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Principes de Comptabilité
ISBN: 9782874964848 2874964840 Year: 2023 Publisher: Edi.Pro

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Un des principes fondamentaux de la comptabilité est le principe de l’image fidèle : les comptes annuels doivent donner une image fidèle du patrimoine, de la situation financière et du résultat de la société. Dès lors, le comptable tant interne qu’externe, partenaire privilégié et de confiance de l’organe d’administration, appliquera le droit comptable et biens d’autres branches du droit : le droit des sociétés - fortement modifié en 2019 -, le droit fiscal en perpétuel changement, le droit social en constante évolution, le droit civil en pleine réforme… Cet ouvrage aborde certaines facettes de ce profil multidisciplinaire reconnu en pénurie.


comptabilité générale --- clôture des comptes --- bilan --- situation financière --- droit des sociétés --- pravo družb --- dlí na gcuideachtaí --- právo společností --- dritt soċjetarju --- diritto delle società --- právo obchodných spoločností --- Derecho de sociedades --- direito das sociedades comerciais --- uzņēmējsabiedrības likums --- pravo trgovačkih društava --- company law --- associationsrätt --- e drejtë e shoqërive tregtare --- äriühinguõigus --- prawo o spółkach --- yhtiöoikeus --- право на трговско друштво --- selskabsret --- Gesellschaftsrecht --- εταιρικό δίκαιο --- társasági jog --- vennootschapsrecht --- право на сдружения --- bendrovių teisė --- право трговачких друштава --- dreptul societăților comerciale --- diritto aziendale --- direito das empresas --- право на трговските друштва --- bolagsrätt --- Δίκαιο των εταιριών --- diritto societario --- ondernemingsrecht --- įmonių įstatymas --- droit des entreprises --- bendrovių įstatymas --- uzņēmējsabiedrības tiesības --- Δίκαιο των επιχειρήσεων --- видови трговски друштва --- situação financeira --- rahoitustilanne --- situación financiera --- finanšu stāvoklis --- finančná situácia --- финансиска состојба --- situatë financiare --- finansiel stilling --- finansiell ställning --- situazione finanziaria --- финансијско стање --- sitwazzjoni finanzjarja --- pénzügyi helyzet --- financial situation --- χρηματοοικονομική κατάσταση --- finanční situace --- финансова ситуация --- Finanzlage --- financijsko stanje --- finantsolukord --- situație financiară --- sytuacja finansowa --- finansinė būklė --- staid airgeadais --- finančni položaj --- financiële situatie --- stato delle finanze --- извештај за финансиската состојба --- finansinė padėtis --- finansiel situation --- karta bilanċjali --- ισολογισμός --- bilanca --- balanço --- súvaha --- mérleg --- clár comhardaithe --- bilance --- bilancio di società --- bilanț contabil --- balance --- Bilanz --- bilans --- биланс стања --- balansräkning --- bilanc --- balansas --- balance sheet --- bilanss --- биланс на состојба --- tase --- balans --- баланс --- bilan comptable --- koncernbalansräkning --- konszolidált mérleg --- консолидиран финансиски извештај --- bilancio contabile --- balansinė ataskaita --- balanço consolidado --- консолидиран биланс на состојба --- konsolidierte Bilanz --- balance consolidado --- φορολογικός ισολογισμός --- balanço contabilístico --- bilan consolidé --- bilancio consolidato --- struttura dello stato patrimoniale --- stato patrimoniale di chiusura di esercizio --- totale dello stato patrimoniale --- statusopgørelse --- balance contable --- ενοποιημένος ισολογισμός --- rozvaha --- status --- geconsolideerde balans --- stato patrimoniale --- koncernbalance --- účtovná závierka --- κλείσιμο των λογαριασμών --- zamknięcie ksiąg rachunkowych --- zatvaranje računa --- dúnadh cuntas --- kontode sulgemine --- zaključni račun --- fecho de contas --- għeluq tal-kontijiet --- végső elszámolás --- затворање сметки --- chiusura dei conti --- sąskaitų uždarymas --- regnskabsafslutning --- Rechnungsabschluss --- účetní uzávěrka --- tilinpäätös --- затварање рачуна --- bokslut --- closing of accounts --- sluiting van de rekeningen --- lichidare de conturi --- cierre de cuentas --- mbyllje e llogarive --- закриване на сметка --- kontu slēgšana --- sluitend maken van de rekeningen --- polaganje računa --- beszámoló --- arvlemise lõpetamine --- aruannete esitamine --- paraqitje e llogarive --- rendición de cuentas --- clearance of accounts --- resa dei conti --- prestação de contas --- zárómérleg --- vyúčtovanie --- εκκαθάριση λογαριασμών --- rekening en verantwoording --- saldeerimine --- расчитување сметки --- quadratura dei conti --- likuidim të llogarive --- avlägga räkenskap --- Rechnungsabschluß --- reddition des comptes --- apurement des comptes --- likvidace pohledávky --- regnskabsaflæggelse --- Rechnungslegung --- redovisning --- vyúčtování --- sąskaitų suvedimas --- Jahresabschluss --- tilien tarkastaminen ja hyväksyminen --- éves beszámoló --- granskning av konton --- restituirea unui cont --- rendiconto --- λογοδοσία --- regularización contable --- zúčtovanie --- închiderea unui cont --- rendering of accounts --- общо счетоводство --- finančno računovodstvo --- contabilidade geral --- contabilitate financiară --- finanční účetnictví --- algemene boekhouding --- finanšu pārskati --- finansinė apskaita --- финансиско сметководство --- cuntasaíocht airgeadais --- kontabilitet financiar --- financijsko računovodstvo --- финансијско рачуноводство --- finančné účtovníctvo --- liikekirjanpito --- kontabbiltà ġenerali --- contabilidad general --- contabilità generale --- financial accounting --- eksternt regnskab --- allgemeine Buchhaltung --- finantsraamatupidamine --- általános könyvelés --- allmän bokföring --- γενική λογιστική --- rachunkowość finansowa --- contabilitate generală --- kaufmännische Buchhaltung --- finansbogholderi --- handelsboekhouding --- χρημαοοικονομική λογιστική --- финансиски извештаи --- contabilitate comercială --- даночен биланс --- finanšu grāmatvedība --- finansų apskaita --- contabilidade comercial --- comptabilité financière --- kereskedelmi könyvvitel --- poslovno knjigovodstvo --- търговско счетоводство --- финансиски книжења --- komercdarbības uzskaite --- contabilidad financiera --- finantsaruandlus --- obchodné účtovníctvo --- obchodní účetnictví --- főkönyv vezetése --- comptabilité commerciale --- äriraamatupidamine --- contabilità commerciale --- finančné výkazníctvo --- contabilità finanziaria --- rahoituslaskenta --- contabilidad comercial --- финансово отчитане --- kontabiltà kummerċjali --- pénzügyi könyvelés --- kontabiltà finanzjarja --- биланс на успех --- Finanzbuchhaltung --- finanšu uzskaite --- commercial accounting --- äriarvepidamine --- forretningsbogholderi --- contabilidade financeira --- Hauptbuchhaltung --- Geschäftsbuchhaltung --- pénzforgalmi szemléletű könyvelés --- financiële boekhouding --- všeobecné účetnictví --- Accounting

