models which were subsequently used to predict the KPS for unseen data. The shape and scale parameters of the lognormal distribution were used as independent variables in the best preforming model, resulting in a coefficient of determination of 0.84 when tested on data from the same year as the data used for model estimation. Using the same approach, a coefficient of determination of 0.68 was obtained when the model was fitted and tested using data from multiple harvesting seasons. These results demonstrate the potential of classical regression models in automating KPS predictions based on segmented kernel instances and the advantages over DL regression when data is not abundant.


Multiscale modelling of fluid flow in self-powered microfluidic devices

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When a person shows clinical symptoms, a general practitioner is consulted. To make the correct diagnosis, the practitioner often prescribes one or more diagnostic tests such as a blood test. A blood test is performed in general laboratories, meaning the blood sample is sent to a centralised laboratory, where it is often tested with bulky instruments requiring trained operators. To circumvent this lengthy process, point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tests are being developed, which are diagnostic tests performed near the patient, often as lab-on-chips (LOCs). Such LOCs process small volumes of reagents and samples, by performing operations similar to classical laboratory operations to make a correct diagnosis. To be used as POC devices, these LOCs must be cheap, easy to use and portable. The SIMPLE or "self-powered imbibing microfluidic pump by liquid encapsulation" meets these requirements and is therefore a promising platform in POC diagnostics. The design of the SIMPLE platform still heavily relies on a trial-and-error approach. Therefore, in this thesis, a model was developed to simulate the flow in the paper pumps used in the SIMPLE platform, thus avoiding the trial-and-error method to design the pumps. Afterwards, the model was validated by experiments using the SIMPLE platform. Different shapes and paper types were tested to determine the influence of shape and paper type on the flow. Whatman 40 (W40) filter paper was used to test a narrow, straight strip. Both the model and the experiments showed high variability in this case, which was possibly caused by the structure or a possible compression of the paper. Whatman 598 (W598) filter paper was then tested in a narrow, straight strip and in five fan shapes with different angles, since such fan shapes are often used in the SIMPLE platform. The variability was smaller in this case, but, with the strip, the flow in the experiments was much faster than in the simulation. This difference may have been caused by the testing method, so further experiments are needed to accurately validate the model for a narrow, straight strip. For fan shapes, the experiments and simulations were in better agreement, meaning the model was able to accurately predict the fluid flow in fan shaped W598 paper.


Integration of fiber optic SPR technology with electric actuation of duplexed aptamers to enable continuous biosensing

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Bij een zieke patiënt worden verschillende fysische parameters zoals hartslag, temperatuur en bloeddruk opgemeten. Daarnaast wordt er ook naar verschillende biomerkers in het lichaam gekeken, waarbij de soort en aanwezige concentratie van deze moleculen inzicht geven in de gezondheidstoestand van de patiënt. Hiervoor dienen lichaamsstalen te worden afgenomen, een tijdrovend proces en bovendien slechts een momentopname. Dit bemoeilijkt het opvolgen van de gezondheidstoestand van de patiënt in de tijd en cruciale informatie kan over het hoofd gezien worden. De opzet van deze thesis was dan ook bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van een biosensor die het continue meten van biomerkers mogelijk maakt. Continue meten biedt een oplossing voor de nadelen gerelateerd aan het afnemen van lichaamsstalen, waardoor de toestand van een patiënt in real time gevolgd kan worden en feedback gestuurde interventie mogelijk is, wat levens kan redden. Al eerder werd een biosensor concept ontwikkeld waarbij gehybridiseerde aptameren, gecombineerd met gouden nanopartikels, vastgemaakt worden aan een optische vezel. Hierbij zal het doelwit molecule een interactie aan gaan met de aptameren waarbij vervolgens een reversibele conformatieverandering plaatsvindt. In deze thesis wordt dit concept verder uitgebreid en verbeterd op 3 verschillende domeinen. In de eerste plaats werd er succesvol aangetoond dat het concept ook toepasbaar is voor andere doelwitmoleculen dan enkel een stukje enkelstrengig DNA. Daarnaast werd er een platform ontwikkeld, waarbij een vezel gebaseerde biosensor gecombineerd werd met een microfluïdische chip. Dit liet toe om variërende doelwitconcentraties over de biosensor te sturen en kan in de toekomst gebruikt worden voor continue metingen. Tot slot werd met succes een spanning aangebracht op de biosensoren. Hierdoor werd aangetoond dat de activering van aanwezige goudpartikels een veelbelovende strategie is om de sensitiviteit van het voorgestelde concept te verbeteren. Met deze thesis werd een aantoonbare stap vooruitgezet in de ontwikkeling van een continue biosensor. De bekomen resultaten tonen het potentieel aan van de voorgestelde concepten voor de ontwikkeling van deze biosensor.


