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The politics of the Internet in Third World development : challenges in contrasting regimes with case studies of Costa Rica and Cuba
ISBN: 1135931577 1135931585 1280236299 9786610236299 020333535X 9780203335352 9780415949590 0415949599 6610236291 0415949599 9781135931582 9781135931537 1135931534 9781135931575 9780415650977 0415650976 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York : Routledge,

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This book examines the political and developmental implications of the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in the Third World. Whereas the concept of the 'digital divide' tends to focus on technological and quantitative indicators, this work stresses the crucial role played by the political regime type, the pursued development model and the specific configuration of actors and decision-making dynamics. Two starkly contrasting Third World countries, state-socialist Cuba and the Latin America's ""show-case democracy"" Costa Rica, were chosen for two in-depth empirical country s

Políticas sociales y reforma institucional en la Cuba pos-COVID
ISBN: 3847416952 Year: 2021 Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich

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The economic crisis in the wake of the COVID pandemic is putting Cuba's socialism to a severe test. The government in Havana has put a reform of the economy, institutional structure and social policies on the agenda. This volume brings together contributions from leading international experts as well as from the island itself, analysing the economic, political and social challenges facing Cuba today. La crisis económica a raíz de la pandemia de COVID está poniendo a prueba el socialismo cubano. El gobierno de La Habana ha puesto en la agenda una reforma de la economía, la estructura institucional y el sistema de protección social. Este volumen reúne contribuciones de destacados expertos internacionales, así como de la propia isla, que analizan los retos económicos, políticos y sociales a los que se enfrenta Cuba en la actualidad.

Social Policies and Institutional Reform in Post-COVID Cuba
ISBN: 3847416928 3847425463 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Die tiefe Wirtschaftskrise in Folge der Corona-Pandemie stellt Kubas Sozialismus vor eine ungeahnte Belastungsprobe. Die Regierung in Havanna hat eine grundlegende Reform von Wirtschaft, Institutionengefüge und Sozialsystem auf die Agenda gesetzt. Der Band vereint Beiträge führender internationaler Experten und von der Insel selbst, die aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven die Herausforderungen analysieren, vor denen Kuba heute steht. The economic crisis in the wake of the COVID pandemic is putting Cuba's socialism to a severe test. The government in Havana has added a fundamental reform of the economy, institutional structure and social policies to the agenda. This volume brings together contributions from leading international experts as well as from the island itself, analysing the economic, political and social challenges Cuba is facing today.

Wirtschaftsreformen in Kuba
ISBN: 3893542388 3964563331 Publisher: Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft

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Wirtschaftsreformen in Kuba : Konturen einer Debatte
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783964563330 9783893542383 Year: 1996 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft

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