Principes de comptabilité
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Edi.Pro

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Principes de Comptabilité
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Liège : Edi.Pro,

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Un des principes fondamentaux de la comptabilité est le principe de l’image fidèle : les comptes annuels doivent donner une image fidèle du patrimoine, de la situation financière et du résultat de la société. Dès lors, le comptable tant interne qu’externe, partenaire privilégié et de confiance de l’organe d’administration, appliquera le droit comptable et biens d’autres branches du droit : le droit des sociétés fortement modifié en 2019 , le droit fiscal en perpétuel changement, le droit social en constante évolution, le droit civil en pleine réforme…Cet ouvrage aborde certaines facettes de ce profil multidisciplinaire reconnu en pénurie. Il n’a nullement la prétention d’être exhaustif. D’une part, parce qu’il s’adresse tant à des étudiants en comptabilité qu’à des jeunes professionnels de la comptabilité et de l’audit, qu’à des dirigeants d’entreprises souhaitant mieux comprendre le cycle de vie de l’entreprise. D’autre part, parce que la comptabilité est un domaine vaste, en évolution, et ses connexions avec d’autres droits et disciplines sont multiples.La première partie exposera le cycle de l’entreprise et son impact sur la comptabilité. L’accent sera mis sur les sociétés à personnalité juridique tenant une comptabilité à partie double.Une deuxième partie définira et explicitera les grands principes et mécanismes de la comptabilité dont les divers mouvements entre les masses d’un bilan et les notions de charges et produits. Les écritures comptables de base et un aperçu de la législation TVA seront ensuite présentés.La troisième partie constitue véritablement le corps de ce livre. Il s’agit d’une analyse systématique illustrée d’exemples chiffrés et d’avis de la Commission des normes comptables de tous les comptes rendus obligatoires par le Plan comptable minimum normalisé.La quatrième partie aborde notamment les opérations de fin d’année de façon chronologique, en commençant par l’inventaire, suivi des écritures de clôture et en terminant par la publication des comptes annuels approuvés par l’assemblée générale. L’arrêt des comptes par l’organe d’administration et l’éventuelle intervention d’un commissaire seront présentés. Enfin, un exercice d’enregistrement de diverses opérations au livrejournal est proposé.


