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Modern India is not only a quickly evolving economic power, but also a nuclear weapons state with the third-largest standing army in the world. How will India respond to pressure from China in their competition for resources and financial superiority? What will India seek from the United States and other major players in the international system?
National security --- India --- Foreign relations.
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The hand is a unique instrument that executes the commands of the brain and expresses the nuances of the mind. The Grasping Hand: Structural and Functional Anatomy of the Hand and Upper Extremity by Amit Gupta and Makoto Tamai is a state-of-the-art book that details the functions of the hand to feel, receive, gather, collect and hold, as well as the complex role that the whole upper extremity plays in enabling these actions. The anatomical structures intrinsic to these functions are detailed through illuminating cadaveric dissections and succinct text. Organized in 5 sections and 38 chapters, the book begins with a chapter detailing the intriguing history of hand anatomy, followed by a section encompassing the structural and functional fundamentals. The third section covers general anatomy and function, with discussions of the nerves and vascularity of the upper extremity, as well as the brachial plexus. The fourth section features 26 anatomically organized chapters from the shoulder to the fingertip with anatomical and functional insights on the joints, fascia and retinacula, interosseus membrane, tendons and more. The single chapter comprising the final section covers imaging and anatomy.
Hand --- Arm --- Hand --- Arm --- Arm --- Arm --- Hand --- Hand --- Anatomy. --- Anatomy. --- Mechanical properties. --- Mechanical properties. --- Anatomy. --- Mechanical properties. --- Anatomy. --- Mechanical properties.
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Written in a practical style, this book uses the Linux shell in many chapters, demonstrating the execution of commands and their output. With liberal use of screenshots and plenty of code samples accompanied by careful explanation, it will make the task of installing and configuring Koha easy and straightforward. All chapters are written in a way that makes them applicable to various Linux distributions. This book is aimed at Linux system administrators who need to install and maintain Koha. If you are a system administrator who wants to set up an open source integrated library system, then th
Management information systems. --- Libraries --- Automation.
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The hand is a unique instrument that executes the commands of the brain and expresses the nuances of the mind. The Grasping Hand: Structural and Functional Anatomy of the Hand and Upper Extremity by Amit Gupta and Makoto Tamai is a state-of-the-art book that details the functions of the hand to feel, receive, gather, collect and hold, as well as the complex role that the whole upper extremity plays in enabling these actions. The anatomical structures intrinsic to these functions are detailed through illuminating cadaveric dissections and succinct text. Organized in 5 sections and 38 chapters, the book begins with a chapter detailing the intriguing history of hand anatomy, followed by a section encompassing the structural and functional fundamentals. The third section covers general anatomy and function, with discussions of the nerves and vascularity of the upper extremity, as well as the brachial plexus. The fourth section features 26 anatomically organized chapters from the shoulder to the fingertip with anatomical and functional insights on the joints, fascia and retinacula, interosseus membrane, tendons and more. The single chapter comprising the final section covers imaging and anatomy.
Hand --- Anatomy. --- Arm --- Mechanical properties.
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"In previous years, many scholars and policy makers have traditionally viewed portions of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific as separate and discrete political, economic, and military regions. In recent years, however, a variety of economic, political, and military forces have made many within the academic community, as well as a growing number of national governmental leaders, change their perceptions and view these maritime expanses as one zone of global interaction. As a consequence, political, military, and economic developments in one maritime region increasingly have an impact on the other regions. Analyzing and assessing the perceptions, interests, objectives, maritime capabilities and policies of the major maritime powers operating in this area, as well as the contemporary maritime challenges and opportunities, this valuable study highlights the current prospects for peace and security and evaluates possible alternative scenarios for future developments in what is rapidly becoming recognized as an integrated zone of global interaction."--Provided by publisher.
Navies --- Sea-power --- Pacific Area --- Indian Ocean --- Indian Ocean Region --- Pacific Ocean --- Strategic aspects.
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Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amts vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Hauptherausgeber: Horst Möller, Mitherausgeber: Gregor Schöllgen Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee Pautsch Ein Klimasturz im Ost-West-Verhältnis prägte das Jahr 1980: Der kurz zuvor verabschiedete NATO-Doppelbeschluss, in dem für den Fall eines Scheiterns von Rüstungskontrollverhandlungen die Nachrüstung amerikanischer Mittelstreckenwaffen in Westeuropa angekündigt wurde, vor allem aber die sowjetische Invasion in Afghanistan und die daraufhin ausgesetzte Ratifizierung des SALT-II-Vertrages drohten, die Ära der Entspannung zu beenden und zu einem neuen Rüstungswettlauf zu führen. Die Gefahr einer Intervention in Polen, wo mit "Solidarnosc" erstmals eine freie Gewerkschaft im Ostblock entstand, verdüsterte die internationalen Beziehungen zusätzlich, ebenso die Geiselnahme amerikanischer Botschaftsangehöriger in Iran. Die Bundesregierung bemühte sich, nicht zuletzt aus deutschlandpolitischen Motiven, diese Spannungen abzubauen, etwa durch Bundeskanzler Schmidts Besuch in der UdSSR. Dafür nahm Bonn Friktionen mit den USA in Kauf, fügte sich aber schließlich, wie schon beim Boykott der Olympischen Spiele in Moskau, der Bündnissolidarität.
