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Anatolia antiqua
Year: 1991 Publisher: Istanbul Institut francais d'études anatoliennes d'Istanbul

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Les céramiques en Anatolie aux époques hellénistique et romaine : actes de la table ronde d'Istanbul, 22 [i.e. 23] -24 mai 1996
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2906053740 9782906053748 Year: 2003 Volume: 15 Publisher: Istanbul Paris Institut français d'études anatoliennes Georges Dumezil diff. de Boccard

Les fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci près de Sinope : Recueil de travaux
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782906053991 2906053996 Year: 2010 Volume: 22 Publisher: Paris De Boccard Edition-Diffusion

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Musées archéologiques d'Istanbul : catalogue des figurines en terre cuite grecques et romaines de Smyrne
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782362450587 2362450589 Year: 2015 Volume: 29 Publisher: Paris De Boccard

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Constantinople 1908-lstanbul 2014. Un peu plus d'un siècle sépare la publication de l'ensemble des figurines gréco-romaines en terre cuite des Musées archéologiques d'Istanbul par un français, Gustave Mendel, de cette nouvelle édition du catalogue des Musées par une équipe franco-turque et consacrée exclusivement à un seul corpus : celui des figurines produites par la cité de l'antique Smyrne, actuelle ville d'Izmir. Ces travaux témoignent de la collaboration ancienne et féconde entre la Turquie et la France et attestent aussi de la richesse des échanges scientifiques entre les Musées archéologiques d'Istanbul et le Musée du Louvre. Ces deux prestigieuses institutions partagent en effet une destinée commune quant à la constitution de leurs collections de figurines smyrniotes. Elles sont notamment issues des dons faits par un ingénieur français, Paul Gaudin , qui était en poste à Smyrne dès 1892 pour construire la ligne de chemin de fer Smyrne-Cassaba.

Fouilles de Xanthos

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Contributions à l'histoire économique et sociale de l'Empire ottoman

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Turkey --- Empire ottoman --- History --- Histoire

At the crossroads of empires : 14th-15th century eastern Anatolia : proceedings of the International Symposium held in Istanbul, 4th-6th May 2007
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782362450020 2362450023 Year: 2012 Volume: 25 Publisher: Istanbul : Institut français d'études anatoliennes Georges-Dumézil,

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A compilation of selected papers presented at a conference held in Istanbul in May 2007, treating history, coinage, architecture, and arts of the book. This publication gathers new scholarship about the remote, previously under-researched eastern parts of modern Turkey, from the final decades of Ilkhanid rule to the eve of the Ottoman empire. This is a very complex period and the lack of sources creates a serious handicap for its understanding. Much of the difficulty in dealing with the history of this region originates from its extreme political fragmentation and the rise of numerous local dynasties following the collapse of Mongol power in the mid-14th century. This book shows that cultural life flourished at various local centres despite long periods of political instability and discord in eastern Anatolia as it became embroiled in the ongoing conflicts between such states as the Mamluks and Ilkhanids, and later, the Timurids and Ottomans.--Cover.

Hittitology today: Studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche’s 100th Birthday : 5e Rencontres d'archéologie de l'IFEA, Istanbul 21-22 novembre 2014

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Il y a 100 ans, Emmanuel Laroche voyait le jour. Savant à la fois passionné de linguistique indo-européenne et d’Antiquité, il marqua durablement l’hittitologie par ses nombreuses contributions dans des domaines aussi variés que l’histoire des religions proche-orientales, la philologie cunéiforme ou encore la grammaire du hittite, du louvite et du hourrite. Ce colloque organisé en l’honneur de son centenaire a été l’occasion de faire le point sur les avancées de l’hittitologie actuelle, avancées auxquelles il participa tout au long de sa vie et qui se poursuivent après lui. Les axes thématiques qui sont abordés dans ce volume sont ceux qu’Emmanuel Laroche développa de son vivant, à savoir la linguistique des langues anatoliennes, la philologie et l’épigraphie cunéiforme et hiéroglyphique, les religions de l’Anatolie hittite et néo-hittite, l’histoire et la géographie historique, mais aussi l’archéologie proche-orientale, domaine qu’Emmanuel Laroche côtoya de près. Ajoutons à ces domaines celui de l’historiographie qui illustre, entre autres choses, l’impact des travaux d’Emmanuel Laroche dans l’hittitologie d’aujourd’hui. 100 years ago, Emmanuel Laroche was born. As a scholar who was fascinated both by Indo-European Linguistics and Ancient Near Eastern and Classical Studies, he had a durable impact on Hittitology through his numerous contributions. His publications dealt with History of Near Eastern Religions, Cuneiform Philology, and Hittite, Luwian, and Hurrian grammar, among many other topics. This conference was organized in honor of his 100th birthday. Its aim was to discuss the recent developments in Hittitology, the ones to whom Emmanuel Laroche contributed and the ones which occurred after his time. The following themes are dealt with in this volume: Anatolian Linguistics, Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic Philology and Epigraphy, Religions of Bronze and Early Iron Age Anatolia, History and Historical Geography of Asia Minor, but also Near Eastern Archaeology, as…


