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Alligators of Texas
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ISBN: 1623493889 9781623493882 9781623493875 1623493870 Year: 2016 Publisher: College Station Texas A & M University Press

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Found only in the United States, the American alligator ranges in Texas through 120 counties, from the Sabine River to the Rio Grande, across a swath of river drainages and coastal marshes that include both the backwater swamps of the Big Thicket and the urban bayous of greater Houston. From its beginning in a pile of eggs buried in a meticulously constructed nest to its possible end as an alligator burger or a pair of boots, an alligator's habitat preferences sometimes coincide with the favorite haunts of boaters, hunters, and coastal residents. In Alligators of Texas, biologist Louise Hayes and photographer Philippe Henry bring readers up close to this cryptic reptile's food choices, parenting skills, communication techniques, and responses to natural events such as freezes and hurricanes. They also relate some Texas "alligator tales"; discuss alligator farming, hunting, and live capturing; and examine how people can successfully co-exist with this predator. They end by telling readers where they can view alligators, both in the wild and in captivity. Although not as often, as easily, or perhaps as happily observed as white-tailed deer or armadillos, the American alligator is an iconic Texas animal, and knowing more about its life and habits can help Texans better understand its rightful place in the landscape.

Inclusive Computing Education in the Secondary School : Linking Theory and Practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 100097040X Year: 2024 Publisher: Abingdon, England : Routledge,

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Ruimte om te groeien : help jongeren omgaan met hun emoties, doelen bereiken en zich verbinden met anderen met ACT en positieve psychologie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789088508684 Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam Uitgeverij SWP

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Opgroeiende jongeren kunnen veel stress ervaren bij het bepalen van de weg die ze willen inslaan en het vaststellen van hun identiteit. De onzekerheden en uitdagingen die ze tegenkomen op school, onder vrienden en familie en bij zichzelf kunnen nogal overweldigend zijn. En ze ontberen de psychologische handvatten om op een succesvolle manier met deze mentale druk om te gaan. Wat kun je in het werken met adolescenten doen om ze te helpen sterker te worden, te vertrouwen op hun innerlijke kracht en keuzes te maken die recht doen aan hun capaciteiten.Voor het therapeutisch werk met jongeren biedt dit boek krachtige technieken die voortkomen uit de acceptatie en commitment therapie en de positieve psychologie om adolescenten te helpen met hun emoties om te gaan, in contact te komen met hun eigenwaarde, gebruik te maken van mindfulness en het kunnen aangaan van prettige relaties.Het boek bevat werkbladen, oefeningen en scripts die gericht zijn op het ontwikkelen van kwaliteiten die jonge mensen nodig hebben op hun weg naar volwassenheid. Het is een waardevol instrument voor iedereen die adolescenten de ruimte wil geven om te groeien.Het boek is voor professionals die met jongeren werken vanuit ACT. Het theoretisch model van ACT, de hexaflex, is door de auteurs vertaald naar een simpeler model, DNA-V, dat toegankelijker is voor jongeren. Het model heeft inmiddels ook de belangstelling gewekt van professionals die met volwassenen werken.Bron:

The Thriving Adolescent: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology to Help Teens Manage Emotions, Achieve Goals, and Build Connection
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1608828034 9781608828036 9781608828043 1608828042 9781608828029 1608828026 Year: 2015 Publisher: Oakland, CA -Context Press

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Adolescents face unique pressures and worries. Will they pass high school? Should they go to college? Will they find love? And what ways do they want to act in the world? The uncertainty surrounding the future can be overwhelming. Sadly, and all too often, if things don't go smoothly, adolescents will begin labeling themselves as losers, unpopular, unattractive, weird, or dumb. And, let's not forget the ubiquitous 'not good enough' story that often begins during these formative years. These labels are often carried forward throughout life. So what can you do, now, to help lighten this lifelong burden? The Thriving Adolescent offers teachers, counselors, and mental health professionals powerful techniques for working with adolescents. Based in proven- effective acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), the skills and tips outlined in this book will help adolescents and teens manage difficult emotions, connect with their values, achieve mindfulness and vitality, and develop positive relationships with friends and family. The evidence-based practices in this book focus on developing a strong sense of self, and will give adolescents the confidence they need to make that difficult transition into adulthood. Whether it's school, family, or friend related, adolescents experience a profound level of stress, and often they lack the psychological tools to deal with stress in productive ways. The skills we impart to them now will help set the stage for a happy, healthy adulthood. If you work with adolescents or teens, this is a must-have addition to your professional library.

Hoe leer ik mijn innerlijke kracht te gebruiken? : opdrachten en oefeningen om je sterke kanten te ontdekken en angst los te laten
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789085606581 Year: 2013 Publisher: Amsterdam SWP

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Dit werkboek reikt jongeren vanaf twaalf jaar handvatten en vaardigheden aan die hen helpen het hoofd te bieden aan verstikkende emoties die verlammend kunnen werken. Door de opdrachten en oefeningen in het werkboek leren ze te vertrouwen op hun innerlijke kracht, negatieve emoties op een rustige manier te hanteren, vrienden te maken en doelen te bereiken.

Understanding school refusal : a handbook for professionals in education, health and social care
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781843105671 9786611781712 1846427479 9781846427473 1843105675 1281781711 Year: 2008 Publisher: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers,

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School absenteeism is a huge problem in education and this book focuses in particular on children who experience 'school phobia' or 'school refusal' as opposed to those who choose to truant. School refusal is a crippling condition in which children experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks when faced with everyday school life and this handbook aims to explore and raise awareness of the problem of school refusal in children and young people, and provide plans and strategies for education, health and social care professionals for identifying and addressing this problem. Combining educational a

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