Development of optical clearing protocols for the detection of micro- and nanoplastics in biological samples

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As society becomes more reliant on the use of plastics, consumption grows every year and waste increases proportionally. Plastics are released in nature, polluting the environment, biological life, and ecosystems. Once discarded, plastics degrade to microplastics (<5 mm) and nanoplastics (<1 µm) due to weathering processes and photodegradation. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNP’s) can enter the human body via several pathways, and induce toxicological effects on human health. Very little is known regarding these adverse effects due to a lack of appropriate detection techniques. Also, localization of particles in biological samples is required to investigate local effects, meaning that the preservation of bio-context is essential to achieve this. Staining of MNP’s with Nile Red (NR), a solvatochromic dye, can serve as a fluorescent labeling technique for MNP’s, enabling high-resolution particle detection and polymer identification. However, since NR has a high affinity for lipophilic carbon structures, organic materials like lipids get co-stained, inducing false-positive results. Furthermore, biological samples often are opaque, limiting laser transmission due to light scattering. Thirdly, autofluorescence causes a lot of background signal, interfering with the signal obtained from small plastics and making detection of MNP’s more challenging. For this reason, optical clearing protocols are needed to resolve these issues by extracting these structures from biological samples. 3D spheroids (co-cultured with MNP’s) and tissue samples were prepared and anchored in an acrylamide gel. This enabled the preservation of bio-context, allowing particle localization in a subsequent stage. Next, optical clearing steps were added and different protocols were compared, starting from a protein digestion step. This resulted in a more effective removal of lipids, which enhanced laser transmission (decrease in scattering) and reduced autofluorescence. This facilitates future research towards MNP-detection with NR staining, as false positive results get ruled out more effectively.


Simulation-based optimization of agricultural machinery

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Increasing computational power to price ratio pushes the interest in simulations in the field of agricultural machinery. Simulations offer fine control over system parameters and provide great insight in the processes which contribute beneficial information in the optimization of agricultural machinery. This thesis focusses on the realisation of representative Discrete Element Method simulations of straw interacting with the rotor and pre-compression chamber of a large square baler. Preparatory experiments were conducted in order to correctly asses the necessary straw properties and simulation settings. Simulations of the baler were vali- dated with experiments on a baler, which was modified to resemble the setup used for the simulations. Rotor torque and video footage were used to validate the simulations. Results showed that the used straw model is able to reproduce the crop ow in the pre-compression chamber correctly. Simulated rotor torque resembles the mea- sured torque in shape and order of magnitude. Simulations are currently not accurate enough to engage in machine optimization though a solid foundation for further work is laid.


The contribution of the cytoskeleton in cellular aggregation: a data-based modelling approach

