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Capital directive in Europe
ISBN: 9780521493345 9781139031691 052149334X 1139989154 1139984543 1139031694 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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This book provides an overview of the Second Council Directive 77/91/EEC of 13 December 1976 (also known as the Capital Directive) and its implementing rules in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area. It provides companies and advisors with useful insights regarding articles of association and related documents, the incorporation and capital requirements of European companies with limited liability and the rules applicable to the acquisition and pledge of their own shares, the cross-participations, the financial assistance and the distribution of profits. A general report on the Capital Directive is followed by a discussion of the implementation of the rules laid down in the Directive in the national laws of each Member State, each in accordance with a common format and contributed by a practitioner from that State.

Alle mensen zijn gelijk, ook vrouwen : over gendergelijkheid in de professionele loopbaan
ISBN: 9789460354649 9460354645 Year: 2016 Publisher: Herentals Knops Publishing

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Dit boek belicht de noodzaak van de gelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen in het professionele leven. Het gaat in op de diepgang van de ongelijke behandeling en op ieders onbewuste vooringenomenheid over het traditionele rollenpatroon.


arbeidsmarkt --- 331.6 --- Égalité de traitement --- Égalité homme-femme --- Carrière professionnelle --- Gelijke behandeling --- Gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw --- Beroepsloopbaan --- profesionālā karjera --- karrierë profesionale --- професионална кариера --- pracovní dráha --- kariera zawodowa --- profesionalna karijera --- karriera professjonali --- yrkeskarriär --- carrera profesional --- beruflicher Werdegang --- profesijná kariéra --- professional career --- karriereforløb --- szakmai karrier --- urakehitys --- carieră profesională --- carriera professionale --- ametialane karjäär --- profesinė karjera --- carreira profissional --- професионална каријера --- poklicna pot --- επαγγελματική σταδιοδρομία --- beroepsloopbaan --- postup v zaměstnání --- kariéra --- деловна кариера --- szakmai pályafutás --- profesní kariéra --- sukupuolten tasa-arvo --- równouprawnienie płci --- ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- rodová rovnosť --- enakost spolov --- jämställdhet --- Gleichheit von Mann und Frau --- родова еднаквост --- lyčių lygybė --- nemek közötti egyenlőség --- igualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesība --- родна равноправност --- sooline võrdsus --- egalitate de gen --- равенство между половете --- comhionannas inscne --- barazi gjinore --- ligestilling mellem kønnene --- ravnopravnost spolova --- igualdade de género --- rovnost žen a mužů --- gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw --- uguaglianza di genere --- gender equality --- ισότητα των φύλων --- inegalitatea de gen --- desigualdade de género --- índice de desigualdad de género --- indeks rodne nejednakosti --- vienlīdzīgas iespējas vīriešiem un sievietēm --- igualdad entre mujeres y hombres --- Index zum Geschlechtergefälle --- неравенство между половете --- sukupuolten välistä epätasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- индекс за равенството между половете --- neravnopravnost spolova --- indeks neenakosti med spoloma --- еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- GEI --- inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes --- desigualdade homem-mulher --- nők és férfiak közötti egyenlőség --- genderová nerovnost --- lygios vyrų ir moterų teisės --- inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- drepturi egale între bărbați și femei --- genderongelijkheid --- gender inequality --- rovnosť žien a mužov --- Index zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- równość płci --- comhionannas idir fir agus mná --- enakost med spoloma --- sugupoolte võrdõiguslikkus --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenségek --- barazia midis grave dhe burrave --- ulighed mellem kønnene --- једнакост међу половима --- kønsligestillingsindeks --- gender equity --- wskaźnik nierówności płci --- Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- IEG --- indicele egalității de gen --- miesten ja naisten välinen tasa-arvo --- indicele inegalității de gen --- igualdad hombre-mujer --- Geschlechtspezifische Ungleichheiten --- gendergelijkheidsindex --- правна еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- dzimumu nelīdztiesība --- neamh-chomhionannas inscne --- jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män --- jämställdhetsindex --- desigualdad por razón de género --- dealú idir na hinscní --- égalité entre les femmes et les hommes --- vīriešu un sieviešu vienlīdzība --- inégalité entre les sexes --- equal rights of men and women --- indice di disuguaglianza di genere --- sukupuolten epätasa-arvo --- igualdade homem-mulher --- égalité des sexes --- meeste ja naiste võrdõiguslikkus --- indiċi tal-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- stejná práva mužů a žen --- rovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- egalitate între femei și bărbați --- a férfiak és nők közötti egyenlőtlenség --- indice sull'uguaglianza di genere --- IIG --- gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen --- неравнопоставеност между половете --- rovnoprávnost mužů a žen --- jednakopravnost spolova --- nemi esélyegyenlőségi index --- ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel --- jämställdhet mellan könen --- dzimumu vienlīdzība --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenség --- inégalité hommes-femmes --- gender equality index --- sooline ebavõrdsus --- ανισότητα των φύλων --- nemi egyenlőtlenségi index --- desigualdade entre géneros --- vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesība --- ИНП --- nemek közti egyenlőtlenségi mutató --- innéacs comhionannais inscne --- rodový rozdiel --- ανισότητα μεταξύ των φύλων --- inégalité entre les genres --- índice de igualdad de género --- nerovnosť žien a mužov --- gendergelijkheid --- sukupuolten tasa-arvoindeksi --- disuguaglianza di genere --- soolise võrdõiguslikkuse indeks --- índice de desigualdade de género --- naiste ja meeste võrdõiguslikkus --- igualdade entre os sexos --- gender inequality index --- parità uomo-donna --- egalitate între sexe --- ισότητα μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών --- wskaźnik równouprawnienia płci --- index rodovej nerovnosti --- ligestilling mellem kvinder og mænd --- równość kobiet i mężczyzn --- disparità di genere --- gelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- indiċi tal-inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- kønsskævhed --- gender disparity --- dzimumu nelīdztiesības indekss --- index genderové rovnosti --- eguaglianza uomo-donna --- GII --- δείκτης ισότητας των φύλων --- lyčių nelygybės indeksas --- nerovné postavení žen a mužů --- IDG --- jednakost spolova --- desigualdade entre os sexos --- enakost moških in žensk --- indice d'inégalité de genre --- índice de igualdade de género --- genderongelijkheidsindex --- равенство между мъж и жена --- indeks for ulighed mellem kønnene --- an bhearna idir na hinscní --- igualdad entre los sexos --- naisten ja miesten tasa-arvo --- еднакви права меѓу мажите и жените --- të drejta të barabarta të burrave dhe grave --- razlike med spoloma --- rovnaké práva mužov a žien --- rovná práva mužů a žen --- equality between men and women --- desigualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesības indekss --- bristande jämställdhet --- nemi megkülönböztetés tilalma --- nemek közötti egyenlőségi index --- vyrų ir moterų lygybė --- indeks ravnopravnosti spolova --- rovnost mezi muži a ženami --- soolise ebavõrdsuse indeks --- ισότητα ευκαιριών για γυναίκες και άνδρες --- parità tra uomini e donne --- nerovnost žen a mužů --- ravnopravnost muškaraca i žena --- индекс за неравенството между половете --- lyčių lygybės indeksas --- index rodovej rovnosti --- rodna neravnopravnost --- indice d'égalité de genre --- divario di genere --- sukupuolten välisen epätasa-arvon indeksi --- rodová nerovnosť --- indeks enakosti spolov --- index genderové nerovnosti --- δείκτης ανισότητας των φύλων --- ligestilling mellem de to køn --- równość mężczyzn i kobiet --- ongelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- nemi egyenlőségi mutató --- неравнопоставеност на жените и мъжете --- sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- lyčių nelygybė --- nerovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- GII-indeksi --- igualdade de tratamento --- еднаков третман --- rovnaké zaobchádzanie --- jednako postupanje --- enako obravnavanje --- ίση μεταχείριση --- egyenlő bánásmód --- võrdne kohtlemine --- equal treatment --- једнако поступање --- likabehandling --- равно третиране --- vienodas vertinimas --- parità di trattamento --- tratament egal pentru toți cetățenii --- vienāda attieksme --- ligebehandling --- rovné zacházení --- równość traktowania --- igualdad de trato --- Gleichbehandlung --- trattament indaqs --- yhdenvertainen kohtelu --- trajtim i barabartë --- gelijke behandeling --- jednaki tretman --- principle of equality --- desigualdad de trato --- līdztiesīgas iespējas --- principio de no discriminación --- lygios teisės --- gelijke kansen --- positiv diskriminering --- parimi i barazisë --- vienlīdzīga attieksme --- еднакво постапување --- nerovnoprávné postavení --- principio de igualdad --- princip rovnosti --- toelating op voet van gelijkheid --- égalité des droits --- rovnoprávné zacházení --- ίσες ευκαιρίες --- pozitív diszkrimináció --- omvänd diskriminering --- equal rights --- nejednako postupanje --- еднаков статус --- esélyegyenlőség --- shans i barabartë --- принцип на недискриминација --- еднакви можности --- θετική διάκριση --- discriminazione positiva --- lygi galimybė --- megkülönböztetés tilalma --- egalitate de șanse --- principiul nediscriminării --- égalité de chances --- rovná práva --- rovné postavení --- zásada nediskriminácie --- princip nediskriminacije --- discriminación positiva --- αρχή της ισότητας --- equal opportunity --- lika möjligheter --- igualdad de oportunidades --- rozdielne zaobchádzanie --- diskriminim pozitiv --- позитивна дискриминација --- vienādas iespējas --- të drejta të barabarta --- jogegyenlőség --- positiivne diskrimineerimine --- Chancengleichheit --- igualdade dos direitos --- positive discrimination --- lighed m.h.t. muligheder --- yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet --- jämlikhetsprincipen --- princípio da não-discriminação --- ebavõrdne kohtlemine --- еднакви права --- principio di non discriminazione --- parimi i mosdiskriminimit --- disparità di trattamento --- nevienlīdzīga attieksme --- pozitivna diskriminacija --- pozityvioji diskriminacija --- hátrányos megkülönböztetés --- principle of non-discrimination --- lygybės principas --- positive Diskriminierung --- Grundsatz der Nichtdiskriminierung --- nerovnoprávnost --- igualdad de derechos --- tasa-arvon periaate --- nediskriminēšanas princips --- võrdsuspõhimõte --- positieve discriminatie --- võrdsed võimalused --- principiul egalității --- discriminare pozitivă --- mittediskrimineerimise põhimõte --- discrimination positive --- igualdade de possibilidades --- pozitív megkülönböztetés --- megkülönböztetés --- egyenlőség alapelve --- inégalité de traitement --- nediskriminavimo principas --- discriminação positiva --- ίσα δικαιώματα --- integrim --- нееднаков третман --- zásada rovnoprávnosti --- positiv diskrimination --- mainstreaming --- άνιση μεταχείριση --- lighed m.h.t. beskæftigelse --- принцип на рамноправност --- uguaglianza di opportunità --- unequal treatment --- vienādas attieksmes princips --- positiv särbehandling --- negatív diszkrimináció --- nevienodas elgesys --- egalitate în drepturi --- ισότητα πρόσβασης --- integrering af ligestillingsaspektet --- princípio da igualdade --- jednaka prava --- vienādas tiesības --- ongelijke behandeling --- principen om icke-diskriminering --- rovnaké práva --- iespēju vienlīdzība --- rovnaké príležitosti --- ungleiche Behandlung --- epäoikeudenmukainen kohtelu --- olika behandling --- principio di parità --- rovný přístup --- stejné zacházení --- trajtim i pabarabartë --- pozitivní diskriminace --- yhtäläiset oikeudet --- syrjimättömyysperiaate --- positiivinen syrjintä --- diszkrimináció tilalma --- tratament inegal --- gelijke arbeidsmogelijkheden --- principe de non-discrimination --- једнак третман --- jednaka mogućnost --- принцип на еднаквост --- рамноправен третман --- oportunități egale --- uguaglianza di diritti --- αρχή της μη διάκρισης --- võrdõiguslikkus --- Gleichheitsgrundsatz --- lika rättigheter --- nerovný přístup --- lige rettigheder --- principe d'égalité --- gelijke rechten --- еднаков пристап --- an chóir chomhionann --- slí bheatha ghairmiúil --- Belgique --- Carrière professionnelle --- Égalité de traitement --- Égalité homme-femme

