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Cteni a Psani Odborného Textu V Environmentálnich Vedách
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8024638223 9788024638225 9788024638157 Year: 2017 Publisher: Prague : Karolinum Press,

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Tato knížka představuje úvod do světa odborné literatury v environmentálních vědách a je určena zejména studentům vysokých škol v bakalářském, magisterském i doktorském stupni studia. První část knihy se věnuje různým druhům odborných publikací − proč vůbec vznikají, jakou mají strukturu a jak bychom měli přistupovat k jejich četbě. Ve druhé části poskytují autoři praktické rady pro přípravu a psaní odborného textu, ať už se jedná o literární rešerši, nebo o odborný článek popisující empirický výzkum. Hlavní text knihy doprovázejí samostatné boxy, ve kterých jsou detailněji vysvětleny některé aspekty vědecké práce a literatury (např. statistika, tvorba a interpretace grafů a tabulek, pravidla citování, použití citačních manažerů, správa dat aj.).

Applied ecology : how agriculture, forestry and fisheries shape our planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030832252 3030832244 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Applied Ecology : How agriculture, forestry and fisheries shape our planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783030832254 9783030832247 9783030832261 9783030832278 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book offers a comprehensive introduction to basic ecological and biological principles underlying modern agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and explains how these principles are used to increase the production of food and other raw materials (wood, biofuels, fibre, and other materials). The book is translated into English, originally published in Czech by Karolinum Press, Charles University, and provides new updated information to discuss how the intensification of the production of these goods changes the structure of ecosystems concerning energy and nutrient flows, and how these changes affect the functioning of ecosystems and the subsequent provisions of other non-productive ecosystem services. Additionally, the authors describe the methods by which contemporary science and society strives to increase the sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries to maintain not only the production of food and other goods, but also other ecosystem services. Although not a textbook on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the book familiarizes readers with the principles of their technologies, because the impact on ecosystems is largely based on the technological processes used. The book is primarily focused on temperate ecosystems, but it contains a number of examples about marine and tropical ecosystems impacted by globalization and our consumer behavior. The book will be of interest to students and researchers with backgrounds in ecology and environmental science, as well as non-experts interested in ecology and environmental protection. .

Aplikovaná Ekologie.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8024646935 9788024646930 9788024645773 Year: 2021 Publisher: Prague : Karolinum Press,

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Kniha sleduje vliv lidských aktivit souvisejících se zemědělstvím, lesnictvím, rybářstvím a lovem volně žijících živočichů na jednotlivé ekosystémy. Vychází z obecných ekologických principů a ukazuje, jak jsou aplikovány na výše zmíněné obory lidské činnosti, s ohledem na základní mechanismy jejich působení, ale i přírodní a společenské hybatele a globální aspekt jejich dopadů. Text kapitol je formulován i z historického a geografického hlediska a doplněn bohatým obrazovým doprovodem. Tato výjimečná publikace je určena jak široké odborné veřejnosti, tak studentům biologických a zemědělských oborů se zájmem o environmentální tematiku.

Přílezitosti a výzvy environmentálního výzkumu
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8024627523 9788024627526 9788024627526 Year: 2015 Publisher: [Prague, Czech Republic] : [Karolinum Press],

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Publikace ukazuje, že environmentální problémy mají nejen stránku čistě přírodovědnou, ale obsahují zpravidla i pohled technický, ekonomický a společenskovědní, přinášející otázky sociálně-právní, edukativní, etické apod. propojování těchto pohledů představuje největší výzvu a zároveň největší příležitost environmentálního výzkumu. Jednotlivé kapitoly přinášejí shrnutí hlavních směrů environmentálního výzkumu, který se provádí na Univerzitě Karlově, a zároveň naznačují zaměření environmentálního výzkumu v celé České republice.

Applied Ecology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783030832254 9783030832247 9783030832261 9783030832278 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

