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Cordelia, een meisje van haar tijd, is ook in de ban van de alcopops. Ze lopen zoet binnen maar smaken bitter na. Op een luchtige, humoristische manier confronteert Cordelia de jonge lezer met alcopops. In vaak zeer herkenbare situaties zetten Cordelia en haar vrienden Willem en Claus de alcoholpopdrinker in zijn hemd. (Bron: coverteskt)
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In mijn boek Sterrenstof volgen we vier vrienden die gaan kamperen in het bos. Je kent het wel zo’n typische beginscène van een horrorfilm. Vier tieners in een tentje, alleen is het geen horrorfilm en het zijn geen gewone tieners. De vier vrienden zijn antropomorfe dieren; een lama, een luiaard, een hond en een kat. Deze combinatie heb ik niet gewoon random gekozen, er zit ook niet zo'n diepe betekenis achter maar ze linken wel naar mezelf. Deze vier dieren zou je met mij kunnen vergelijken. Dit deed ik bewust omdat ik zo vanuit mezelf kon vertrekken. De personages weerspiegelingen hoe ik als persoon zou kunnen handelen in sommige situaties. Ze hebben elk hun sterktes en hun zwaktes. De hond is de leider van de groep, hij is erg loyaal en heeft graag de touwtjes in eigen handen. Hij gaat de groep pushen om mee te doen en betrekt iedereen zodat er niemand wordt uitgesloten. De luiaard kijkt toe vanop een afstand. Hij maakt niet graag keuzes dus laat hij de groep kiezen en stemt uiteindelijk in met wat er gekozen wordt. De lama is energiek, spontaan en maakt mopjes. Ze beschouwd de wereld als een speeltuin en is een echte levensgenieter. De kat daarentegen is koppig en wilt liever haar eigen ding doen. Ze is niet altijd even enthousiast en mompelt wat hier en daar. Ze trekt zich snel terug maar toch ze is geen katje om zonder handschoenen aan te pakken. De vier vrienden maken samen iets mee, iets wat niet echt lijkt te zijn. Ze komen terecht in een transcendente wereld en komen oog in oog te staan met hun diepste nachtmerries. Waarom is alles verandert? Is dit echt of een droom? Elk behandelen ze de situatie op hun eigen manier en slaan ze een andere weg in om tot het einde van het verhaal te komen.
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Mijn scriptie is een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en perikelen van linosnede. Ik ga kort in op de geschiedenis, maar het is hoofdzakelijk een zoektocht en onderzoek naar materialen en technieken.
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In The Birds Inside my Head I address these stories through two different perspectives: surrealism and feminism. The first one because it is a recurrent style in my illustrations, and the second one because femininity is the main point of view from which I discuss my experiences. From a retrospective point of view, in this paper, I examine what is called surreal art, the place of women in the surrealist movement as well as the peculiarities of the feminine perspective in the movement. Since my book project is told from the viewpoint of the Mexican culture, I focus on the work of surrealist painters Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington, and Remedios Varo, whose art is strongly inspired by Mexican culture and who shared a Mexican identity. I also explore the use of certain surrealist elements by these female artists, and how they enhance the ideas behind the narrative of their work. Additionally, I discuss the presence of surrealism in comics, particularly in the case of the strip Krazy Kat, since it is considered one of the first examples of comics with a tendency to surrealism (Venezia, 2011). I analyze the reason for this classification regarding its formal elements as well as the concepts behind it within its historical context. On top of this, I explore the place of women authors in the genre of autobiographical comics from a feminist point of view, understanding feminism as the American philosopher Marylin Frye defines it: “both a theory and a movement aimed at improving ‘women’s situations’ in all areas” (as cited by Wieder, 2019, p.3). It is important to note that I do not focus on feminism as a strict label or concept, but more on how women try to break up with the androcentrism that dominates their daily lives through their autobiographical comics.