Prospectus for the public offering of securities in Europe.
ISBN: 9780521880701 9780521880718 9780521767996 052188070X 9780511581441 9780511494840 051149484X 9780511396687 0511396686 9780511540806 0511540809 0511581440 9780511539084 1107184533 1281383260 9786611383268 0511397453 0511399030 0511395957 0511398190 1107199530 1282316532 9786612316531 0511540469 0511539088 0511538251 0511539924 0521880718 0521767997 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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The Prospectus Directive of 4 November 2003 sets the rules on the publication of a prospectus in the event that securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a stock exchange in the European Union. These rules apply in all 30 member states of the European Economic Area. Since member states decide to a large extent how to implement the Directive in their law, the rules in the different member states will differ substantially. It is therefore important not only to have an understanding of the rules laid down in the Directive but also to obtain knowledge of the rules applicable in the different states. As an English book it provides an understanding for non-Europeans of the rules applicable on the publication of a prospectus. A comprehensive table of contents, text of the European Directive and a list of national implementing laws are also included.

Cross-border mergers in Europe.
ISBN: 9780521487603 0521483271 9781139014991 9780521483278 9780511676215 1107205883 9786612536052 0511678320 0511677065 0511679572 0511683537 0511676212 1282536052 0511681550 0521487609 9780511683534 9781139112307 1139112309 1107224063 1139014994 1139114492 1139116665 1139122401 1139124242 1139127322 1283316315 9786613316318 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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This discussion of the Cross-Border Merger Directive and its implementing legislation in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area provides companies and their advisors with useful insight into the legal framework applicable to, and the tax treatment of, cross-border mergers throughout the European Economic Area. Analysis of the Community rules laid down in the Cross-Border Merger Directive and the Community rules on the tax treatment of cross-border mergers is complemented by chapters on the implementing legislation in each Member State, prepared in accordance with a common format and contributed by a practitioner from each state. Annexes contain the Cross-Border Merger Directive (Annex I), the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (Annex II) and a list of the implementing legislation in each Member State (Annex III).

Common legal framework for takeover bids in Europe
ISBN: 0511847750 110720660X 1282486586 9786612486586 0511674201 0511675399 0511672144 0511670869 0511674651 0511673418 9780511675393 9780521516709 0521516706 9780521516662 9780511674655 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The Council Directive of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids sets forth the general principles applicable to takeover bids and clarifies certain minimum rules with respect to the procedure for a takeover bid, the obligation to make a mandatory bid in the event a minimum threshold is crossed and the majority shareholder's squeeze-out right as well as the minority shareholders' sell-out right. Furthermore, the Directive defines the authority which is competent to approve offer documents and supervise takeover bids, and provides for optional restrictions on the actions of the target company's management and on defence mechanisms. This book discusses the Takeover Directive and its implementing rules in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area, providing companies and their advisors with useful insight into the legal framework and principles applicable to takeover bids in the region.