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Micro-aggregates have several unique properties that make them suitable for tissue engineering: they are associated with increased cell viability, they enhance multilineage differentiation and they secrete trophic factors with an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, micro-aggregates have the ability to fuse into one larger structure when brought into close contact. Hence, they are of great interest in bottom-up tissue engineering, in which large heterotypic tissues that mimic the native organisational tissue structure are gradually built up by using small units as building blocks. An important step for the application of micro-aggregates in tissue engineering is a complete understanding of their formation. During this formation, a change in cell morphology, determined by cell contractility and cortical tension, is required. These factors are both determined by the structure and functionality of the cytoskeleton. Therefore, the importance of different components of the cytoskeleton during the aggregation of hPDCs was studied by adding different inhibitors to the medium. In this thesis, Y-27632, a ROCK-inhibitor, and (S)-nitroblebbistatin, an inhibitor of MYH ATPase, were evaluated for their effect on aggregate formation. Two different aggregate sizes were tested since cell number might influence cell aggregation by affecting contact opportunities between cells and cell survival. The dynamics of the aggregation behaviour were captured using time-lapse microscopy. Area and circularity of the aggregates were extracted from the images and analysed using a data-based modelling approach. It is demonstrated that ROCK-inhibitor reduces compaction and slows down the formation of micro-aggregates compared to control conditions. Moreover, the effect of Y-27632 is found to be depended on aggregate size. Experiments with (S)-nitroblebbistatin were not coherent. Consequently, no conclusions concerning the contribution of myosin II to cellular aggregation could be made. In addition to time-lapse microscopy, aggregates treated with ROCK-inhibitor were imaged in confocal microscopy in order to quantify cell viability and visualise the actin network as well as the nucleus. Although this analysis did not reveal any statistically significant results, some clear trends are observed. First of all, it is stated that cells at the boundary have a higher volume compared to central cells. Secondly, it is seen that boundary cells have a tendency to become more spherical as the concentration of Y-27632 is increased. It is believed that a more complete insight in aggregate formation is the first step towards a better process control and thus would enhance the performance of the final engineered tissue.


Groenkleuring van witloofkroppen (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum) na hydrocultuurteelt

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Witloof is gekend om zijn licht bittere smaak, consumenten worden echter kritischer en de bittere smaak wordt tegenwoordig minder gewaardeerd. Bijgevolg is het voor witlooftelers voordelig de bittere smaak van de groente te beperken. Onder invloed van licht verandert de concentratie van de verschillende bitterstoffen (sesquiterpeen lactonen) in witloof. Vooral de pit van het witloof wordt door een blootstelling aan het licht bitterder. Daarnaast zal er bij belichting chlorofyl gevormd worden waardoor de krop groen kleurt. Hierdoor is de groenheid van het witloof een indicator dat de witloofkrop belicht werd, met een verhoogde bitterheid tot gevolg. Om deze reden koopt de consument geen groengekleurde witloof. Groenkleuring van het witloof leidt dus tot marktverlies en bijgevolg is het beheersen van dit verschijnsel van groot belang. Dit onderzoek streeft ernaar een algemeen beeld te vormen van het groenkleuringsproces in witloof en factoren te vinden die dit beïnvloeden. Aan de hand van praktijkgerichte experimenten worden er in de conclusie adviezen geformuleerd voor witlooftelers, -verkopers en -consumenten om de groenkleuring te minimaliseren. Witloofkroppen, uit hydrocultuurteelt, worden belicht en hun groenkleuring wordt met een chlorofyl-transmissiemeter gemeten. Kroppen met een verschillende forceerduur (2 en 3 weken) vertonen geen verschil in groenkleuring na 8 uur belichting. De groenkleuring van witloofkroppen vermindert niet na 48 uur belichting indien de kroppen bedekt worden met een verpakkingsfolie. De kroppen kuisen voor of na de belichting vermindert wel de groenkleuring. Elke golflengte van het zichtbaar lichtspectrum veroorzaakt groenkleuring en kroppen met vastgehechte wortel vertonen een grotere kleurverandering dan geoogste kroppen. Er is geen onderscheid in groenkleuring na 48 uur belichting tussen alle geteste lichtspectra in het zichtbaar spectrum, met uitzondering van het geteste spectrum met piekgolflengte op 740 nm, dat in minder groenkleuring resulteert. De intensiteit van de belichting beïnvloedt de hoeveelheid groenkleuring van de witloofkroppen. Er wordt echter verondersteld dat de kroptemperatuur een grotere invloed heeft dan de stralingsintensiteit. Wanneer witloofkroppen blootgesteld zijn aan het licht, zullen deze de daaropvolgende uren groen kleuren, zelfs indien de kroppen gekuist worden en erna niet meer belicht worden. Groenkleuring compleet voorkomen kan dus alleen door volledige afscherming van licht.