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Through this thesis, I had the opportunity to delve into the vast subject of colour. I have always been fascinated by how artists of every era have used this powerful medium to achieve their communicative goals, contributing to the continuous evolution of this connection. My curiosity therefore led me to question how things stand in the field of comics; a very different reality from the art one, which has to come to terms with the technological and commercial needs of mass production. Comics are in fact completely dependent on the printing process, which ultimately determines their quality. These are the main reasons why the relationship between comics and colour has developed very gradually over the years, with limited creative possibilities in the early days. I have identified some of the numerous and diverse modes of using colour; and how they have been exploited by cartoonists for their own communicative and aesthetic purposes. From the selection I have made, taking into consideration authors from different periods and backgrounds, I have been able to observe how colour can really influence a work on many levels: Italian cartoonist Lorenzo Mattotti (1954) for example employs colour in an expressionist manner, creating landscapes pervaded by emotion and symbolism; in his works, colour sometimes becomes the main subject. A similar approach is used by Andrea Serio (1973), an Italian cartoonist, who often includes in his books illustrations tending towards abstraction, occupying an entire page or a double page. Some cartoonists have gone so far with abstraction that they have completely cancelled out the narrative behind the comic strip; in those cases, talking about colour leads us to purely subjective or aesthetic evaluations. It doesn’t matter though to keep a realistic colour palette, if this helps the reader to better understand the narration; American cartoonist Winsor McCay (1869/1934), for instance, used to play with unrealistic colour metamorphoses that harmoniously followed the storytelling and the structure of the page. David Mazzucchelli (1960) in his masterpiece “Asterios Polyp” employed a CMYK palette to depict symbolically each character, creating a visual code that readers need to decipher in order to understand the subtext of the story. There are also authors who make their chromatic choices in a more “rational” and almost “scientific” way for narrative purposes. Belgian cartoonist Hergé (1907/1983) and American cartoonist Chris Ware (1967) are a relevant example: in their work colour is subordinated to line and this helps readers to follow the narration; all the elements on the page are in fact perceived on the same level. I also felt necessary to mention the Icinori duo, an outstanding example of how a picture book today can become a true art and design object; the colour in this case is carefully studied and fits into a precise colour palette. It is still used to enhance the narrative structure, but at the same time it is placed following a clear aesthetic.
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Research about the interrelationship between comics and architecture has always remained an obscure yet iterated phenomenon. Beyond its dormant actualization and having a unique capacity to gather together communication, space, and movement, comic books announced an unsophisticated but effective dialogue that reaffirmed the role of comics in the creation of architectural imagery. Furthermore, there’s a noticeably increasing number of expositions housing the distinctive overlaps bounded by architecture and graphic narratives. Comics have the ability to address many elements at the same time: show the invisible, mimic architectural space-time, and use narrative to immerse the reader into the represented architectural world. None of the five mediums of conventional drawing, writing, animated fly-bys and fly-throughs, virtual reality, and film can address all these elements. In order to understand architecture; graphic novels made the most complete and viable tool for expressing lived space in an architectural space. Historical trends can be traced back to Le Corbusier and his storyboarded Lettre a Madame Meyer in 1925, which is a graphical illustration design concept for the fictional project of Ville Meyer through a series of commented sequential vistas of the house. Moreover, “ Yes is more” isn’t the first archicomic that comes to the realization of architecture through a graphic novel’s approach. From Rem Koolhaas’ AMO/OMA (Fig. 1), a dutch designer and urbanist known for his inventive, cerebral plans. He has been known as a pioneer, a deconstructivist, and a structuralist, yet numerous pundits guarantee he inclines toward humanism; his work looks for a connection between innovation and humankind. He produced anarchic tracts that riffed on comics as well as magazines to Archigram’s pulpish collaged aesthetic, and comics that endorse the modernized urban transformation of spaces are an obvious criterion.
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In mijn scriptie onderzoek ik manieren om dromen en hallucinaties weer te geven. In het eerste deel maak ik een onderverdeling van illusie tot hallucinatie waaronder ik het gevonden beeldmateriaal en bijkomende achtergrondinformatie, dat eventueel bruikbaar is voor mijn eindwerk, kan ordenen. In het tweede deel overloop ik welke visuele ideeën en metaforen ik gebruikt heb om mijn eigen beeldverhaal inhoud en vorm te geven. Deel drie is documentatie. Het eerste addendum zijn voorbeelden uit mijn eigen beeldverhaal. Een tweede addendum is een boekenlijst van beeldverhalen die ik gelezen heb en waarin dromen of hallucinaties centraal staan. Het derde addendum is een overzicht van voorbeelden uit beeldverhalen die geordend zijn zoals deel 1.
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