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Wittgenstein, Ludwig J.J. --- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, --- Wittgenstein, Ludwig --- Wei-tʻe-ken-ssu-tʻan, --- Wei-tʻe-ken-ssu-tʻan, Lu-te-wei-hsi, --- Wittgenstein, L. --- Vitgenshteĭn, L., --- Wei-ken-ssu-tʻan, --- Pitʻŭgensyutʻain, --- Vitgenshteĭn, Li︠u︡dvig, --- Weitegenshitan, --- Wittgenstein, Ludovicus, --- Vitgenshtaĭn, Ludvig, --- ויטגנשטיין, לודוויג --- 维特根斯坦, --- Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann,
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Somewhat like Henkin's nonstandard interpretation of higher-order logics, while the right semantics [or logical modalities is an analogue to the standard of type theory in Henkin's sense. interpretation Another possibility would be to follow W.V. Quine's advice to give up logi cal modalities as being beyond repair. Or we could also try to develop a logic of conceptual possibility, restricting the range of our "possible worlds" to those compatible with the transcendental presuppositions of our own conceptual sys tem. This looks in fact like one of the most interesting possible theories I have dreamt of developing but undoubtedly never will. Its kinship with Kant's way of thinking should be obvious. Besides putting the entire enterprise of possible-worlds semantics into a perspective, we can also see that the actual history of possible-worlds seman tics is more complicated than it might first appear to be. For the standard in terpretation of modal logics has reared its beautiful head repeatedly in the writings of Stig Kanger, Richard Montague the pre-Montague-semantics theorist, and Nino Cocchiarella.
Logic --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Epistemics --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Epistémique --- Théorie de la connaissance --- Logique --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Science --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- Epistemology --- Theory of knowledge --- General semantics --- Methodology --- Epistemics. --- Knowledge, Theory of. --- Logic. --- Epistémique --- Théorie de la connaissance
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During the last decade, feminist research has attempted to add understandings of women and their social activities to what we all thought we knew about nature and social life. However, from the very beginning of this project, it has appeared to be in tension with some of the most fundamental insights of the Second Women's Movement. Only recently has the nature of this tension become clear. Within the theories, concepts, methods and goals of inquiry we inherited from the dominant discourses we have generated an impressive collection of "facts" about women and their lives, cross-culturally and historically - and we can produce many, many more. But these do not, and cannot, add up to more than a partial and distorted understanding of the patterns of women's lives. We cannot understand women and their lives by adding facts about them to bodies of knowledge which take men, their lives, and their beliefs as the human norm. Furthermore, it is now evident that if women's lives cannot be understood within the inherited inquiry frameworks, than neither can men's lives. The attempts to add understandings of women to our knowledge of nature and social life have led to the realization that there is precious little reliable knowledge to which to add them. A more fundamental project now confronts us. We must root out sexist distortions and perversions in epistemology, metaphysics, methodology and the philosophy of science - in the "hard core" of abstract reasoning thought most immune to infiltration by social values.
Metaphysics --- Theory of knowledge --- Philosophy --- Philosophy & Religion --- Speculative Philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Epistemology. --- Modern philosophy. --- Philosophy and science. --- Biology --- Social sciences. --- Philosophy of Science. --- Methodology of the Social Sciences. --- Modern Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Biology. --- Genetic epistemology. --- Science --- Social sciences --- Philosophy, modern. --- Biology-Philosophy. --- Methodology. --- Biology—Philosophy. --- Feminism. --- History. --- Modern philosophy --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Science and philosophy --- Epistemology --- Psychology --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Normal science --- Philosophy of science --- Social philosophy --- Social theory --- Emancipation --- Féminisme. --- Philosophie --- Philosophie et sciences --- Philosophie sociale --- Histoire. --- Philosophie.
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