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Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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L’objectif de ce mémoire consiste à aider Etilux à trouver des concepts et des méthodes à suivre 
qui l’aideront à construire et à gérer son futur showroom. Avec son futur showroom, Etilux
souhaite donner un nouvel outil de vente à ses commerciaux afin qu’ils puissent stimuler le 
cross-selling des gammes de produits de l’entreprise. En effet, le cross-selling demeure le 
principal vecteur de croissance d’Etilux. Un showroom permettrait de mettre en avant les 
principales forces d’Etilux, qui sont la variété de sa gamme de produits et l’expertise de son 
L’auteur entame ce travail par une revue de littérature. Les différents concepts théoriques 
développés dans la revue de littérature sont : les stratégies omnicanales, les brand worlds, le 
marketing des sens ainsi que les pratiques d’aménagement de showrooms utilisées en B2C. 
Ensuite, l’auteur tente de répondre aux différents gaps rencontrés dans la revue de littérature 
grâce à une étude qualitative. Cette étude consiste en cinq interviews semi-structurées auprès 
de représentants d’entreprises partenaires d’Etilux. L’analyse des résultats obtenus par les 
interviews a permis d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de réponse ainsi que des clarifications 
quant à des concepts développés dans la revue de littérature. 
Par après, l’auteur confronte les résultats obtenus par son étude qualitative à ses recherches dans 
la revue de littérature. La partie discussion sert à confirmer des concepts étudiés lors de la revue 
de littérature ainsi qu’à mettre l’accent sur de nouveaux concepts apparus lors de l’analyse des 
Enfin, les résultats apportés par ce travail mènent à un développement de différentes 
recommandations qui permettent de répondre à la question de recherche initiale. Ces 
recommandations sont destinées en premier lieu à Etilux, afin d’aider l’entreprise à aborder au 
mieux son projet de création d’un showroom. Toutefois, les conseils et les recommandations 
peuvent être également pris en compte par d’autres entreprises. Il faut noter que les 
recommandations n’ont pas encore été implémentées ou utilisées. Dès lors, la question relative 
à leur efficacité pourrait faire l’objet d’une recherche future.

How should Etilux position itself regarding the Smart Building market?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Etilux is a Liège-based company active in four sectors, Labelling and Marking, Adhesives and Packing, Traceability Solutions and Audiovisual Solutions. The presence of these four departments in one company is an almost unique feature. Moreover, given the company's versatility, particularly its expertise in audiovisual and traceability solutions, Etilux is considering entering the Smart Buildings market. Indeed, in response to environmental problems, rising energy prices, and improving users' quality of life, the Smart Building market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
After a market analysis and an internal analysis at Etilux, this project thesis proposes a collaboration with the company Smart-is to implement a Smart Building offer at Etilux. This offer is intended to create customised solutions for the companies that already represent the largest customers within Etilux, namely the hospital sector and SMEs with a warehouse. These solutions will have to be scalable and the offer will propose the update of existing structures, which will also be possible step by step following a schedule on several years.
In addition to creating a new offer at Etilux, this new product ranger would improve cross-selling within the company. Furthermore, the current products of Etilux could experience a decrease in demand in the medium- or long-term if these products are outdated. Therefore, a Smart Building offer within Etilux would guarantee sustainability for the company's future.

Récupérer les consommateurs Aldi?: le jus de fruit comme exemple

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Optimizing the user experience of an e-commerce website (usability focus)
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The development of an e-commerce website is crucial considering the nature of SME's daily business and its importance to face the competition. Besides their brick and mortar presence, most of today’s companies are working on their digital prints by searching for ways to enhance the experience of their online shopper. Today’s users’ expectations are continuously growing and evolving, thus building an interface that only relies on product offering is not enough anymore. It is now about implicitly luring the user to the product by implementing user experience and usability techniques and guidelines.
Therefore, Etilux has decided to join the digital wave by looking for ways to improve their e-commerce website and satisfy their users. Through this project, we were able to answer our research questions and understand the key building blocks of a usable website and positive user experience. This has been achieved through a literature review that represents our theoretical context and starting ground. Then, a benchmark analysis was realized alongside the most performant online competitors, this gave us an overview of the best used practices. Finally, a qualitative study through in-depth interviews was carried out with 20 experts in the field.
Summarizing our findings, we represent the guidelines in terms of two models to follow in order to create a positive user experience based on usability. The models indicate the key factors that should be respected by the company. Moreover, we also discovered that the respect and the implementation of these techniques will lead to trust building and consequently user satisfaction on the e-commerce site.
The recommendations issued by this thesis bring to both the company and the academic literature a key reference. This study offers the managers of Etilux an opportunityus to strengthen their online presence and drive positive results throughout guidelines identified in our qualitative research.

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