Stress Measurements of Youth Volleyball Players: the impact of coach interventions on stress levels and performance during training

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Technology has become indispensable in our daily life and has also found its way into the sports environment where it has proven its benefits. Sensors are implemented for measuring variables such as heart rate, blood pressure, speed and distance covered. One equally important but often forgotten variable in elite sport is the mental load of an athlete. Top performances cannot be reached when psychological aspects are unfavourable. This variable however remains difficult to measure, especially when using physiological signals. In this master’s thesis, a method is examined to establish an athlete’s mental state using real-time physiological measurements of the heart rate and the physical activity. Nine youth volleyball athletes were monitored during six trainings to assess the impact of coach interventions on their mental state. Athletic performance was established and the link with the obtained stress levels is explored. The possibility to simulate coach-related stressors is investigated and whether the extra stress generates a difference in heart rate-derived stress measures. Specific coach-related stress instants are examined more closely. The possibility to implement questionnaires is explored before summarizing the results and their link to competition. The mental HR, the raw HR, and the frequency analysis of the HRV showed no significant difference when comparing the two types of trainings. HR normalized to the physical activity suggested a higher value, around 20 bpm/m/s², in the stressful trainings. Match formats and services generated a higher mental HR (±15 bpm) compared to standard set, pass, and attack exercises. During the stress moments, specific responses were observed in all the different stress indicators. However, not all moments generated a response and not all indicators presented a response to the same stress instants. The performance during the stressful trainings appeared higher in the service exercises. Nevertheless, overall conclusions about the higher performance trend in the stressful environment could not be made and more data is needed to suggest individual trends. The results from the questionnaires were inconclusive, questioning the usefulness in underage athletes and whether a true discrepancy between the stressful and stressless training existed. We may conclude that it is hard to create a stressful environment during training but that the suggested stress indicators (especially the ones considering physical activity) could provide useful insight into specific stress moments.


Microbeads seeding in a microwell array for digital assay integration on a self-powered microfluidic platform

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Nowadays, there is a strong need for both ultrasensitive and portable diagnostic tools. Ideally, lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices integrate sample preparation, incubation, washing, labeling and detection into a single microfluidic chip. These devices have the potential to address most of the point-of-care (POC) test requirements such as high sensitivity and specificity, affordability and being equipment-free, among others. One of the most sensitive and specific approaches is the digital assay, which enables the detection of single molecules in ultra-small reaction wells by labelling them with enzyme reporters in a sandwich-type bead-based immunoassay. However, the current digital assay platforms have some drawbacks, being complex, time-consuming and costly. In this framework, integration of digital assay on LOC platforms can address some of the limitations by increasing the level of automatization and miniaturization towards POC testing. The main goal of this thesis is to optimize microbeads seeding in a microwell array for digital assay integration on an innovative self-powered microfluidic platform, called SIMPLE. This microfluidic platform requires no external power and it is autonomous, robust and disposable, being an ideal LOC approach for POC applications. In the first part of this work, the optimal magnet distance for a high seeding efficiency was determined by an analytical approach to understand the physical forces that play a role and then the relationship between these forces was used to experimentally derive a predictive model that was subsequently be validated. The seeding efficiency was further optimized by investigating the bead concentrations and flow rates, using a syringe pump as liquid manipulation system. A seeding efficiency of 91.6% is predicted for a magnet distance of 1.95 mm with a flow rate between 5 and 10 µL/min and a bead concentration of 5x107 beads/mL. In a second part, the fabrication and flow rate of the SIMPLE platform was investigated and tuned to match the conditions found in the first part. A SIMPLE pump with a 60° circular sector provided a flow rate of 6.59±0.78 µL/min, which was in the optimal range found in the first part. This system proved to be reliable and guaranteed the proper flow rate for this application. In a final part of this research, using the optimal conditions obtained in the previous parts, seeding of microbeads in a microwell array under continuous flow with the SIMPLE pump was demonstrated. High seeding efficiency (i.e. more than 90%) was achieved in less than 30 sec without the need of an external instrument or power supply. These results set the basis for future work in which a SIMPLE platform can be used to first seed and then seal microbeads with the aim to design a self-powered POC device with unprecedented sensitivity.


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