Hittites --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Anatolian languages --- Anatolian languages. --- Antiquities. --- Hittites. --- Turkey --- Turkey. --- Antiquities --- Inscriptions, Hittite --- Religion --- History --- Chatti --- Kheta --- Khita --- Indo-Europeans --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Archaeological specimens --- Artefacts (Antiquities) --- Artifacts (Antiquities) --- Specimens, Archaeological --- Material culture --- Indo-European languages --- Anatolia --- Anatolie --- Ānātūl --- Asia Minor --- Asia Minore --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Turk Uls --- Buturuki --- Cộng hoà Thỏ̂ Nhĩ K --- Dēmokratia tēs Tourkias --- Devlet-i Aliye Osmaniye --- Durka --- Durkka dásseváldi --- Gweriniaeth Twrci --- Jamhuri ya Uturuki --- Jamhuuriyada Turki --- Jumhūrīyah al-Turkīyah --- Komara Tirkiyey --- Lýðveldið Turkaland --- Lýðveldið Tyrkland --- Orílẹ̀-èdè Olómìnira ilẹ̀ Túrk --- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu --- Osmanskai͡a Imperii͡ --- Ottoman Empire --- Pobblaght ny Turkee --- Poblacht na Tuirce --- Repóbblica d'l Turch --- Repubbleche de Turchie --- Repubblica di Turchia --- Republic of Turkey --- Republic of Türkiye --- República da Turquia --- Republica de Turchia --- Republica de Turquía --- Republica Turcia --- Republiek Turkeye --- Republiek Turkije --- Republiek van Turkye --- Republik bu Tirki --- Republik Tierkei --- Republik Turkäi --- Republik Türkei --- Républik Turki --- Republik Turkia --- Republika e Turqis --- Republika ng Turkiya --- Repùblika Tërecczi --- Republika Turcija --- Republika Turcji --- Republika Turcyje --- Republika Turecko --- Republika Turkiya --- Republika Turkojska --- Republika Turska --- Republika Turt͡sii͡ --- Republiḳah ha-Ṭurḳiyah --- Republiken Turkiet --- Republikken Tyrkia --- Republikken Tyrkiet --- République de Turquie --- République turque --- Repuvlika de Turkiya --- Ripablik kya Buturuki --- Ripoliku Turkiyakondre --- T.C. --- Tagduda n Tturk --- TC --- Teki --- Tëreck --- Ṭerḳay --- Ṭerḳishe Republi --- Thekhi --- Thỏ̂ Nhĩ K --- Thú-ngí-kh --- Tiakei --- Tierkei --- Tiki --- Tirki --- Tırkiya --- Tirkiye --- Ti͡urk --- Ti͡urk Respublika --- Ti͡urkii͡ --- Ti͡urkii͡a Respublika --- Tlacatlahtocayotl Turquia --- Tʻŏkʻi --- T'ŏk'i Konghwaguk --- Tʼóok Bikéyah --- Torkėj --- Tȯrki --- Törkie --- Tȯrkii͡ --- Tȯrkii͡a Jȯmḣu̇rii͡ate --- Török Köztársaság --- Törökország --- Toruko --- Toruko Kyōwakoku --- Tourkia --- Tourkikē Dēmokratia --- Tturk --- Tu er qi gong he guo --- Tū-ī-g --- Tū-ī-gì Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók --- Tu'erqi --- Tu'erqi gong he guo --- Tu'erqi Gongheguo --- Tuirc --- Tunk --- Turch --- Turchia --- Turchie --- Turchy Respublikæ --- Turcia --- Turcija --- Turcijas Republika --- Turcja --- Turcland --- Turcyjo --- Turechchyna --- Turecká republika --- Turecko --- Tureke --- Turet͡ska Respublika --- Turėtskai͡a Rėspublika --- Tureuki --- Türgi --- Türgi Vabariik --- Türg --- Türgü Vabariik --- Turk --- Turkäi --- Turkaland --- Turkamastor --- Türkän --- Turkanʹ respubliksʹ --- Turkee --- Türkei --- Turkeya --- Turkeye --- Turki --- Turkia --- Turkia Respubliko --- Turkie --- Turkiet --- Turkii --- Tu̇rkii͡ --- Tu̇rkii͡a Respublikasy --- Tu̇rkiĭ --- Tu̇rkiĭė Respublikata --- Turkija --- Turkije --- Turkin tasavalta --- Turkio --- Turkiy --- Turkiya Republika --- Türkiyä Respublikası --- Turkiyah --- Turkiyakondre --- Türkiye --- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti --- Türkiýe Respublikasy --- Turkki --- Turkojska --- Turkowska --- Turkujo --- Turkya --- Turkyah --- Turkye --- Turqia --- Turquía --- Turquie --- Turska --- Turtchie --- Turt͡si --- Turt͡si Respubliki --- Turt͡sii͡ --- Turtsyi͡ --- Turukiya --- Tuykia --- Twrci --- Tyrkia --- Tyrkiet --- Tyrkland --- Tẏrt͡si --- Uturuki --- Vysokai͡a Porta --- Whenua Korukoru --- Ānātūlī --- Cộng hoà Thỏ̂ Nhĩ Kỳ --- Komara Tirkiyeyê --- Orílẹ̀-èdè Olómìnira ilẹ̀ Túrkì --- Osmanskai︠a︡ Imperii︠a︡ --- Repóbblica d'l Turchî --- Republika e Turqisë --- Republika Turt︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- T.C. (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) --- Tëreckô --- Ṭerḳishe Republiḳ --- Thỏ̂ Nhĩ Kỳ --- Thú-ngí-khì --- Ti︠u︡rk --- Ti︠u︡rk Respublika --- Ti︠u︡rkii︠a︡ --- Ti︠u︡rkii︠a︡ Respublika --- Torkėjė --- Tȯrkiă --- Törkieë --- Tȯrkii︠a︡ --- Tȯrkii︠a︡ Jȯmḣu̇rii︠a︡te --- Tū-ī-gì --- Tunkī --- Turchî --- Turet︠s︡ka Respublika --- Turėtskai︠a︡ Rėspublika --- Türgü --- Turkieë --- Tu̇rkii︠a︡ --- Tu̇rkii︠a︡ Respublikasy --- Tu̇rkiĭė --- Turkiyā --- Turquie (Repupblic) --- Turt︠s︡i --- Turt︠s︡i Respubliki --- Turt︠s︡iĭ --- Turt︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Turtsyi︠a︡ --- Tẏrt︠s︡i --- Vysokai︠a︡ Porta --- Τουρκική Δημοκρατία --- Τουρκία --- Δημοκρατία της Τουρκίας --- Република Турска --- Република Турция --- Република Турција --- Турска --- Турцыя --- Турци --- Турци Республики --- Турция --- Турција --- Турций --- Турція --- Турчы Республикæ --- Турэцкая Рэспубліка --- Турк --- Туркань республиксь --- Туркамастор --- Турецька Республіка --- Турецка Республіка --- Турецкая Республика --- Туреччина --- Тюрк --- Тюрк Республика --- Тюркия --- Тюркия Республика --- רפובליקה הטורקית --- תורכיה --- טערקישע רעפובליק --- טערקיי --- טורקיה --- تركيا --- جمهورية التركية --- トルコ --- トルコ共和国 --- 土耳其 --- 土耳其共和國 --- 터키 --- 터키 공화국 --- epigraphy --- Ancient Hittite period --- archaeology

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