Conflict management. --- Crisis management. --- Interpersonal relations. --- Regions & Countries - Europe --- History & Archaeology --- Germany --- Germany (West) --- Foreign relations --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Germany (Federal Republic, 1949- ) --- GFR --- West Germany (1949-1990) --- Germanskai︠a︡ Federalʹnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ḥukūmat Almānyā al-Ittiḥādīyah --- NRF --- Niemiecka Republika Federalna --- FRG --- Federativnai︠a︡ Respublika Germanii --- NSR --- Nĕmecká spolková republika --- Német Szövetségi Köztársaság --- BRD --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Republiḳah ha-federalit ha-Germanit --- Batı Almanya --- Federal Almanya --- Tyske forbundsrepublik --- NSzK --- Repubblica federale tedesca --- Hsi-te cheng fu --- Te-i-chih lien pang kung ho kuo --- RFA --- République fédérale allemande --- RFN --- Republika Federalna Niemiec --- Republik Federasi Jerman --- Germany (Federal Republic) --- G.F.R. --- N.R.F. --- F.R.G. --- N.S.R. --- B.R.D. --- N.Sz.K. --- R.F.A. --- R.F.N. --- Alemania Federal --- République fédérale d'Allemagne --- República Federal de Alemania --- Bondsrepubliek Duitsland --- Repubblica federale di Germania --- German Federal Republic --- Western Germany --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (East) --- Außenpolitik. --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland. --- Edition. --- Ost-West-Beziehungen. --- HISTORY / General.
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Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amts vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Hauptherausgeber: Horst Möller, Mitherausgeber: Klaus Hildebrand, Gregor Schöllgen Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee Pautsch Die Kontroverse um die Neutronenwaffe überschattete 1978 die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Zudem rückte die sowjetische Überlegenheit im Bereich der Mittelstreckenwaffen ins Zentrum der strategischen Diskussion. In der Ost- und Deutschlandpolitik markierten der Besuch des Generalsekretärs Breschnew sowie der Abschluss der Verkehrsverhandlungen mit der DDR wichtige Fortschritte. Demgegenüber stagnierte der multilaterale Entspannungsprozess: Weder die KSZE-Folgekonferenz von Belgrad noch die MBFR-Verhandlungen in Wien brachten den erhofften Fortschritt. Während die Konferenz von Camp David Hoffnung auf Frieden im Nahen Osten weckte, verschärften sich die Unruhen im Iran. Auf dem Weltwirtschaftgipfel in Bonn verwandte die Bundesregierung ihren Einfluss auf die Stabilisierung der Währungsmärkte und die Überwindung der weltwirtschaftlichen Flaute. Unter deutscher Ratspräsidentschaft konnte das Europäische Währungssystem als Voraussetzung für den heutigen Euro-Währungsraum eingeführt und ein Durchbruch bei den Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Griechenland als Auftakt zur EG-Süderweiterung erreicht werden.
Conflict management. --- Crisis management. --- Interpersonal relations. --- Regions & Countries - Europe --- History & Archaeology --- Germany --- Germany (West) --- Foreign relations --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Germany (Federal Republic, 1949- ) --- GFR --- West Germany (1949-1990) --- Germanskai︠a︡ Federalʹnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ḥukūmat Almānyā al-Ittiḥādīyah --- NRF --- Niemiecka Republika Federalna --- FRG --- Federativnai︠a︡ Respublika Germanii --- NSR --- Nĕmecká spolková republika --- Német Szövetségi Köztársaság --- BRD --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Republiḳah ha-federalit ha-Germanit --- Batı Almanya --- Federal Almanya --- Tyske forbundsrepublik --- NSzK --- Repubblica federale tedesca --- Hsi-te cheng fu --- Te-i-chih lien pang kung ho kuo --- RFA --- République fédérale allemande --- RFN --- Republika Federalna Niemiec --- Republik Federasi Jerman --- Germany (Federal Republic) --- G.F.R. --- N.R.F. --- F.R.G. --- N.S.R. --- B.R.D. --- N.Sz.K. --- R.F.A. --- R.F.N. --- Alemania Federal --- République fédérale d'Allemagne --- República Federal de Alemania --- Bondsrepubliek Duitsland --- Repubblica federale di Germania --- German Federal Republic --- Western Germany --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (East) --- Auswärtige Politik. --- Außenpolitik. --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland. --- HISTORY / General.
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