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CP violation is a well-established phenomenon in particle physics, but until 2001 it was only observed in kaons. In the last decade, several matter-antimatter asymmetries have been observed in neutral B mesons in line with the expectations of the Standard Model of the weak interaction. Direct CP violation is also expected in the decay rates of charged B+ mesons versus that of B- mesons, though the greatest effects are present in a decay that occurs just twice in 10 million decays. Such rarity requires huge samples to study and this is exactly what the LHC, and its dedicated B-physics experiment LHCb provide. This thesis presents an analysis of the first two years of LHCb data. The author describes the first observation of the rare decay, B- DK-, D π-K+ and the first observation of direct CP violation in this B decay. The work constitutes essential information on the experiment’s measurement of a fundamental parameter of the theory and stands as a benchmark against which subsequent analyses of this type will be compared.
CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Physics. --- Quantum field theory. --- String theory. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Quantum Field Theories, String Theory. --- Nuclear physics --- Models, String --- String theory --- Nuclear reactions --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum theory. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- String models.
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CP violation is a well-established phenomenon in particle physics, but until 2001 it was only observed in kaons. In the last decade, several matter-antimatter asymmetries have been observed in neutral B mesons in line with the expectations of the Standard Model of the weak interaction. Direct CP violation is also expected in the decay rates of charged B+ mesons versus that of B- mesons, though the greatest effects are present in a decay that occurs just twice in 10 million decays. Such rarity requires huge samples to study and this is exactly what the LHC, and its dedicated B-physics experiment LHCb provide. This thesis presents an analysis of the first two years of LHCb data. The author describes the first observation of the rare decay, B- → DK-, D → π-K+ and the first observation of direct CP violation in this B decay. The work consitutes essential information on the experiment’s measurement of a fundamental parameter of the theory and stands as a benchmark against which subsequent analyses of this type will be compared.
Elementary particles --- Physics --- elementaire deeltjes --- kwantumleer --- fysica
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This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. In particular, the authors describe a transient full-scale fire test (~15 MW), explaining how they designed and performed the experimental activity inside the Morgex North tunnel in Italy. The entire organization of the experiment is described, from preliminary evaluations to the solutions found for management of operational difficulties and safety issues. This fire test allowed the collection of different measurements (temperature, air velocity, smoke composition, pollutant species) useful for validating and improving CFD codes and for testing the real behavior of the tunnel and its safety systems during a diesel oil fire with a significant heat release rate. Finally, the fire dynamics are compared with empirical correlations, CFD simulations, and literature measurements obtained in other similar tunnel fire tests. This book will be of interest to all engineers and public officials who are concerned with the nature, prevention, and management of tunnel fires.
Fluid mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Mechanical properties of solids --- Hydraulic energy --- Applied physical engineering --- Production management --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- thermodynamica --- vormgeving --- mineralen (chemie) --- simulaties --- mijnbouw --- kwaliteitscontrole --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- dieselmotoren --- hydraulica --- vloeistoffen --- warmteoverdracht
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This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. In particular, the authors describe a transient full-scale fire test (~15 MW), explaining how they designed and performed the experimental activity inside the Morgex North tunnel in Italy. The entire organization of the experiment is described, from preliminary evaluations to the solutions found for management of operational difficulties and safety issues. This fire test allowed the collection of different measurements (temperature, air velocity, smoke composition, pollutant species) useful for validating and improving CFD codes and for testing the real behavior of the tunnel and its safety systems during a diesel oil fire with a significant heat release rate. Finally, the fire dynamics are compared with empirical correlations, CFD simulations, and literature measurements obtained in other similar tunnel fire tests. This book will be of interest to all engineers and public officials who are concerned with the nature, prevention, and management of tunnel fires.
Fluid mechanics. --- Thermodynamics. --- Heat engineering. --- Heat transfer. --- Mass transfer. --- Quality control. --- Reliability. --- Industrial safety. --- Computer simulation. --- Civil engineering. --- Engineering Fluid Dynamics. --- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer. --- Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk. --- Simulation and Modeling. --- Civil Engineering.
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This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. In particular, the authors describe a transient full-scale fire test (~15 MW), explaining how they designed and performed the experimental activity inside the Morgex North tunnel in Italy. The entire organization of the experiment is described, from preliminary evaluations to the solutions found for management of operational difficulties and safety issues. This fire test allowed the collection of different measurements (temperature, air velocity, smoke composition, pollutant species) useful for validating and improving CFD codes and for testing the real behavior of the tunnel and its safety systems during a diesel oil fire with a significant heat release rate. Finally, the fire dynamics are compared with empirical correlations, CFD simulations, and literature measurements obtained in other similar tunnel fire tests. This book will be of interest to all engineers and public officials who are concerned with the nature, prevention, and management of tunnel fires.
Fluid mechanics. --- Thermodynamics. --- Heat engineering. --- Heat transfer. --- Mass transfer. --- Quality control. --- Reliability. --- Industrial safety. --- Computer simulation. --- Civil engineering. --- Engineering Fluid Dynamics. --- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer. --- Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk. --- Simulation and Modeling. --- Civil Engineering.
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This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. In particular, the authors describe a transient full-scale fire test (~15 MW), explaining how they designed and performed the experimental activity inside the Morgex North tunnel in Italy. The entire organization of the experiment is described, from preliminary evaluations to the solutions found for management of operational difficulties and safety issues. This fire test allowed the collection of different measurements (temperature, air velocity, smoke composition, pollutant species) useful for validating and improving CFD codes and for testing the real behavior of the tunnel and its safety systems during a diesel oil fire with a significant heat release rate. Finally, the fire dynamics are compared with empirical correlations, CFD simulations, and literature measurements obtained in other similar tunnel fire tests. This book will be of interest to all engineers and public officials who are concerned with the nature, prevention, and management of tunnel fires.
Fluid mechanics. --- Thermodynamics. --- Heat engineering. --- Heat transfer. --- Mass transfer. --- Quality control. --- Reliability. --- Industrial safety. --- Computer simulation. --- Civil engineering. --- Engineering Fluid Dynamics. --- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer. --- Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk. --- Simulation and Modeling. --- Civil Engineering.
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