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Van Gogh & Japan (tentoonstelling Sapporo, Hokkaidô Museum of Modern Art, 26.08 - 15.10.2017 ; Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 24.10.2017 - 08.01.2018 ; Kyoto, The National Museum of Modern Art, 20.01 - 04.03.2018 ; Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 23.03 - 24.06.2018).
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789462302006 9789462302181 9462302189 9462302006 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussel : Mercatorfonds,

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Nadat hij tijdens zijn verblijf in Antwerpen kennis had gemaakt met de Japanse ukiyo-e prenten, raakte Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) al snel in de ban van de Japanse kunst en cultuur. Toen Vincent en zijn broer, Theo, zich samen in Parijs vestigden, begonnen ze enthousiast Japanse prenten te verzamelen en zelfs te verhandelen. Hun beeldtaal en hun stijl oefenden echter ook een grote invloed uit op Vincents eigen werk. Deze prachtige publicatie werpt een nieuw licht op de inspiratie die Van Gogh uit de Japanse prentkunst putte.00Via essays van 's werelds toonaangevende Van Gogh-deskundigen beschrijft dit boek de diverse manieren waarop de kunstenaar zijn inzicht in de Japanse esthetiek ontwikkelde en dat in zijn eigen visie en kunstpraktijk verwerkte. Het boek wordt rijkelijk geïllustreerd met olieverfschilderijen, schetsen en prenten van Van Gogh zelf, naast een selectie van de Japanse werken die zo tot zijn verbeelding spraken. De omvang, de aard en het belang van Van Goghs eigen collectie Japanse prenten komt gedetailleerd aan bod, net als de impact die zijn nabootsingen van prenten op zijn hele artistieke loopbaan hadden.00Exhibition: Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan (26.08.-15.10.2017) / Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (24.10.2017-08.01.2018) / National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan (20.01.-04.03.2018) / Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (23.03.-24.06.2018).

Monet, Gauguin, van Gogh ... : Inspiration Japan (Ausstellung Essen, Museum Folkwang, 27.09.2014 - 18.01.2015 ; Zürich, Kunsthaus Zürich, 20.02 - 10.05.2015)
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783869308418 Year: 2014 Publisher: Göttingen : Steidl,

Gauguin : portraits
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9780300242737 0300242735 Year: 2019 Publisher: New Haven, Conn. Yale University Press

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Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) broke with accepted conventions and challenged audiences to expand their understanding of visual expression. Nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in his portraits, a genre he remained engaged with throughout all phases of his career. Bringing together more than 60 of Gauguin's portraits in a wide variety of media that includes painting, works on paper, and sculpture, this handsomely illustrated volume is the first focused investigation of the multifaceted ways the artist approached the subject. Essays by a group of international experts consider how the artist's conception of portraiture evolved as he moved between Brittany and Polynesia. They also examine how Gauguin infused his work with symbolic meaning by taking on different roles like the Christ figure and the savage in his self-portraits and by placing his models in suggestive settings with alluring attributes. This welcome addition to the scholarship on one of the 19th century's most innovative and controversial artists reveals fascinating insights into the crucial role that portraiture played in Gauguin's overall artistic practice.

Gauguin : portraits

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Van Gogh & Japan : exposition, Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 23 March 2018 - 24 June 2018
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9780300233261 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussels Sapporo Mercatorfonds Hokkaido Shimbun Press

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Vincent van Gogh's (1853-1890) encounter with Japanese ukiyo-e prints during his time in Paris was decisive for the direction that his art would take in the years to come. He enthusiastically assembled a collection of the prints with the idea of dealing in them, and soon was captivated by their colorful and cheerful imagery and style, which began to exert a dramatic influence on his own work. Gradually this enchanted world became his main artistic reference point. From then on, he positioned himself as an artist in the Japanese tradition in order to gain a reputation with the avant-garde of the day. This gorgeous publication offers a detailed reassessment of the impact Japanese printmaking had on Van Gogh's creative output. Featuring essays by the world's leading Van Gogh experts, this book details the ways in which the artist constructed his understanding of a Japanese aesthetic and his utopian ideal of a so-called primitive society, and incorporated these into his own vision and practice. The size, nature, and importance of Van Gogh's own collection of Japanese prints are also explored. Lavish illustrations include oil paintings and drawings by Van Gogh as well as a selection of the Japanese works that so captured his imagination.

Van Gogh & Japan : exposition, Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 23 March 2018 - 24 June 2018
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789462302204 9789462301993 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussels Sapporo Mercatorfonds Hokkaido Shimbun Press

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Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775 - 1851) est incontestablement le plus grand représentant de l'âge d'or de l'aquarelle anglaise. Comme nul autre avant lui, il exploita les effets de lumière et de transparence sur les champs anglais ou les lagunes vénitiennes. Célébré par ses contemporains, il continue aujourd'hui à émouvoir de nombreux admirateurs. Ce catalogue révèle le rôle qu'ont joué les aquarelles dans la vie et l'art de Turner, des ouvres de jeunesse qu'il envoya à la Royal Academy aux fascinantes expérimentations lumineuses et colorées de sa maturité. Pour un public moderne, ces dernières comptent parmi ses ouvres les plus radicales et accomplies. Ce catalogue d'exposition exceptionnel, présentera une soixantaine d'aquarelles et près de dix huiles sur toile.

Van Gogh et le Japon : exposition, Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, du 23 mars au 24 juin 2018
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782330096755 9789462302198 9789462302013 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles Sapporo Fonds Mercator Hokkaido Shimbun Press

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