Interactive Feedbacks between Soil Fauna and Soil Processes
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Soil fauna plays a significant role at all trophic levels of the soil food web and regulates processes that are crucial for soil functioning, such as nutrient cycling, immobilization and/or degradation of toxic compounds, formation of soil structure, greenhouse gas emissions and C turnover. Although soil fauna is not thought to contribute significantly to soil respiration during litter or soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, the diversity of soil fauna has been found to strongly influence SOM distribution and dynamics. Yet, the functional contribution of soil fauna to many soil processes is not well understood due to methodological limitations and the high complexity of interactions at various spatiotemporal scales. In general, soil fauna has received far less scientific attention than bacteria and fungi (and lately archaea) in soil studies and has been regularly ignored in global biogeochemical models, with maybe exceptions for some earthworms. However, recent studies are raising the awareness of the influence of soil fauna on ecosystems dynamics. For instance, earthworms have been found to be major players in N2O emissions from soils. They exert a strong influence on C stabilization, and they promote the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Less studied, ants and termites have been found to increase crop productivity in drylands, and different lifeforms of Collembola have been shown to impact microorganisms in various ways over time, thereby potentially affecting C and N cycles within farming systems. The influence of soil fauna indeed manifests over a broad ranges of spatiotemporal scales. For example, some effect such as aggregate formation may cumulate over time and finally contribute to the formation of whole soil profiles, which serve as a framework for other soil processes such as water movement, decomposition, etc. Meanwhile, soil biodiversity is impacted by an increasing human pressure through deforestation, agriculture intensification, habitat fragmentation or climate change (increasing temperatures, extreme weather events), which leads to soil biodiversity loss, in particular of soil fauna, with associated consequences on soil functioning and resilience.

Interactive Feedbacks between Soil Fauna and Soil Processes
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Soil fauna plays a significant role at all trophic levels of the soil food web and regulates processes that are crucial for soil functioning, such as nutrient cycling, immobilization and/or degradation of toxic compounds, formation of soil structure, greenhouse gas emissions and C turnover. Although soil fauna is not thought to contribute significantly to soil respiration during litter or soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, the diversity of soil fauna has been found to strongly influence SOM distribution and dynamics. Yet, the functional contribution of soil fauna to many soil processes is not well understood due to methodological limitations and the high complexity of interactions at various spatiotemporal scales. In general, soil fauna has received far less scientific attention than bacteria and fungi (and lately archaea) in soil studies and has been regularly ignored in global biogeochemical models, with maybe exceptions for some earthworms. However, recent studies are raising the awareness of the influence of soil fauna on ecosystems dynamics. For instance, earthworms have been found to be major players in N2O emissions from soils. They exert a strong influence on C stabilization, and they promote the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Less studied, ants and termites have been found to increase crop productivity in drylands, and different lifeforms of Collembola have been shown to impact microorganisms in various ways over time, thereby potentially affecting C and N cycles within farming systems. The influence of soil fauna indeed manifests over a broad ranges of spatiotemporal scales. For example, some effect such as aggregate formation may cumulate over time and finally contribute to the formation of whole soil profiles, which serve as a framework for other soil processes such as water movement, decomposition, etc. Meanwhile, soil biodiversity is impacted by an increasing human pressure through deforestation, agriculture intensification, habitat fragmentation or climate change (increasing temperatures, extreme weather events), which leads to soil biodiversity loss, in particular of soil fauna, with associated consequences on soil functioning and resilience.

Interactive Feedbacks between Soil Fauna and Soil Processes
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Soil fauna plays a significant role at all trophic levels of the soil food web and regulates processes that are crucial for soil functioning, such as nutrient cycling, immobilization and/or degradation of toxic compounds, formation of soil structure, greenhouse gas emissions and C turnover. Although soil fauna is not thought to contribute significantly to soil respiration during litter or soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, the diversity of soil fauna has been found to strongly influence SOM distribution and dynamics. Yet, the functional contribution of soil fauna to many soil processes is not well understood due to methodological limitations and the high complexity of interactions at various spatiotemporal scales. In general, soil fauna has received far less scientific attention than bacteria and fungi (and lately archaea) in soil studies and has been regularly ignored in global biogeochemical models, with maybe exceptions for some earthworms. However, recent studies are raising the awareness of the influence of soil fauna on ecosystems dynamics. For instance, earthworms have been found to be major players in N2O emissions from soils. They exert a strong influence on C stabilization, and they promote the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Less studied, ants and termites have been found to increase crop productivity in drylands, and different lifeforms of Collembola have been shown to impact microorganisms in various ways over time, thereby potentially affecting C and N cycles within farming systems. The influence of soil fauna indeed manifests over a broad ranges of spatiotemporal scales. For example, some effect such as aggregate formation may cumulate over time and finally contribute to the formation of whole soil profiles, which serve as a framework for other soil processes such as water movement, decomposition, etc. Meanwhile, soil biodiversity is impacted by an increasing human pressure through deforestation, agriculture intensification, habitat fragmentation or climate change (increasing temperatures, extreme weather events), which leads to soil biodiversity loss, in particular of soil fauna, with associated consequences on soil functioning and resilience.

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