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Visualisation for semantic information systems
ISBN: 3834915343 9786613171603 1283171600 3834995142 Year: 2009 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag,

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The role of semantic information systems in today's enterprises is manifold: It ranges from the support of day-to-day operations up to the level of strategic management and business decision-making. The use of visualisation techniques, therefore, marks an important aspect of these systems. Hans-Georg Fill presents an innovative framework for visualisation based on an analysis of current visualisation approaches in business informatics. It encompasses the creation of visualisations both from a technical as well as a contextual point of view. The author in particular elaborates the concepts of visual objects, ontological visualisation patterns, and semantic visualisation. These allow for the integration of aspects of service orientation into the visualisation process and the semantic-based selections of visualisations for particular tasks. Finally, he supplies an application scenario from the area of IT-based risk management in order to illustrate how the approach can be applied to a concrete domain.

Visualisation for Semantic Information Systems
ISBN: 9783834995148 Year: 2009 Publisher: Wiesbaden Gabler Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden

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Blockchain kompakt : Grundlagen, Anwendungsoptionen und kritische Bewertung
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3658274611 Year: 2020 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Vieweg,

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Mit der fortschreitenden Entwicklung der digitalen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft gewinnt die Sicherheit von Transaktionen im World Wide Web an Bedeutung. Erfolgsversprechend scheint dafür die Blockchain-Technologie. Das Fachbuch erläutert die Grundlagen zu den Datenstrukturen von Blockchains, insbesondere zu Hash-Funktionen und -Bäumen, zur digitalen Signatur, zu den Funktionen von Blockchains sowie zu Konsensalgorithmen. Darüber hinaus werden wichtige Anwendungsoptionen aufgezeigt, rechtliche Fragen aufgeworfen und eine kritische Bewertung zur Blockchain-Technologie vorgenommen. Die Autoren richten sich mit ihrem Buch an Führungsverantwortliche, Projektleiter und Interessierte, die sich einen Überblick über das Potenzial der Blockchain-Technologie verschaffen möchten. Der Inhalt Motivation Betrugsprävention Grundlagen zur Blockchain-Technologie Aufbau und Funktion der Blockchain Anwendungsoptionen Rechtliche Fragen Kritische Einschätzung Die Autoren Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill ist ordentlicher Professor an der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Digitalisierung und Informationssysteme. Seine Forschungsgebiete sind Digitalisierung, Metamodellierung, Blockchains und Visualisierung. Prof. em. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Andreas Meier leitete in den Jahren 1999 bis 2018 die Forschungsgruppe Information Systems und das Forschungszentrum Fuzzy Management Methods ( an der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz.

Metamodeling: Applications and Trajectories to the Future : Essays in Honor of Dimitris Karagiannis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783031568626 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer,

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This Festschrift honors the remarkable career of Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis whose research has been focused on metamodeling, method engineering and its application in practice. Metamodeling stands for the design and implementation of modeling languages, conceptual modeling methods and related tools. This book contains fourteen contributions by close collaborators of Dimitris Karagiannis from academia, research, and industry. Each chapter honors the extraordinary inspiration that he provided during remarkable and ongoing collaborations. They cover the topics of conceptual modeling, semantic engineering, business process management, ontologies, enterprise architecture and knowledge management. They not only refer to research results, but also to tools like the ADOxx metamodeling platform for implementing domain-specific modelling tools and educational efforts like the Open Models Initiative Laboratory, aka OMiLAB, or the NEMO Summer School on conceptual modeling. The contributions by authors with ample experience in metamodeling reflect on the state of the field and possible applications and trajectories to the future. They are compiled in honor of Dimitris Karagiannis and his outstanding work in this domain.

Blockchain : Grundlagen, Anwendungsszenarien und Nutzungspotenziale
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3658280069 Year: 2020 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Vieweg,

