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Federal government --- Nationalism --- Fédéralisme --- Nationalisme --- Canada --- Québec (Province) --- English-French relations --- Politics and government --- Social conditions --- Relations entre anglophones et francophones --- Politique et gouvernement --- Conditions sociales --- Fédéralisme --- Québec (Province) --- Québec (canada, province) --- 20e siecle --- 1976 --- -Federal government --- -Québec (canada, province) --- 1976-
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Intellectuals --- Liberalism --- Social participation --- Political activity --- Congresses
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Political sociology --- Politics --- Federal government --- Linguistic minorities --- Minorities --- Citizenship --- Fédéralisme --- Minorités linguistiques --- Minorités --- Nationalité --- Political activity --- Activité politique
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Ce livre constitue le troisième volet d'un projet de rédaction amorcé avec la publication, en 2007, de La raison du plus fort : plaidoyer pour le fédéralisme multinational (Prix Josep Maria Vilaseca i Marcet) et approfondi avec la parution, en 2011, de L'âge des incertitudes : essais sur le fédéralisme et la diversité nationale (finaliste au Prix Donald-Smiley), tous deux traduits en plusieurs langues. Inspiré par les travaux traitant des Premiers Peuples et des nations minoritaires en contexte démocratique, Le choc des légitimités jette un regard nouveau sur les rapports entre majorités et minorités, tout en explorant les avancées théoriques tant en études fédérales que sur les nationalismes contemporains. La décennie 2020-2030 pourrait bien être propice à l'avènement d'un fédéralisme multinational à l'échelle internationale. Devant l'inconfort grandissant des grandes puissances et des organisations internationales face à la création de nouveaux États, le fédéralisme multinational est à présent une voie qu'il importe d'explorer. En contrepartie de la loyauté des nations minoritaires à l'endroit de l'État souverain, le fédéralisme multinational leur permet de renouer avec - sinon de restaurer - leur souveraineté originelle, tout en tenant compte des besoins de coordination, de concertation et de cohabitation avec les partenaires politiques au sein des ensembles fédéraux ou en voie de fédéralisation. Il est crucial aujourd'hui d'évaluer les conflits de revendications sur la base de la notion même de la légitimité plutôt que sur celle beaucoup trop étroite de la légalité.
Federal government --- Legitimacy of governments. --- History.
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National movements --- European Union --- Federal government --- Fédéralisme --- #A9306A --- Fédéralisme --- Nationale bewegingen --- Europese Unie --- SYSTEMES POLITIQUES --- INSTITUTIONS POLITIQUES --- STRUCTURES DE L'ETAT --- FEDERATION --- DOCTRINES POLITIQUES --- FEDERALISME
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Policy sciences --- Social sciences --- Pressure groups --- #SBIB:003.IO --- #SBIB:324H44 --- #SBIB:35H006 --- Advocacy groups --- Interest groups --- Political interest groups --- Special interest groups (Pressure groups) --- Functional representation --- Political science --- Representative government and representation --- Lobbying --- Policy networks --- Political action committees --- Social control --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Policy-making --- Policymaking --- Public policy management --- Politieke structuren: drukkingsgroepen, lobbying --- Bestuurswetenschappen: theorieën
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The principal aim of this book is to revisit the basic theme of “unity and diversity” that remains at the heart of research into federalism and federation. It is time to take another look at its contemporary relevance to ascertain how far the bifocal relationship between unity and diversity has evolved over the years and has been translated into changing conceptual lenses, practical reform proposals and in some cases new institutional practices. This book is structured around four main parts: (1) the evolving conception of diversity over time and across continents; (2) the interplay between unity and diversity in complex settings; (3) federalism as decision-making and new institutional practices that have been put forward and tested; and (4) constitutional design and asymmetrical federalism as a way to respond to legitimate and insisting claims and political demands.
Federal government --- Multiculturalism --- Congresses --- Congresses&delete& --- Law and legislation --- Cultural diversity policy --- Cultural pluralism --- Cultural pluralism policy --- Ethnic diversity policy --- Social policy --- Anti-racism --- Ethnicity --- Cultural fusion --- Government policy
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Canadians often imagine their country as a multicultural democracy, while a few go further to claim that the country's diversity can be characterized as multinational in its social and institutional make-up. In Federalism, Citizenship, and Quebec, Alain-G. Gagnon and Raffaele Iacovino reveal how this notion has been falsely presented to the populace. Through comprehensive historical, contemporary, and critical accounts, they argue that the country has been the object of an aggressive nationalizing project that contravenes the principles of a 'multinational federation.' Gagnon and Iacovino defend a conception of diverse citizenship for Canada that is truly suitable to a durable and just constitutional association and provide an alternative path for the country based on normative, socio-political, and practical considerations associated with multinational democracy.Including a detailed account of the main challenges associated with Quebec's place in the federation, Federalism, Citizenship, and Quebec stands apart from other English-language studies on multinational democracy, citizenship, and federalism, and, most notably, multinational democracy in Canada. Gagnon and Iacovino ground their work in both history and theory, offering a truly interdisciplinary approach that will appeal to scholars from fields as diverse as Canadian and Quebec politics, comparative politics, and political and legal theory. The book will contribute to awareness of the need for appreciating diversity in contemporary societies while being a useful addition to English Canadian students in these fields, who often lack exposure to many of the rich debates proceeding in Quebec.
Political systems --- National movements --- Quebec --- Citizenship --- Multiculturalism --- Nationalité --- Multiculturalisme --- Canada --- Québec (Province) --- Politics and government. --- History --- Autonomy and independence movements. --- Politique et gouvernement --- Histoire --- Autonomie et mouvements indépendantistes --- Politieke systemen --- Nationale bewegingen --- Quebec [Province]
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Policy sciences --- Policy scientists --- Social sciences and state --- Social scientists --- #SBIB:003.IO --- #SBIB:324H20 --- #SBIB:32H3 --- #SBIB:35H006 --- Scientists --- State and social sciences --- Cultural policy --- Analysts, Policy --- Policy analysts --- Public policy experts --- Government consultants --- Political scientists --- Policy-making --- Policymaking --- Public policy management --- Politologie: theorieën (democratie, comparatieve studieën….) --- Politieke wetenschappen: inleidende werken, handboeken, methoden --- Bestuurswetenschappen: theorieën --- Policy sciences. --- Policy scientists. --- Social sciences and state. --- Social scientists.
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