Le Plan Stratégique Transversal : une solution pour améliorer l'efficacité de la gestion communale.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Depuis la mandature de 2018-2024, chaque administration communale doit publier et communiquer son plan stratégique communal (PST) au Gouvernement. Beaucoup de communes découvrent donc cette nouvelle obligation qui découle du décret du 19 juillet 2018 (M.B., 28.8.2018).&#13;Ce mémoire a pour objectifs d'analyser la mise en pratique d’une déclaration de politique générale au travers d’un PST, sa traduction et planification dans le budget communal et de comprendre comment un PST peut réellement apporter une solution pour une meilleure gestion communale.

Le remplacement de la norme ISQC 1 : Quelles implications pour les cabinets d'audit ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans un contexte d’évolution permanente du métier d’auditeur et des normes internationales, le Conseil des normes internationales d’audit et d’assurance, en anglais International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), organisme de normalisation indépendant publiant des normes, a publié un rapport concernant le remplacement de la norme ISQC 1, International Standards on Quality Control, par les nouvelles normes ISQM 1 et ISQM 2, ainsi que la révision de la norme ISA 220. Ces dernières entreront en vigueur en principe le 15 décembre 2022. &#13;&#13;Le but de cette recherche est d’établir une première analyse du remplacement de la norme ISQC1 et ainsi d’en ressortir les implications des nouvelles exigences sur les cabinets d’audit. Cette étude n’a pas l’ambition de dégager des réponses définitives aux hypothèses formulées dans ce travail mais il donne cependant un premier aperçu des changements.

Analyse financière de la réforme des aides à la promotion de l'emploi dans le secteur de l'aide et des soins en Wallonie. Quel impact sur le financement et la viabilité économique de ces entreprises ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In the aid and care sector, the various recent changes in the way staff salaries are subsidised, such as the APE (Aides à la Promotion de l'Emploi) reform, have raised concerns among employers about the sustainability of their services. Until 2021, the APE scheme for personal assistance in Wallonia was based on a subsidy in the form of points (APE points) and a reduction in social security contributions. Employers also received seniority credits, which were used to pay for part of the salary increases linked to workers' seniority. Since 1 January 2022, a new scheme has been in force for APE workers. The scheme covers more than 66,000 jobs in Wallonia, representing more than 44,000 FTEs (full-time equivalents). The new system provides for a single annual subsidy that replaces the combination of APE points and reduced ONSS contributions. This will be indexed annually on the basis of the health index.&#13;&#13;At present, many employers are expressing apprehension as to whether the EPA reform will be budget-neutral in the long term. In their view, the indexation mechanism planned from 1 January 2023 does not take into account the real increase in salaries, in particular changes in salary scales. In fact, employers were faced with four inflation-linked salary indexations in 2022, while the subsidy was not indexed until 2023.&#13;&#13;The aim of this study will be to analyse the financial consequences of recent reforms relating to the subsidisation of remuneration in the care sector. To do this, we believe it is essential to analyse the literature in order to gain a better understanding of the context and the various studies that have already been carried out on the subject. Many questions have been raised since the scheme came into force. What is the real impact of the EPA reform on the financial health of NPOs? Is it really beneficial in the long term? Is there a risk that the economic viability of these associations will be altered? In addition to the literature review, a financial analysis will be carried out to ascertain whether there is a risk of employers in this sector having to reduce their workforce, which would reduce their ability to carry out their mission of providing a service to the people they serve. The accounting data of two ASBLs (ASBL Aide Familiale Liège-Huy-Waremme and ASBL La Récré du Cœur) will be used to carry out a case study to illustrate this analysis.

L'obligation d'un audit externe pour les petites et moyennes entreprises permettrait-elle une diminution des faillites?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Suite à un contexte économique compliqué, le nombre d'entreprises déclarées en faillite augmente d'année en année. Ces faillites concernent essentiellement des PME. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre l'impact que pourrait avoir l'imposition d'un audit externe pour les PME sur le nombre de faillites.

