Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Saunders, a worshipfull citizen of London : and of the apprehension, arreignement, and execution of the principall and accessaries of the same.
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1573
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Henry Bynneman, dvvelling in Knightriders streete, at the signe of the Mermayde,
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A Most excellent and profitable dialogue, of the powerfull iustifying faith : shewing what it is to beleeue in God, and what wonders are wrought by the power of beliefe, be it worldly or diuine, and what things do hinder beliefe : also how a man may hate himselfe, and by faith forsake himselfe, and kill the deeds of the flesh : the effect of the talke is this, that he which beleeueth in God, and in his son Iesus Christ, is able by the power of that beliefe, to mortifie his flesh, with the lusts thereof, through the Holy Ghost, and to serue God in spirit and truth
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1610
Publisher: London : Printed by N.O. for Samuel Rand, and are to be sold at his shop on Holburne bridge,
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A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Sanders, a worshipful citizen of London : and of the apprehension, arreignement, and execution of the principall and accessaries of the same. Seene and allowed.
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1577
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Henrie Bynnyman, dwelling in Knightriders streete, at the signe of the Mermayde,
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The vvarfare of Christians : concerning the conflict against the fleshe, the world, and the deuill. Translated out of Latine by Arthure Golding.
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1576
Publisher: Imprinted at London : [By H. Binneman] for Iohn Shepparde,
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The ioyful and royal entertainment of the ryght high and mightie Prince, Frauncis the Frenche Kings only brother : by the grace of God Duke of Brabande, Aniow, Aláunson, &c. Into his noble citie of Antwerpe. 1582. Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding, according to the copie printed by Plantine at Antwerpe, his highnesse printer.
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1582
Publisher: Imprinted at London : [By Thomas Dawson] for William Ponsonby, and are to be solde at his shoppe in Paules Churchyarde, at the signe of the Bishoppes head,
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A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherewith his ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully. Translated out of French by Arthur Goldyng
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1575
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. Febr. 24. These bookes are to be sold at his long shop at the west doore of Paules,
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A discourse vpon the earthquake that hapned throughe this realme of Englande, and other places of Christendom, the first of Aprill. 1580. betwene the houres of fiue and six in the euening. Written by Arthur Golding, gentleman
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1580
Publisher: At London : Imprinted by Henry Binneman dwelling in Thamis streate nere Baynerds castle,
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A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary : with theyr restitution in the time of our moste gracious souerayne lady that nowe is. Wherein is expressed the fantasticall and tirannous dealynges ofthe [sic] Romishe Church, togither with the godly and modest regime[n]t of the true Christian Church, most slaunderouslye diffamed in those dayes of heresye. Translated into Englyshe by Arthur Goldyng. Anno. 1562. Read and iudge indifferently accordinge to the rule of Gods worde.
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1562
Publisher: Imprinted at London : In Flete-strete nere to saynct Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe,
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Sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin, vpon the booke of Iob, translated out of French by Arthur Golding
Calvin, Jean
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1580
Publisher: Imprinted at London : [At the three Cranes in the Vintre, by Thomas Dawson,] for George Byshop and Thomas Woodcocke,
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Sermons of Master Iohn Caluin, vpon the booke of Iob. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding
Calvin, Jean
Golding, Arthur
Year: 1574
Publisher: [London] : Imprinted by [Henry Bynneman for] Lucas Harison and George Byshop,
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Listing 1 - 10 of 93
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