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"This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the growing international climate movement. A dual focus on climate politics and civil society provides a hitherto unavailable broad and systematic analysis of the current global movement, highlighting how its dynamic and diverse character can play an important role in environmental politics and climate protection.The range of contributors, from well-known academics to activist-scholars, look at climate movements in the developed and developing world, north and south, small and large, central and marginal. The movement is examined as a whole and as single actors, thereby capturing its scope, structure, development, activities and influence. The book thoroughly addresses theoretical approaches, from classic social movement theory to the influence of environmental justice frames, and follows this with a systematic focus on regions, specific NGOs and activists, cases and strategies, as well as relations with peripheral groups. In its breadth, balance and depth, this accessible volume offers a fresh and important take on the question of social mobilization around climate change, making it an essential text for advanced undergraduates, postgraduate students and researchers in the social sciences"--
Civil society --- Climate change mitigation --- Climatic changes --- Environmentalism --- Global warming --- Green movement --- #SBIB:327.7H42 --- #SBIB:35H434 --- Warming, Global --- Global temperature changes --- Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric --- Environmental movement --- Social movements --- Anti-environmentalism --- Sustainable living --- Climate mitigation --- Climatic mitigation --- Mitigation of climate change --- Environmental protection --- Social contract --- Ecologism --- Environmental action groups --- Environmental groups --- Political ecology --- Political aspects --- Social aspects --- Specifieke internationale organisaties en samenwerking: milieu --- Beleidssectoren: milieubeleid en ruimtelijke ordening --- Environmental aspects --- Mitigation --- Community organization --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Greenwashing
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Die Klimabewegung ist eine erst vor wenigen Jahren entstandene soziale Bewegung. Zu ihren Mitgliedern zählen Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs), Netzwerke, Aktivisten und andere Akteure. Sie engagieren sich auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene gegen die gesellschaftlichen Ursachen des Klimawandels und für die gerechte Eindämmung seiner Folgen. Auch aufgrund ihrer vielfältigen Akteure und Aktionsformen ist die Klimabewegung bereits heute zu einem wichtigen Faktor für die Zukunft des Politikfelds herangewachsen. Das Handbuch gibt einen aktuellen und systematischen Überblick über das noch junge Forschungsfeld – über die Klimabewegung als Gesamtphänomen wie auch ihre wichtigsten Akteure und Strukturen. Verschiedene methodische und theoretische Zugriffe werden genutzt sowie ausgewählte Länder in Fallstudien untersucht. Das Handbuch ist eine Einladung und erste Anlaufstelle für alle, die sich grundlegend mit den Formen der Klimabewegung, ihren Herausforderungen und Chancen befassen wollen. Der Inhalt – Theoretische Zugriffe auf die Klimabewegung: Framing Ansätze · Gerechtigkeitstheorien · Demokratietheorie · Kritische Theorie – Bestandteile der Klimabewegung: Nationale Bewegungen · Führungsfiguren · Einzelgruppen – Arenen, Aktivitäten und Entwicklung der Klimabewegung: Klimakonferenzen · Protestveranstaltungen · Dekarbonisierungsprojekte · Engagement in der Klimaanpassung Die Zielgruppen • Sozialwissenschaftler • Bewegungsakteure • Journalisten Die Herausgeber Matthias Dietz ist Politikwissenschaftler am Zentrum für Sozialpolitik (ZeS) der Universität Bremen und arbeitet zu den Themen soziale Bewegungen, Partizipation, Umwelt- und Energiepolitik. Dr. Heiko Garrelts ist Politikwissenschaftler am Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit (artec) der Universität Bremen sowie am Zentrum für Transnationale Studien (ZenTra) und arbeitet zu den Themen NGOs, Umwelt- und Klimapolitik.
Political science. --- Comparative politics. --- Climate change. --- Environment. --- Sustainable development. --- Political Science. --- Comparative Politics. --- Climate Change. --- Environment, general. --- Sustainable Development. --- Climatic changes --- Climate and civilization. --- Effect of human beings on. --- Social aspects.
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nature conservation --- bioconservation --- biodiversity --- sustainable use --- ecosystem management --- ecosystems --- environmental monitoring --- socio-economic development --- Convention on Biological Diversity (signed 1992)
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Nature protection --- Biogeography --- General ecology and biosociology --- Geography --- biodiversiteit --- landschapsecologie --- biogeografie --- ecologie --- geografie
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The continued loss of global diversity brings into question the approaches used to conserve it. This volume brings together stimulating research and ?ndings from Germany and Guatemala asking fundamental questions. For example, one paper questions the economic rationality of current biodiversity conservation methods, while another one attempts to answer this by pointing out that companies are - creasingly investing in conservation because they expect this to become a social norm-and thereforerespectingand followingasocial normisa rational strategy. It is more evident now than ever that biodiversity conservation is successful only in societies where basic socio-economic needs have been met. This means that poor societies will conserve the ?ora and fauna around them if given the - portunity to be effective practitioners by including their indigenous knowledge, having effective access and bene?t sharing regimes, making national parks more equitable, and tackling poverty and particularly land hunger which is devastating in itseffects through deforestation. Economicinstrumentsareincreasinglyrecognisedashavinganimportant role to play in the protection of biological diversity. Well-de?ned property and use rights can promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Tradable catchandexport permitscanencouragetheprotection ofendangeredspecies,and incentives such as charges and taxes can help to maintain critical habitats, incl- ingwetlands.Theuseofeconomicinstrumentshasexpandedsigni?cantlyoverthe lastfewdecades.Thisre?ectsagrowingunderstandingthateconomicinstruments canincreasetheef?ciencyandeffectivenessofenvironmentalmanagement,gen- ate ?nancial resourcesand incentivesfor investment,and expand the involvement of private agents in environmental protection.
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