Pour les entités d'intérêt public en Belgique, existe-t-il d'autres systèmes viables de rétribution et de nomination des services d'audit dans l'économie actuelle qui permettraient d'améliorer la qualité de l'audit et l'indépendance des auditeurs ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Numerous scientific studies have pointed out that the current system of remuneration and appointment in audit, where the audited entity directly compensates and appoints audit firms to verify its annual accounts, can lead to conflicts of interest and compromise auditor independence and audit quality. High fees may incentivize auditors to prioritize client retention, potentially compromising independence and audit quality. Additionally, the current auditor appointment system poses risks such as auditor shopping, where for instance companies strategically replace or retain auditors to conceal accounting irregularities. This thesis aims to analyze alternative systems of remuneration and appointment of audit services that could enhance audit quality and auditor independence. Three alternatives are proposed, the external audit committee option, involving a committee responsible for auditing most public interest entities, the financial statement insurance alternative where entities obtain insurance covering financial statements, with insurers appointing and compensating external auditors and a random selection of auditors for public interest entities from a predefined pool, with fixed remuneration and mandates.

Nouvelle norme internationale d'audit applicable aux entités peu complexes, comparaison et interprétation de la vision des praticiens belges et luxembourgeois
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) published on December 6, 2023, the final project of the new ISA for Less Complex Entities standard (ISA for LCE). This is a standalone standard designed for smaller and less complex entities audits. Currently, this standard is not yet approved by the various national legislations. Furthermore, this norm is the response of important specific audit needs. Effectively, IAASB’s stakeholders expressed their difficulties to conduct audits of less complex entities as well as their need to have more support for these types of engagements. The ISA standards are perceived as increasingly difficult to use in such audits. The IAASB became aware of this challenge of adaptability and set about developing this new standard in order to promote consistent application of audit norms to this type of entities. So, some advantages and disadvantages are expected if the standard is approved at local level. &#13;Therefore, we have an idea of the global need, but nationally, in Belgium and Luxembourg, we don’t exactly know what the real need, the vision and interpretation related to the arrival of this new standard by the practitioners are. This research focuses on the future of the new ISA for Less Complex Entities standard within the Belgian and Luxembourgish area. In order to carry out this study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten auditors exercising their profession in small firms and two representatives of different Belgian and Luxembourgish organizations (Instituut van de Bedrijfsrevisoren – Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises and Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier). As a consequence, we received their vision and interpretation of the advantages and disadvantages on different aspects regarding this new norm. &#13;Finally, this research is one of the first to look at how this new standard will be applied in practice. Through this study, we are trying to provide a future view of less complex audits, either through this new standard or through current standards. Additionally, we will bring a clear vision of the thinking of field operatives’ view of this new standard to understand the issues for the daily work of practitioners. It will also allow us to provide an overview of this standard’s future within the profession, prior to its effective use date of December 15, 2025.

L'émergence de l'intelligence artificielle dans le métier de l'audit externe: outil d'optimisation ou menace? Étude des enjeux éthiques, réglementaires et organisationnels.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in external auditing, assessing whether AI serves primarily as an optimization tool or whether it poses significant risks to the profession. The research focuses on the ethical, regulatory, and organizational challenges introduced by AI in auditing, aiming to understand its broader impact on audit quality, efficiency, and the overall audit landscape. &#13;The methodology of the research is divided into two parts: a comprehensive literature review and an empirical analysis. The literature review establishes the theoretical framework by examining the history, definitions, and applications of AI within the auditing profession. It also addresses the ethical, regulatory, and organizational challenges that AI presents. Following this, the empirical analysis is conducted through qualitative interviews with external auditing professionals. These interviews provide insights into auditors' perceptions and experiences, particularly regarding ethical dilemmas, regulatory impacts, and the necessary adaptations within organizations. &#13;This research findings indicate that AI has considerable potential to enhance audit quality and efficiency. AI can automate routine tasks, improve data analysis, and facilitate the early detection of risks and anomalies, all of which contribute to more accurate and reliable audits. Additionally, AI allows auditors to process large volumes of data quicker, allowing them to focus on complex, judgment-intensive aspects of the audit process. &#13;However, the research also identifies significant challenges associated with AI integration. Ethical concerns, such as algorithmic bias, data privacy issues, and the potential erosion of human judgment, are major challenges. These issues questioned the need for robust ethical guidelines development to govern AI’s use in auditing. Furthermore, current regulatory frameworks may not be fully equipped to address the complexities introduced by AI, highlighting the need for updates to existing standards to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Organizationally, the adoption of AI requires substantial changes, including ongoing training and development for auditors, potential restructuring of audit teams, and managing the risks of job displacement. &#13;The thesis concludes that AI can indeed serve as a powerful tool for optimizing auditing processes, but its successful implementation depends on how well the associated challenges are managed. To this end, the thesis recommends developing clear ethical guidelines to address algorithmic bias, data privacy, and the role of human judgment. It also advocates for updating regulatory frameworks to better accommodate AI, investing in continuous training for auditors, and preparing organizations for the structural changes that AI integration might induce.

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