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Sowohl in der Praxis als auch der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ist das Thema "Blockchain" aktuell von großem Interesse. Noch scheint sich die Technologie am Anfang ihrer Entwicklung zu befinden: Plattformen wie Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Libra, TradeLens oder andere weisen bereits einen beeindruckenden Reifegrad in ihrer technischen Entwicklung auf. Dennoch befinden sich erst wenige von ihnen bzw. darauf aufbauende Applikationen im produktiven Einsatz bei Unternehmen. Hier können nicht nur Forschende optimal dazu beitragen, neue Ideen zu entwickeln, noch nicht betrachtete Anwendungsfälle und -domänen zu untersuchen und erste Prototypen für den konkreten Einsatz zu entwickeln. Die Beiträge der vorliegenden Edition HMD bieten dazu einen umfassenden Überblick und zeigen die große Bandbreite an möglichen Anwendungsfeldern für Blockchains. Das Herausgeberwerk vermittelt somit die Grundlagen zur Blockchain-Technologie, widmet sich den Smart Contracts und beschreibt wichtige Anwendungsszenarien, erste Fallbeispiele und rechtliche Aspekte. Wie typisch für die Fachbuchreihe Edition HMD greifen die Beitragsautoren das Thema aus Sicht von Forschung und Praxis gleichermaßen auf. Ein Glossar mit den wichtigsten Begriffen rundet das Buch ab. Der Inhalt Grundlagen Smart Contracts Finanzen & Steuern Organisation Logistik Energie Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft Die Zielgruppen Führungsverantwortliche Projektleiter Interessierte, die sich einen Überblick über das Potenzial der Blockchain-Technologie verschaffen möchten Die Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill ist ordentlicher Professor an der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Digitalisierung und Informationssysteme. Seine Forschungsgebiete sind Digitalisierung, Metamodellierung, Blockchains und Visualisierung. Prof. em. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Andreas Meier leitete in den Jahren 1999 bis 2018 die Forschungsgruppe Information Systems und das Forschungszentrum Fuzzy Management Methods ( an der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz.

Visualisation for Semantic Information Systems
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783834995148 Year: 2009 Publisher: Wiesbaden Gabler

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The role of semantic information systems in today's enterprises is manifold: It ranges from the support of day-to-day operations up to the level of strategic management and business decision-making. The use of visualisation techniques, therefore, marks an important aspect of these systems. Hans-Georg Fill presents an innovative framework for visualisation based on an analysis of current visualisation approaches in business informatics. It encompasses the creation of visualisations both from a technical as well as a contextual point of view. The author in particular elaborates the concepts of visual objects, ontological visualisation patterns, and semantic visualisation. These allow for the integration of aspects of service orientation into the visualisation process and the semantic-based selections of visualisations for particular tasks. Finally, he supplies an application scenario from the area of IT-based risk management in order to illustrate how the approach can be applied to a concrete domain.

Software Technologies : 15th International Conference, ICSOFT 2020, Online Event, July 7–9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030830071 3030830063 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2020, which was held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 12 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 95 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: business process modelling; IT service management; interoperability and service-oriented architecture; project management software; scheduling and estimating; software metrics; requirements elicitation and specification; software and systems integration among others.

Software Technologies : 16th International Conference, ICSOFT 2021, Virtual Event, July 6–8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3031115120 3031115139 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2021, Virtual Event, July 6–8, 2021. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis. The 10 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 117 submissions.

Software Technologies : 17th International Conference, ICSOFT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11–13, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 303137231X 3031372301 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer,

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This book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers from the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2022, held in Lisbon, Portugal, during July 11–13, 2022. The 10 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 102 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: tool assisted empirical approach to reusability models assessment; functional programming; three forms of mutant subsumption: basic, strict and broad; and on the efficiency of building large collections of software: modeling, algorithms, and experimental results.

Metamodeling: Applications and Trajectories to the Future
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783031568626 9783031568619 9783031568633 9783031568640 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer

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This Festschrift honors the remarkable career of Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis whose research has been focused on metamodeling, method engineering and its application in practice. Metamodeling stands for the design and implementation of modeling languages, conceptual modeling methods and related tools. This book contains fourteen contributions by close collaborators of Dimitris Karagiannis from academia, research, and industry. Each chapter honors the extraordinary inspiration that he provided during remarkable and ongoing collaborations. They cover the topics of conceptual modeling, semantic engineering, business process management, ontologies, enterprise architecture and knowledge management. They not only refer to research results, but also to tools like the ADOxx metamodeling platform for implementing domain-specific modelling tools and educational efforts like the Open Models Initiative Laboratory, aka OMiLAB, or the NEMO Summer School on conceptual modeling. The contributions by authors with ample experience in metamodeling reflect on the state of the field and possible applications and trajectories to the future. They are compiled in honor of Dimitris Karagiannis and his outstanding work in this domain.

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