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Electra (Greek mythology) --- Sophocles. --- Electra (Greek mythology) - Drama.
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Pindar's Pythian Eleven is a miniature masterpiece: a poem praising a young athlete which presents a vivid and important account of the Agamemnon legend. Yet it contains so many difficulties (of text, metre, dating and interpretation) that even Wilamowitz regarded it as one of Pindar's most obscure poems. This 2007 edition (the first full-scale treatment that the poem had ever received) provides answers to the problems that have prevented proper appreciation of the work. In addition to the full introduction and commentary, the book also has a text based on re-examination of the manuscripts, detailed metrical discussion, and a translation.
Agamemnon (Greek mythology) --- Agamemnon, --- Agaiméamnón, --- Agamemno, --- Agamemnonas, --- Agamemnoni, --- Agamennone, --- Agamemnons, --- Agamenón, --- Agememnon, --- Ἀγαμέμνων, --- Αγαμέμνονας, --- أجاممنون --- آگاممنون --- Агамемнан, --- Агамемнон, --- 아가멤논, --- אגממנון --- アガメムノーン, --- 阿伽门农, --- Agamemnon (Greek mythology) - Poetry
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"Sophocles' Ajax describes the fall of a mighty warrior denied the honour which he believed was his due. This new edition of the play presents a text and critical apparatus which take full advantage of recent advances in our understanding of Sophoclean manuscripts and scholarship. The introduction and commentary scrutinise all important aspects of the drama - from detailed analysis of style, language and metre to consideration of wider issues such as ethics, rhetoric and characterisation. Notorious dramaturgical problems, including the staging of Ajax's suicide, receive particular attention; so too do questions of literary history, such as the date of the play and Sophocles' creative interaction with previous accounts of the myth. The translation which accompanies the commentary ensures that this edition will be accessible to Hellenists of all levels of experience, as well as to readers with a general interest in the history of drama"--
Ajax (Greek mythology) --- Ajax --- Aias --- Aiace, --- Aias, --- Aiasz --- Aiax, --- Aivas, --- Ajaks --- Ajaksas --- Ajakso, --- Ajant --- Ajanti --- Ajas, --- Àiax, --- Áiax, --- Ajax, --- Áyax, --- Suur Aias --- Telamonian Ajax --- Greater Ajax --- Αἴας --- Αἴας, --- آياس --- Аякс, --- Ајант --- 대아이아스 --- איאס --- 大アイアース --- 大埃阿斯 --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Ajax (Greek mythology) - Drama
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"Oedipus the King is a central work of western literature, a play for which the term 'canonical' might have been invented; yet there has been no new critical edition of the play with introduction and detailed commentary (editio maior) in any language since 1883"-- "For centuries the myth of Oedipus, the man who unwittingly killed his father and married his mother, has exerted a powerful hold on the human imagination; but no retelling of that myth has ever come close, in passion, drama, and menace to the one that we find in Sophocles' Oedipus the King. This new full-scale edition of that classic play - the first in any language since 1883 - offers a freshly constituted text based on consultation of manuscripts ancient and mediaeval. The Introduction explores the play's dating and production, its creative engagement with pre-Sophoclean versions, its major themes, and its reception during antiquity. The Commentary offers a detailed analysis, line by line and scene by scene, of the play's language, staging, and dramatic impact. The translation incorporated into the commentary ensures that the book will be accessible to all readers interested in what is arguably the greatest Greek tragedy of all"--
Sophocles --- Oedipus --- Antigone --- Antígona --- Antygona --- 安提戈涅 --- アンティゴネー --- אנטיגונה --- 안티고네 --- Антигона --- Антыгона --- Антігона --- أنتيجون --- Ἀντιγόνη --- Edip --- Edipas --- Edipi --- Edipo --- Edips --- Edipu --- Edipus --- Edyp --- Ødipus --- Oedip --- Œdipe --- Oidipus --- Oidipusz --- أوديب --- Эдип --- Эдып --- Едіп --- Едип --- Οἰδίπους --- Οιδιποδας --- 오이디푸스 --- オイディプース --- 俄狄浦斯 --- עדיפוס --- אדיפוס --- Sofokles --- Sophocle --- Sofocle --- Sophokles --- Sofocles --- Translations into English. --- Drama. --- Oedipus, --- Sophocles. --- Oedipus Rex (Sophocles). --- E-books --- Sophocles - Translations into English --- Oedipus - (Greek mythological figure) - Drama --- Antigone - (Mythological character) - Drama --- Sófocles --- Sofoklis --- Sophoclis --- Sofokl --- Sūfūklīs --- Sūtmūklīs --- Sofokŭl --- סופוקלס --- سوفوكليس --- Σοφοκλῆς --- Oedipus - (Greek mythological figure) --- Antigone - (Mythological character)
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First produced in Athens during the fifth century BC, the tragedies of Sophocles are a high point in world literature, vividly depicting unforgettable characters confronted with emotional crises, moral dilemmas, and the inscrutable ways of the gods. This volume examines Sophocles' reputation as a dramatic poet both in his own day and later in antiquity, considering how it was that some of his plays survived from his time to ours. It investigates the qualities of those plays, focusing on key aspects of Sophoclean dramaturgy such as stagecraft, narrative, rhetoric, and heroism. And it incorporates within its discussion not just the seven plays that survive in full, but those major fragments discovered in recent years which shed so much light on Sophocles' extraordinary ability as a poet and a dramatist. All Greek is translated, making this volume accessible to anyone with an interest in one of the greatest playwrights of all time.
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How were women represented in Greek tragedy? This question lies at the heart of much modern scholarship on ancient drama, yet it has typically been approached using evidence drawn only from the thirty-two tragedies that survive complete - neglecting tragic fragments, especially those recently discovered and often very substantial fragmentary papyri from plays that had been thought lost. Drawing on the latest research on both gender in tragedy and on tragic fragments, the essays in this volume examine this question from a fresh perspective, shedding light on important mythological characters such as Pasiphae, Hypsipyle, and Europa, on themes such as violence, sisterhood, vengeance, and sex, and on the methodology of a discipline which needs to take fragmentary evidence to heart in order to gain a fuller understanding of ancient tragedy. All Greek is translated to ensure wide accessibility.
Greek drama (Tragedy) --- Greek drama (Tragedy). --- Women in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Drama --- tragedy [literary, oral and motion picture genre] --- women [female humans] --- Greece --- Women in literature --- Woman (Christian theology) in literature --- Women in drama --- Women in poetry --- History and criticism --- E-books --- tragedy [general genre]
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"No ancient poet has a wider following today than Sappho; her status as the most famous woman poet from Greco-Roman antiquity has, down the centuries, ensured a continuing fascination with her work. The ancient edition of her poems, which filled probably nine books and thus over 10,000 lines, did not survive; but the fragments of those poems which have been preserved, both as quotations in authors whose works did outlast antiquity, and on ancient papyrus manuscripts recovered from the sands of Egypt, offer many glimpses of her poetic brilliance"--
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