Common legal framework for takeover bids in Europe.
ISBN: 1139809563 1107315867 1107321255 0511965095 1107317797 129939910X 1107314887 0511720890 9781107321250 9780511720895 9780521516662 0521516668 9781139809566 9781107315860 9780511965098 9781107317796 9781107314887 1107190967 Year: 2008 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The Council Directive of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids sets forth the general principles applicable to takeover bids and clarifies certain minimum rules with respect to the procedure for a takeover bid, the obligation to make a mandatory bid in the event a minimum threshold is crossed and the majority shareholder's squeeze-out right as well as the minority shareholders' sell-out right. Furthermore, the Directive defines the authority which is competent to approve offer documents and supervise takeover bids, and provides for optional restrictions on the actions of the target company's management and on defence mechanisms. This book discusses the Takeover Directive and its implementing rules in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area, providing companies and their advisors with useful insight into the legal framework and principles applicable to takeover bids in the region.

Cross-border mergers in Europe.
ISBN: 1107205883 1282536052 9786612536052 0511678320 0511681550 0511677065 0511683537 0511676212 0511679572 9780511677069 9780511683534 9781139112307 1139112309 1107224063 1139124242 1283316315 9786613316318 1139122401 1139127322 1139116665 1139014994 1139114492 0521487609 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge, UK New York Cambridge University Press

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This discussion of the Cross-Border Merger Directive and its implementing legislation in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area provides companies and their advisors with useful insight into the legal framework applicable to, and the tax treatment of, cross-border mergers throughout the European Economic Area. Analysis of the Community rules laid down in the Cross-Border Merger Directive and the Community rules on the tax treatment of cross-border mergers is complemented by chapters on the implementing legislation in each Member State, prepared in accordance with a common format and contributed by a practitioner from each state. Annexes contain the Cross-Border Merger Directive (Annex I), the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (Annex II) and a list of the implementing legislation in each Member State (Annex III).

Handboek vennootschappen
Year: 2016 Publisher: Gent Larcier

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The European Company.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780521859745 9780511495090 9780521860000 0521859743 9780511585920 1107156327 0511351194 1139131737 0511140924 0511495099 1280955686 0511139578 0511140150 0521860008 Year: 2008 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The European company ('SE') is a new legal entity offering a European perspective for businesses, which became a reality on 8 October 2004. Its purpose is to allow businesses that wish to extend their activities beyond their home Member State to operate throughout the EU on the basis of a single set of rules and a unified management system. This book explains how to set up and organise a European company, and sets out the text of the relevant EC instruments that serve as its legal basis, as well as the national implementing legislation. It is essential for businesses and their advisers to understand the implementing legislation of the relevant Member States in deciding where to establish an SE. This book provides comprehensive coverage of such legislation in all Member States of the European Economic Area which have, as at 1 July 2005, implemented the Regulation containing the SE statute and the Directive on employee involvement in the SE.

The European company.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1107156327 1280955686 1139131737 0511351194 0511139578 0511140924 0511495099 0511140150 9780511140921 0521859743 9780521859745 9780521860000 Year: 2006 Publisher: Cambridge, UK New York Cambridge University Press

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The European company ('SE') is a legal entity offering a European perspective for businesses, which became a reality on 8 October 2004. Its purpose is to allow businesses that wish to extend their activities beyond their home Member State to operate throughout the EU on the basis of a single set of rules and a unified management system. This book explains how to set up and organise a European company, and sets out the text of the relevant EC instruments that serve as its legal basis, as well as the national implementing legislation. It is essential for businesses and their advisers to understand the implementing legislation of the relevant Member States in deciding where to establish an SE. This book provides comprehensive coverage of such legislation in all Member States of the European Economic Area which have, as at 1 July 2005, implemented the Regulation containing the SE statute and the Directive on employee involvement in the SE.

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