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Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Creative ability. --- Creativeness --- Creativity --- Ability --- Creative ability in art --- Creative ability in literature --- Art --- Imagination --- Inspiration --- Literature --- Creative ability --- Originality
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This book highlights information derived primarily from clinical samples, with particular reference to theoretical and scientific aspects of the human immune system. This text will focus on topics that range from host-pathogen interactions in infectious disease to host immune response in cancer, allergic diseases, neuroinflammatory diseases, and autoimmune disorders. The reader will also have a well-rounded understanding of the behavior of the immune system with particular emphasis on the role of immunoproteomics in immunotherapy, neuroprotective immunity for neurodegenerative and neuroinfectious disease, leukemia-associated dendritic cell induction of adaptive immunity dysregulation, and the role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer, infection, as well as neuroinflammation. Taken together, the contents of this book are intended for both clinicians and researchers in academia and industry.
Immunology. --- Vaccines. --- Infectious diseases. --- Cancer research. --- Vaccine. --- Infectious Diseases. --- Cancer Research. --- Cancer research --- Immunobiology --- Life sciences --- Serology --- Biologicals --- Communicable diseases. --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Infectious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- Diseases --- Infection --- Epidemics --- Immunologia --- Sistema immunitari --- Malalties autoimmunitàries --- Càncer --- Al·lèrgia --- Malalties neurodegeneratives --- Malalties infeccioses --- Malalties autoimmunes --- Autoimmunitat --- Malalties immunitàries --- Malaltia d'Addison --- Malaltia de Graves --- Síndrome antifosfolipídica --- Sistema immunològic --- Anatomia --- Cèl·lules immunocompetents --- Medul·la òssia --- Sistema limfàtic --- Biologia --- Complements (Immunitat) --- Immunofarmacologia --- Immunologia clínica --- Immunologia de la trasplantació --- Neuroimmunologia --- Resposta immunitària --- Contagi --- Malalties contagioses --- Malalties encomanadisses --- Malalties transmissibles --- Microbiologia mèdica --- Salut pública --- Abscessos --- Desinfecció --- Malalties bacterianes --- Malalties emergents --- Malalties infeccioses en els infants --- Malalties d'origen alimentari --- Malalties parasitàries --- Malalties per prions --- Malalties víriques --- Micosi --- Zoonosi --- Degeneració axònica --- Degeneració de Nissl --- Degeneració del sistema nerviós --- Degeneració nerviosa --- Degeneració neuronal --- Degeneració retrògrada --- Reacció axònica --- Reacció primària de Nissl --- Degeneració (Patologia) --- Malalties del sistema nerviós --- Malaltia d'Alzheimer --- Malaltia de Parkinson --- Regeneració del sistema nerviós --- Al·lèrgies --- Processos al·lèrgics --- Al·lèrgia alimentària --- Al·lèrgia als medicaments --- Al·lèrgia en els infants --- Dermatitis atòpica --- Dermatitis de contacte --- Fotosensibilització (Biologia) --- Urticària --- Histamina --- Carcinoma --- Carcinosi --- Tumors --- Càncer d'ossos --- Càncer de cap --- Càncer de coll --- Càncer de bufeta --- Càncer de fetge --- Càncer de laringe --- Càncer de mama --- Càncer de pàncrees --- Càncer de pell --- Càncer de pròstata --- Càncer de pulmó --- Càncer de ronyó --- Càncer de tiroide --- Càncer d'ovari --- Càncer gastrointestinal --- Càncer ginecològic --- Càncer en els adolescents --- Càncer en els infants --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Melanoma --- Leucèmia --- Sarcoma --- Carcinògens --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Cirurgia oncològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Malalts de càncer --- Metàstasi --- Oncologia --- Cancer --- Research.
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This book highlights information derived primarily from clinical samples, with particular reference to theoretical and scientific aspects of the human immune system. This text will focus on topics that range from host-pathogen interactions in infectious disease to host immune response in cancer, allergic diseases, neuroinflammatory diseases, and autoimmune disorders. The reader will also have a well-rounded understanding of the behavior of the immune system with particular emphasis on the role of immunoproteomics in immunotherapy, neuroprotective immunity for neurodegenerative and neuroinfectious disease, leukemia-associated dendritic cell induction of adaptive immunity dysregulation, and the role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer, infection, as well as neuroinflammation. Taken together, the contents of this book are intended for both clinicians and researchers in academia and industry.
Immunology. Immunopathology --- Oncology. Neoplasms --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- immunologie --- oncologie --- besmettelijke ziekten --- vaccinatie
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This CCIS conference volume constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference, ACTET 2023, in Jaipur, India, December 2023. The 7 full papers together in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The conference addresses fundamentals of advanced scientific computing and specific mechanisms and algorithms for particular and to exchange their innovative ideas, knowledge, expertise, and experience in advance computing techniques in various domains of engineering and technology.
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Selected papers from the 15th Triennial International Conference, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 15–18, 2019. Sponsored by PIANC and the Ports and Harbors Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE.This collection contains 62 peer-reviewed papers on current topics in port planning and development, highlighting the role of ports as engines of economic development and as stewards of environmental resources.Topics include: transportation and traffic; environmental issues; port operations; port design, expansion, and redevelopment; terminal design simulation and modeling; master planning and urban community interfaces; project financing and regulatory affairs; and restoration and remediation.These papers will be of interest to both practitioners and researchers in the area of port and harbor planning and development.
Harbors --- Ports and harbors --- Traffic models --- Ocean currents --- Ecological restoration --- Highway and road design --- Hydraulic design --- Rivers and streams --- Engines
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Selected papers from the 15th Triennial International Conference, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 15–18, 2019. Sponsored by PIANC and the Ports and Harbors Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE.This collection contains 77 peer-reviewed papers on current topics in port engineering, highlighting the role of ports as engines of economic development and as stewards of environmental resources.Topics include: structural and geotechnical considerations in ports; facilities inspection, repair, and maintenance; seawall and pier construction and maintenance; coastal and seal level rise; seismic events and retrofit; tsunamis, storm surge, and waves; port design standards; equipment and systems automation; and case studies.These papers will be of interest to both practitioners and researchers in the area of port and harbor planning and development.
Harbors --- Ports and harbors --- Ocean waves --- Ocean currents --- Ocean engineering --- Harbor facilities --- Rehabilitation --- Maintenance and operation --- Construction equipment
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