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Der Sammelband macht die Mehrdimensionalität des Themas "Produktives Altern und informelle Arbeit" deutlich. Die einzelnen Aufsätze unterscheiden sich nicht nur in ihrem Blickwinkel (internationale, nationale und lokale Perspektive), sondern beschäftigen sich auch mit unterschiedlichen Formen und Inhalten informeller Arbeit von Älteren (z.B. Ehrenamt, Nachbarschaftshilfe oder aber familiäre Pflege) und nutzen dazu unterschiedliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Ein zentraler Befund ist, dass informelle Arbeit nicht voraussetzungslos ist, sondern in starkem Maße von der individuellen ebenso wie gemeinschaftlichen Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen abhängt. Auch darf das positive Leitbild des "produktiven Alterns" nicht zu einer Stigmatisierung (un)freiwillig unproduktiver Personen führen.
Social groups. --- Family. --- Sociology. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Sociology, general. --- Families.
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Das Buch versammelt einschlägige Beiträge im Bereich „Social Demography“, der Schnittstelle von soziologischer und demographischer Forschung. In den Einzelbeiträgen wird die Bedeutung klassischer soziologischer Konzepte, wie des Lebenslaufs, des Generationenzusammenhangs und der sozialen Ungleichheit für demographische Prozesse, vor allem der Fertilität, der Migration und der Mortalität herausgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus beinhaltet der Band aktuelle Studien im Bereich soziobiologischer Forschung wie auch zur gesamtgesellschaftlichen Bedeutung demographischer Entwicklungen für moderne Wohlfahrtsstaaten. Die Herausgebenden Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank ist am Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS) der Universität zu Köln tätig. Prof. Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld ist am Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung in Rostock und der Hertie School of Governance in Berlin beschäftigt.
Demography. --- Social sciences --- Social Structure, Social Inequality. --- Methodology of the Social Sciences. --- Methodology.
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Drawing on unique data from the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS), the present book comprises empirical studies on various aspects of recent German emigrants’ transnational relationships to core family members, specifically intimate partners, parents, and children. Moreover, we reflect on conceptual and empirical challenges in previous work on transnational family relations, suggesting avenues for future research. We thereby aim to strengthen the integration of two closely related strands of social research – the sociologies of migration and families – and add an important new facet to the study of transnational families more generally. About the Editors Dr. Marcel Erlinghagen is Professor of Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Dr. Karsten Hank is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS) at the University of Cologne.
Sociology. --- Social groups. --- Emigration and immigration --- Demography. --- Population. --- Emigration and immigration. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Sociology of Migration. --- Population and Demography. --- Human Migration. --- Spatial Demography. --- Social aspects.
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Drawing on unique data from the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS), the present book comprises empirical studies on various aspects of recent German emigrants’ transnational relationships to core family members, specifically intimate partners, parents, and children. Moreover, we reflect on conceptual and empirical challenges in previous work on transnational family relations, suggesting avenues for future research. We thereby aim to strengthen the integration of two closely related strands of social research – the sociologies of migration and families – and add an important new facet to the study of transnational families more generally. About the Editors Dr. Marcel Erlinghagen is Professor of Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Dr. Karsten Hank is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS) at the University of Cologne.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sociology --- Demography --- Migration. Refugees --- sociologie --- demografie --- gezin --- migratie (mensen) --- Emigration and immigration.
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Our health, our income and our social networks at older ages are the consequence of what has happened to us over the course of our lives. The situation at age 50+ reflects our own decisions as well as many environmental factors, especially interventions by the welfare state such as education policies, access to health care and many types of social protection from poverty relief to housing subsidies and maternity support. This book explores the richness of 28,000 life histories in thirteen European countries ranging from Scandinavia to Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean collected as part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Combining these data with a comprehensive account of European welfare state interventions provides a unique opportunity to answer the important public policy questions of our time how the welfare state affects peoples incomes, housing, families, retirement, volunteering and health. The overarching theme of the welfare state creates a book of genuinely interdisciplinary analyses, a valuable resource for economists, gerontologists, historians, political scientists, public health analysts, and sociologists alike.
Health --- Welfare state --- Europe --- History --- Social sciences --- HV 11 -- General works --- #SBIB:316.8H00 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 313 --- 330.548 --- 332.691 --- 351.2 --- 339.21 --- Sociaal beleid: algemeen --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën). --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen. --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid. --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën) --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid
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Social policy --- volksgezondheid --- veroudering (biologie) --- economie --- welvaartsstaat --- geriatrie --- gerontologie --- welzijnsbeleid --- sociaal beleid --- sociale economie --- Europe
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Der vorliegende Band stellt Ergebnisse der ersten Befragungswelle des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) vor, in deren Rahmen mehr als 30.000 Personen im Alter 50plus aus 11 Ländern befragt wurden. In acht Kapiteln werden verschiedene ökonomische, soziale und gesundheitliche Aspekte des Alterns in Deutschland und Europa beleuchtet. Darin spiegelt sich die disziplinäre und thematische Vielfalt sowie das Forschungspotential des SHARE wider, das durch die Möglichkeit von Längsschnittauswertungen zukünftig noch potenziert wird.
Social groups. --- Family. --- Sociology. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Sociology, general. --- Families.
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Our health, our income and our social networks at older ages are the consequence of what has happened to us over the course of our lives. The situation at age 50+ reflects our own decisions as well as many environmental factors, especially interventions by the welfare state such as education policies, access to health care and many types of social protection from poverty relief to housing subsidies and maternity support. This book explores the richness of 28,000 life histories in thirteen European countries - ranging from Scandinavia to Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean - collected as part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Combining these data with a comprehensive account of European welfare state interventions provides a unique opportunity to answer the important public policy questions of our time - how the welfare state affects people's incomes, housing, families, retirement, volunteering and health. The overarching theme of the welfare state creates a book of genuinely interdisciplinary analyses, a valuable resource for economists, gerontologists, historians, political scientists, public health analysts, and sociologists alike.
Economic sociology --- Social policy --- Labour economics --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Geriatrics --- volksgezondheid --- veroudering (biologie) --- economie --- welvaartsstaat --- geriatrie --- gerontologie --- welzijnsbeleid --- sociaal beleid --- sociale economie
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